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Vish M posted:

He was a significant item in the world especially to USA.


Now Obama will be going to Cuba ahead of schedule

He decided on his own for two generations of Cubans, what their life was to be. It was hell for many, broked dreams for most, and marginal existence for all. He should have done the right thing and liberalized the economy when the Soviet Union fell. He was the last of the Soviet style  hold outs and now his brother, is clinging to his dictum.

Last edited by Former Member

HAVANA (AP) — Ramon Castro, a lifelong rancher and farmer who bore a strong physical resemblance to younger brother Fidel Castro, has died, Cuban state media announced Tuesday. He was 91.

Widely known by his nickname "Mongo," the white-bearded Ramon Castro preferred tending crops and livestock to the revolutionary political life embraced by his younger siblings Fidel and Raul, who replaced Fidel as Cuba's president in February 2008.


baseman posted:
Mars posted:

It's a great day when these Commie Tyrants bite the dust.

True, thanks for Biological expiry dates.  Imagine still having the "great" leader Burnham around leading his flock!!

But then again, maybe he be up with learning curve by now!!

Burnham or Jagan at the helm, we would have ended up in the same doodoo because they were two Commie Clowns cut from the same bolt of cloth. Yes, thanks for biological expiry dates. Hopefully the Commies we still have alive are not too influential enough to lead us back to the dark ages.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Someone told me that this is a good time to invest in real estate in the Miami area because the lifting of the embargo will generate tremendous economic activities there. I'm yet to read any such thing in any respected business publication.

By the time you read this in a respected publication the prices would be so high it will be unaffordable.  Whoever told you that is a visionary.

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
Vish M posted:

He was a significant item in the world especially to USA.


Now Obama will be going to Cuba ahead of schedule

He decided on his own for two generations of Cubans, what their life was to be. It was hell for many, broked dreams for most, and marginal existence for all. He should have done the right thing and liberalized the economy when the Soviet Union fell. He was the last of the Soviet style  hold outs and now his brother, is clinging to his dictum.

He maintained a significant influence in Latin American affairs in the 1960s and 1970s, but his influence began to wane in the 1980s as Ronald Reagan came to power. Castro was very popular during the early years of the revolution, along with Che Guevarra, as they sought to "liberate Latin America" from "Yankee" imperialism. His economy was subsidized by the former Soviet Union during the American blockade. Both the Soviet Union and USA almost fought a "war" during the Cold War when the Russians tried to install missiles in to Cuba during the Kennedy Administration during what was called the Cuban Missile Crisis.  

I read somewhere that Cheddi Jagan was removed from office because of his communist ideas and infatuation with Castro and the Cuban revolutionaries.

Its a good thing for Cuba, which is now undergoing a gradual transition towards "perestroika". I believe Cuba, once it opens up, will also be a great destination area for tourists. I would like to go there someday. 

baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

Bhai, Ray tricked we/  Deh real man still alive.

Skites, I thought the man really died!

I was celebrating.

One should never celebrate the demise of another.

And to boot, you gat it wraang and now da man coming pon yuh rass!

Yall hear the one about the guy who used to abuse his wife?

This guy used to drink bush rum everyday. For years he wus drinking. 

Everyday he would come home and abuse his wife, slapping her and biting her. 

For years this continued, until he went to the hospital for cirrhosis of the liver. 

His dedicated wife, feeling sorry for him rushed him to the hospital.

But while she praying for him, he told her "even when me dead and gone, I gon come back and haunt and beat you rass.

He died the next day.

His wife, still fearful he might come back and continue the abuse, decided to bury him, in a tight casket, face down, with a large shovel in his hands!  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Someone told me that this is a good time to invest in real estate in the Miami area because the lifting of the embargo will generate tremendous economic activities there. I'm yet to read any such thing in any respected business publication.

By the time you read this in a respected publication the prices would be so high it will be unaffordable.  Whoever told you that is a visionary.

Yes, my friend. Successful investing is when you can anticipate where where everyone will be going next and get there before they do. That's when you make a real kill.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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