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Carter Center can return if it goes through ‘right channels,’ complies with COVID rules -Harmon

The Carter Center can return to Guyana to observe the national recount of votes if it requests permission through the right channels and complies with the measures in place to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), according to government spokesman Joseph Harmon.


“If you are coming from overseas, you have to be tested and you have to have a certificate that is valid, I believe, for seven days or so. If you do not have that and you get permission and you come here you have to be quarantined for 14 days,” Harmon said in response to question posed by Sunday Stabroek yesterday outside the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC).

Harmon, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National COVID-19 Taskforce Secretariat, told the media yesterday that his government has nothing against the elections observer group.



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Guyana govt breaks silence on absence of Carter Centre observer mission


The Guyana government Saturday afternoon broke its more than one week silence on why the Carter Centre observer mission was not allowed to return to the country to observe the recount of votes cast in the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections.

Chief Executive Officer of the COVID-19 Task Force, Joseph Harmon said Guyanese authorities informed that based on guidelines to tackle the disease, approval had been granted for a plane with pilot and crew members to come to Guyana to transport outgoing foreign nationals and residents.

Harmon said government never gave a directive for the Carter Centre team to come to Guyana but when they were not aboard the plane. “First of all, when the application was made, the application was made for an aircraft to come and then at the last minute, we were advised that the Carter Centre team would be on the aircraft. We didn’t say take them off, we didn’t say that they should come. We didn’t say anything like that. What we learnt is that when the aircraft arrived here, they were not here; they were not on the flight,” he said.

Harmon pointed out that permission was granted for the aircraft and crew to come to Guyana.

Due to COVID-19 , there is a tight restriction on international flights in an effort to contain the disease that up to Saturday killed 11 people and sickened 87 others.

The United States and Canada had publicly urged President David Granger to approve the return of the Carter Centre observer mission. Harmon sought to assure that the Granger administration had no problem with the Carter Centre and was not opposed to scrutiny.

The senior government official indicated that his A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) was banking on the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) three-member team to determine whether the March 2, 2020 elections are credible.

Harmon says a representative of the Carter Centre can come if the request is made through the right channels, but if he or she has not been tested for COVID-19 that person would have to be quarantined for 14 days. “If you are coming from overseas, you have to be tested and you have to have a certificate that is valid, I believe, for seven days or so. If you do not have that and you get permission and you come here you have to be quarantined for fourteen days,” he said.

The US Embassy here had said that it had requested the return of the Carter Centre team through the diplomatic channels and after it was declined, an approach was made at the “highest levels”- a suggestion that that meant President Granger.

In his most recent address to the nation, Granger made no mention of the Carter Centre or any other international observer mission, but highlighted the presence of the CARICOM team of scrutineers.


They know they have shit in their faces. Now they invoking Covid.  But Exxon was allowed to bring in 50 people without any special measures. 

These PNC bullies think they prapa clever.

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

They using Covid 19 to stay in power. Maybe to rlgg region 4 votes. Watch out the covid vaccine coming and America wants democracy.

There is a report out somewhere tracking how dictators are using Covid to increase power and suppress opposition.


This is the perfect time for the PPP to negotiate for a separate independent nation for its followers and supporters with the United States because we don't want to be rules by racist anti-koolies and the other side does not want to be ruled by koolies.

@cain posted:

They going in to help with observing recount too?

Recounts of how many defenseless dogs, cats, snakes, alligators, iguanas, lizards, etc. left for them to finish off? After that what is left human beings? Chinese are not good for the rest of the world. Let them stay in China and destroy themselves.

@Prashad posted:

This is the perfect time for the PPP to negotiate for a separate independent nation for its followers and supporters with the United States because we don't want to be rules by racist anti-koolies and the other side does not want to be ruled by koolies.

Stand down soldier.  Guyana is not about to be split into blackman and Coolieman territories. We cannot allow black People to starve themselves.


@Ramakant-P posted:

Stand down soldier.  Guyana is not about to be split into blackman and Coolieman territories. We cannot allow black People to starve themselves.


Maybe Tootie bwoy should read this comment.

@Former Member posted:

Recounts of how many defenseless dogs, cats, snakes, alligators, iguanas, lizards, etc. left for them to finish off? After that what is left human beings? Chinese are not good for the rest of the world. Let them stay in China and destroy themselves.

On top of everything else @Former Memberhates Chinese people.  What a pathetic person!  Does he know that it is Chinese financing that is keeping his beloved USA afloat? 

@Totaram posted:

On top of everything else @Former Memberhates Chinese people.  What a pathetic person!  Does he know that it is Chinese financing that is keeping his beloved USA afloat? 

GayBoy, let me tell you this. I don't give a rat's cunny what the Chinese contribute to America. I worked and paid my share of taxes like everyone else and still do. I did not ask the Chinese for food or anything else. If the government chooses to indulge the Chinese in America, that's the government's problem. I hate every race, including my own. So don't bring this hate SOB story to me. Even though I cuss you down, I will not hate you if you are a decent human being. I hate all freeloaders who want to exploit anyone and everyone. What the problem working for what you want?

@Former Member posted:

GayBoy, let me tell you this. I don't give a rat's cunny what the Chinese contribute to America. I worked and paid my share of taxes like everyone else and still do. I did not ask the Chinese for food or anything else. If the government chooses to indulge the Chinese in America, that's the government's problem. I hate every race, including my own. So don't bring this hate SOB story to me. Even though I cuss you down, I will not hate you if you are a decent human being. I hate all freeloaders who want to exploit anyone and everyone. What the problem working for what you want?

Aha....he is getting closer to therapy.  Skelden man is losing it.  Get back to your therapist, in N. Minneapolis or Bloomington or wherever.  

@Totaram posted:

Aha....he is getting closer to therapy.  Skelden man is losing it.  Get back to your therapist, in N. Minneapolis or Bloomington or wherever.  

RoReTotie, You need to back to congress place and do some work for the taxpayers' money they supported you with your wrestling scholarship.

@Former Member posted:

RoReTotie, You need to back to congress place and do some work for the taxpayers' money they supported you with your wrestling scholarship.

Why bother to respond to Totarum? He has nothing constructive to say..  He is delusional.


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