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Cathy Hughes

Cathy Hughes

December 17 ,2020

APNU+AFC MP Cathy Hughes is now the subject of an investigation by the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) in relation to an incendiary social media post

In a statement yesterday, the ERC said that it has immediately commenced an investigation, having been made aware of a social media post “calling for an undesirable and dangerous action which can potentially impact negatively on ethnic relations”.

It said that the post purportedly emanated from the former Minister of Public Telecommunications.

As part of the investigative process, it said that Hughes was asked to provide an explanation.

“She disassociated herself from the post in question and indicated that her social media comments on another matter were doctored to derive the post that led to much concern”, the ERC said.

The ERC said it will continue its investigation to first ascertain the authenticity of the post and then decide on any action that may be deemed necessary.

“Having only yesterday (December 15) concluded the first round of a national conversation on how ethnic relations can be improved, the Commission reiterates that any form of incitement or race hate, has no place in our society and encourages all to refrain and be responsible when making public comments”, the ERC said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Mitwah posted:

The ERC is like a dog with no teeth but with a loud bark.

Who is financing their payroll and operating expenses?

Government .

Their last Annual Report was for the year 2007

Of a budgetary estimate of one hundred and fifteen million, three hundred
and seventy-eight thousand ($115,378,000) dollars, a total of sixty-four
million, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (64,375,000) dollars
($2,810,000 for capital and $61,565,000 current) was approved for the ERC
in 2007.
Supplementary provision to the tune of four million, five hundred
thousand($4,500,000) dollars was also granted in October, 2007 to fund the
Commission’s programmes for the remainder of the year.
The Commission received a additional two million, four hundred and
thirteen thousand, four hundred and sixty-two ($2,413,462) dollars to meet
the nine (9%) percent pay increase for staff members retroactive from
January, 2009.

Last edited by Django

It's only an investigation. She hasn't been proved guilty as yet.  Let the Police do their jobs and the media reports it.

Then, and only then, can the cuss birds make their own critiques? Do not jump to conclusions and then try to prove that your conclusions are correct.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It's only an investigation. She hasn't been proved guilty as yet.  Let the Police do their jobs and the media reports it.

Then, and only then, can the cuss birds make their own critiques?

Do not jump to conclusions and then try to prove that your conclusions are correct.

What do you think we are fools ?


Looks to me like she indeed wrote it as a reaction to what Colleen Johnson wrote.

Take note also that neither her nor Nigel corrected Johnson for her comment. Their silence indicate their consent.

@Former Member posted:

Looks to me like she indeed wrote it as a reaction to what Colleen Johnson wrote.

Take note also that neither her nor Nigel corrected Johnson for her comment. Their silence indicate their consent.

Looks to like you bassidy.  Your reasoning leaves much to be desired.  Gwan daside.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It's only an investigation. She hasn't been proved guilty as yet.  Let the Police do their jobs and the media reports it.

Then, and only then, can the cuss birds make their own critiques?

Do not jump to conclusions and then try to prove that your conclusions are correct.

@Django posted:

What do you think we are fools ?

@Ramakant-P posted:


Getting the much needed political education here for free !!!

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Looks to me like she indeed wrote it as a reaction to what Colleen Johnson wrote.

Take note also that neither her nor Nigel corrected Johnson for her comment. Their silence indicate their consent.

Gwan da side and stay quiet in yuh swamp.

@Mitwah posted:

Gwan da side and stay quiet in yuh swamp.

He's here because of you. Chose his nick from I Luv U Mitwah. Likes the abuse from you. Two forums multiple nicks not enough fuh dis shit head.

@Former Member posted:

He's here because of you. Chose his nick from I Luv U Mitwah. Likes the abuse from you. Two forums multiple nicks not enough fuh dis shit head.

Some people so shameful, even black pot na gee dem shame.

@Former Member posted:

He's here because of you. Chose his nick from I Luv U Mitwah. Likes the abuse from you. Two forums multiple nicks not enough fuh dis shit head.

You get that Mitwah??

De banna LUV you!. You better stop showing your bamsy to the world.


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