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Former Member

DEMERARA WAVES, NOVEMBER 29 --- Secretary General of the 15-nation Caribbean Community (Caricom), Ambassador Irwin La Rocque Friday defended the regional grouping's silence on the political impasse in Guyana and he said a request by Guyana’s opposition for the regional grouping to get involved is being considered.

Although the Organisation of American States (OAS) and key Western Nations have have called for the now more than three-week old suspension of Guyana’s parliament to be lifted, Caricom has not said anything about the situation here.


“The OAS chose to say something and we chose not to say anything, very simple. You see one must always rush to make a statement. There are ways of doing things,” he told Caribbean News Desk.

The Caricom Secretary General recalled that the region did not say anything about the violent unrest in Linden in 2012 over a proposed hike in electricity unrest that resulted in the fatal shooting of three protesters and injuries to several others.  “We didn’t make a statement about Linden but the (Caricom) Community was very much involved in arranging and working with the government on the Commission (of Inquiry),” he said.

La Rocque stressed that there was no need to “rush to make public statements to appear to be doing something about something.”


While Granger’s People’s National Congress (PNC)-led administration under Forbes Burnham was in office,  Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s then opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) had lamented Caricom’s refusal to address concerns about election rigging and several human rights violations against the media and political opponents.

La Rocque said letters by Opposition Leader, David Granger and Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan have been dispatched to Caricom Chairman, Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister Gaston Brown. “I have contacted the Chairman of Caricom and the matter is in process,” he said, while adding that he could not say whether the Guyana situation would be on the agenda of regional leaders when they meet in February in The Bahamas.


Granger, who is also the Chairman of the main opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), wants Caricom leaders to hold an emergency summit to “consider a collective approach to the governance crisis in Guyana.”

The Opposition Leader told Caribbean News Desk on Friday that his decision to write Caricom was not aimed at securing mediation but putting “pressure” on the Donald Ramotar-led administration to lift the suspension of Parliament. Granger said Ramotar’s prorogation of Parliament on November 10 violates Caricom’s Charter of Civil Society. “As Caricom is concerned, there were specific provisions of the Charter of Civil Society and we feel that the prorogation is contrary to the Charter of Civil Society and we are calling on the Heads of Government to discuss the matter and persuade or convince the Guyana President to reconvene Parliament because the continued state of prorogation is contrary to the democratic ideals of the Caribbean Community,” he said.


The Charter of Civil Society states, among other things, that “The States shall take all appropriate measures to promote and maintain an effectively functioning representational system, including the holding of regular public sessions of representatives of the people.”

Since the President prorogued the Parliament to avoid the debate and passage of an AFC-sponsored no-confidence motion by the opposition controlled National Assembly, the Guyanese leader has been repeatedly calling on the Opposition to talk with the aim of slackening political bottlenecks over several key issues and agreeing to a post-suspension parliamentary agenda.

The opposition, in turn, has bluntly refused to go to the negotiation table until the suspension is lifted and has accused government of buying more time to campaign for elections by using state resources.


From the inception, the President has warned that if there are no talks or should they fail he would dissolve Parliament and hold elections ahead of the constitutionally due 2016 deadline.

Key unresolved political issues include the President’s refusal to assent a Local Government Bill that would remove ministerial role in hiring and firing officers and instead delegate that function to the yet to be established Local Government Commission. The government has said that that Bill removes executive authority.  The government also wants the combined opposition’s support to pass Financial Action Task Force (FATF)-compliant amendments to the 2009 Anti  Money Laundering and Countering of Financing Terrorism Act but the AFC and APNU are demanding amendments that they say are much tighter to  avoid governmental influence.  In exchange for the passage of the AML-CFT amendments, the opposition is demanding the establishment of the constitutionally required Public Procurement Commission (PPC).  Also down on the opposition’s lists of demands is the holding of Local Government Elections that have not been held since 1994.


President Ramotar has promised to hold those polls during the second quarter of 2015 providing the Guyana Elections Commission is ready to do so.

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Understand this. CARICOM consists of 14 sovereign nations, plus Montserrat, which is a British territory.   Not ONE of the heads of these heads of state is going to tolerate the other 13 heads of state telling them to do in their country unless it comes to a crisis.  The crisis is defined as the threat of a complete break down of law and order. 


I can only recall 2 precedents.  The problem after the 1997 election in Guyana, and a similar problem in St Kitts a few years before.


The only other intervention, which split CARICOM, so it cannot be a CARICOM intervention was the invasion of Grenada.  Some nations actually participated, while others opposed.


So CARICOM will not intervene unless there is serious internal turmoil and I don't think that anyone has an appetite for that!


CaribJ are you saying Caricom has turned into an Afro-Centric Club....just to find jobs for the boys.


J isn't it unfortunate the Fat Cats now in charge of this Caricom Club refusing to recognize the PNC leaders Request for help and assistance.


J do you think De Caricom Club operates under a Burnham Constitution which gives the administrators de right to ignore the Voice of the Masses or the Majority.


Did we ever see J Question the make up of the leadership of this Caricom Club.



De Caricom Club was establish by the treated of Chaguaramas, which was signed by four countries, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica and Guyana and came into effect onAugust, 1973.


CaribJ who were the 4 Leaders who signed the Treaty of Chaguaramas.


Originally Posted by Jalil:

CaribJ are you saying Caricom has turned into an Afro-Centric Club....just to find jobs for the boys.


J isn't it unfortunate the Fat Cats now in charge of this Caricom Club refusing to recognize the PNC leaders Request for help and assistance.


J do you think De Caricom Club operates under a Burnham Constitution which gives the administrators de right to ignore the Voice of the Masses or the Majority.


Did we ever see J Question the make up of the leadership of this Caricom Club.



De Caricom Club was establish by the treated of Chaguaramas, which was signed by four countries, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica and Guyana and came into effect onAugust, 1973.


CaribJ who were the 4 Leaders who signed the Treaty of Chaguaramas.


What nonsense are you babbling?


Did CARICOM do anything about Guyana when it suffered under Burnham even though many, including Michael Manley did not like him?




For the SAME reasons as I outlined.


If CARICOM was an Afrocentric club they would be expressing open hostility at the PPP.   Can you tell me why T&T, the most powerful CARICOM nation, headed by Kamla Bessessar PERSAD would be part of an Afrocentric club?


Its clear that you suffering from early dementia because your rants lack any basis of logic.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Caricom doan care.

The Prime Ministers of Belize, The Bahamas, Jamaica, St Kitts Nevis, Antigua, Dominica, St Lucia, Barbados, St Vincent, Grenada, and Trinidad & Tobago, and the presidents of Haiti and Suriname don't care.


Because that is who decides what CARICOM does, and given that Ramotar is a member of the same club, they aren't going to gang up on him.


The Secretary General of CARICOM will do as his BOSSES tell him to do, and Ramotar is one of his bosses!


So Caricom is a Failure....Granger reaching out to them and they ignoring him.

This has nothing to do with Kamla or that Drug Dealer from Suriname.


Why Jamaica, Barbados and the other Caricom members do not speak up?


When Granger reaches out to Caricom ......he is not reaching out to Trinidad or Kamla Persaud.


Originally Posted by Jalil:

So Caricom is a Failure....Granger reaching out to them and they ignoring him.

This has nothing to do with Kamla or that Drug Dealer from Suriname.


Why Jamaica, Barbados and the other Caricom members do not speak up?


When Granger reaches out to Caricom ......he is not reaching out to Trinidad or Kamla Persaud.


 You know why no one in CARICOM will help.  Because Guyanese drink soup and milk and wail "wha we gun do, we gun mek out", only becoming brave when some Bajan immigration wants to do a digital search, or a Trini immigration demands a bribe.


Where are the Guyanese civic organizations?  Are all these religious, youth, trade union, business and other organizations in agreement with the PPP?


So why expect civil society in the other CARICOM nations to speak out?  They are sick of Guyana!  Because they think that Guyanese are DOCILE and SPINELESS!


When Granger is reaching out to CARICOM he is reaching out to 13 heads of state.  They all have their problems and NONE like the other 13 heads of state telling them what to do.  So they keep out of each other's business.


St Kitts has their own MONC problems, and I heard that Grenada prorogued parliament a few years ago.  You will be happy to know that the Grenadian party which pulled that stunt lost ALL of their seats in the next election!


Barbados also had the opposition trying to have an MONC, though some govt MPS who they thought would jump ship didn't, so the motion failed.


Trinidad has had two attempted coups.  Did they ask Guyana to help?  Would you want Guyanese money spent to help them with THEIR problems?


So continue to think that they are going to jump into Guyanese business and then leave themselves open next time they also have a problem.


CARICOM is involved in lots of activities that most Caribbean people aren't aware of. There are many areas of functional cooperation in health, education, etc.  CDB comes out of this, as does CXC.   Joint purchasing of pharmaceuticals.  As of now any professional, or certified trained person can work ANY WHERE in CARICOM, except The Bahamas.


Listing of a bunch of things that are quite helpful to CARICOM nations, especially the smaller islands, as well as broke countries like Guyana.  The CDB has a special facility that ONLY Guyana can use, as we are so poor!


What do you expect Mr. Laroque, the Secretary General to do.  He is empowered only in a coordinating role.  Should he invade Guyana? And with what.  The Jamaican, Trinidadian and Surinamese armies.  What is there in the Treaty of Chaguaramus that forces any head of state to do what they other 13 heads of sovereign nations tell them to do.


Contrary to what Caribbean people think, CARICOM is actually the most successful organization of developing nations.  Why do you think that Turkey of all nations is suddenly interested.  These nations represent 14 votes in international forums where they usually coordinate their positions.  Indeed often 15 as they sometimes get the DR to join.


Do you think that Brazil chats with Guyana because we have anything to offer them.  NO!  They use the fact that we are bordering nations to allow them to bridge to those 14 votes, quite handy at the OAS, or even the UN!  Brazil now has an ambassador in EVERY CARICOM nation, even Dominica!



Tell you what Jalil, when Kamla solves your problem don't scream when you find out that XM and El Dorado have become Trinidadian owned.  He who beats them drum calls the beat.   The famous Appleton rum is now owned by the Trinis!

Last edited by Former Member

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