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Former Member

Government has delved further into defiance mode, insisting on house-to-house registration before elections, despite the landmark ruling of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

Finance Minister Winston Jordan, at an outreach yesterday in Bartica, Region Seven, called for government supporters to take to the streets to picket for house-to-house registration.

“Comrades, be on the ready…we will be able to call you out to picket for house-to-house registration. No registration, no election,” Jordan declared.

“From today, war break because we got to go to elections before the end of this year hopefully, I say hopefully because we can only go to elections when GECOM say they are ready,” the Minister added.

Jordan went on to complain about the voters’ list, which expired on April 30, 2019, insisting that it needs to be updated through house-to-house registration.

“CCJ or no CCJ, they can’t tell us that we must tinker with that list to call elections,” Jordan contended, insisting that government only wants elections that are free, fair and proper.

Even though there is a possibility that the court might order early elections, the government, including President David Granger, has been insisting on house-to-house registration – a process which can take until November 2019.

But legal minds have argued that the list of electors can be updated through a simple and less time-consuming claims and objections process which will ensure persons eligible to vote are registered.

In fact, this is the legal opinion submitted by GECOM’s own legal officer, Excellence Dazzle – but it was outright rejected by the Government-aligned GECOM Commissioners.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is already on record saying that, practically, elections should be held within two-three months.

The CCJ is expected to rule on June 24, 2019 on how Guyana should proceed, having already determined that the no-confidence motion against the coalition government was validly passed on December 21, 2018.

The Guyana Constitution says upon the passage of the motion, the government must resign and call elections to be held within three months.

It is now some six months since the government was defeated by the passage of the no-confidence motion.

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“Comrades, be on the ready…we will be able to call you out to picket for house-to-house registration. No registration, no election,” Jordan declared.

“From today, war break because we got to go to elections before the end of this year hopefully, I say hopefully because we can only go to elections when GECOM say they are ready,” the Minister added.


I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

Dave posted:

Government has delved further into defiance mode, insisting on house-to-house registration before elections, despite the landmark ruling of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

Finance Minister Winston Jordan, at an outreach yesterday in Bartica, Region Seven, called for government supporters to take to the streets to picket for house-to-house registration.

“Comrades, be on the ready…we will be able to call you out to picket for house-to-house registration. No registration, no election,” Jordan declared.

“From today, war break because we got to go to elections before the end of this year hopefully, I say hopefully because we can only go to elections when GECOM say they are ready,” the Minister added.

Jordan went on to complain about the voters’ list, which expired on April 30, 2019, insisting that it needs to be updated through house-to-house registration.

“CCJ or no CCJ, they can’t tell us that we must tinker with that list to call elections,” Jordan contended, insisting that government only wants elections that are free, fair and proper.

Even though there is a possibility that the court might order early elections, the government, including President David Granger, has been insisting on house-to-house registration – a process which can take until November 2019.

But legal minds have argued that the list of electors can be updated through a simple and less time-consuming claims and objections process which will ensure persons eligible to vote are registered.

In fact, this is the legal opinion submitted by GECOM’s own legal officer, Excellence Dazzle – but it was outright rejected by the Government-aligned GECOM Commissioners.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is already on record saying that, practically, elections should be held within two-three months.

The CCJ is expected to rule on June 24, 2019 on how Guyana should proceed, having already determined that the no-confidence motion against the coalition government was validly passed on December 21, 2018.

The Guyana Constitution says upon the passage of the motion, the government must resign and call elections to be held within three months.

It is now some six months since the government was defeated by the passage of the no-confidence motion.

All jokes aside...this kind of language (reminds me of Jagdeo inciting fear at Bubu John) does not bode well for Guyana, and its future.

Of all the PNC leaders, I was not expecting this from a "technocrat" who does not impress me as a die hard PNCite.

One has to ask the question: to what end is the PNC pushing for H2H registration? I dont think its necessary and I dont believe that is going to guarantee free and fair what is the PNC up to?

In an already tense atmosphere, the rhetoric can be interpreted by the psychophants to mean something else...and the PNC could be setting the stage for a situation where they intend to bully their way to get what they want, particularly in anticipation of a loss of the election by the coalition. Obviously coalition members already believe that they were "cheated" by the NCV.  

I dont see the government and opposition leaders ready and willing to compromise anytime soon

...Guyanese in for a rough future...


“CCJ or no CCJ, they can’t tell us that we must tinker with that list to call elections,”

Even though there is a possibility that the court might order early elections, the government, including President David Granger, has been insisting on house-to-house registration – a process which can take until November 2019.

I believe I speak for some members here:

Granger to me seems incorruptable, a quality Jagan is said to have. He is a new kind of leader and a historian who has a good grasp of Guyana's history. He knows that Guyana is on the brink of a new dawn, ready to take off economically. 

He is the only person...not the opposition leader, nor his ministers and loyal supporters... who can rise above the petty politics and racial politics to promote a peaceful Guyana. He needs to address the nation and make the right choices... 

he needs to be a statesman and a leader...

Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

I am not stupid  to pull out a phone and record a bunch of ass hole. I have enough experience when idiots in Guyana started behaving like animals what can happen next. 

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

Bai yuh ain't know dem black pnc guyanese. You hide out in yuh suburban home among the whites and don't have a clue how dem people does behave. Dem wrang and strang. Dat is why phantomizing is the only method fuh tame dem rass. 


Opposition writes Top Cop, ERC over comments by Jordan, Nagamootoo



Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira has written the Commissioner of Police Leslie James and the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) over comments made by Finance Minister Winston Jordan and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, which she says are of profound concern.

In the letters, which were released to the media, Teixeira referenced several reports where Jordan is quoted as saying “Notwithstanding the ruling today and not
withstanding all the consequential orders, we will be here until the elections are
called and we will be at the tape when the next term begins.”

In the same report “the Prime Minister warned that if that if youths are
disenfranchised there would be “trouble” if the youth are not registered.”

She referenced other media reports where the government officials made similar statements during an outreach in Bartica, Region Seven yesterday – the same day as the ruling by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) that the government was defeated by the no-confidence motion last year.

According to Teixeira, “these statements are inciting and a threat to public order and safety and are in contempt of the Caribbean Court of Justice rulings of June 18, 2019.”

In the letter to the Top Cop, Teixeira penned “I, therefore, call on you as Commissioner and the custodian of public safety and order to carry out your mandate vigorously and to publicly defend, preserve and protect the rule of law and the Guyana Constitution in our nation.”

In the letter to the ERC, she wrote “I therefore call on the ERC to carry out its constitutional mandate vigorously to promote peace and harmony and to stand publicly in defence of the rule of law and the constitution. I urge you to register with the President and his Ministers that the CCJ ruling must be complied with in spirit and intent.”




PPP not overreacting to Jordan’s non-violent “war” comments; police, ethnic relations watchdog alerted


Irfaan Ali, Gail Teixeira and Bharrat Jagdeo at a public meeting at Leonora Public Road, West Coast Demerara. (file photo)

People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali on Wednesday said his party was not overreacting to Finance Minister Winston Jordan’s assertion that the governing coalition was now in a period of “war” now that the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has ruled that last December’s no-confidence motion was valid.

The Opposition Leader’s office, through Gail Teixeira, has since complained to Police Commissioner Leslie James and the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) about contents of Jordan’s speech at a government outreach meeting at Bartica on Tuesday.

Jordan made it clear that he was not preaching violence: “We are in a war, not a war using slings and arrows or guns and bullets, but we are in a war for the survival of ourselves, the survival of our children and the survival of the future generation of this country.

We are in a war to execute the government’s Green State Development Strategy using our bountiful resources that are expected to start flowing next year,” he said.

However, the PPPC’s presidential candidate rejected suggestions that his party was blowing Jordan’s remarks out of proportion. “No, no, no. That is not an overreaction at all. That is a clear statement that is inciting a particular type of behaviour and we cannot tolerate that,” he said.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

In her letter to the Police Commissioner, Teixeira reminded him that he was in Bartica at the same time with Jordan and Prime Minister Nagamootoo for saying that there would be trouble if there was no house-to-house registration to facilitate youths 18 years and over to vote in the upcoming General and Regional Elections and that he on Tuesday donned his olive green shirt because he was in battle mode.

“These statements are inciting and a threat to public order and safety and are in contempt of the Caribbean Court of Justice rulings of June 18, 2019,” she said without explaining their contemptuous nature.

Nagamootoo said, “The young people, who turned 18 since the last elections, their names are not on that voters’ list and anyone who calls for an election without our young people being on that voters’ list, they’re calling for trouble in this country. Our young people, who are in fact, the beneficiaries of the wealth that will flow, they are entitled to choose a government that would guide how the money should be utilised and so we have a battle ahead of us.”

Teixeira called on the Police Commissioner to abide by his warning on March 21, at that time when the legitimacy of the government had been questioned, that anyone found breaching the peace “will be dealt with in a condign manner”.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

“Your statement of March 21, 2019 is more relevant now than then as we have now the rulings of the Caribbean Court of Justice, the highest court, and we are all therefore expected to abide by the CCJ rulings that the No Confidence Motion is valid and elections must be held within the shortest time.

“I, therefore, call on you as Commissioner and the custodian of public safety and order to carry out your mandate vigorously and to publicly defend, preserve and protect the rule of law and the Guyana Constitution in our nation,” she said.

She noted that the CCJ has found that the unilateral appointment of the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission was flawed and in breach of the constitution; that the No Confidence Motion was valid, that 33 votes was the majority of all 65 elected members of the National Assembly and that Charandass Persaud’s vote was valid and that Persaud was free to vote outside his party’s list.

The PPP, in a similar letter to the Ethnic Relations Commission, called on that constitutional body to urge President David Granger and his ministers to respect and comply with the CCJ ruling, as well as temper any potential conflict. “I therefore call on the ERC to carry out its constitutional mandate vigorously to promote peace and harmony and to stand publicly in defence of the rule of law and the constitution,” Teixeira told the bipartisan ERC.

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

I am not stupid  to pull out a phone and record a bunch of ass hole. I have enough experience when idiots in Guyana started behaving like animals what can happen next. 

Don't bother with Gay boy, he loves the Black vegetables, ask him of photos of his trip to Panama. Bloody Liar.

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

I am not stupid  to pull out a phone and record a bunch of ass hole. I have enough experience when idiots in Guyana started behaving like animals what can happen next. 

So let me see. Dave cuss out Blackman on GNI.  Dave is GNI bad man.  But Dave witness two Mattie being accosted by Black bullies, but bad man Dave freiken fuh film it on his phone.  

In todays world, even women risking everything to get the truth out.  I saw women secretly filming ISIS atrocities to get the message out knowing being caught means certain death. 

So Dave, exactly what’s the purpose of you coming here being big and bad but freiken to capture some evidence and show abie!

So Bad man Dave, If was a lil gyal getting molested, would you run and hide freiken lil licks?

Mr Dave, there are a few things a man never turns his back on, another man/woman in trouble and the woman he loves.  Kids are a forgone conclusion, so I did not include.

I know women who would have never let that slide, regardless of consequences!

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

“CCJ or no CCJ, they can’t tell us that we must tinker with that list to call elections,”

Even though there is a possibility that the court might order early elections, the government, including President David Granger, has been insisting on house-to-house registration – a process which can take until November 2019.

I believe I speak for some members here:

Granger to me seems incorruptable, a quality Jagan is said to have. He is a new kind of leader and a historian who has a good grasp of Guyana's history. He knows that Guyana is on the brink of a new dawn, ready to take off economically. 

He is the only person...not the opposition leader, nor his ministers and loyal supporters... who can rise above the petty politics and racial politics to promote a peaceful Guyana. He needs to address the nation and make the right choices... 

he needs to be a statesman and a leader...

Haul your racist sk--t. These are hardcore anti-koolie haters. Every one of them.


Last edited by Prashad
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

I am not stupid  to pull out a phone and record a bunch of ass hole. I have enough experience when idiots in Guyana started behaving like animals what can happen next. 

So let me see. Dave cuss out Blackman on GNI.  Dave is GNI bad man.  But Dave witness two Mattie being accosted by Black bullies, but bad man Dave freiken fuh film it on his phone.  

In todays world, even women risking everything to get the truth out.  I saw women secretly filming ISIS atrocities to get the message out knowing being caught means certain death. 

So Dave, exactly what’s the purpose of you coming here being big and bad but freiken to capture some evidence and show abie!

So Bad man Dave, If was a lil gyal getting molested, would you run and hide freiken lil licks?

Mr Dave, there are a few things a man never turns his back on, another man/woman in trouble and the woman he loves.  Kids are a forgone conclusion, so I did not include.

I know women who would have never let that slide, regardless of consequences!

Dave is a darpoke for a fullah man.

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

I am not stupid  to pull out a phone and record a bunch of ass hole. I have enough experience when idiots in Guyana started behaving like animals what can happen next. 

So let me see. Dave cuss out Blackman on GNI.  Dave is GNI bad man.  But Dave witness two Mattie being accosted by Black bullies, but bad man Dave freiken fuh film it on his phone.  

In todays world, even women risking everything to get the truth out.  I saw women secretly filming ISIS atrocities to get the message out knowing being caught means certain death. 

So Dave, exactly what’s the purpose of you coming here being big and bad but freiken to capture some evidence and show abie!

So Bad man Dave, If was a lil gyal getting molested, would you run and hide freiken lil licks?

Mr Dave, there are a few things a man never turns his back on, another man/woman in trouble and the woman he loves.  Kids are a forgone conclusion, so I did not include.

I know women who would have never let that slide, regardless of consequences!

I choose my fight under the circumstances, I don’t know what cause the verbal assault to begin with but happened to pass at the time of the racist remarks.

I would never leave a female or kid who needs help. 

You have gud advice what a man should do, YOU should begin by putting that into practice.

A advise for you Baseman.. 

- choose your fight.

- a man should NEVER undress a woman in public who he slept with. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

I am not stupid  to pull out a phone and record a bunch of ass hole. I have enough experience when idiots in Guyana started behaving like animals what can happen next. 

So let me see. Dave cuss out Blackman on GNI.  Dave is GNI bad man.  But Dave witness two Mattie being accosted by Black bullies, but bad man Dave freiken fuh film it on his phone.  

In todays world, even women risking everything to get the truth out.  I saw women secretly filming ISIS atrocities to get the message out knowing being caught means certain death. 

So Dave, exactly what’s the purpose of you coming here being big and bad but freiken to capture some evidence and show abie!

So Bad man Dave, If was a lil gyal getting molested, would you run and hide freiken lil licks?

Mr Dave, there are a few things a man never turns his back on, another man/woman in trouble and the woman he loves.  Kids are a forgone conclusion, so I did not include.

I know women who would have never let that slide, regardless of consequences!

I choose my fight under the circumstances, I don’t know what cause the verbal assault to begin with but happened to pass at the time of the racist remarks.

So are you saying you don’t know but was just being malicious?  Then don’t post if you don’t know facts.  It’s was you who said Blacks were abusing some Indians.  And you said you were afraid to film fearing licks.   I can only go on what you say!

Don’t throw spaghetti and salami!

And I was not aware I undressed you!

ksazma posted:

I had a tendency to jump into the fray whenever I see someone being taken advantage of, especially if they had well formed breasts. 😀

You dirty, rotten scoundrel! You only helped women to satisfy your carnal desires.  

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

I was able to witness the angry assault on two Indians by a group of Blacks at the EC park yesterday.. hours after the CCJ announcement. 

All because of people like Jordan who instigating voilence by encouraging their supporters to hit the street.. their only method of civility. 

You are lying. You would have recorded it and posted it right away.

I am not stupid  to pull out a phone and record a bunch of ass hole. I have enough experience when idiots in Guyana started behaving like animals what can happen next. 

So let me see. Dave cuss out Blackman on GNI.  Dave is GNI bad man.  But Dave witness two Mattie being accosted by Black bullies, but bad man Dave freiken fuh film it on his phone.  

In todays world, even women risking everything to get the truth out.  I saw women secretly filming ISIS atrocities to get the message out knowing being caught means certain death. 

So Dave, exactly what’s the purpose of you coming here being big and bad but freiken to capture some evidence and show abie!

So Bad man Dave, If was a lil gyal getting molested, would you run and hide freiken lil licks?

Mr Dave, there are a few things a man never turns his back on, another man/woman in trouble and the woman he loves.  Kids are a forgone conclusion, so I did not include.

I know women who would have never let that slide, regardless of consequences!

I choose my fight under the circumstances, I don’t know what cause the verbal assault to begin with but happened to pass at the time of the racist remarks.

So are you saying you don’t know but was just being malicious?  Then don’t post if you don’t know facts.  It’s was you who said Blacks were abusing some Indians.  And you said you were afraid to film fearing licks.   I can only go on what you say!

Don’t throw spaghetti and salami!

And I was not aware I undressed you!

Banna I have a job to attend .. you have lots of time at yo hands. However, I stand by what I posted and heard. 

As I said, I choose my fight and I believe I act responsible NOT to video a verbal racial assault. end of story.

Dave posted:

Banna I have a job to attend .. you have lots of time at yo hands. However, I stand by what I posted and heard. 

As I said, I choose my fight and I believe I act responsible NOT to video a verbal racial assault. end of story.

Very weak to say  folks have lots of time on their hands, when some one opens their mouth, they should be prepared to back up what they are saying.

Baseman, undress you !!! 

I knew what you post is a lie based on hearsay without providing any proof. I could have undress you too, choose to stay put.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Banna I have a job to attend .. you have lots of time at yo hands. However, I stand by what I posted and heard. 

As I said, I choose my fight and I believe I act responsible NOT to video a verbal racial assault. end of story.

Very weak to say  folks have lots of time on their hands, when some opens their mouth, they should be prepared to back up what they are saying.

Baseman, undress you !!! 

I knew what you post is a lie based on hearsay without providing any proof. I could have undress you too, choose to stay put.

It doesn't affects me how you feel Django.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Banna I have a job to attend .. you have lots of time at yo hands. However, I stand by what I posted and heard. 

As I said, I choose my fight and I believe I act responsible NOT to video a verbal racial assault. end of story.

Very weak to say  folks have lots of time on their hands, when some one opens their mouth, they should be prepared to back up what they are saying.

Baseman, undress you !!! 

I knew what you post is a lie based on hearsay without providing any proof. I could have undress you too, choose to stay put.

He lies like a rug. Well that's what darpokes do.

Amral posted:
ksazma posted:

I had a tendency to jump into the fray whenever I see someone being taken advantage of, especially if they had well formed breasts. 😀

So you are a bubby man lol

Bai, which man doesn’t appreciate some well thought formed bubbies?😀🇬🇾

Leonora posted:
ksazma posted:

I had a tendency to jump into the fray whenever I see someone being taken advantage of, especially if they had well formed breasts. 😀

You dirty, rotten scoundrel! You only helped women to satisfy your carnal desires.  

I never said only. I said especially. Who doesn’t like satisfying their carnal desires? Also, what do you think is one of the major reasons people get divorced? 😀

ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:
ksazma posted:

I had a tendency to jump into the fray whenever I see someone being taken advantage of, especially if they had well formed breasts. 😀

You dirty, rotten scoundrel! You only helped women to satisfy your carnal desires.  

I never said only. I said especially. Who doesn’t like satisfying their carnal desires? Also, what do you think is one of the major reasons people get divorced? 😀

Bhai you prappa wicked. Very good question.


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