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Former Member

– Says agreement by Granger and Jagdeo for resolution is a sign of maturityBy Kiana Wilburg

If it takes an extra hour or even a day to ensure the electoral process is transparent, then so be it, says Executive Member of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Dominic Gaskin.

AFC Executive Member, Dominic Gaskin

For this politician, no effort must be spared to assure Guyanese that what took place with the counting of the votes and subsequent tabulation was fair and acceptable in the eyes of everyone entitled to witness it.
In this vein, Gaskin said he was pleased to note that a high level CARICOM team will be in Guyana shortly to oversee the recounting of the votes for all electoral districts.
CARICOM’s Chairman and Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley said yesterday that the request for a team to oversee the recount was made by President David Granger and agreed to by Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.
Upon noting this, Gaskin told Kaieteur News that this brings some level of relief for Guyana as the previous situation of impasse on the integrity of the declared results for Region Four was doing more harm than good.
Gaskin said, “I was relieved to see that the leaders have agreed to this CARICOM-led team coming to oversee the recount. It is a relief for Guyana and I think it shows a level of concern for what took place. It is a sign of maturity and genuine desire to bring about a resolution to this situation.”


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@Former Member: You are correct. If Granger was sworn in as an illegal government, the people of Guyana would have suffered. We must be careful not to forget what the PNC can and might do if the results show that PNC lost. There might be riots, burning, looting and all mayhem might break loose. I hope not.


@Former Member, this is where you guys err. There is no stalemate. The PPP holds the upper hand with the international community. They do as the PPP wants to make the PPP and the international  community feel comfortable with the outcome. It’s not for the PNC to decide.  By agreeing too quickly to a stop-gap solution, you are debasing your moral authority.

There is no stalemate, the sanctions are looming!

Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member: Base, the way the PNC was going by delaying the count and not swearing in anyone, all the shenanigans, Granger could have stayed there for months to come. So this MIGHT be some relief if everything goes well. I hope CARICOM is not on the side of the PNC.


I have limited faith in CARICOM. Blackman ain’t turning theY back on Blackman. Even the US Black politicians taking a very nuanced position!  Right and wrong are gimisched on the same sliding scale of moral justice!

Blackman fuh Blackman!  It’s the White man to save the day!


Why Mingo frustrated all the observers, eventually pack up and go home.

Then Caricom.

Is this a Granger strategy?

Guyana needs the financial backings of Europe, Canada, Britain, America, Commonwealth and the OAS, yet not credible enough to observe the PNC honesty and integrity.

Maybe Jagdeo made the same mistake like CBJ in putting all faith in the opponents. In anycase, Granger is in control, we will see in the end what he offers Jagdeo. There will be an offer of some sort, not an agreement of a PPP victory.

Dey should have another election, we see how terrible dis one was.


@seignet: Dey should have another election, we see how terrible dis one was.

This will give Granger a chance to intimidate the PPP supporters and set up the rigging machine better, have the army escort and exchange ballot boxes and all the tricks of the trade he learned from Forbes. It'll be like the past until 1992.


@seignet, I agree. This is how I see it too!  Jagdeo is being duped!  Caricom will facilitate a muddying of the waters then Granger will pounce and Jagdeo will concede to save face.  That’s my scenario!


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