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RiffRaff posted:

SO, his 5-8% will most likely move to Cruz and Trump

Problem is that this still doesn't help Cruz.

Trump will be the nominee unless the GOP find some really damaging info on he really likes boys. 

Because Rubio's screams about him over the past weekend didn't prevent Trump from demolishing him in moderate states like Mass, and VA, where Rubio should have won, if he claims to be the candidate liked by the moderate wing of the GOP.


There is an outside chance that if he does not get the required numbers of delegates he will go to the convention without the necessary majority of the delegates. He is not getting any from Cruz or Rubio so it is likely he will lose the first rounds then all the delegates are released. It means they can vote as they please.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

There is an outside chance that if he does not get the required numbers of delegates he will go to the convention without the necessary majority of the delegates. He is not getting any from Cruz or Rubio so it is likely he will lose the first rounds then all the delegates are released. It means they can vote as they please.

Well D2, I leave you there as according to many like you, he was not supposed to go more than 17%-20%.  Baseman always said Trump was very much underestimated!!  I understood his appeal!!

I talk numbers. If he does not take Ohio and Florida for the large delegate count he is going to the convention short and there they will screw him every which way. As Bill Kristol noted, Trump as the leader of the GOP will set them back decades. Trump will lose and destroy the party. It is better they put a losing candidate and save their party.

baseman posted:

Carson's 5% will likely go to Trump as he did well for the same reason as Trump.  The battle will be Trump vs Cruz, an Outsider hated by the Establishment and an Insider hated by the Establishment!!

Hillary is the ultimate Insider and Establishment!!

The notion that Cruz is an outsider is a joke.  The electorate will reject the Christian Taliban, and the racist buffoon. If that means that all they have is Hillary, then they will have to deal with it.

As it is several GOP figures have already said that it Trump is the GOP candidate they will not vote for him.

baseman posted:
 Baseman always said Trump was very much underestimated!!  I understood his appeal!!

The GOP establishment under estimated Trump because they thought that they owned the white working class.  Just as the PPP under estimated the rage of the African/mixed population last year.

Problem is the angry white working class male already vote GOP.  So where are the new votes going to come from? 

Many women will refuse to support Trump.  Minority turn out will remain as high a sit was under Obama.

This is the problem with racists like you.  You OVER estimate the size of your crowd.


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