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By  Moses V. Nagamootoo, MP & AFC Vice-Chairman


The PPP is playing a deadly game of “Rohee Roulette” by using a minister in whom Parliament has voted no-confidence, as the single bullet in the Chambers to shatter both our fledging parliamentary democracy and any prospects for Government-Opposition cooperation in the national interest.

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By  Moses V. Nagamootoo, MP & AFC Vice-Chairman


The PPP is playing a deadly game of “Rohee Roulette” by using a minister in whom Parliament has voted no-confidence, as the single bullet in the Chambers to shatter both our fledging parliamentary democracy and any prospects for Government-Opposition cooperation in the national interest.

On Thursday last, when a censure motion to prevent Rohee from introducing laws came up, I noted that we should not allow Parliament to die over one man. Gridlock is not in the national interest as we have to carry on with the work of parliament. We should also back off from the precipice and, in the spirit ofYuletide, allow our business community and our people to go about their lives without instability and fear.

I was heartened when Mr. Clinton Urling, Chairman of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, chided our MPs for not focusing on the bigger picture of stability, investment and development and getting bogged down over this so-called “Rohee Affair”. He was reported as saying that for those wishing to invest in Guyana, the biggest risk is political instability and not crimes.

By sending the issue to the Privileges Committee, Speaker Raphael Trotman sought to avoid a shut-down of parliament. It was an extraordinary ruling for which Speaker Trotman ought to be commended. In this regard, the wanton and disrespectful attacks by the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Attorney General among others are deplorable.

How did the Speaker treat the issue? After a stormy session, marred by incessant howling and hissing from the Government Benches, Speaker Trotman ruled that the Committee of Privileges should deal with the issue, that is, whether the Assembly has the power to take away the privilege of an elected MP (including Rohee) to speak in Parliament.

I know that the issue must have challenged the Speaker’s intellect and libertarian convictions. But when he gave his ruling, I was very impressed by his bold and creative approach, which surely would make history in the practices of Commonwealth parliaments.

Rohee was not sanctioned or gagged as an elected MP. He could speak so long as he does not introduce legislation as Minister of Home Affairs because this could be contemptuous of the no-confidence decision which seeks his voluntary resignation or, alternatively, his removal from this portfolio by the President.

Why is the PPP so angry? The Speaker’s ruling had in fact taken the wind from their sails of using the Rohee tragedy to whip up sympathy for an embattled minority government. An example is the unsolicited tears from the acting Commissioner of Police!

In other words, the PPP was playing dead to see its funeral. It went to work over the budget cuts, painting itself as victim of an unconscionable opposition. Then it used both the Linden unrest and the Agricola protest to create geographic and ethnic fears.

In a scholarly speech Thursday, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan summed up why Rohee could not be allowed to present Bills in Parliament whilst the no-confidence motion was in effect, and being disobeyed. He reminded that Parliament could make and enforce its own decisions to discipline any member (Gajraj vs Jagan, 1963); parliament cannot be gagged by the sub judice rule not to debate a matter before the courts; and if parliament could censure the entire Cabinet by a no-confidence vote, it could under the doctrine of individual ministerial responsibility, sanction a single minister.

When I spoke to the motion, I also touched on the concept of “Ministerial Responsibility”, and I wish to reproduce what I had said:

“We are not disputing the concept ‘he who hires fires or he who appoints disappoints’. We are not treading on the jurisdiction of the President. We are saying that Cabinet once appointed is collectively responsible to this Parliament and this Parliament has the power of censure over any Member of the Cabinet once that Member is a Member of this House. We are only doing what in our belief and strong view, un-rebuttable that is, are the powers of this House. We have the right to pass a no-confidence motion and it for the President to direct, if he so wishes, that the Minister resign.

“There is the constitutional convention, whether or not we have a written constitution - and we seem to have a hybrid of written and unwritten constitution –that says this Parliament can move a vote of no confidence against the entire Government. If the motion is passed by a majority then constitutionally there is a requirement of the President to have the Cabinet resign and to call elections within three months or such other period as this Parliament shall dictate. So let us be clear about this. There is collective responsibility, but we have chosen at this time not to go there. We have chosen instead to deal with the concept of individual ministerial responsibility.

“We are saying that if a particular Minister puts the Government at risk then one does not seek to remove the entire Government, one seeks to remove the Minister. That is the basis of this doctrine of individual ministerial responsibility.”

I went on to say:

“This concept of individual ministerial responsibility has to be seen in context. It is not that we say Minister Rohee is at fault, but if the people feel that he is at fault then he has a moral obligation to tender his resignation in order to save the Government from the wrath of the people. If the wrath of one community is replicated throughout Guyana, then it would become an indictment for the Government and the call for the Minister to go to will be elevated to a call for the Government to go.”

I gave the example of India, where Lal Bahadur Shastri (later to be Prime Minister) resigned as Railway Minister in 1956, after 144 passengers died in a train accident. Prime Minister Pandit Nehru stated he was accepting the resignation because it would set an example in constitutional propriety, and not because Shastri was in any way responsible for the accident.

In England, in 1982, Lord Carrington, the Home Secretary, tendered his resignation after Argentina invaded the Falklands. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said it was not the fault or mistake of her Government; it was a departmental failure. It was a failure of someone who was in charge of protecting the security interest of England. Therefore, rather than placing the Government at risk, rather than allowing the Government to fall, she persuaded the Minister to resign, and he did.

Only a week ago, in Egypt (which is still in turmoil, and the new President assumed dictatorial powers) the Transport Minister resigned after a train crash.

I had stated that on July 18, Rohee was not in Linden; he did not pull the trigger. His failure to ensure that lethal force was not used, could be due to a mis-judgment, or was a monumental folly. Even if it were a blunder, for which he feels he should not be held individually responsible, I believe he should do the right thing, and vacate office if he believes that some people were/are of the opinion that he failed to act or omitted to act appropriately.

I agree that Attorney General is speaking lots of “froth”. His argument that the no-confidence vote is constitutionally impermissible is as nonsensical as his failed argument that the PPP must continue to enjoy a majority in parliamentary committees on the basis of his flawed concept of “proportionality”.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

His problem is, he is too honest.


Moses was accused and it was in print media in Guyana that he allegedly tried to collect funds from folks near the Berbice bridge. Are you going to push this under the carpet like the Bush Doctor investigation ?

We also saw copies of cheques posted here in which Moses cashed cheques from NICIL.  For what services ?

Time for answers folks.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people of Berbice see Moses as a hero.



Ok folks, the Majority of people in Berbice voted PPP. Mitwah cannot fool you.


Now folks, notice how he cannot provide answers.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

His problem is, he is too honest.


Moses was accused and it was in print media in Guyana that he allegedly tried to collect funds from folks near the Berbice bridge. Are you going to push this under the carpet like the Bush Doctor investigation ?

We also saw copies of cheques posted here in which Moses cashed cheques from NICIL.  For what services ?

Time for answers folks.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people of Berbice see Moses as a hero.


Most of the people who I speak to say not again.  They are not happy with some of the PPP runnings, but they don't want to see a PNC raise either.  They are also not happy with the AFC runnings since election.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people of Berbice see Moses as a hero.


Most of the people who I speak to say not again.  They are not happy with some of the PPP runnings, but they don't want to see a PNC raise either.  They are also not happy with the AFC runnings since election.


PPP lost the Majority in Parliarment because of the Large amount of Berbicians who refused to vote for them.

And since Jagdeo and Ramotar took control by Fraud and Corruption more and more Berbicians are Rejecting the PPP at the Polls. 

Ralph Ramkaran explained everything......Now let the Funny Fellas go and argue with Ralph.


KneeRu, Ugee, Alberta, Concience, Big Seed  and Skeldon Factory are like the dust Ralph walk on......

Burnham & Jagan refer to them as empty vessles.

Individually or together they cannot get one Berbican who will listen to their nonsense.....

Yet they come here telling us to Ignore Moses & Ralph and believe their "Pie in de Sky Stories" 

Dem Guy R Useless fellas with no following....


Berbicians love and admire Moses and Ralph.....not those Vultures, Parasites and Fleas.


All the can do is come here and defend Burnham Constitution, Lamumba, Nascimento, Bynoe, Taps, Hamilton, McClean, Kwame McCoy......The Thiefing, Crime and Corruption practiced by Jagdeo & Ramotar.

Dear Editor, The Guyana Chronicle carried an article under a banner, front-page headline on Sunday, October 7, 2012, in which it falsely accused me of the following:- 1. That NICIL has paid me “almost $7M for processing of land transports” for relocated D’Edwards (Berbice Bridge) residents, but I “failed to deliver”. 2. That I demanded from the wife of one resident $300,000 “in order to ensure she received her transport for the land”. 3. That I asked residents who received compensation for legal fees to help them get their cheques. 4. That I failed in my professional duties to provide legal services for the Berbice Bridge compensation/re-location project. All of the above are absolute LIES. I was identified in the publication as AFC’s Vice-Chairman and a Member of Parliament, and there is no doubt that these wicked and malicious lies are intended to damage my character, my profession and standing in the Guyanese community. I call on Chronicle Editor Mark Ramotar, to immediately withdraw these defamatory allegations, and tender an open apology for publishing outright lies. I also call on NICIL’s Executive Directors, Winston Brassington and Marcia Nadir-Sharma, to disassociate themselves from the publication, and to publish both my contract with NICIL and the amount of moneys paid to me for the D’Edwards (Berbice Bridge) project. Already, in breach of client-attorney privilege, NICIL has shamelessly and unethically released to the government propaganda mill, copies of cheques paid to me! Every Unity Street resident was dear and important to me. I once lived on that street and had a school in this community. I negotiated a fair and reasonable compensation for every home-owner who was relocated, and a package that included:- • A house-lot for every home-owner who was removed from D’Edwards; • Payment of $1.00 (yes, one Guyana dollar) for a house-lot in Ketting (Cotton Tree); • Streets plus water, electricity and telephone services for the re-location area; • Extended time for affected residents to re-locate; • Assistance to remove their houses and structures. It was never my job to provide transport to the Ketting residents. However, when asked by then President Jagdeo and Minister Irfaan Ali to expedite transports for citizens on the Corentyne and in West Berbice, I was offered and I accepted legal fees of only $2,500 (two thousand five hundred Guyana dollars) for each transport passed. It was left to Government to pass transport to the Ketting residents, and it is a shame it has not done so after six years. I demand transports for the residents immediately! Over a two-year period (2006-2007), I was paid $1,450,000 (one million four hundred and fifty dollars) as legal fees based on my request for $30,000 or US$150 for each completed Compensation Agreement, plus allowance for clerical assistance, travelling and miscellaneous. I deny asking any resident for legal fees, and I put the PPP Government and their propaganda cronies for proof of this! In the meantime, I have consulted my lawyers on this matter.
Moses V. Nagamootoo AFC Vice-Chairman & Member of Parliament
Saturday, 13th October, 2012
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people of Berbice see Moses as a hero.


You from Bce? Moses is another Brutus. 

I really feel, if the "Grass-Roots" had a say in the selection of the leader of the party, Moses would have been the President with a majority in the house today. People were afraid to speak up or out fearing the wrath of Jagdeo and Ramotar. We all know how vindictive and vicious they could be. Many of the supporters of the AFC in Toronto are disenchanted PPP supporters and some were even in the PYO with Khemraj, I suspect it might the same in New York and the Islands.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people of Berbice see Moses as a hero.


You from Bce? Moses is another Brutus. 

Originally Posted by Mahen:

That is a fighter for the working class.  Guyana will be free.  Free at last.

Et tu Brute? The most unkindest cut of all.


For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel.
Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar lov'd him!
This was the most unkindest cut of all;
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab,
Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arms,
Quite vanquish'd him: then burst his mighty
heart. . . .



So let it be with the 'NAGA". Dr. Cheddi Jagan's spirit will seek revenge.


Cheddi spirit hauting all them Taj Mahal what them BEES tief from the Treasury to build.


These men so sick they run around with fellow BEES in their buckta round these big mansions.


Nagamootoo needs to take the plank out of his own eyes before talking about the mote in others



Moses Nagamootoo escorting Vice President of Communications
Construction Company Ltd. (CCCC), Zhou Gang and his team to a briefing at parliament

Moses Nagamootoo has to be one of the most contemptible politicians – if not the most – in Guyana today. And that’s quite a field of reprobates he’s pipped. The man spent almost 50 years in the PPP – praising it to the hilt until a year ago. And since then miraculously – having nothing to do with the fact that he didn’t get to be its presidential candidate! – the PPP has been transformed into the most depraved organisation on earth.
Does he really think anyone takes him seriously? He mistakes the ‘notoriety’ of the buffoon for the popularity of the statesman, such as that of a giant like Cheddi Jagan. He should really take a look at himself: it’s grotesque.

Reflecting on the year since the elections, he said that the AFC was “the youngest party”.
But he’s forgotten that with bitter, old and frustrated men like himself and Khemraj Ramjattan, the AFC comes across as hardened practitioners of the oldest profession in the world. They have given their bodies and souls for a chance to get their hands on power – and on the Consolidated Fund. Nagamootoo and the AFC are obsessed with ‘corruption’. And well they should.
Have they accounted for the wads of cash they collect in New York and Toronto from their cronies who they’ve promised Guyana as a candidate to be raped if, God forbid! they get their grubby little hands on power? What about Nagamootoo’s fellow villager, the bush doctor, who stole millions according to AFC official, Haseef Yussuf? Take the plank out of your own eye before you talk about the mote in others!
We refer to the double dipping by taking money from NICIL and then from poor sugar workers in the Berbice Bridge relocation! Nagamootoo also accuses the PPP of “rabid racism and political insanity”. As usual with those whose entrails are being gnawed by guilt, Nagamootoo is projecting the “rabid racism and political insanity” he and Ramjattan betrayed when they undercut the agreement negotiated by the APNU with the PPP on the Linden electricity equalisation.
Feverishly trying to save themselves from political extinction, they rushed down to Linden screaming that the APNU had “betrayed” Lindeners and the PPP was “racially spiteful”! What wouldn’t these two renegades not do for a duty-free car of a parliamentarian??!! So what if the country has been torn asunder since then? They and their egos and ambitions come first.

Originally Posted by warrior:

MOSES is a true berbican not like that low life coconut eater ppp thief skeltonman

Moses was/is obsessed with being President but it looks as if it might not happen. So he makes noises.

Originally Posted by warrior:

MOSES is a true berbican not like that low life coconut eater ppp thief skeltonman

God bless you warria. Bai, me cyan't eat all dem dry coconut, me have fuh leff some fuh you peeple. Yu no me really kare about mankind. Se yu gat dis dry cocnut ting down now. Me bet it's nostalgia.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by warrior:

MOSES is a true berbican not like that low life coconut eater ppp thief skeltonman

Moses was/is obsessed with being President but it looks as if it might not happen. So he makes noises.

Moses is 65 years this week.  What obsession can a 65 year old have.  You wrong, Moses playing with the grand children.


It is the PPP who obsessed with Moses.


Please noise more to mek,we hear that the PPP want to offer Granger some Ministries.  Nuff moh noise to mek.


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