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Former Member

CCJ invites written submissions on orders about motion of no confidence, GECOM Chairman

-will make decision on July 12th

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)  this afternoon invited submissions from all the parties in relation to the consequential orders it  should issue on its decisions upholding the motion of no confidence of December 21, 2018 and that the appointment  of GECOM Chairman James Patterson was unconstitutional.

At a 90-minute hearing in Port-of-Spain marred occasionally by scratchy audio and transmission problems, President of the Court Justice Adrian Saunders said written submissions must be provided by July 1st and the court will make a decision on the consequential orders by July 12th.

Justice Adrian Saunders

Justice Saunders’ decision came after oral submissions from the two sides which varied greatly in what they expected the court to issue in terms of consequential orders.

At several points Justice Saunders expressed his exasperation with the dilatory manner in which Guyana’s leaders and their counsel have approached the matter of arriving at a consensual decision on these important matters.

He said: “These matters are of the highest constitutional significance  …It beats me that the Leader of the Opposition and the President and their respective counsel cannot meet to address the issues that confront us…”

He added that he wasn’t seeing the same type of urgency expected from the CCJ being reflected in the behaviour of the political directorate. This he said is “unfortunate”.

Justice Saunders added that the court didn’t want to make political decisions but that the rule of law had to be upheld. At one point he dramatically brandished the Guyana constitution and said that it had to be complied with.

Douglas Mendes, Counsel for the opposition leader, pressed the court to recognise that the only provision now applicable following the upholding of the motion of no confidence was article 106 of the constitution setting a three-month time frame for elections. The court in turn put this to counsel for GECOM, Stanley Marcus and for the government, Eamon Courtenay and each was asked to reflect on how the CCJ should address that provision.

Mendes told the court that the Opposition Leader was in agreement with a timeframe for elections of three months from today.

Marcus induced mirth as when asked by Justice Winston Anderson when GECOM would be ready with a list for elections he replied on December 25th.

Justice Anderson’s rejoinder was “So you are hoping to provide a Merry Christmas to the electorate of Guyana”.

In the time before the a decision is issued on July 12th, the court is hoping that the President and the Opposition Leader can make progress on a new candidate for chairmanship of GECOM.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There is no doubt in my mind that the PNC will disobey any directive from the CCJ. Their record precede them and it is horrendous. The jackass Granger could have done the right thing after Surujbally resigned but he thought he was big and bad. Now this fool is moaning and groaning that the Opposition is not cooperating when from the time the 2015 eections was over, the PNC began acting in a uncooperative manner. Not only with the Opposition which would be fairly normal but also with their Coalition 'partners'. 


I’m right now at a back yard get together with some visiting Guyanese.  They find it amusing how Guyanese here are so caught up with the happenings in Guyana.  He asked me what was the outcome of the CCJ.  He wasn’t that interested.

Few of us started talking about CCJ, he said deal with America, they will deal with Guyana after vacation!

Baseman posted:

I’m right now at a back yard get together with some visiting Guyanese.  They find it amusing how Guyanese here are so caught up with the happenings in Guyana.  He asked me what was the outcome of the CCJ.  He wasn’t that interested.

Few of us started talking about CCJ, he said deal with America, they will deal with Guyana after vacation!

Bai, you should have told him that this is past-time entertainment for us. It is real life for him so while we can still go to sleep even when Guyana is emblazed with fire and fury, he wouldn't be able to. We in America doesn't have to warry with America being emblazed with fire and fury.

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

He said we lacking entertainment!  

You guys need to find some hobbies. 

Dem Guyanese heading to China for 23 days tour.  Dem having fun.  They said Alyuh relax about Guyana, they ok!  Tek care of Trump!

Baseman posted:

He said we lacking entertainment!  

It would have been safer for him to say that IT SEEMS we are lacking entertainment. He can't be so definite because he doesn't really know if we are or not. No one can really ascertain if or what level of entertainment we have.

ksazma posted:

There is no doubt in my mind . . .

your "mind" is actually quite tiny

with all the loathing of "scourge of the world" Black people taking up so much prime real estate between your ears, i seriously question the existence of available space to accommodate intelligent thought

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

He said we lacking entertainment!  

It would have been safer for him to say that IT SEEMS we are lacking entertainment. He can't be so definite because he doesn't really know if we are or not. No one can really ascertain if or what level of entertainment we have.

Maybe, but they think we are entertaining ourselves!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Basil Williams committed perjury today when he told Justice Saunders that the opposition had not responded to a letter asking for a meeting.

Leave his rass to God.  He will be tossed right into Purgatory, then you can give him a piece of your mind!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Basil Williams committed perjury today when he told Justice Saunders that the opposition had not responded to a letter asking for a meeting.

Attorney General misled Court by saying I was reluctant to meet with the President – Jagdeo

The Opposition held a press conference yesterday to share their thoughts and disappointment over the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) not delivering its consequential orders.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo also used the opportunity to express that the Attorney General had sought to mislead the CCJ when he told the court that he [Jagdeo] was reluctant to meet with the President.
“My surprise is that the Attorney General then misleads the Caribbean Court of Justice and makes it look as though the lack of meeting, thus far, is a result of my reluctance to meet. When the President himself had pointed in his letter to me that the meeting should take place after the consequential orders have been made.”
“There is quite a bit of disappointment that we have to wait an additional two weeks before we have clarity on some matters,” Jagdeo added.
He went on to say that they do have clarity on some issues, the first being that the government became illegal the moment the CCJ ruled that the No Confidence Motion was validly passed.
“The only way they can change their illegal status is by fresh elections. So from now until those elections are held, they will remain illegal, and therefore all acts committed and anything done outside the holding of elections will be deemed illegal by a new PPP government.
Jagdeo said that the second issue they have clarity on is that the [GECOM] Chairman was unconstitutionally appointed “and as of now he should not make any decision in relation to elections. In fact, this is a form of justice, and if decency prevailed, by now he should have demitted office. However, he continues to hang on there, even though the highest court of Guyana has ruled that his appointment was unconstitutional and illegal.
Government has been living on borrowed time because of the delaying tactics, so effectively they have had a six-month grace period. However, the PPP will not tolerate continued violation of the constitution”.
Meeting with President Granger, Jagdeo plans to discuss the holding of elections in three months and the fact that they will not be going back to parliament to extend the government’s time – two factors that he (Jagdeo) firmly asserted were non- negotiable.
Jagdeo made it clear that he was open to the meeting whenever the president was ready, and he was going to let his staff communicate with Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon, to have the date set.


Dave posted:

He [Jagdeo] went on to say that they do have clarity on some issues, the first being that the government became illegal the moment the CCJ ruled that the No Confidence Motion was validly passed.

Jagdeo obviously must be high on crack

i suggest he consult a good lawyer

or likely he playing to the gatherings of ignorant sheeple on the Freedom House plantation, including the Region 11 extension here on GNI


Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?

ksazma posted:

Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?


ksazma posted:

Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?

you've been on a whining 'campaign' for years now to get me to leave GNI

you need relief, i understand

but as long as cowardly bigots and hate speech spewing racists like you take me "seriously" . . . and you obviously do

i'm gud



I don’t give a shit where you graze banna. I just remind you of your earlier whining like a lil p ussy. I don’t own GNI so have no responsibility to determine who should be here or not.

ksazma posted:

Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?

That was the redux handle. I remember it well. And those were the exact words. Ayuh go easy eh. Before he quit.....again

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?

That was the redux handle. I remember it well. And those were the exact words. Ayuh go easy eh. Before he quit.....again

you “remember” nothing!

”Redux” was banned for starting “too many threads” EXPOSING the Indo-Klan mini-army posting on GNI

the embarrassment was too much, then, for management

ask admin . . . they can confirm

so, you can climb off ksazma’s mangy dankey now and save yourself further diminishment

it was a very poor decision on your part to jump into quicksand with a hate-mongering fool in the first place

uh huh

ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?

That was the redux handle. I remember it well. And those were the exact words. Ayuh go easy eh. Before he quit.....again

you “remember” nothing!

”Redux” was banned for starting “too many threads” EXPOSING the Indo-Klan mini-army posting on GNI

the embarrassment was too much, then, for management

ask admin . . . they can confirm

so, you can climb off ksazma’s mangy dankey now and save yourself further diminishment

it was a very poor decision on your part to jump into quicksand with a hate-mongering fool in the first place

uh huh

Is true. Redux geh banned fuh starting too many threads which nobady tek seriously. So he geh vex, throw a hissy fit and tassay.

U does tek this board to heart. Never seen u in any discussion where you're having a debate without putting down or belittling your fellow poster. Maybe if u did, people might start to take u seriously

Uh huh.

Sheik101 posted:
ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?

That was the redux handle. I remember it well. And those were the exact words. Ayuh go easy eh. Before he quit.....again

you “remember” nothing!

”Redux” was banned for starting “too many threads” EXPOSING the Indo-Klan mini-army posting on GNI

the embarrassment was too much, then, for management

ask admin . . . they can confirm

so, you can climb off ksazma’s mangy dankey now and save yourself further diminishment

it was a very poor decision on your part to jump into quicksand with a hate-mongering fool in the first place

uh huh

Is true. Redux geh banned fuh starting too many threads which nobady tek seriously. So he geh vex, throw a hissy fit and tassay.

ahmmm . . . how exactly does one get banned and THEN “throw a hissy fit and tassay?

guess you now have to ball up those were the exact words” in a condom and try swallow it while nobody paying attention

damn, i seem to have a talent for making losers lose their tiny minds


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?

That was the redux handle. I remember it well. And those were the exact words. Ayuh go easy eh. Before he quit.....again

you “remember” nothing!

”Redux” was banned for starting “too many threads” EXPOSING the Indo-Klan mini-army posting on GNI

the embarrassment was too much, then, for management

ask admin . . . they can confirm

so, you can climb off ksazma’s mangy dankey now and save yourself further diminishment

it was a very poor decision on your part to jump into quicksand with a hate-mongering fool in the first place

uh huh

Is true. Redux geh banned fuh starting too many threads which nobady tek seriously. So he geh vex, throw a hissy fit and tassay.

ahmmm . . . how exactly does one get banned and THEN “throw a hissy fit and tassay?

guess you now have to ball up those were the exact words” in a condom and try swallow it while nobody paying attention

damn, i seem to have a talent for making losers lose their tiny minds


I rest my case. U Just cant seem to let shit slide. Carry on bai.

Sheik101 posted:
ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

Who was it who not so long ago was crying like a lil p ussy that he was leaving GNI because no one takes him seriously. Then returned with a new handle hoping to hide his puss filled sores. What level of low esteem would drive one to such disgraceful levels?

That was the redux handle. I remember it well. And those were the exact words. Ayuh go easy eh. Before he quit.....again

you “remember” nothing!

”Redux” was banned for starting “too many threads” EXPOSING the Indo-Klan mini-army posting on GNI

the embarrassment was too much, then, for management

ask admin . . . they can confirm

so, you can climb off ksazma’s mangy dankey now and save yourself further diminishment

it was a very poor decision on your part to jump into quicksand with a hate-mongering fool in the first place

uh huh

Is true. Redux geh banned fuh starting too many threads which nobady tek seriously. So he geh vex, throw a hissy fit and tassay.

ahmmm . . . how exactly does one get banned and THEN “throw a hissy fit and tassay?

guess you now have to ball up those were the exact words” in a condom and try swallow it while nobody paying attention

damn, i seem to have a talent for making losers lose their tiny minds


U Just cant seem to let shit slide.

not in my DNA  . . . loser

Last edited by Former Member

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