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January 13,2018.

CARICOM today said it is deeply disturbed at reports of “repulsive” language used by US President Donald Trump in describing a member of the community, Haiti and other developing countries.

A statement from CARICOM follows:

Statement by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on comment made by the President of the United States of America

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is deeply disturbed by reports about the use of derogatory and repulsive language by the President of the United States in respect of our Member State, Haiti, and other developing countries. CARICOM condemns in the strongest terms, the unenlightened views reportedly expressed.

Of additional concern, is this pattern of denigrating Haiti and its citizens in what seems to be a concerted attempt to perpetuate a negative narrative of the country. We are especially saddened that such narrative emerged around the time of the anniversary of the devastating 2010 earthquake which took so many lives of citizens in that country.

The Caribbean Community expresses its full support for the dignified statement of the Government of the Republic of Haiti in reaction to this highly offensive reference. It should be recalled that Haiti is the second democracy in the Western Hemisphere after the United States and that Haitians continue to contribute significantly in many spheres to the global community and particularly to the United States of America.

CARICOM therefore views this insult to the character of the countries named and their citizens as totally unacceptable.

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Nehru posted:

Soon they all going to kiss up to the American Govt. We need Priya Manikchand to deal with the Americans!!!

She cuss down under Obama and look weh dem deh!  Sucking wind!!


Why CARICOM is allowed to be pissed at Trump's comment for calling a spade a spade? If Trump stoop low, Afros must go higher according to Michelle Obama. Isn't it?Ok, let me guess. Afros are supposed to stoop lower and feel insulted because Obama keep them on the dependency level, instead of lifting them above the white man's trash talk. Likewise, Jagdeo keeps sugar workers in mud and water and make them pawns for political mileage. I am pissed at Afros who feel offended by Trump's remark. 


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