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          Attorney-at-law, Kamal Ramkarran 


June 22 2019


The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) is set to give its much anticipated consequential orders on Monday but Attorney-at-law, Kamal Ramkarran has noted that the court cannot force the Government to obey those orders.

Speaking at a panel discussion on ‘CCJ’s rulings and their implications for democracy in Guyana’ on Friday evening, Ramkarran said while the court has orders of contempt which gives it certain powers, “the CCJ is not going to lock up the President of this country…it is never going to happen because there has to be some sort of distinction between the court and the State.”

However, he said it must be understood the extent of which failure to adhere to the orders will affect Guyana internationally.

“What happens though, is that everyone in the world will know this is a country where the rule of law is not respected, the orders of court are not obeyed and that says something about who you are as a country so it does have implications for democracy,” he said during his address to the gathering at the Cheddi Jagan Reading and Research Centre.

He added that “you’re no longer a democratic country if you don’t obey the orders of the court.”

Ramkarran represented Christopher Ram who filed an application with the CCJ to reverse or set aside the Guyana Appeal Court ruling that the December 21st No-Confidence motion was invalidly passed.

The court handed down its judgement on Tuesday last in which it ruled that the motion was properly passed against the Government.

The CCJ asked the Government and Opposition to meet and find a consensus on the way forward before Monday to deliver its consequential orders.

Former Attorney General and Executive Member of the PPP, Anil Nandlall on Friday evening disclosed that the Opposition has submitted a list of proposals to the court.

A section of the gathering on Friday evening

He said the party’s proposal includes requests for a timeframe to be given for the holding of general elections and a timeframe for the appointment of a new chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) since the  CCJ nullified the appointment of the chair of the elections body.

However, Nandlall said the party is also “asking for a date to go back to the court if orders that the court makes are not implemented.”

“From all indications we will have a struggle, that is why,” he said.

President David Granger has since invited the Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo to a meeting to discuss the political situation and the orders of the CCJ.

The PPP is also requesting that the court orders that the list of voters which expired at the end of April 2019 be used to hold elections. If this order is granted, it means there will be no house-to-house registration as is being advocated for by the Government.

The APNU+AFC Coalition is insisting on house-to-house registration as it argues that many persons will not be allowed to vote but Nandlall said, “the list we are arguing for is the one which was valid at March 21st, any other list will be subject to jiggery- pokery” –an informal British term meaning deceitful or dishonest behaviour.

Also delivering remarks on Friday evening was political activist, Christopher Ram, who pointed to the Government’s utterances over the past few days as “reckless and undemocratic.”

He said it is a cause for “great alarm” that Government Ministers would make remarks calling for war, referring to comments made by Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan during a recent outreach to Bartica, Region Seven.

“We have a damaged image and we’re destroying our international reputation,” he noted.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We know that, like we knew 33 is the majority of 65.  

Like they don’t see what the PNC cares about and don’t care about.  

This reputation thing is transient.  PNC focus is on self preservation.  They will treat Exxon well, America happy, and alls well that ends well.  They don’t care about anything else at this moment in time!

Baseman posted:

We know that, like we knew 33 is the majority of 65.  

Like they don’t see what the PNC cares about and don’t care about.  

This reputation thing is transient.  PNC focus is on self preservation.  They will treat Exxon well, America happy, and alls well that ends well.  They don’t care about anything else at this moment in time!

nothing wrong with "self preservation" that's what incumbency is all about

you make it a dirty word . . . why?

usurpation by PPP tiefman through coerced FRAUD elections should be the thing of grave concern to you . . . no?


HEHEHEHEHE I have to Laff but I am convinced mental slavery is taught at sophia. Like pavlov DOGS, the PNC supporters get "Conditioned" at Sophia to be DUMB, OBEDIENT, SLAVISH and to obey orders and direction at all time.

ronan posted:

'future crime' scare tactics

Kamal Ramkarran mussbe taking lessons from PPP posters on GNI


You are just a die hard PNC apologist in denial. The problem with people like you is like the other side - the Yugli gang - they can see all that is wrong with PNC but PPP can do no wrong. You instantly recognize Kamal Ramkarran as PPP boy but fail to see the two high court juges  rule NVC in favor of PNC as bias. They needed the CCJ to teach them basic math.  Don't fool yourself, it really dose'nt  take a rocket scientist to see through you.... 


CCJ, the final court, has made its decisions on the issues.

It is for the Guyana government to obey / not -to-obey the decisions.

Fundamental issues are ...

1. December 21, 2018 decision is valid; government is defeated hence the need for elections within three months.

2. Appointment of GECOM Chairman is invalid.

Hence, it will be of interest to see what will on-fold.

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

'future crime' scare tactics

Kamal Ramkarran mussbe taking lessons from PPP posters on GNI


You are just a die hard PNC apologist in denial. The problem with people like you is like the other side - the Yugli gang - they can see all that is wrong with PNC but PPP can do no wrong. You instantly recognize Kamal Ramkarran as PPP boy but fail to see the two high court juges  rule NVC in favor of PNC as bias. They needed the CCJ to teach them basic math.

and, in turn, you are simply the latest in line to mark your name in the book of stupidness

somehow, somehow, ID'ing CERTAIN feet-of-clay political people and pointing to their propaganda sins (remember VishMahabir throwing a fit when i called out SN's Anand Persaud by name) causes heretofore sensible folks to lose their common sense and start babbling non sequitur incoherent as if demon-possessed

hmmm . . .?


The CCJ reminds me of the Supreme Court of Israel. Israel is controlled by a group of Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and Orthodox Jewish Parties that believe only God can create Israel not man so they are very anti Israel but they are fully contented in using the Israeli state for as much money they can get for their fellow Orthodox jews. They just ignore the Israeli Supreme Court and their rulings. The Israeli Supreme Court has limited powers to enforce their rulings because they don't have the soldiers to back them up.

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

We know that, like we knew 33 is the majority of 65.  

Like they don’t see what the PNC cares about and don’t care about.  

This reputation thing is transient.  PNC focus is on self preservation.  They will treat Exxon well, America happy, and alls well that ends well.  They don’t care about anything else at this moment in time!

nothing wrong with "self preservation" that's what incumbency is all about

you make it a dirty word . . . why?

usurpation by PPP tiefman through coerced FRAUD elections should be the thing of grave concern to you . . . no?

Self Preservation to the detriment of democracy is not something to strive for. This completely uncreative and inane regime will do all it can to wring out every minute of time they can by what ever means necessary and remain in office. We already have the nine months to count 450k electors being floated! They also have you trying your best  to drop convenient bread crumbs about fraudulent lists meaning fraudulent elections! I would say you are moving from flatulence to flatulence! 

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

We know that, like we knew 33 is the majority of 65.  

Like they don’t see what the PNC cares about and don’t care about.  

This reputation thing is transient.  PNC focus is on self preservation.  They will treat Exxon well, America happy, and alls well that ends well.  They don’t care about anything else at this moment in time!

nothing wrong with "self preservation" that's what incumbency is all about

you make it a dirty word . . . why?

usurpation by PPP tiefman through coerced FRAUD elections should be the thing of grave concern to you . . . no?

Self Preservation to the detriment of democracy is not something to strive for. This completely uncreative and inane regime will do all it can to wring out every minute of time they can by what ever means necessary and remain in office.

you seriously think that what the PPP kleptocrats tried to do here with the Canje Block in their back pocket and their eyes focused on the 4/30/2019 expiration of the voters list is better for "DEMOCRACY" than the Gov't fighting tooth and nail to serve out their elected term and hold elections with a clean list?

you simply cannot be that dumb!!

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

We know that, like we knew 33 is the majority of 65.  

Like they don’t see what the PNC cares about and don’t care about.  

This reputation thing is transient.  PNC focus is on self preservation.  They will treat Exxon well, America happy, and alls well that ends well.  They don’t care about anything else at this moment in time!

nothing wrong with "self preservation" that's what incumbency is all about

you make it a dirty word . . . why?

usurpation by PPP tiefman through coerced FRAUD elections should be the thing of grave concern to you . . . no?

Self Preservation to the detriment of democracy is not something to strive for. This completely uncreative and inane regime will do all it can to wring out every minute of time they can by what ever means necessary and remain in office.

you seriously think that what the PPP kleptocrats tried to do here with the Canje Block in their back pocket and their eyes focused on the 4/30/2019 expiration of the voters list is better for "DEMOCRACY" than the Gov't fighting tooth and nail to serve out their elected term and hold elections with a clean list?

you simply cannot be that dumb!!

Where did I address the Canje Block in my post. You can examine the archive from 2 years back for what I think of it.We are talking elections! And I am no fan of the PPP and never saw them as better...only marginally worse.

ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

'future crime' scare tactics

Kamal Ramkarran mussbe taking lessons from PPP posters on GNI


You are just a die hard PNC apologist in denial. The problem with people like you is like the other side - the Yugli gang - they can see all that is wrong with PNC but PPP can do no wrong. You instantly recognize Kamal Ramkarran as PPP boy but fail to see the two high court juges  rule NVC in favor of PNC as bias. They needed the CCJ to teach them basic math.

and, in turn, you are simply the latest in line to mark your name in the book of stupidness

somehow, somehow, ID'ing CERTAIN feet-of-clay political people and pointing to their propaganda sins (remember VishMahabir throwing a fit when i called out SN's Anand Persaud by name) causes heretofore sensible folks to lose their common sense and start babbling non sequitur incoherent as if demon-possessed

hmmm . . .?

You as a die hard PNC and the die hard PPP can continue entertain each other  iding 'feet of clay political people with propaganda sins' in your respective parties. Only problem I sorry fuh you cause you are vastly out number - dem PPP bais gona drive you to the nut house.....


Our Coalition partnership is on solid ground.  All aspects of the democracy is being respected.  Cde Nagamootoo is confident that they will win in 2020.  Cdes Granger and Nagamootoo is the best choice for all Guyana. 


Are you that bloody insane? You are no better than the Neemakara Crabdaad AND the PNC. Comprehension is not your cup of tea and you display bit well!!

News for dunces, the Govt FELL ON ITS BACKSIDE!!

Zara posted:

Our Coalition partnership is on solid ground.  All aspects of the democracy is being respected.  Cde Nagamootoo is confident that they will win in 2020.  Cdes Granger and Nagamootoo is the best choice for all Guyana. 

Just words. Granger usurped the constitution and destabilized our democracy with his unilateral selection of Patterson. That most of all cast doubt on the possibility of free and fair election since Patterson is clearly a crony.

The coalition does not have the numbers. Any support the AFC had in the Indian community has evaporated. Granger  is a reclusive and insipid leader has not reached across the aisle to court new supporters and expand his base.

This is clearly displayed in that he met the queen and some 30 other world leaders before meeting with the head of the Amerindian council. That disrespect will be remembered. 

The best choice in the election is that any of the large tribal parties winning the plurality is constrained by a third party or parties holding the deciding votes in parliament.  Neither is fit for unfettered governing.

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

'future crime' scare tactics

Kamal Ramkarran mussbe taking lessons from PPP posters on GNI


You are just a die hard PNC apologist in denial. The problem with people like you is like the other side - the Yugli gang - they can see all that is wrong with PNC but PPP can do no wrong. You instantly recognize Kamal Ramkarran as PPP boy but fail to see the two high court juges  rule NVC in favor of PNC as bias. They needed the CCJ to teach them basic math.

and, in turn, you are simply the latest in line to mark your name in the book of stupidness

somehow, somehow, ID'ing CERTAIN feet-of-clay political people and pointing to their propaganda sins (remember VishMahabir throwing a fit when i called out SN's Anand Persaud by name) causes heretofore sensible folks to lose their common sense and start babbling non sequitur incoherent as if demon-possessed

hmmm . . .?

You as a die hard PNC and the die hard PPP can continue entertain each other  iding 'feet of clay political people with propaganda sins' in your respective parties. Only problem I sorry fuh you cause you are vastly out number - dem PPP bais gona drive you to the nut house.....

hmmm, it follows that you are now reduced to calling me a ‘bad’ name over and over you silly, EMPTY man

i guess, in your own limited way, you feel that you are landing some blows . . . scoring some points

more’s the pity

it is instructive that in the unfolding political war between the incompetent, petty-thieving (Gov’t) and the calculating, murderous, “more competent” Big-Time criminals (Opposition) that you pick up fire rage in defense of a bogus “consensus” manufactured by a corrupt GT “Civil Society” (GCCI, StabroekNews, Christopher Ram . . . that means you) in thrall to the PPP ill-gotten-gains juggernaut

is it really news that i am “vastly out number” by the idiots, racists, small-brained fellow travelers and POSERS like you on GNI?

thanks for the update Captain Obvious

and isn’t it amazing that dem “PPP basis” whom you obviously hoping will drive me to the “nut house” are all cowards . . . AFRAID to look me in the eye

most, if not all of them hoping to avoid lash by pelting from the bushes . . . courting ‘deniability’ by NOT linking their ‘responses’


Last edited by Former Member
Zara posted:

Our Coalition partnership is on solid ground.  All aspects of the democracy is being respected.  Cde Nagamootoo is confident that they will win in 2020.  Cdes Granger and Nagamootoo is the best choice for all Guyana. 

You are speaking of the "Bring it on " Jackass, he is to blame for the No Confidence vote, gambled and lost.


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