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Former Member

Carter Center urges resumption of Region 4 count as soon as possible

In the wake of news that the vote count in the Region Four Returning Office has been suspended, Co-leader of the Carter Center Observer Mission and former Senegal Prime Minister Aminata Toure, has urged that the count be resumed as soon as possible.

Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo is no longer at his station, having been rushed to the hospital earlier today after falling ill.

In the wake of concern over the suspended count, Toure addressed the matter at a Carter Centre press conference a short while ago.

“We hope that the counting will resume very quickly and everything will be completed to the end, so the process will remain very transparent all the way to the end, for the final results,” she said.

Mingo is said to be admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital and is currently being monitored.

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PNC has demonstrated what the Carter Centre knew all along. Their wickedness and crookedness. They can play all the games that they want.

I would have preferred ABC intervene and call on GECOM chairman to act. The country is anxiously awaiting a PPP victory announcement. 

This proves that Granger has no class.


They were hoping that the observers depart, a failed strategy.

Going forward, Guyana needs an accredited international accounting firm  overseeing the tallying process at GECOM office.

Last edited by Former Member


Yes but Guyana is in the Western Hemisphere, most people are civil, humane and intelligent in the west but not those..

Dude, I bet even now you would not be caught in Bayside NY, or Fishtown Philly etc or some places in the rural south where they still think they are sundown towns. Evil people exists in all culture and of all intellectual aptitude. Have you ever been to France or Germany or even Spain? They have no qualms calling you ****** etc.


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