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@Former Member posted:


Thanks for the warning. 

I will be careful.

Yes Athena, it was serious where one poster left his state and travelled to the state of a female poster to harass her at work. She had to change her phone number and almost lost her job. I later met the female poster  thru mutual friends and relatives. Be extremely cautious with your personal information, 'friends' here have turned on each other.  Do not hint about your personal life, because it can be used against you. 

Recently before you came, a female and male poster whom we suspect met personally, had fiery exchanges with each other.  


Athena girl,  don't trust people you don't know. If there is one man you can truly trust on GNI it's me, Billy.  I have an impeccable record on GNI.  Messrs. Django and Mitwah can vouch for me. I want to see more women get involved in politics and other professional areas.  Women have a lot to offer and our country can benefit greatly

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

Athena girl,  don't trust people you don't know. If there is one man you can truly trust on GNI it's me, Billy.  I have an impeccable record on GNI.  Messrs. Django and Mitwah can vouch for me. I want to see more women get involved in politics and other professional areas.  Women have a lot to offer and our country can benefit greatly

The name Billy Ram Balgobin sounds like John Bhai Walton of TV series Walton's Mountain. 

Athena, if Billy is so sure of his impeccability, let me do your screening first. 



Most of these guys on GNI are pseudos.  They have wasted many of their best years pursuing stuffs that bear little or no fruit. Trust Billy when he speaks about them.  Most of them are confused about which party to follow or trust.

Athena, BRB sounds very enterprising. I don't know if he knows a village name Enterprise. Anyway he is a good guy most of the time and he can sing too when he knack a shat or 2. 

@Prashad posted:

So that is why Demerara Guy is always pissed when I use the term Paki.

I will also be angry if I hear anyone calling a person by a derogatory  name.  I believe people from diverse background  have enough things thrown at them for no reason and to be called names by an arrogant and selfish person, is just too much.

Recently a large American truck and camper was parked on the fire zone near our Costco, that was also dangerous for people walking close to traffic.  By law they should have gone straight to Alaska or back home and not stop on the way. 

When I suggested they  move to the proper parking place, he replied ' 'What its to you black boy'. So I calmly called the RCMP, who gave him  a ticket for parking in a fire zone and told him to move immediately, or he will call a tow truck. He snickered at me while driving away and I was tempted to give him the finger, which is a non-Canadian thing to do.

I gotto remind our kids to sew the Canadian flag on their backpacks while travelling.     

@Former Member posted

Regarding backward politicians why did the majority of the voters rejected the coalition if they were less backward? Are you suggesting that they cannot be trusted to decide who to vote for?

Yep! They voted the PPP out for a number of reasons, they now vote em back in. I do agree the Granger govt dropped the ball and perhaps need a wake up call but to vote a party back into power is same shit different day.

So now. Why couldn't the votes go to the smaller parties instead of putting the same creeps back into power, this way both APNU and PPP would have learned a lesson?

Hence my answer, yep!

@cain posted:

Yep! They voted the PPP out for a number of reasons, they now vote em back in. I do agree the Granger govt dropped the ball and perhaps need a wake up call but to vote a party back into power is same shit different day.

So now. Why couldn't the votes go to the smaller parties instead of putting the same creeps back into power, this way both APNU and PPP would have learned a lesson?

Hence my answer, yep!

The reality is that while the smaller parties continue to grow and develop the necessary credibility Guyanese voters are faced with either choosing the PPP or the PNC. They chose the PNC in 2015 and now they went back to the PPP because the PNC was worse. The AFC was making great strides in developing that credibility which could have one day overtaken both the PPP and PNC but they were too impatient not willing to put in the necessary time to get there so they joined with the PNC and watch excruciatingly as their party and themselves get devoured by the PNC.

@cain posted:

Yep! They voted the PPP out for a number of reasons, they now vote em back in. I do agree the Granger govt dropped the ball and perhaps need a wake up call but to vote a party back into power is same shit different day.

So now. Why couldn't the votes go to the smaller parties instead of putting the same creeps back into power, this way both APNU and PPP would have learned a lesson?

Hence my answer, yep!

Because the smaller parties support the PNC. It's up to the People. Which one of the smaller parties is viable?


Schools may or may not be open in September. While transportation for students that lives many miles away is of utmost importance, I think we may hear some positive news from the minister of education on the topic. We have to be positive for the convenience and education of our children.  It would be very sad if they don't and that will go against the new administration record.

Last edited by Former Member

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