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Originally Posted by Jalil:

Besides CaribJ .....

we do not see any

other Pig, Monkey or PNC Member

raising any Race Issues ....

and Insisting on Black Dominance

in the AFC-APNU Alliance.



Is this Supriya Singh related to Priya Manickchand? She looks gruesomely obese. Where is she buying her groceries these days?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Skeldon you got Cock eye.....How could you look at Supriya and say she look Hefty?.....or like Miss Piggy?

Jalil, look at her neck. Looks like she got a few Cocks wrapped around her neck.

Bhai how can you mix up a Mahaica Market Fish Vendor with Supriya Singh.


Education Minister Priya ManickchandMinister of Education Priya Manickchand with women of the Guyana ...

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Skeldon you got Cock eye.....How could you look at Supriya and say she look Hefty?.....or like Miss Piggy?

Jalil, look at her neck. Looks like she got a few Cocks wrapped around her neck.

Bhai how can you mix up a Mahaica Market Fish Vendor with Supriya Singh.


Education Minister Priya ManickchandMinister of Education Priya Manickchand with women of the Guyana ...

Maybe they need to show acurrent pic of Supriya. Full length. Priya has lost weight since these pics were taken.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Why are we attacking Caribj? Is he somehow integral to the Coalition's chances of victory so his personal destruction is necessary?

Because he is

A stand alone Black Racist

who Questions Granger decision

to sign the Cummingsberg Accord.


No one in the PNC has a Problem


Who is CaribJ?

is he 1% of David Hinds?

NO....So who is "J"....


Granger say ...Burnham is Dead....

J is free to Join Benschop....

Every day he try to hide his Black Racism

by attacking Moses as Prime Minister Candidate.

He needs to move on with his Goat Shit attitude.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Why are we attacking Caribj? Is he somehow integral to the Coalition's chances of victory so his personal destruction is necessary?

I have had Jalil on ignore for a while now.  He is so obsessed that Kwame rejected his advances that he cannot think beyond that.  As they say "there is a thin line between love and hate".


Those Moses cultists are going to get a rude awakening whether the coalition wins or not.  Granger doesnt own the PNC (note the last Congress) and will have to deal with the various factions.  Starved of power for 23 years many will have ideas as to what the PNC should do, and how they and their constituencies should benefit.  If APNU loses they will blame Granger.  If APNU AFC wins, then they will want to ensure that their interests are protected in the new gov't.  Any who think likewise are as naive as a 6 y/o.


If the AFC doesnt bring enough to allow a coalition victory, expect loud yelps from APNU folks who think that they are being bumped to allow the AFC 12 seats, which in their opinion, the AFC will not deserve if the PPP wins.


So leave Jalil, Jay, Mitwah, HM and the other Moses cultists.  They actually think that he will mesmorize the PNC denizens as he has mesmorized them.  Jay's rants are so amusing to me when he really thinks that an ageing old PPP man is wildly exciting to PNC supporters.  Nagamootoo without the PNC doesnt interest them the slightest.  His "popularity" is because many PNC supporters are grateful that they have an Indian who will split the Indian vote, giving APNU the best chance for a victory.


If I were them, rather than wasting time with me they better4 ensure that the AFC brings in at least 20% of the votes which the coalition gets, with viisble inroads from Indian areas. One huge problem that the AFC will have is that their votes received from PNC strongholds will not count, as the PNC will flatter themselves that it is they and not the AFC which obtained it.


Humans are humans and only value those of use to them.  While I am sure that Granger will stand by the agreement with the AFC if they win, I will not count on it if the PPP does.  If the PPP gets 34 seats, implying that the coalition lost 2,  I do not see APNU giving up 7 seats to the AFC if they feel that the AFC didnt deliver.  In fact with a PPP victory APNU and the AFC will have no incentive to work with each other as they will lack the power to block the PPP.


So the Moses cultists need to be running up and down Regions 2,3, rural 4, 5 and 6 to ensure that they get more votes than they got in 2011.  Granger seems to be in the interior more than the AFC, so will claim any gain in votes in Regions 1 and 9.

Last edited by Former Member

It's not what you think. Lutchman is head of the list for a reason.

The deal holds win or lose.  If APNU does not honor the deal, that puts an end to coalition forever.  However, I believe that Granger is an honorable man and will honor the deal win or lose.  Not everybody thinks like a crook. WE believe APNU are promise keepers.  


We move forward in hope and faith, and one love; we don't move by fear and anxiety.

Originally Posted by caribny:

I have had Jalil on ignore for a while now.  He is so obsessed that Kwame rejected his advances that he cannot think beyond that.  As they say "there is a thin line between love and hate".



It good to know that Kwamee accepted your advances and that you can now think beyond that. Was Kwamee gentle with you?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

It's not what you think. Lutchman is head of the list for a reason.

The deal holds win or lose.  If APNU does not honor the deal, that puts an end to coalition forever.  

1.   The coalition is only relevant if it wins.  If it loses the PPP will do what it once because it will control parliament.


2.    Do you seriously think that the PNC is going to stand by giving away seats to the AFC if they don't perform.



I suggest that you Moses cultist ensure that the AFC splits the PPP vote.

Originally Posted by caribny:
1.   The coalition is only relevant if it wins.  If it loses the PPP will do what it once because it will control parliament.


2.    Do you seriously think that the PNC is going to stand by giving away seats to the AFC if they don't perform.


I suggest that you Moses cultist ensure that the AFC splits the PPP vote.

there is an election out there to win sir


what's the point of your adolescent strutting, bitterness and finger-wagging at the AFC?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

It's not what you think. Lutchman is head of the list for a reason.

The deal holds win or lose.  If APNU does not honor the deal, that puts an end to coalition forever.  

1.   The coalition is only relevant if it wins.  If it loses the PPP will do what it once because it will control parliament.


2.    Do you seriously think that the PNC is going to stand by giving away seats to the AFC if they don't perform.



I suggest that you Moses cultist ensure that the AFC splits the PPP vote.

J did you hear from the minute

Granger sign the accord ....

he declared...

"We are in this to Win"....


Stop being Negative.....

and join us in celebrating after May 11th.




"Dem ah Katahaar":

Celebrating his GUYANESE nationality,

Moses Nagamootoo said tonight

at Zeelugt, west Demerara:


"coconut grow on coconut tree,

whether the coconut is green, yellow or brown.


I have come from the Guyana tree,

so I am GUYANESE."


But before he could finish his statement,

someone from the crowd interjected:

"don't worry wid dem, Moses.

Dem is Katahaar!"


That drew loud applause and laughter from the crowd,

mostly sugar workers and farmers,

who kept up the refrain,

"Katahaar government"

every time a reference was made

about the PPP and President Ramotar.


The occasion was

an APNU+AFC public meeting

at Fisher's Dam, Zeelugt.

Other speakers were Sookoo, a former court prosecutor,

and Merv Williams, a former Member of Parliament.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
1.   The coalition is only relevant if it wins.  If it loses the PPP will do what it once because it will control parliament.


2.    Do you seriously think that the PNC is going to stand by giving away seats to the AFC if they don't perform.


I suggest that you Moses cultist ensure that the AFC splits the PPP vote.

there is an election out there to win sir


what's the point of your adolescent strutting, bitterness and finger-wagging at the AFC?

I am not part of APNU AFC, so I have every right to think about what will happen should the coalition win or lose.


Guyana doesn't end on May 11th, and there are those who have a right to think about what might happen afterwards.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
1.   The coalition is only relevant if it wins.  If it loses the PPP will do what it once because it will control parliament.


2.    Do you seriously think that the PNC is going to stand by giving away seats to the AFC if they don't perform.


I suggest that you Moses cultist ensure that the AFC splits the PPP vote.

there is an election out there to win sir


what's the point of your adolescent strutting, bitterness and finger-wagging at the AFC?

I am not part of APNU AFC, so I have every right to think about what will happen should the coalition win or lose.


Guyana doesn't end on May 11th, and there are those who have a right to think about what might happen afterwards.

no one is questioning your "right . . ." sir


i am pointing at those things-obvious serious people call "common sense"!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

no one is questioning your "right . . ." sir


i am pointing at those things obvious serious people refer to as "common sense"!

Don't you think that it is "common sense" for some one to think of what Guyana will be after May 11th.


In 1992 there was euphoria in certain quarters over the prospect of a PPP win.  Well clearly people didn't think too far ahead, and now we are left with a PPP which is as bad as the PNC was.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

no one is questioning your "right . . ." sir


i am pointing at those things obvious serious people refer to as "common sense"!

Don't you think that it is "common sense" for some one to think of what Guyana will be after May 11th.


In 1992 there was euphoria in certain quarters over the prospect of a PPP win.  Well clearly people didn't think too far ahead, and now we are left with a PPP which is as bad as the PNC was.

well . . . pouting nonsense like this:


"I suggest that you Moses cultist ensure that the AFC splits the PPP vote"


is not what serious people looking to a "coalition" win in the Guyana poll engage in

Originally Posted by redux:


"I suggest that you Moses cultist ensure that the AFC splits the PPP vote"



There are Moses cultists on GNI, ascribing powers to him that even he Moses will not represent as having.  I listened to several of his speeches and NOT ONE gave the impression that he thinks of himself the way that Moses cultists think of him.


The PNC and the AFC have their own internal divisions and internal tensions.  This is in addition to the tensions that a small party with 40% of the cabinet positions will engender among those within the larger party who think that they were given too much.


So a new chapter will begin if the coalition wins.  It will not be the "happy ever after" that Jay imagines, where he think that factions within the PNC, who Granger perceives as being hostile to him, will just bow down to Lord Moses as he seems to think that they will do. 


Jay knows the PPP and how it operates, but fails to see that the post Burnham PNC is a very different animal.  Granger is in no way the Machiavellian evil genius that Burnham was.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

well . . . pouting nonsense like this:


"I suggest that you Moses cultist ensure that the AFC splits the PPP vote"


is not what serious people looking to a "coalition" win in the Guyana poll engage in

There are Moses cultists on GNI, ascribing powers to him that even he Moses will not represent as having.  I listened to several of his speeches and NOT ONE gave the impression that he thinks of himself the way that Moses cultists think of him.


The PNC and the AFC have their own internal divisions and internal tensions.  This is in addition to the tensions that a small party with 40% of the cabinet positions will engender among those within the larger party who think that they were given too much.


So a new chapter will begin if the coalition wins.  It will not be the "happy ever after" that Jay imagines, where he think that factions within the PNC, who Granger perceives as being hostile to him, will just bow down to Lord Moses as he seems to think that they will do. 


Jay knows the PPP and how it operates, but fails to see that the post Burnham PNC is a very different animal.  Granger is in no way the Machiavellian evil genius that Burnham was.

this is not about Jay or the other extraneous 'discussion' threads u are yanking on . . . as you fully well know


enough with the cop out

Originally Posted by redux:

this is not about Jay or the other extraneous 'discussion' threads u are yanking on . . . as you fully well know


enough with the cop out

This is about Jay and his fellow Moses cultists.  Nagamootoo made specific mention of the challenges that he anticipates and the fact that if the coalition gov't breaks up he has his 12 seats, which will bring to an end the APNU dominated gov't if he leaves.


He clearly doesn't think that he is GOD.  Its his "disciples" who think that he is.


And yes if Guyanese allow the euphoria of a PPP defeat mean that they shouldn't be aware of what is going on within this coalition I will only remind them of the high hopes, and dashing reality that was the result of the PPP. 


As early as 1994 when I visited Guyana signs of rampant corruption and incompetence was emerging.  Cheddi, the weak man that he is, didn't stop his people from greedily filling their pockets like kids in a toy store.  Janet gave people responsibilities, based on their loyalties to her, and not their competence.  In fact the PPP releasing Burnham hooligans who Hoyte had jailed should have been an early warning.  The Jagdeo monster was a creation of those two.


So yes folks do need to keep an eye on the various factions of the coalition, and what their motives might well be.  Are all those ex PPP businessmen pouring $$$ kosher.  And what of certain elements within the PNC who are starving for the power that they thought was unfairly taken from them in 1992?


By all means get rid of the PPP for no reason other than the fact that they have been there too long, and have become greedy, incompetent, arrogant and corrupt as a result. But to think that all one need be concerned about is this is rather naÃŊve.  Jay being evidence of this.


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