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Former Member

Raphael Trotman: Faustian journey


Raphael Trotman came in for pungent criticism in the picket line of the Red Thread demonstration last week against the 50 percent increase for Cabinet members. That was natural. It was Trotman who denied that a huge increase was in the making in the near future.
It was Trotman who in defending the increase asked the nation to trust the Government. One placard called Trotman a liar. When interviewed by the media, many of the picketers castigated Trotman.
Trotman is not a transformational leader (he’s not the only one). He almost broke up the AFC when he demanded the presidential slot again for the 2011 election. The 2006 agreement cemented the rotational principle – in 2011, Ramjattan would be the presidential candidate. Trotman reneged on the document. He lost the battle, stayed away from the AFC and became a late starter in the 2011 campaign when Sheila Holder died. The brilliant strategy used by Trotman in the acquisition of the Speaker’s chair was a master stroke in coup plotting.  The inelegant disagreement between APNU and AFC over the choice of Speaker was becoming divisive.
In stepped Trotman. Trotman led the PNC to believe (not APNU) that he was not PNC momentarily, but existentially he always will be. He presented to the PNC that he was not really AFC. He told the AFC that if secured the Speakership it would elevate the credibility of the AFC even though the AFC did not submit his name.
Trotman also told the AFC that if he became Speaker without the AFC’s endorsement, the AFC will still win because the AFC can tell Guyanese that the AFC got the Speakership. When the PNC agreed to give Trotman the Speaker’s chair, the AFC in fact did tell the nation that it secured the post. So everyone won.
The PNC got a Speaker it didn’t mind having. Trotman pleased both the PNC and AFC. The AFC’s standing did swell because it announced that the Speaker came from the AFC.
As the Tenth Parliament came to a close, Trotman, to use cricket language, bowled a doosra to get the night watchman’s wicket so to ensure an early victory the next morning. Suspecting that the PPP’s minority presidency can no longer endure the inexorability of the APNU-AFC pressure in Parliament, Trotman saw a form of inclusive governance coming. He made his move to secure his place in the configuration.
The occasion was when at the end of the Tenth Parliament, Speaker Trotman reserved huge praise for Chief Government Whip, Gail Teixeira. He knew in any blueprint of a working relation between the PPP and the combined opposition, Teixeira would be a key voice and he would need her support for his place under the sun of a joint PPP-combined opposition regime.
Trotman knew the authority of Teixeira; that it was Teixeira’s lava that she spewed at Ramkarran that caused him to exit the PPP’s leadership. Trotman then announced that of all the Parliamentarians in the Tenth Parliament, Gail Teixeira raised the bar highest than all others.
I was mentally immobilized on seeing this opportunism. I knew Teixeira since 1974 and I knew that even more than, Cheddi Jagan, Jagdeo, Rohee and Ramotar, Gail Teixeira has been the leading Stalinist in the PPP’s hierarchy. I would put only two persons in front of her – Mrs. Janet Jagan and Roger Luncheon. I replied to Trotman in one of my columns and cynically inquired if by bar he meant a bar of soap or chocolate. It certainly couldn’t be the moral or political bar or the bar of values that hold a nation intact. Then fate decapitated the body of emotions that Trotman nurtured for Teixeira.
A questionable young man told the nation that Trotman sexually abused him. And guess who the first PPP person was to lend credibility to the young man foolishness and called for  police inquiry?  It was none other than the lady that raised the bar – Gail Teixeira. Obviously fate dealt Trotman a bad hand. But he recovered. Others didn’t believe the crazy stories of sexual misconduct. I didn’t. I wrote a column condemning the young man.
Raphael Trotman is the second most brilliant political strategist Guyana produced after Forbes Burnham and for this he has the admiration of many insiders.
There were flashes of brilliance in how he strategized after the APNU-AFC Government was formed and got two ministerial portfolios. Which party Trotman belongs to – PNC or AFC? I cannot disclose the dimensions of his masterpiece because it would bring huge embarrassment to the new government and the leadership of both APNU and the AFC but especially the AFC. But I am willing to confidentially tell my political colleagues. Call me!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PNC-Old School....Harmond, Basil Williams & Felix will be Granger's Down Fall....


Harmond, Basil Williams & Felix still strongly embraced, Practice & Defend  the Burnhamite philosophies of the age-old political unit.....

They were caught on tape ....Admitting they Conspire to plant Drugs on Innocent People...


Now they have re-installed

Raphel Trotman & Hamilton Green

to Run the PNC-Old School.


Trotman will be exposed soon....


this embarrassment has nothing to do with AFC, WPA or other APNU Partners.


This will not continue much longer.....because AFC is on Record saying how they will deal with Dictatorship, Racism & Corruption.



Carib J.....

Embrace, Practice & Defend

the Burnhamite philosophies

of the PNC Old -School.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

PNC-Old School....Harmond, Basil Williams & Felix will be Granger's Down Fall....


Harmond, Basil Williams & Felix still strongly embraced, Practice & Defend  the Burnhamite philosophies of the age-old political unit.....

They were caught on tape ....Admitting they Conspire to plant Drugs on Innocent People...


Now they have re-installed

Raphel Trotman & Hamilton Green

to Run the PNC-Old School.


Trotman will be exposed soon....


this embarrassment has nothing to do with AFC, WPA or other APNU Partners.


This will not continue much longer.....because AFC is on Record saying how they will deal with Dictatorship, Racism & Corruption.



Carib J.....

Embrace, Practice & Defend

the Burnhamite philosophies

of the PNC Old -School.....

banna, stop with the invidious, over-the-top rhetoric


you are not doing Moses any favors


there is nothing "BURNHAMITE" about incipient corruption in BOTH the AFC and APNU . . . it is simply corruption!


Burnham is long dead and Hamilton Green has one foot already in the grave . . . so just stop it!


if u and your friends feel that after 6 months the AFC should bring the coalition government down and re-install Bharat Jagdeo, THEN have the courage to say so and let the chips fall where they may


and may God have mercy on all y'all dishonest souls if that is the discussion y'all spending quality time on instead of the business of the People

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

PNC-Old School....Harmond, Basil Williams & Felix will be Granger's Down Fall....


Harmond, Basil Williams & Felix still strongly embraced, Practice & Defend  the Burnhamite philosophies of the age-old political unit.....

They were caught on tape ....Admitting they Conspire to plant Drugs on Innocent People...


Now they have re-installed

Raphel Trotman & Hamilton Green

to Run the PNC-Old School.


Trotman will be exposed soon....


this embarrassment has nothing to do with AFC, WPA or other APNU Partners.


This will not continue much longer.....because AFC is on Record saying how they will deal with Dictatorship, Racism & Corruption.



Carib J.....

Embrace, Practice & Defend

the Burnhamite philosophies

of the PNC Old -School.....

Jalil banna, like yuh foget to take yuh meds today nah? Now you attacking the AFC, instead of the PPP?? Wha going on here?


Quote Redux:

banna, stop with the invidious, over-the-top rhetoric

Lets get the Facts....Redux do not speak for AFC or APNU.

If you choose to speak for the PNC-Old-School that's fine.



you are not doing Moses any favors

David Granger say you are not speaking

for him or the Guyana Govt either...

We know how Current Grassroot PNC members & Supporters think about you.

So you Latch on to the Old School...

Worship and pooja... Harmond, Basil Williams, Felix & Hammie.


there is nothing "BURNHAMITE" about incipient corruption in BOTH the AFC and APNU . . . it is simply corruption!

Look how you are trying to Re-paint the "Burnhamite Behavior"

and "PNC lawlessness of Williams, Felix, Hammie & Harmond"

and try to dilute it in the APNU mix.




Burnham is long dead and Hamilton Green has one foot already in the grave . . . so just stop it!

Do not tell us Hoyte or Granger

would allow Felix & Basil Williams

to plant Drugs on Innocent Guyanese People....


Do not tell us planting things on Innocent Guyanese

is not "BURNHAMITE" as practiced and approved by Hammie & Harmond.


if u and your friends feel that after 6 months

the AFC should bring the coalition government down

and re-install Bharat Jagdeo,

THEN have the courage to say so

and let the chips fall where they may...

Professor Redux... you made your "BURNHAMITE DEAL"

and agreement with Harmond...."That's what David is saying"


Note it was not with "WPA, Sharma or the Amerindian Party"

So haul yuh ass with this APNU talk....

You Must Talk about "BURNHAMITE PNC ONLY"


and may God have mercy on all y'all dishonest souls

Claressa Reid told us who is do not go there



Professor Redux.....

your decision is to support the PNC at all cost.

The dust has settled.

The last I was told .....

you do not or cannot speak for the AFC.

You do not speak for APNU....




So do not try bowling any underhand PNC Ball here,

try somewhere else.....


We understand how a Crab Louse

would be easily confused..

Quote VISH : Jalil banna, like yuh foget to take yuh meds today nah? Now you attacking the AFC, instead of the PPP?? Wha going on



AFC will divorce APNU if Cummingsburg Accord fails

APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger

APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger

Nagamootoo tells NY audience:


In the face of concerns that it would be conned by its coalition partner the Alliance For Change  (AFC) said it is prepared to pick up its 12 seats and walk away if there are major disagreements that go against the spirit of the Cummingsburg Accord.

These comments were made by Moses Nagamootoo to a large Indian-Guyanese audience in Queens New York Sunday evening during a fundraising event. The event was picketed by supporters of the People’s Progressive Party who described Nagamotoo as a “Nemakharan” (betrayer) and David Granger as someone with “blood on his hands”

Nagamootoo indicated that, even behind the promotion for a coalition of national unity, the AFC in trying to safeguard itself from any potential fallout between the two parties has developed the necessary provisions in the event that should happen. “The party leader Khemraj Ramjattan is saying this,

we’re not saying this to big up ourselves, we’re not saying this as a threat, but we’re saying this that we hold a guarantee that if things don’t go well,” he declared.

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo

The Cummingsburg Agreement, which was signed between the two parties,

assured the AFC 12 seats in the 65 seat Parliament-

that is 36 per cent of the combined seats by the two parties in the 10th Parliament.

Nagamootoo firmly stated that if legal proceedings should follow any dispute within the coalition,

then the AFC will fight to maintain their 12 seats. “…

(If David Granger) and I will have to find legal proceedings for a divorce,

I’m taking my property with me,” he contended.

Nagamootoo then advised that the preparations should not be taken as a threat but as a “safety net” for the AFC.

“It could happen, we’re human beings but we will try to work together to build trust, to build confidence and to promote relationship that would make this thing work,” he assured.


Both parties had admitted to giving up some of their demands in order to make the alliance work however, when further questioned about the demands the parties were forced to abandon during the negotiation process, the coalition declined to disclose.

During his address at the recent Babu Jaan memorial former President, Bharrat Jagdeo had lambasted the “Cummingsburg Accord”, which he said will be to the greatest disadvantage of the AFC.  He described as “naïve and desperate”, the move by the junior political Opposition party to join forces with the People’s National Congress  Reform-dominated A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and its Leader David Granger, whom he said still strongly embraced the Burnhamite philosophies of the age-old political unit.  “It must be naivety and desperation on the part of the AFC to link up with APNU, because they have betrayed all those people who were misled to believe that Ramjattan and Nagamootoo really cared about them. They care for themselves. They have secured vice president and the Prime Ministerial positions for themselves”.


Rude awakening

Jagdeo had warned that the AFC was in for a “rude awakening”, and would suffer a similar fate to that of The United Force (UF). “They are so naïve …. When the leader of the list decides who goes to Parliament and they are going to be getting a rude awakening. The UF had it in the past and they will have it because they don’t have any leverage anymore, there is no more AFC after nomination. There is PNC, one ticket… Don’t worry about the name AFC-APNU; there is one name, one list of candidates and one head of list,” Jagdeo related, continuing that if the party is thrown out of the coalition, “they can’t do anything about it because they have no leverage. It is naivety and ambition; blind ambition that cause them to even ignore sensibility,” the former President declared.


Human Development

Meanwhile, during his address to the Diaspora, Nagamootoo shared his views for human development in Guyana.  He highlighted that 25 per cent of “able-bodied people” are unemployed while roughly 26 per cent are living in extreme poverty and charged that the coalition will change that situation by providing jobs for young people. He explained that the coalition is eyeing properties in Berbice to develop into farming lands, is prepared to launch a thorough investigation into the sugar industry and is willing to establish a bank where small investors can garner capital to start their own business.

On the other hand, presidential candidate of the coalition David Granger, told the Diaspora that his plan for human development includes addressing the issue of school dropouts and focusing on the education sector. Granger also had plans for establishing development banks to assist ordinary Guyanese people with micro financing.


 Jalil must cast aside his PPP racism.


WE hear Nagamootoo screaming that he needed a pay increase, or he would be tempted to steal.  Who are the persons with "lucrative" practices who had to shut it down?  Ramjattan is one of them.


This is a whole AFC  Indo scam, and the PNC blacks, impoverished by their exclusion for the "23 years", and wanting their opportunity to feast at taxpayer expense, before they are called to the Great Beyond, scream "me too."  The AFC blacks exclaim, why not, and they too plunge into the trough.


So now we have mediocrity screaming that they must be paid "what they are worth", for all the "hard work" that they, but NOT the cops, teachers, and nurses are doing. We are told that "dey gun tek de money" any way.  If we don't pay them, they will simply steal it.


Can the PPP prevent them?  Watch and see how Nagamootoo is sent to tell Jagdeo that if he behaves himself, he wouldn't be sent to jail.  If squeals then that big building with the high metal fence will be his home for a long, long time. 


As much as Jagdeo loves his back door being used, he likes lovers, and not gang bangers to take advantage of it.


Jalil screaming about the PNC makes him look insane. Last time he did so his Indo KKK tendencies poured out when he began to scream about "black monkeys" and engaged in the same racist rant popularized by Jagdeo.


 I said long ago that Trotman was crafty and had outmaneuvered Nagamootoo, and that the composition of the AFC ministers and MPs reflected this.


I was accused of "hating Indians".


So what do I have to call Freddie K about?  None of this scenario is a huge surprise to me.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Quote Redux:

banna, stop with the invidious, over-the-top rhetoric

Lets get the Facts....Redux do not speak for AFC or APNU.

If you choose to speak for the PNC-Old-School that's fine.



you are not doing Moses any favors

David Granger say you are not speaking

for him or the Guyana Govt either...

We know how Current Grassroot PNC members & Supporters think about you.

So you Latch on to the Old School...

Worship and pooja... Harmond, Basil Williams, Felix & Hammie.


there is nothing "BURNHAMITE" about incipient corruption in BOTH the AFC and APNU . . . it is simply corruption!

Look how you are trying to Re-paint the "Burnhamite Behavior"

and "PNC lawlessness of Williams, Felix, Hammie & Harmond"

and try to dilute it in the APNU mix.




Burnham is long dead and Hamilton Green has one foot already in the grave . . . so just stop it!

Do not tell us Hoyte or Granger

would allow Felix & Basil Williams

to plant Drugs on Innocent Guyanese People....


Do not tell us planting things on Innocent Guyanese

is not "BURNHAMITE" as practiced and approved by Hammie & Harmond.


if u and your friends feel that after 6 months

the AFC should bring the coalition government down

and re-install Bharat Jagdeo,

THEN have the courage to say so

and let the chips fall where they may...

Professor Redux... you made your "BURNHAMITE DEAL"

and agreement with Harmond...."That's what David is saying"


Note it was not with "WPA, Sharma or the Amerindian Party"

So haul yuh ass with this APNU talk....

You Must Talk about "BURNHAMITE PNC ONLY"


and may God have mercy on all y'all dishonest souls

Claressa Reid told us who is do not go there



Professor Redux.....

your decision is to support the PNC at all cost.

The dust has settled.

The last I was told .....

you do not or cannot speak for the AFC.

You do not speak for APNU....




So do not try bowling any underhand PNC Ball here,

try somewhere else.....

well, if i have not made it clear enough after 6 years on this BB, let me hold yuh ole bigot PPP haan lil and walk u thru de obvious:


[i] i speak for me only and, unlike u, i do not pose as representing the views of Moses Nagamootoo or any other individual or faction in the coalition


[ii] your fantasies of me being some "professor" you know (TK perhaps?) are cute and stupid in a nehruesque, desperate kind of way that continues to be quite entertaining as u flail klownlike in argument


[iii] it's an interesting trick how u contort yourself to hide hard core loathing for blackman by pretending to "support" David Granger but getting your wicked, divisive message across by labeling a proxy collection of Afro-Guyanese [only!] politicians in both AFC and APNU as scum of the earth, "PNC"  and "Burnhamite;" all this since i exposed your nasty-minded bigotry not so long ago right here on GNI . . . i advise u not to put me to the test since i am quite prepared to waste a few minutes to dig the thread up and expose yuh leaking stinking ass


now that that's out of the way, tell me  . . . what crimes did Joe Harmon, Basil Williams, Raphael Trotman and Winston Felix commit since taking up their posts in the new Gov't such that you and your friends feel compelled to bring down the coalition and re-install Bharat Jagdeo?


yes, that Bharat Jagdeo . . . the very same u were most recently seen batting your eyelashes at, quoting, licking his diseased balls after he had the nerve to stick them in coalition business


yes, the one and the same!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

 Jalil must cast aside his PPP racism.


WE hear Nagamootoo screaming that he needed a pay increase, or he would be tempted to steal.  Who are the persons with "lucrative" practices who had to shut it down?  Ramjattan is one of them.

CaribJ you are lieing to cover the PNC-Old-School....












This is a whole AFC  Indo scam, and the PNC blacks, impoverished by their exclusion for the "23 years", and wanting their opportunity to feast at taxpayer expense, before they are called to the Great Beyond, scream "me too."  The AFC blacks exclaim, why not, and they too plunge into the trough.

CaribJ and the entire PNC Old School

need to go back and stay at Monkey Mountain.....


Only a Howler would think Harmond & Trotman pull this off as a AFC INDO SCAM.....


Haul yuh ass back to Monkey Mountain.




So now we have mediocrity screaming that they must be paid "what they are worth", for all the "hard work" that they, but NOT the cops, teachers, and nurses are doing. We are told that "dey gun tek de money" any way.  If we don't pay them, they will simply steal it.

Look how the Burnhamite Old School....

silently haul in Hammie in their Ranks....

and now will destroy the Alliance.




Can the PPP prevent them?  Watch and see how Nagamootoo is sent to tell Jagdeo that if he behaves himself, he wouldn't be sent to jail.  If squeals then that big building with the high metal fence will be his home for a long, long time. 


J De Howler......

we waiting for the day when Moses will tell Jagdeo

He get a get out of Jail Pass....



As much as Jagdeo loves his back door being used, he likes lovers, and not gang bangers to take advantage of it.


Jalil screaming about the PNC makes him look insane. Last time he did so his Indo KKK tendencies poured out when he began to scream about "black monkeys" and engaged in the same racist rant popularized by Jagdeo.

 Howler...the last Time was Freedom Day....

When CaribJ Link up with Ravi Dev

and Cling on to Granger Balls....

and would not let go.....

everyone can check here on GNI



 I said long ago that Trotman was crafty and had outmaneuvered Nagamootoo, and that the composition of the AFC ministers and MPs reflected this.

 Trotman cannot Outmaneuver Moses.....

Tell us he Outmaneuver David Granger....

Yes......But Not Moses....


None alya from the Burhnamite PNC-Old School

can out fox Moses.


I was accused of "hating Indians".


So what do I have to call Freddie K about?  None of this scenario is a huge surprise to me.


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Quote Redux:

banna, stop with the invidious, over-the-top rhetoric

Lets get the Facts....Redux do not speak for AFC or APNU.

If you choose to speak for the PNC-Old-School that's fine.



you are not doing Moses any favors

David Granger say you are not speaking

for him or the Guyana Govt either...

We know how Current Grassroot PNC members & Supporters think about you.

So you Latch on to the Old School...

Worship and pooja... Harmond, Basil Williams, Felix & Hammie.


there is nothing "BURNHAMITE" about incipient corruption in BOTH the AFC and APNU . . . it is simply corruption!

Look how you are trying to Re-paint the "Burnhamite Behavior"

and "PNC lawlessness of Williams, Felix, Hammie & Harmond"

and try to dilute it in the APNU mix.




Burnham is long dead and Hamilton Green has one foot already in the grave . . . so just stop it!

Do not tell us Hoyte or Granger

would allow Felix & Basil Williams

to plant Drugs on Innocent Guyanese People....


Do not tell us planting things on Innocent Guyanese

is not "BURNHAMITE" as practiced and approved by Hammie & Harmond.


if u and your friends feel that after 6 months

the AFC should bring the coalition government down

and re-install Bharat Jagdeo,

THEN have the courage to say so

and let the chips fall where they may...

Professor Redux... you made your "BURNHAMITE DEAL"

and agreement with Harmond...."That's what David is saying"


Note it was not with "WPA, Sharma or the Amerindian Party"

So haul yuh ass with this APNU talk....

You Must Talk about "BURNHAMITE PNC ONLY"


and may God have mercy on all y'all dishonest souls

Claressa Reid told us who is do not go there



Professor Redux.....

your decision is to support the PNC at all cost.

The dust has settled.

The last I was told .....

you do not or cannot speak for the AFC.

You do not speak for APNU....




So do not try bowling any underhand PNC Ball here,

try somewhere else.....

well, if i have not made it clear enough after 6 years on this BB, let me hold yuh ole bigot PPP haan lil and walk u thru de obvious:


[i] i speak for me only and, unlike u, i do not pose as representing the views of Moses Nagamootoo or any other individual or faction in the coalition


[ii] your fantasies of me being some "professor" you know (TK perhaps?) are cute and stupid in a nehruesque, desperate kind of way that continues to be quite entertaining as u flail klownlike in argument


[iii] it's an interesting trick how u contort yourself to hide hard core loathing for blackman by pretending to "support" David Granger but getting your wicked, divisive message across by labeling a proxy collection of Afro-Guyanese [only!] politicians in both AFC and APNU as scum of the earth, "PNC"  and "Burnhamite;" all this since i exposed your nasty-minded bigotry not so long ago right here on GNI . . . i advise u not to put me to the test since i am quite prepared to waste a few minutes to dig the thread up and expose yuh leaking stinking ass


now that that's out of the way, tell me  . . . what crimes did Joe Harmon, Basil Williams, Raphael Trotman and Winston Felix commit since taking up their posts in the new Gov't such that you and your friends feel compelled to bring down the coalition and re-install Bharat Jagdeo?


yes, that Bharat Jagdeo . . . the very same u were most recently seen batting your eyelashes at, quoting, licking his diseased balls after he had the nerve to stick them in coalition business


yes, the one and the same!

Professor Redux......

I did not bend over for Harmond.


You Love Harmond.....

and we do not care

Originally Posted by kp:

Jalil, tell he rass, he get away with nuff racist rant over and over again.Anyway, I glad you see the LIGHT, WELCOME!!!

Both of them

Professor & Howler cant scare no one

Let them Squeeze Granger Balls

like they did on Freedom Day....


KP sorry them 2

cant help Rat from going to Jail...

He thief too much.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

Jalil, tell he rass, he get away with nuff racist rant over and over again.Anyway, I glad you see the LIGHT, WELCOME!!!

Continuing to talk to the lunatic.  He is a racist just as you are.


So demented and deranged is he, and so racist are you, that you don't even note my comments on APNU.


Too bad race has blinded your brain.


Too bad Jalil couldn't get a job with the gov't, and how can he, given the intense hatred that he has for blacks.


The two of you lunatics can go and howl at the moon.

Last edited by Former Member

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