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CARICOM satisfied prorogation not in violation of constitution – Underscores need for respect & non-interference by western diplomats





The Community Council of Ministers of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) held its 35th meeting last Friday at the CARICOM Secretariat in Georgetown. Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett provided an update regarding developments in relation to the prorogation of the Parliament. During the meeting Ministers recalled that the Government of Guyana had formally advised the Caribbean Community regarding the prorogation and the reason for this course of action.


In her update, Rodrigues-Birkett advised of the imminent announcement of elections by President Donald Ramotar. The council expressed its satisfaction that the prorogation of Parliament was in keeping with the provisions of Guyana’s Constitution and did not constitute a breach of the Commonwealth Charter. It also underscored the need for the respect of diplomatic proprieties and for adherence to the principles of non interference in the domestic affairs of member states.

Just last week the Guyana government through its spokesperson, Head of the Presidential Secretariat and Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr Roger Luncheon had cause to record its outrage over comments by British High Commissioner Andrew Ayre. During a press conference Ayre said the prorogation of Parliament is a violation of the constitution.


extracted from



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by caribny:

Funny all those who today praise CARICOM rant and scream about its failure to criticize Burnham. 

Caricom is good as a trade organization those are its limits. The founders of Caricom always intended for it to be a prop for dictatorial rule, Burham used it as such and Cheddie and he stooges following suit.


Caricom is a disgrace....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present Government is acting with the borders of the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.

You lie. The constitution provides for the President to prorogue parliament only in a national emergency. Ramotar himself said he prorogued to give the opposition an opportunity for dialogue with him. Moses' impending no-confidence vote wasn't a national emergency.


There are supposed to 'smart leaders' in CARICOM, how come they made a decision regarding Guyana proroguing parliament, based on the presentation of one government minister.

Is she the only people's representative in Guyana, how about hearing from others to make an unbiased decision ?

Maybe CARICOM leaders  get a 'cut' from  corruption in Guyana.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present Government is acting with the borders of the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.

You lie.The constitution provides for the President to prorogue parliament only in a national emergency. Ramotar himself said he prorogued to give the opposition an opportunity for dialogue with him. Moses' impending no-confidence vote wasn't a national emergency.

Poor advise was given to Ramu,he was afraid of the

no-confidence vote.

Originally Posted by Tola:

There are supposed to 'smart leaders' in CARICOM, how come they made a decision regarding Guyana proroguing parliament, based on the presentation of one government minister.

Is she the only people's representative in Guyana, how about hearing from others to make an unbiased decision ?

Maybe CARICOM leaders  get a 'cut' from  corruption in Guyana.


Bai Tola, You would think if the members of CARICOM had any concern(s), they would have consulted with the opposition in Guyana. They did not intervene when Burnham was the dictator, why would they do it now?

Originally Posted by Tola:

There are supposed to 'smart leaders' in CARICOM, how come they made a decision regarding Guyana proroguing parliament, based on the presentation of one government minister.

Is she the only people's representative in Guyana, how about hearing from others to make an unbiased decision ?

Maybe CARICOM leaders  get a 'cut' from  corruption in Guyana.


Caricom leaders use Caricom as a patronage organization and to prop up their less than honorable governments. They do not want Caricom to become powerful like the EU and tell them when they are criminals etc.


Don't you see how the PPP ignoring the ruling of the CCJ? do you think Caricom will speak up even on that? not a chance.........


Caricom is corrupt just like the PPP dat is why dem in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present Government is acting with the borders of the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.


Yes bai muk sure yuh throw de dar pun Forbes pictcha. Hey hey hey...

YOur acute RACISM has blinded you or are you  just plain STUPID????

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Tola:

There are supposed to 'smart leaders' in CARICOM, how come they made a decision regarding Guyana proroguing parliament, based on the presentation of one government minister.

Is she the only people's representative in Guyana, how about hearing from others to make an unbiased decision ?

Maybe CARICOM leaders  get a 'cut' from  corruption in Guyana.


Caricom leaders use Caricom as a patronage organization and to prop up their less than honorable governments. They do not want Caricom to become powerful like the EU and tell them when they are criminals etc.


Don't you see how the PPP ignoring the ruling of the CCJ? do you think Caricom will speak up even on that? not a chance.........


Caricom is corrupt just like the PPP dat is why dem in Guyana.

Now CARICOM bad? If the CCJ one day rules in favour of the PPP, they would be bad too? Everyone is a bad person if they support the PPP?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:

CARICOM needs to recognize that they are more stakeholders in Guyana than the PPP government and their decision regarding proroguing parliament was biased, when they made a decision based on the presentation of only one government minister.   

Well smart man please tell us how they are bias.!!!

You didn't understand what is written above, did you ?


They made a biased decision by listening to only one PPP-PPP-PPP government minister, who benefitted most by prorogued parliament.

That is like getting the goat to guard the grass.   

A company, government or organization is not a one man/woman show.

The government might think it is, that is what is destroying Guyana.


I hope  you don't come back with a smart ass question by not understanding what is written.    

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:

CARICOM needs to recognize that they are more stakeholders in Guyana than the PPP government and their decision regarding proroguing parliament was biased, when they made a decision based on the presentation of only one government minister.   

Well smart man please tell us how they are bias.!!!

You didn't understand what is written above, did you ?


They made a biased decision by listening to only one PPP-PPP-PPP government minister, who benefitted most by prorogued parliament.

That is like getting the goat to guard the grass.   

A company, government or organization is not a one man/woman show.

The government might think it is, that is what is destroying Guyana.


I hope  you don't come back with a smart ass question by not understanding what is written.    

I understood quite well but you still did not tell us why the decision was wrong/bias. Is it Unconstitutional??  Is it against International Law??  Is it against the Caricom Charter??  I should not have to babysit you these questions but I felt it was necessary in your case.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:

CARICOM needs to recognize that they are more stakeholders in Guyana than the PPP government and their decision regarding proroguing parliament was biased, when they made a decision based on the presentation of only one government minister.   

Well smart man please tell us how they are bias.!!!

You didn't understand what is written above, did you ?


They made a biased decision by listening to only one PPP-PPP-PPP government minister, who benefitted most by prorogued parliament.

That is like getting the goat to guard the grass.   

A company, government or organization is not a one man/woman show.

The government might think it is, that is what is destroying Guyana.


I hope  you don't come back with a smart ass question by not understanding what is written.    

I understood quite well but you still did not tell us why the decision was wrong/bias. Is it Unconstitutional??  Is it against International Law??  Is it against the Caricom Charter??  I should not have to babysit you these questions but I felt it was necessary in your case.

It is undemocratic and a dictatorial move by a dictator. Ramotar needs to face his people and Caricom should not be a back stopper for criminals, thieves and cowards.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:

CARICOM needs to recognize that they are more stakeholders in Guyana than the PPP government and their decision regarding proroguing parliament was biased, when they made a decision based on the presentation of only one government minister.   

Well smart man please tell us how they are bias.!!!

You didn't understand what is written above, did you ?


They made a biased decision by listening to only one PPP-PPP-PPP government minister, who benefitted most by prorogued parliament.

That is like getting the goat to guard the grass.   

A company, government or organization is not a one man/woman show.

The government might think it is, that is what is destroying Guyana.


I hope  you don't come back with a smart ass question by not understanding what is written.    

I understood quite well but you still did not tell us why the decision was wrong/bias. Is it Unconstitutional??  Is it against International Law??  Is it against the Caricom Charter??  I should not have to babysit you these questions but I felt it was necessary in your case.

It is undemocratic and a dictatorial move by a dictator. Ramotar needs to face his people and Caricom should not be a back stopper for criminals, thieves and cowards.

Since Tola lack the capacity to answer and you did, I will have to respond to you. Please answer at least 1 (ONE) of the three questions.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:

CARICOM needs to recognize that they are more stakeholders in Guyana than the PPP government and their decision regarding proroguing parliament was biased, when they made a decision based on the presentation of only one government minister.   

Well smart man please tell us how they are bias.!!!

You didn't understand what is written above, did you ?


They made a biased decision by listening to only one PPP-PPP-PPP government minister, who benefitted most by prorogued parliament.

That is like getting the goat to guard the grass.   

A company, government or organization is not a one man/woman show.

The government might think it is, that is what is destroying Guyana.


I hope  you don't come back with a smart ass question by not understanding what is written.    

I understood quite well but you still did not tell us why the decision was wrong/bias. Is it Unconstitutional??  Is it against International Law??  Is it against the Caricom Charter??  I should not have to babysit you these questions but I felt it was necessary in your case.

It is undemocratic and a dictatorial move by a dictator. Ramotar needs to face his people and Caricom should not be a back stopper for criminals, thieves and cowards.

Thank you, I give up.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:

CARICOM needs to recognize that they are more stakeholders in Guyana than the PPP government and their decision regarding proroguing parliament was biased, when they made a decision based on the presentation of only one government minister.   

Well smart man please tell us how they are bias.!!!

You didn't understand what is written above, did you ?


They made a biased decision by listening to only one PPP-PPP-PPP government minister, who benefitted most by prorogued parliament.

That is like getting the goat to guard the grass.   

A company, government or organization is not a one man/woman show.

The government might think it is, that is what is destroying Guyana.


I hope  you don't come back with a smart ass question by not understanding what is written.    

I understood quite well but you still did not tell us why the decision was wrong/bias. Is it Unconstitutional??  Is it against International Law??  Is it against the Caricom Charter??  I should not have to babysit you these questions but I felt it was necessary in your case.

It is undemocratic and a dictatorial move by a dictator. Ramotar needs to face his people and Caricom should not be a back stopper for criminals, thieves and cowards.

Since Tola lack the capacity to answer and you did, I will have to respond to you. Please answer at least 1 (ONE) of the three questions.

I answered all of your questions are you daft?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:

CARICOM needs to recognize that they are more stakeholders in Guyana than the PPP government and their decision regarding proroguing parliament was biased, when they made a decision based on the presentation of only one government minister.   

Well smart man please tell us how they are bias.!!!

You didn't understand what is written above, did you ?


They made a biased decision by listening to only one PPP-PPP-PPP government minister, who benefitted most by prorogued parliament.

That is like getting the goat to guard the grass.   

A company, government or organization is not a one man/woman show.

The government might think it is, that is what is destroying Guyana.


I hope  you don't come back with a smart ass question by not understanding what is written.    

I understood quite well but you still did not tell us why the decision was wrong/bias. Is it Unconstitutional??  Is it against International Law??  Is it against the Caricom Charter??  I should not have to babysit you these questions but I felt it was necessary in your case.

It is undemocratic and a dictatorial move by a dictator. Ramotar needs to face his people and Caricom should not be a back stopper for criminals, thieves and cowards.

Since Tola lack the capacity to answer and you did, I will have to respond to you. Please answer at least 1 (ONE) of the three questions.

I answered all of your questions are you daft?

Well you have a funny way of answering questions. In school you were always seeing F  F  F??

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Tola:

There are supposed to 'smart leaders' in CARICOM, how come they made a decision regarding Guyana proroguing parliament, based on the presentation of one government minister.

Is she the only people's representative in Guyana, how about hearing from others to make an unbiased decision ?

Maybe CARICOM leaders  get a 'cut' from  corruption in Guyana.


Caricom leaders use Caricom as a patronage organization and to prop up their less than honorable governments. They do not want Caricom to become powerful like the EU and tell them when they are criminals etc.


Don't you see how the PPP ignoring the ruling of the CCJ? do you think Caricom will speak up even on that? not a chance.........


Caricom is corrupt just like the PPP dat is why dem in Guyana.

Now CARICOM bad? If the CCJ one day rules in favour of the PPP, they would be bad too? Everyone is a bad person if they support the PPP?


Would everyone have been a bad person had they supported Hitler?

Would everyone be a bad person had they supported Charles Manson?

Yes, everyone is bad who support the corrupt PPP.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Parliament of Guyana is prorogues in accordance with the Constitution.


Emergency situation is a completely different than what presently exist.

Do you understand the question ?

Its about CARICOM's decision, NOT about proroguing parliament !!

Caricom obviously made it's decision based on those factors but I understand your shortcoming.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Parliament of Guyana is prorogues in accordance with the Constitution.


Emergency situation is a completely different than what presently exist.

Do you understand the question ?

Its about CARICOM's decision, NOT about proroguing parliament !!

Ow ow all yuh cut de senior citizen a break nuh de man struggling to wakey wakey his senses.....

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Parliament of Guyana is prorogues in accordance with the Constitution.


Emergency situation is a completely different than what presently exist.

Do you understand the question ?

Its about CARICOM's decision, NOT about proroguing parliament !!

Caricom obviously made it's decision based on those factors but I understand your shortcoming.

Bai aluh throw de milk pun Forbes pictcha until de table turn and aluh c00lie goh hold aluh head and bawl. Granja ole he na gat lang moh. Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present Government is acting with the borders of the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.

You lie. The constitution provides for the President to prorogue parliament only in a national emergency. Ramotar himself said he prorogued to give the opposition an opportunity for dialogue with him. Moses' impending no-confidence vote wasn't a national emergency.

Re-posting my contribution to the statement ...




Parliament of Guyana is prorogues in accordance with the Constitution.


Emergency situation is a completely different than what presently exist.



Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Parliament of Guyana is prorogues in accordance with the Constitution.


Emergency situation is a completely different than what presently exist.

Do you understand the question ?

Its about CARICOM's decision, NOT about proroguing parliament !!

Caricom obviously made it's decision based on those factors but I understand your shortcoming.

Bai aluh throw de milk pun Forbes pictcha until de table turn and aluh c00lie goh hold aluh head and bawl. Granja ole he na gat lang moh. Hey hey hey...

Dem seh who Laff last, Laff deh BEST.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present Government is acting with the borders of the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.

You lie. The constitution provides for the President to prorogue parliament only in a national emergency. Ramotar himself said he prorogued to give the opposition an opportunity for dialogue with him. Moses' impending no-confidence vote wasn't a national emergency.

Re-posting my contribution to the statement ...




Parliament of Guyana is prorogues in accordance with the Constitution.


Emergency situation is a completely different than what presently exist.



You can repeat and cut and paste the same thing over and over again. The moves by Ramotar to suspend parliament is autocratic and that is recognized by the international community who are all condemning Ramotar's cowardice.


Why is ramotar afraid to face his own people?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present Government is acting with the borders of the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.

You lie. The constitution provides for the President to prorogue parliament only in a national emergency. Ramotar himself said he prorogued to give the opposition an opportunity for dialogue with him. Moses' impending no-confidence vote wasn't a national emergency.

Re-posting my contribution to the statement ...




Parliament of Guyana is prorogues in accordance with the Constitution.


Emergency situation is a completely different than what presently exist.



You can repeat and cut and paste the same thing over and over again. The moves by Ramotar to suspend parliament is autocratic and that is recognized by the international community who are all condemning Ramotar's cowardice.


Why is ramotar afraid to face his own people?


Ehehehehehe...but de man gat de law dat Forbes gee am. Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present Government is acting with the borders of the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.

You lie. The constitution provides for the President to prorogue parliament only in a national emergency. Ramotar himself said he prorogued to give the opposition an opportunity for dialogue with him. Moses' impending no-confidence vote wasn't a national emergency.

Re-posting my contribution to the statement ...




Parliament of Guyana is prorogues in accordance with the Constitution.


Emergency situation is a completely different than what presently exist.



You can repeat and cut and paste the same thing over and over again. The moves by Ramotar to suspend parliament is autocratic and that is recognized by the international community who are all condemning Ramotar's cowardice.


Why is ramotar afraid to face his own people?

Ancient Chinese secret harsie.


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