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A flier with the cartoon in circulation

The Alliance for Change (AFC) is upset by a cartoon depicting Nigel Hughes’ defense of gun-touting criminals it said is being distributed by the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP). Ex PPP member Moses Nagamootoo lashed out at his former party calling the move racist.Hughes has faced criticism not only from the ruling party but across civil society over his repeated appearance on behalf of criminals in court that is often done on a pro bono basis.


Recently he was successful in his defense of Lusignan massacre accused James Hyles. However, it was later revealed that Hughes had a lawyer-client relationship with the foreman of the jury in that matter which they both failed to declare.The foreman was banned for life at a hearing that took place after the verdict had already been given.As the anniversary of the Lusignan massacre approached recently numerous calls were made for Hughes to be sanctioned and questions arose about the silence of several organizations including the GHRA, Red Thread and Guyana Bar Association. Several AFC members also publicly criticized Hughes over the matter and the party is also losing support over the actions of its chairman.

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(AFC) is upset by a cartoon depicting Nigel Hughes. (?)


I thought the AFC understands democracy and free expression to brush off a simple cartoon. Who in the AFC is Allah to be offended and put out fatwah on the cartoonist head?  


The massive defections from the AFC , has caused that political gathering to become very thin skin and snaps at anything they don't compliments them.....the AFC end has come 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The massive defections from the AFC , has caused that political gathering to become very thin skin and snaps at anything they don't compliments them.....the AFC end has come 


AFC is finished.  The cartoon is an accurate depiction of Nigel. Remember Linden and Agricola ? 


What was TK doing in Guyana when one of these riots broke out ? Should the government keep a close watch on trouble makers ?


No amount of damage control can save the AFC, cause they are broken beyond repair, the defections from the New York chapter and their main organizers from region 6, was the straw that broken their back.


Bar Association says comment on Nigel Hughes fiasco not within its remit despite doing so on other instances


By Faruk Mohamed

A Kaieteur News clipping of an opinion expressed by GBA.

I HAVE noted with disbelief, the recent public statements of the Guyana Bar Association (GBA) and the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers (GAWL).  Instead of offering a critical comment on the atrocities allegedly committed by Mr. Nigel Hughes in the Lusignan massacre murder trial, they both sought not only to defend him by their refusal to merely issue a critical statement, but they proceeded to attack the Attorney General for requesting a comment from their associations.

Well, the GBA and GAWL have spoken and for that I am grateful.  Their now public position has finally removed their masks and all doubts.  The Guyanese public can now see their true faces.  The Attorney-General framed it nicely “... in the war against crime, there are but only two sides. You either stand on the side of the law and the law abiding or you stand on the side of crime and the criminals.” Now that the GBA and GAWL have officially spoken, the nation is now aware on which side of the divide they stand. This has not only cleared the doubts in the minds of many, but has confirmed the suspicions of many.

The GBA claims that the allegations of professional misconduct against Mr. Hughes committed in a court of law are not within their remit even to comment on. I am appalled. The GAWL was even more outrageous. They argue that it is not within their mandate to comment publicly on issues which “are not perceived to concern them.” What a bizarre statement!
The record will show, however, that over the years, both of these organisations have issued a plethora of statements about matters which are “outside their remit” and “which do not concern them.”  Some of these statements were issued while Mr. Hughes was president of the GBA.  I recall statements issued criticising the government on innumerable occasions; they issued statements condemnatory of the police for alleging throwing methylated spirits on the genitals of a teenager; they issued statements condemnatory of Henry Greene, former commissioner of police and a lawyer when the DPP advised that he should be charged with rape; and they issued a statement quite recently calling for local government elections.  I can list another 100 of these statements. None of these statements concern matters which are in the “remit” or the GBA or “perceived to concern” the GAWL. On what basis did they issue these statements?  Are these organisations contaminated by politics and therefore, are only activated to be critical of the government or some person connected to the government?
The truth is that the executive of these two learned organisations have embarrassed themselves and their “honourable” profession. One now wonders how they will ever be able to issue another statement again, on matters which organisations like theirs should really make statements.  Oh what a tangled web we weave!
Significantly, I have looked at the aims and objectives which are contained in the Mission Statement of the GBA. It includes, “to lay down rules regarding the etiquette and practice of the legal profession and to uphold the rule of law”. The GBA’s position therefore, that it is beyond their remit to even comment on Mr. Hughes’s conduct is more than mind boggling.   Sadly, as a result of this saga, the GBA and GAWL are two organisations whose credibility is now severely damaged, perhaps beyond repair.


Well said!

"In the war against crime, there are but only two sides. You either stand on the side of the law and the law abiding or you stand on the side of crime and the criminals.”

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The massive defections from the AFC , has caused that political gathering to become very thin skin and snaps at anything they don't compliments them.....the AFC end has come 


AFC is finished.  The cartoon is an accurate depiction of Nigel. Remember Linden and Agricola ? 


What was TK doing in Guyana when one of these riots broke out ? Should the government keep a close watch on trouble makers ?


 Dr TK has mystical powers. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Well said!

"In the war against crime, there are but only two sides. You either stand on the side of the law and the law abiding or you stand on the side of crime and the criminals.”

when the government was on the side of roger khan was this not on the side of crime and crimimals ask sawh brother-in-law

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Well said!

"In the war against crime, there are but only two sides. You either stand on the side of the law and the law abiding or you stand on the side of crime and the criminals.”

when the government was on the side of roger khan was this not on the side of crime and crimimals ask sawh brother-in-law


Jagdeo/Roger Khan killed Minister Shaw. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Well said!

"In the war against crime, there are but only two sides. You either stand on the side of the law and the law abiding or you stand on the side of crime and the criminals.”

when the government was on the side of roger khan was this not on the side of crime and crimimals ask sawh brother-in-law


Jagdeo/Roger Khan killed Minister Shaw. 

and support by the ppp government

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Well said!

"In the war against crime, there are but only two sides. You either stand on the side of the law and the law abiding or you stand on the side of crime and the criminals.”

when the government was on the side of roger khan was this not on the side of crime and crimimals ask sawh brother-in-law

The government had nothing to do with Roger Khan; he was a vigilantly and acted on his own to rid crimes. In some countries, law enforcement relies on vigilantly to clean up the street from criminals.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Well said!

"In the war against crime, there are but only two sides. You either stand on the side of the law and the law abiding or you stand on the side of crime and the criminals.”

The PPP/Crooks choose to stand on the side of crime. Jagdeo said he knows who killed Sash Sawh; he protected Roger Khan,.

May 31, 2013 | By KNews 
 Here is the most graphic fact that no international expert on drug trafficking can ignore about Guyana. Not one, I repeat, not one of the super-rich traffickers has been charged much less pass through a court trial. Not one, I repeat not even one of the most conspicuous money-launderers has even been charged, much less face a court hearing.

Contrast this lack of action on the drug front with the following facts. Dozens of persons are either on remand or in jail for incest; dozens of persons are either on remand or in jail for domestic abuse. Citizens in this country get hauled before the courts for all kinds of criminal violations, but the washers of money and the cocaine owners remain untouched. Is there an explanation? Yes, and it is a simple one.

People in Guyana get prosecuted for a silly, unimportant thing like cross-dressing but somehow the law misses out on the drug lords and the washing machine owners who launder money. Even the importation of squibs gets more police attention. Last year Christmas, KN sports journalist Rawle Welch and I were in Charlestown heading toward KN offices when we saw a huge commotion in the street. A semi-homeless guy had sold squibs to an undercover policeman.

So why are the washers of money and the cocaine traders untouchable? Because politics is the intersection. The drug lords have powerful political connections, and the police are fully conscious that the untouchables must not be touched. It looks like the Americans are finally awakened from sleeping in that large edifice on Young Street opposite the seawall.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Well said!

"In the war against crime, there are but only two sides. You either stand on the side of the law and the law abiding or you stand on the side of crime and the criminals.”

The PPP/Crooks choose to stand on the side of crime. Jagdeo said he knows who killed Sash Sawh; he protected Roger Khan,.

If President Jagdeo said he knew who committed the crime, he didn't say it was Roger Khan either. These types of implication put people in jail in the United States for defamation of character. Please show us where an investigation took place and the findings indicate that Roger Khan is the prime suspect in Sash Sawh's murder?


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