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Granger as per protocol took himself and only himself.


The real Presidential Candidate of the PPP.  BHURAT took the FAKE Presidential Candidate for the meeting.


Carter held separate discussions with Ramotar and Granger before departure

The Carter Center has confirmed the departure of former US President Jimmy Carter who was forced to leave Guyana early on Sunday over a health complaint.

In a statement, The Carter Center said its election observation mission in Guyana is continuing its work and will keep Mr. Carter informed of developments.

“President Carter is hopeful about Guyana’s election and expressed his commitment and that of The Carter Center to supporting Guyana in the days ahead, stressing the need for a peaceful process before, during, and after the election”, the statement added.

Before leaving Guyana on Sunday, Mr. Carter held separate meetings with President Donald Ramotar and APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate, David Granger.

President Donald Ramotar took along former President Bharrat Jagdeo for his meeting.

Former Barbados Foreign Minister Billie Miller who is part of the Carter Center Observer team also attended the meetings.

The meetings took place at the Pegasus hotel where Carter was a guest.

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Originally Posted by Georgie:

Granger as per protocol took himself and only himself.


The real Presidential Candidate of the PPP.  BHURAT took the FAKE Presidential Candidate for the meeting.


Carter held separate discussions with Ramotar and Granger before departure

The Carter Center has confirmed the departure of former US President Jimmy Carter who was forced to leave Guyana early on Sunday over a health complaint.

In a statement, The Carter Center said its election observation mission in Guyana is continuing its work and will keep Mr. Carter informed of developments.

“President Carter is hopeful about Guyana’s election and expressed his commitment and that of The Carter Center to supporting Guyana in the days ahead, stressing the need for a peaceful process before, during, and after the election”, the statement added.

Before leaving Guyana on Sunday, Mr. Carter held separate meetings with President Donald Ramotar and APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate, David Granger.

President Donald Ramotar took along former President Bharrat Jagdeo for his meeting.

Former Barbados Foreign Minister Billie Miller who is part of the Carter Center Observer team also attended the meetings.

The meetings took place at the Pegasus hotel where Carter was a guest.

Look at Granger smile and the old haggard Ramu tar.


IT IS KARMA, the devils are punishing mentally.




HAHAHAAAA, dat dam Duck cyan say shit without Jaggy deh beside him with he hanz stuck up Ramos arse movin he head an doin a good dam ventriloquist act deh. HAHAHA!!! 

Ohhhh rass tear water coming outta ma eye now ..It couldn't get any betta dan dat.


So hear nuh, anybody got ah exit poll from dem meetings?

Last edited by cain

Quote "President Donald Ramotar took along former President Bharrat Jagdeo for his meeting." unquote


Shows that Donald Duck does not have confidence in himself, he is not up to it to stand up to Carter.


Firstly Carter wants to bugger these two *******s by making them go to the Badal's Pegasus  instead their bastard child the "Marriot" which was build with 'blood Money'


Jagdeo and Rumoutar has no shame.

Originally Posted by asj:
Firstly Carter wants to .......... by making them go to the Badal's Pegasus  instead their bastard child the "Marriot" which was build with 'blood Money'




Good observation ASJ


Wishing Mr. Carter a speedy recovery. Maybe he skipped out of town after seeing the post I made  last week about he and his team being brave souls to visit Guyana, wearing bullet proof vests throughout their stay, etc. 

Originally Posted by Observer:

Wishing Mr. Carter a speedy recovery. Maybe he skipped out of town after seeing the post I made  last week about he and his team being brave souls to visit Guyana, wearing bullet proof vests throughout their stay, etc. 

He couldn't stand the stench. Guyana stinks. I was there a few months ago.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Wishing Mr. Carter a speedy recovery. Maybe he skipped out of town after seeing the post I made  last week about he and his team being brave souls to visit Guyana, wearing bullet proof vests throughout their stay, etc. 

He couldn't stand the stench. Guyana stinks. I was there a few months ago.

Carter left because he was afraid that the situation in GT. PNC supporters will loot and burn if their party lost.


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