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May 11 2020


The Carter Center remains interested in observing the recount of votes from the March 2nd general elections and will be following up with the authorities here on requests that were submitted last week.

It is also fully prepared to comply with COVID-19 pandemic guidelines, according to its spokesperson Soyia Ellison.

In response to queries from Stabroek News over the weekend, Elllison today told Stabroek News:

The Carter Center is interested in returning to observe the recount and has expressed this interest in letters to various government officials, including members of Guyana’s National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF).
The Center has taken note of the recent comments by Joe Harmon, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National COVID-19 Taskforce Secretariat, indicating that the Center can return to Guyana to observe the recount. We are following up to confirm that the requests we submitted last week have been received and that we intend to comply with measures in place to prevent the spread COVID-19.

 On Saturday, Harmon had said that the Carter Center can return to Guyana to observe the national recount of votes if it requests permission through the right channels and complies with the measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

β€œIf you are coming from overseas, you have to be tested and you have to have a certificate that is valid, I believe, for seven days or so. If you do not have that and you get permission and you come here you have to be quarantined for 14 days,” Harmon said in response to question posed by Sunday Stabroek outside the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

The Center had hoped to fly in an observer on May 4 for the start of the recount but was unable to do so as COVID-19 requirements had not been addressed. The recount still has weeks to go and Western countries and the private sector have urged that the Center be allowed to return.

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BREAKING NEWS!!! President opposed Carter Center’s re-entry to Guyana

May 11, 2020 News 0 , Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-re-entry-to-guyana/

After a week of shifting narratives on who in government was responsible for blocking approval of the Carter Center observer team’s return, a document has emerged indicating that it was the President, communicating through the Minister of Foreign Affairs who opposed the team’s reentry into Guyana, citing the airport lockdown. The correspondence to the US Ambassador is here.


The Carter Center played a pivotal role in helping to promote democracy and forcing Hoyte to allow the transition in 1992. The PNC has never forgiven the Center for that. The Center has more weight than any of the observer missions, given the US concern over the Mingo ingoing of the results...the coalition has a reason to delay their presence, or putrightly prevent them from entering Guyana....where is that knucklehead...Totieram??? 


It’s funny watching the PNC hiring a private consulting firm to push their narratives yet thumb their noses at the Carter Center and attack the local US ambassador with meddling.  Who they think the USG will listen to?  They lobbying for their narrative to be heard but recruit a lil two-bit local Panther senator to tell big men to butt out. He should know, there is a place for boys and for men.

Last edited by Former Member
@VishMahabir posted:

The Carter Center played a pivotal role in helping to promote democracy and forcing Hoyte to allow the transition in 1992. The PNC has never forgiven the Center for that. The Center has more weight than any of the observer missions, given the US concern over the Mingo ingoing of the results...the coalition has a reason to delay their presence, or putrightly prevent them from entering Guyana....where is that knucklehead...Totieram??? 

Hello you POS and I don't mean Port of Spain!

@Former Member posted:

The virus came from China.

Source/origin of the Coronavirus is not confirmed with qualified and verified proof.

Currently, there are varied thoughts on its origin.

From the number of sources, an article from Medical News Today provides an explanation of this issue.


In the case of the new coronavirus, initial reports from China tied the outbreak to a seafood market in central Wuhan. As a result, local authorities closed down the market on January 1, 2020.

However, later assessments have suggested that this market was unlikely to be the single source of the coronavirus outbreak, as some of the people with the virus had not been frequenting it.

Specialists have not yet been able to determine the true source of the virus or even confirm if there was a single original reservoir.

When MNT contacted the WHO for comment, their spokespeople emphasized:

β€œWe don’t yet know [what the specific source of SARS-CoV-2 was]. Researchers in China are studying this but have not yet identified a source.”


Title --  Novel coronavirus: Your questions, answered

Source - Medical News Today -- https://www.medicalnewstoday.c...r-questions-answered

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Source/origin of the Coronavirus is not confirmed with qualified and verified proof.

Currently, there are varied thoughts on its origin.

From the number of sources, an article from Medical News Today provides an explanation of this issue.


In the case of the new coronavirus, initial reports from China tied the outbreak to a seafood market in central Wuhan. As a result, local authorities closed down the market on January 1, 2020.

However, later assessments have suggested that this market was unlikely to be the single source of the coronavirus outbreak, as some of the people with the virus had not been frequenting it.

Specialists have not yet been able to determine the true source of the virus or even confirm if there was a single original reservoir.

When MNT contacted the WHO for comment, their spokespeople emphasized:

β€œWe don’t yet know [what the specific source of SARS-CoV-2 was]. Researchers in China are studying this but have not yet identified a source.”


Title --  Novel coronavirus: Your questions, answered

Source - Medical News Today -- https://www.medicalnewstoday.c...r-questions-answered

Well just look at that!  The Chinese did not only infect our lungs with their virus, they infected the feeble minded with their communist propaganda.

China developed this virus in a lab in Wuhan.  They likely were performing animal testing and an animal got away.  This animal either ended up in the wet market or infected another animal which ended up in the wet market.

When the infection was detected, they were probably caught off guard and tried to deny and even threaten the doctor who discovered the virus.  He ended up dying of it.  But the infection spread.  The Chinese knew how to contain and it was well contained.  The know the virus better than anyone else.

It's funny hearing you people giving credence to the Chinese Communist researchers and the PRC infected WHO, an organization which towed the PRC line and refused to even acknowledge a pandemic until it had swarmed over us.

I believe the Chinese had intended to use it against the Weger people who challenge the Communist regime.

@Former Member posted:

China developed this virus in a lab in Wuhan.  They likely were performing animal testing and an animal got away

I believe the Chinese had intended to use it against the Weger people who challenge the Communist regime.

You babble dis, dat an' dee addah with if this is changed to those, these plus the others do not exist and your further babble, babble burrpp, then ... voilΓ  ... you are propagating your baseless view.   

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You babble, babble, dis, dat an' dee addah with if this is changed to those, these plus the others do not exist and your further babble, babble burrpp, then ... voilΓ  ... you are propagating your far-fetched view.   

I'm putting forward a hypothesis!  The Law of Relativity was once a hypothesis!   Many of his peers thought he was talking nonsense as it was not mainstream thinking.  Pastor Manning is also treated with such contempt.

@Ramakant-P posted:

What lies ahead  for the Carter Centre?   The centre has been proven to be a farce.  They get money from Obama and they are not honest. Carter Centre helped GECOM rigged the 2015 election and they are here to do the same in 2020.

It was Cheeseburger Gay FatBoy Gary Hunt and Steve Surujbali that rigged Guyana's election in 2015 in favor of the PNC. The recount request was denied at the behest of the GayBoy and Surujbali. Surujbali should be jailed for at least 5 years. The case has still not being heard at the request of the negro PNc judges.

@Ramakant-P posted:

What lies ahead  for the Carter Centre?   The centre has been proven to be a farce.  They get money from Obama and they are not honest. Carter Centre helped GECOM rigged the 2015 election and they are here to do the same in 2020.

It is sad that your poisoned opinion is given space

Carter Centre is recognized worldwide and it the game changer in Guyana's fledging democracy

The Carter Centre must be accommodated in the recount in Guyana

Vish M

Guyana gives special permission for 6-8 flights of oil workers, but no approval for Carter Center

, Source -

Guyana’s airports have been shut since March 17, but special permission has been granted for between 6-8 flights of oil workers, Egbert Field, the head of the country’s aviation authority said on Wednesday.

But the pleadings of representatives of international Governments, including the United States, Canada, the EU, and the United Nations, for observers of the Carter Center to return to observe the recount process have been blanked by President David Granger.

Workers on oil ships include those from the Philippines, Germany, Ireland, Singapore, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Ukraine.

While the ports are closed, the Order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 disease states that the Government can grant approval for outgoing flights, cargo flights, medical evacuation flights, technical stops for fuel only, and β€œspecial authorised flights.”

Field told the News Room in a telephone interview that staff for ExxonMobil is rotated every 28 days and the workers come from different countries.

There have been other special flights that were allowed in, such as those to take out foreigners in Guyana.

For a recent flight to take out Americans, the American Government had asked for observers from the Carter Center and others from the International Republic Institute who were providing technical support, to be allowed to board the aircraft coming from Miami. But the request was denied flatly.

β€œThe Government of Guyana requests that its measures to protect its citizens from the disease are respected,” Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Karen Cummings wrote to the U.S. Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch.

She said she was writing on behalf of the President. She chose not to even mention the name of the Carter Center in her response.

And while the oil workers have been allowed in, Guyanese stranded in various countries have been pleading for the Government to allow them to return home, but their requests have also been blanked.

The international community had requested the presence of the Carter Center to observe the recount of votes cast on March 2. The Carter Center had been critical in the return of free and fair elections to Guyana.

While the request was initially denied, there was a request for the Government to reconsider the decision, but there has been no word as yet. Carter, Co-Leader of the Carter Center observer mission


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