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ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

Maybe Vishnu can let us know how efforts to raise funds for Gabbard enriches the Guyanese immigrant community in NYC.


While he's at it I'd like to know how the Y50 group (who reflect but does not celebrate Guyana's 50th anniversary) furthers the interests of Guyanese-Americans and Guyanese in general.


Or maybe Chief you can shed some like on these two events that our friend Vishnu chose to highlight in these here threads.

I would like to know why/what we celebrating.  Is it that we take the place as one of the most exited nations on earth, is it that we manage to keep the divisions, deprivation and underdevelopment as close to 1966???  The only saving grace is the PPP took it in 1992 at a 1940 state and brought it back to some level of decency.'ve asked this question several times and haven't had a response because you're obtuse. So why bother?

ba$eman posted:
The only saving grace is the PPP took it in 1992 at a 1940 state and brought it back to some level of decency.

Obviously most Guyanese didn't agree with you that the PPP criminal enterprise was so great. In 2011 and again in 2015 most Guyanese voted against the PPP.

Accept that fact. It didn't happen once. It happened TWICE.

Pointblank posted:
Vish M posted:

I asked Congresswoman Tulsi to assist by get us 

Indo Caribbean as a status for us in Census 2020

Since when "Indo Caribbean" became a seperate race. And why is everything about race.

Very good observation Pointblank. "Indo" in Indo-Caribbean is a region. Likewise "Asian" is a region. The Federal government ought to change the racial designation on its official forms as well as the census form (which has huge implications for funding, etc.).

In the popular lexicon Asian refers to Indians and Orientals refer to Chinese/Koreans/Japanese. I don't know what you'd call Viet/Malay/Thai etc.


Its understandable why some folks look to have a separate "Indo-Caribbean" category but this would be relevant to policy considerations for local (City) funding. The Afro-Guyanese largely in Brooklyn (there's a substantial population in South-East Queens and in the Richmond Hill area too) may not have much of a category as they would be classified as African-American. Is it about race? Maybe. But it's not so much about race as it is about what racial classification does for you. Something to think about.

Kari posted:
Pointblank posted:
Vish M posted:

I asked Congresswoman Tulsi to assist by get us 

Indo Caribbean as a status for us in Census 2020

Since when "Indo Caribbean" became a seperate race. And why is everything about race.

Very good observation Pointblank. "Indo" in Indo-Caribbean is a region. Likewise "Asian" is a region. The Federal government ought to change the racial designation on its official forms as well as the census form (which has huge implications for funding, etc.).

In the popular lexicon Asian refers to Indians and Orientals refer to Chinese/Koreans/Japanese. I don't know what you'd call Viet/Malay/Thai etc.


Its understandable why some folks look to have a separate "Indo-Caribbean" category but this would be relevant to policy considerations for local (City) funding. The Afro-Guyanese largely in Brooklyn (there's a substantial population in South-East Queens and in the Richmond Hill area too) may not have much of a category as they would be classified as African-American. Is it about race? Maybe. But it's not so much about race as it is about what racial classification does for you. Something to think about.

I fully understand why VM insists, and in fact I used to talk lengthily with "Rambi" the now deceased former T&T Consul General.  At the time no one knew how many Indo Caribbean people there were as some checked "Asian", some checked "other", and a few even checked "black".   This because they didn't see themselves as "Asian", but didn't know where to self identify.

In fact Felicia Persaud has a similar effort trying to have a "Caribbean" category, though will have to accept "Caribbean" as a carve out of the "Black/African American". 

Maybe we can use the term "ethno racial" rather than race.  Indo Caribbean people are a distinct group. They are of Asia and the Caribbean, but distinct from both.  They have a unique identity, and their own range of concerns. They don't function as part of the overall Asian Indian, or Caribbean communities, though ties do exist.

Unless one can capture data its hard to argue for a role in advancing an agenda.  NYC remains a very ethnic city and ethnic mobilization is often necessary.

Kari, Afro Guyanese will be quite happy to be categorized under "Caribbean", meaning non Hispanic Caribbean black, as that is how we function in NYC.  Though I know that if Felicia heard this, she would burst a blood vessel. We live embedded among Jamaicans, Haitians, Trinis, Bajans, Grenadians, and others, and are very strongly socially integrated with these people.  

I don't think that we are "African American", as that is a whole different category, with a completely different legacy, and values.  Sure we face the same issues as blacks, but we often deal with them in different ways, because of our different traditions.

ba$eman posted:

Indians from the Caribbean are Asian or South Asian.  If we apply  Darwinism, we are actually Caucasian.  But ok, i let that one go!

You are Caucasian as are Arabs. You aren't the same brand of Caucasian as are whites.

I know this upsets you, as it is your racial anxieties, and yearning to be considered white, which underscores your support for Trump.

But it is as it is.  Large numbers of his base hate you.


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