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$17M river heist/Dweive Kant Ramdass murder… GUILTY!!! Ex-Coast Guard ranks sentenced to death

July 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Victim: Dweive Kant Ramdass

By Latoya Giles
The three ex-Guyana Defence Force Coast Guard ranks charged with the August 2009 murder of Bartica gold miner Dwieve Kant Ramdass, were yesterday all found guilty and sentenced to death by Justice Franklyn Holder.
The judge had earlier summed up the case and the 12-member jury returned later in the afternoon with a unanimous verdict after a little more than half an hour of deliberations.
The defendants – Sherwin Hart, Devon Gordon and Deon Greenidge – were found guilty of the murder which occurred on August 20, 2009 at Caiman Hole in the Essequibo River. The prosecution’s case was that the men forced Ramdass into their boat and took him to the aforementioned location where they relieved him of $17M in cash he was carrying in a box to Bartica for his employer, before dumping him overboard.
Senior State prosecutor Judith Gildharie-Mursalin presented the case, while Attorney at law Latchmie Rahamat represented the three accused.
As the verdict was being read to the three men, one could hear loud gasps from the dock. From their facial expressions, they all appeared shocked by the verdict. One of the men’s relatives burst into tears. The woman had to be consoled by other relatives who were inside the court.
While handing down the sentence to Hart, Justice Holder asked whether he had anything to say. Hart maintained his innocence to the court. “I’m innocent of this charge, your Honour,” Hart said. The second defendant, Devon Gordon, declined to say anything. Deon Greenidge also maintained that he was innocent. “My honour I’m not guilty…and it’s unfair for me to go to jail for something I know nothing about.”
Sixteen prosecution witnesses and one defence witness all gave evidence in the three-month long trial. When the trial began in April, the prosecution had conducted a voir dire, to determine the admissibility of three caution statements which Hart, Gordon and Greenidge gave to the police.

Flashback: The three ex-Coast Guardsmen being taken back to prison following their first court appearance in 2009

At the end of the voir dire, it was determined that the three statements were given freely, thus prompting the main trial to commence.
Devon Gordon in his statement said that he had only been a solider for about a year and a half. Gordon said that he was stationed at the Coast Guard section and was doing patrol work, which was mainly the “stop and search of vessels”.
It was between 13:00hrs and 14:00hrs on August 20, 2009, that Gordon, Hart and Greenidge were on patrol. Gordon said that they were doing searches with the Coast Guard boat. He had stated that Hart drove the boat to Parika. He said he observed Hart speaking to an East Indian man while at Parika.
The man later joined them on the coast guard boat and they moved off from Parika. It was noted in Gordon’s statement that the man was carrying a “brown box”. Gordon said when they were in the middle of the river, Hart stopped the boat and told them the man had “nuff money” in the box. Gordon in his statement said that all three of them decided to “kill the man” and “tek de money”.
Gordon also said that he did not see who threw Ramdass’s body overboard, but just heard a splash. He said that they divided the money and he called his sister to come and collect his share. Gordon said that he gave a “canter man” the money to give his sister, however, soon after they all got arrested, including his sister.
Deon Greenidge, in his statement said that it was Sherwin Hart who pushed Ramdass overboard. He said that after Hart had pushed Ramdass overboard, he (Hart) gave him along with Devon Gordon several million dollars to “shut up”.
During the trial the prosecution had put forward both police and civilian witnesses. The defence brought up challenges that the men were beaten while in police custody. All of the police witnesses denied this claim. The men in their defence all said that they did not write the caution statements and that the documents were written by the police ranks.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ according to you this is discrimination.

stop having conversations with yourself dude . . . try larn lil mo subtlety with the agenda-driven race thing, arite?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Because blacks commit most capital offenses than any other group.  There is no big science behind that.  Maybe the science should be, why thy do it.

to the extent that this is true for Guyana . . . "capital offenses" is a matter of law not behavior


now, what's dis claptrap about "science" hay bai . . .? 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Because blacks commit most capital offenses than any other group.  There is no big science behind that.  Maybe the science should be, why thy do it.

to the extent that this is true for Guyana . . . "capital offenses" is a matter of law not behavior


now, what's dis claptrap about "science" hay bai . . .? 

True, capital offense is defined by law, so are many things.  The law is there are you know it and if you behave to put yourself at odds with what society expects, then you deserve to face the law.


Maybe you should ask yourself why are so many blacks in that position...or do you prefer society to redefine premeditated murder as a lesser offense?  If so, then seek an amendment.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Because blacks commit most capital offenses than any other group.  There is no big science behind that.  Maybe the science should be, why thy do it.

to the extent that this is true for Guyana . . . "capital offenses" is a matter of law not behavior


now, what's dis claptrap about "science" hay bai . . .? 

True, capital offense is defined by law, so are many things.  The law is there are you know it and if you behave to put yourself at odds with what society expects, then you deserve to face the law.


Maybe you should ask yourself why are so many blacks in that position...or do you prefer society to redefine premeditated murder as a lesser offense?  If so, then seek an amendment.

society make man and society distroy man in the case of guyana the government is failing society that is why their is so much crime in the society the guyanese is living in its all about greed and get rich scheme there is no honor and honesty anymore

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Because blacks commit most capital offenses than any other group.  There is no big science behind that.  Maybe the science should be, why thy do it.

to the extent that this is true for Guyana . . . "capital offenses" is a matter of law not behavior


now, what's dis claptrap about "science" hay bai . . .? 

True, capital offense is defined by law, so are many things.  The law is there are you know it and if you behave to put yourself at odds with what society expects, then you deserve to face the law.


Maybe you should ask yourself why are so many blacks in that position...or do you prefer society to redefine premeditated murder as a lesser offense?  If so, then seek an amendment.

society make man and society distroy man in the case of guyana the government is failing society that is why their is so much crime in the society the guyanese is living in its all about greed and get rich scheme there is no honor and honesty anymore

Actually, we are talking capital offense.  So what's your point, do we return to the law of the jungle?  Well, coming from a self-proclaimed date rapist, surely you do have a problem with rules, standards and limits set by society.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Because blacks commit most capital offenses than any other group.  There is no big science behind that.  Maybe the science should be, why thy do it.

to the extent that this is true for Guyana . . . "capital offenses" is a matter of law not behavior


now, what's dis claptrap about "science" hay bai . . .? 

True, capital offense is defined by law, so are many things.  The law is there are you know it and if you behave to put yourself at odds with what society expects, then you deserve to face the law.


Maybe you should ask yourself why are so many blacks in that position...or do you prefer society to redefine premeditated murder as a lesser offense?  If so, then seek an amendment.

society make man and society distroy man in the case of guyana the government is failing society that is why their is so much crime in the society the guyanese is living in its all about greed and get rich scheme there is no honor and honesty anymore

Actually, we are talking capital offense.  So what's your point, do we return to the law of the jungle?  Well, coming from a self-proclaimed date rapist, surely you do have a problem with rules, standards and limits set by society.

so why the capital offense if their is no crime you moron so let exmaine why there is so much crime look at the society in guyana if this is over head let me know or you too brainwash or braindead 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

to the extent that this is true for Guyana . . . "capital offenses" is a matter of law not behavior


now, what's dis claptrap about "science" hay bai . . .? 

True, capital offense is defined by law, so are many things.  The law is there are you know it and if you behave to put yourself at odds with what society expects, then you deserve to face the law.


Maybe you should ask yourself why are so many blacks in that position...or do you prefer society to redefine premeditated murder as a lesser offense?  If so, then seek an amendment.

society make man and society distroy man in the case of guyana the government is failing society that is why their is so much crime in the society the guyanese is living in its all about greed and get rich scheme there is no honor and honesty anymore

Actually, we are talking capital offense.  So what's your point, do we return to the law of the jungle?  Well, coming from a self-proclaimed date rapist, surely you do have a problem with rules, standards and limits set by society.

so why the capital offense if their is no crime you moron so let exmaine why there is so much crime look at the society in guyana if this is over head let me know or you too brainwash or braindead 

Who said there is no crime?


Afros were the leading capital offenders since the PNC days.  More Afros has alway been on death row.


Now you can go and theorize why there is so much cirme, including that committed by you in Astor.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Because blacks commit most capital offenses than any other group.  There is no big science behind that.  Maybe the science should be, why thy do it.

to the extent that this is true for Guyana . . . "capital offenses" is a matter of law not behavior


now, what's dis claptrap about "science" hay bai . . .? 

True, capital offense is defined by law, so are many things.  The law is there are you know it and if you behave to put yourself at odds with what society expects, then you deserve to face the law.


Maybe you should ask yourself why are so many blacks in that position...or do you prefer society to redefine premeditated murder as a lesser offense?  If so, then seek an amendment.

ahmmm . . . I prefer NOT to regard all this as "science" you illiterate


now, elevate your game and tell us what the statistics say about the demographics of death penalty sentencing in Guyana for the past, let's say, decade . . . is the statistical sample large enough to be meaningful? 


then we can analyze intelligently vs murder statistics in general, etc.


y'all bigots jacking off to the spectacle of egregious black criminals getting just deserts is unseemly and antimanish  

Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

More afros are being pull over for DWB [driving while black]in the us also by the "rule of law". It is also a known fact that indian/PPP eletes are above the "law" so factor in the PPP variable we would end with the famous "Guyana is no place for the Blackman"

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

More afros are being pull over for DWB [driving while black]in the us also by the "rule of law". It is also a known fact that indian/PPP eletes are above the "law" so factor in the PPP variable we would end with the famous "Guyana is no place for the Blackman"

Don't they say the same here in the USA?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

ahmmmm, it matters . . . bring the Guyana stats so we can have a discussion


if u can't, or won't . . . go somewhere quiet and jack off with drug_b & Co to your prejudices about universal blackman, and leave intelligent conversation to those of us with capability

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

$17M river heist/Dweive Kant Ramdass murder… GUILTY!!! Ex-Coast Guard ranks sentenced to death

July 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Are you pulling this shi/t from thin air or is that latent cultural curse kicking in to recast a people based on habitual but useless supposition? Damn.. but I am asking and as an amerind we are not supposed to be possessed of much sense!!!





Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system. More afros can be there because domestic violence which constitute a significant portion of the murder rate is never enough to put the perp on death row. They get a few years. Most of the murders this year has been in the interior. Is this because the people on the coast are drinking better water and not compulsively driven to violence? Do you know how many people died in the corentyne this year as a consequence of piracy? I bet those awful black folks are a plague there as well. If you care to cast aspersion based on race check the naked corruption coming from the administration and ponder if it is just a cultural wickedness based on some genetic mutation in the culture....what an ass!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system.!

You better watch out, a Buck thrown in jail with blacks soon become a "butch"!


BTW, It was Caribj who spoke of blacks on death row, first degree murder, not average pulled over for speeding, fighting or other unruly actions.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system. More afros can be there because domestic violence which constitute a significant portion of the murder rate is never enough to put the perp on death row. They get a few years. Most of the murders this year has been in the interior. Is this because the people on the coast are drinking better water and not compulsively driven to violence? Do you know how many people died in the corentyne this year as a consequence of piracy? I bet those awful black folks are a plague there as well. If you care to cast aspersion based on race check the naked corruption coming from the administration and ponder if it is just a cultural wickedness based on some genetic mutation in the culture....what an ass!

You better watch out, a Buck thrown in jail with blacks soon become a "butch"!


BTW, It was Caribj who spoke of blacks on death row, first degree murder, not average pulled over for speeding, fighting or other unruly actions.

baseman drawing a blank @ argument . . . hurling non sequiturs out of his diseased ass as a last resort

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system. More afros can be there because domestic violence which constitute a significant portion of the murder rate is never enough to put the perp on death row. They get a few years. Most of the murders this year has been in the interior. Is this because the people on the coast are drinking better water and not compulsively driven to violence? Do you know how many people died in the corentyne this year as a consequence of piracy? I bet those awful black folks are a plague there as well. If you care to cast aspersion based on race check the naked corruption coming from the administration and ponder if it is just a cultural wickedness based on some genetic mutation in the culture....what an ass!

You better watch out, a Buck thrown in jail with blacks soon become a "butch"!


BTW, It was Caribj who spoke of blacks on death row, first degree murder, not average pulled over for speeding, fighting or other unruly actions.

baseman drawing a blank @ argument . . . hurling non sequiturs out of his diseased ass as a last resort

BTW, the discussion was of blacks on death row in Guyana.  Why you think blacks are in higher numbers?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system. More afros can be there because domestic violence which constitute a significant portion of the murder rate is never enough to put the perp on death row. They get a few years. Most of the murders this year has been in the interior. Is this because the people on the coast are drinking better water and not compulsively driven to violence? Do you know how many people died in the corentyne this year as a consequence of piracy? I bet those awful black folks are a plague there as well. If you care to cast aspersion based on race check the naked corruption coming from the administration and ponder if it is just a cultural wickedness based on some genetic mutation in the culture....what an ass!

You better watch out, a Buck thrown in jail with blacks soon become a "butch"!


BTW, It was Caribj who spoke of blacks on death row, first degree murder, not average pulled over for speeding, fighting or other unruly actions.

baseman drawing a blank @ argument . . . hurling non sequiturs out of his diseased ass as a last resort

BTW, the discussion was of blacks on death row in Guyana.  Why you think blacks are in higher numbers?

eh jackass, re-read your next-to-last post here . . . what is it about "non sequitur" that u don't understand?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system. More afros can be there because domestic violence which constitute a significant portion of the murder rate is never enough to put the perp on death row. They get a few years. Most of the murders this year has been in the interior. Is this because the people on the coast are drinking better water and not compulsively driven to violence? Do you know how many people died in the corentyne this year as a consequence of piracy? I bet those awful black folks are a plague there as well. If you care to cast aspersion based on race check the naked corruption coming from the administration and ponder if it is just a cultural wickedness based on some genetic mutation in the culture....what an ass!

You better watch out, a Buck thrown in jail with blacks soon become a "butch"!


BTW, It was Caribj who spoke of blacks on death row, first degree murder, not average pulled over for speeding, fighting or other unruly actions.

baseman drawing a blank @ argument . . . hurling non sequiturs out of his diseased ass as a last resort

BTW, the discussion was of blacks on death row in Guyana.  Why you think blacks are in higher numbers?

eh jackass, re-read your next-to-last post here . . . what is it about "non sequitur" that u don't understand?

You picking up D2 fire-rage like a lil antiman?


Once again, why is there more blacks on death row?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system.!

You better watch out, a Buck thrown in jail with blacks soon become a "butch"!


BTW, It was Caribj who spoke of blacks on death row, first degree murder, not average pulled over for speeding, fighting or other unruly actions.

Did I not say you are a bit challenged on the reasoning part? On that account I am not surprised a stupid and useless racist jab is your retort.


The thread is on the subject of blacks on death row and it was started by another of dubious intellectual depth. It was not started by Caribj

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system. More afros can be there because domestic violence which constitute a significant portion of the murder rate is never enough to put the perp on death row. They get a few years. Most of the murders this year has been in the interior. Is this because the people on the coast are drinking better water and not compulsively driven to violence? Do you know how many people died in the corentyne this year as a consequence of piracy? I bet those awful black folks are a plague there as well. If you care to cast aspersion based on race check the naked corruption coming from the administration and ponder if it is just a cultural wickedness based on some genetic mutation in the culture....what an ass!

You better watch out, a Buck thrown in jail with blacks soon become a "butch"!


BTW, It was Caribj who spoke of blacks on death row, first degree murder, not average pulled over for speeding, fighting or other unruly actions.

baseman drawing a blank @ argument . . . hurling non sequiturs out of his diseased ass as a last resort

BTW, the discussion was of blacks on death row in Guyana.  Why you think blacks are in higher numbers?

eh jackass, re-read your next-to-last post here . . . what is it about "non sequitur" that u don't understand?

You picking up D2 fire-rage like a lil antiman?


Once again, why is there more blacks on death row?

asked and answered. Sorry you missed it. Next time read at your comprehension capabilities. Processing does not come easy to you it seems.

Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ according to you this is discrimination.

Dont worry Chief.  With the increasing involvement of Indians in crime, where they almost exclusively victimize other Indians, there will be more and more Indians in this situation.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter.  More Afros in death row are a reflection of their crimes according to the rule and laws in most nations.

You are juse a dumb ass....more afro can be there because of the justice system.!

You better watch out, a Buck thrown in jail with blacks soon become a "butch"!


BTW, It was Caribj who spoke of blacks on death row, .

And when did I mention this?  You are entitled to your own opinions as you and druggie battle over who can show the most anti black bigotry.  But you arent entitled to attribute comments to me that I never made.


My comments were confined to arrests of people for drug possession.  Whites are MORE likely to consume drugs than blacfks, yet are much less likely to be arrested.  The general entry point for black males into the criminal system in the USA is through non violent crime....drug possession usually.  Of course having exposure to hardened criminals and facing no employment prospects with a criminal record its not difficult to see that many caught in this position transition to violent crime.


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