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UPDATE from GECOM PRO: The Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission Yolanda Ward has told News Source that the Chief Elections Officer has not yet handed over his report to the GECOM Chair.
According to Ms. Ward, a notice of motion for Court action was served on the CEO before 1pm and that restrains him from going ahead with the request of the Chairman at this time. She said GECOM is to discuss the issue at its meeting today.
Gordon Moseley reporting.
@Sheik101 posted:

And that is a very dangerous thing. If Lowenfield go ahead and give the PPP a victory, all hell will break loose. APNU supporters will not let it go. Granger  and Harmon could call for as much calm they want.

I think we will see some disturbances but it will calm down quickly. The US will issue a warning.  Trump knows the Black argument is as fake as the BLM agenda.

@Sheik101 posted:

And that is a very dangerous thing. If Lowenfield go ahead and give the PPP a victory, all hell will break loose. APNU supporters will not let it go. Granger  and Harmon could call for as much calm they want.

It's a case of "been there, done that". PPP/C governments passed through fire before and will deal with it again. PPP/C is not intimidated.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Do you think an injunction can tell a man not to do his job.    The courts will decide nothing.      Overruled!

LOL. But it did. It prevented Lowenfield from declaring an APNUAFC win under Mingo's alleged fraud.

Same case being made here. But I understand your head is spinning because the shoe is on a different foot. 

 for setting the precedent.

@Ramakant-P posted:

If Mingo and Lowensky can break the law and get away with it, then the courts will overrule the injunction and order the CEO to comply with the election commission, which is an independent organisation. There should be no interference from outsiders.

LowenFIELD broke what law?

He was prepared to declare today but was ESTOPPED from further action. In other words, he was subpoenaed and ordered to not declare his report.

If you want to blame someone, blame your beloved PPP. They have set the precedent and now that they getting bites from the same snake, they bawling out.

Last edited by Rochelle
@Rochelle posted:

Reported. If you cannot argue without throwing insult then I have nothing to say to you.

Enjoy your evening.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I just asked you a question, answer it.

Ramakant --- while a person can indeed ask a question, the other individual has no obligation to provide an answer; - hence a reply.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Members of GCDF ...

Issues are indeed heated on the items for the election results.

Hopefully, all can still be civil to others with their comments on the issue.

Equally important; be civil to the Ladies/female members on the forum.

Be balanced and deal with everyone equally. Ignoring some will not make for a better operated forum.


Lowenfield fails to submit report

-Court of Appeal to hear action seeking to stop declaration

June 18, 2020


Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield today failed to submit the report of the valid votes cast in the March 2 General and Regional Elections (GRE) in direct contravention of a directive from GECOM Chairperson Justice Claudette Singh.

Singh had directed Lowenfield to submit a report of valid votes cast based on the results of the recently concluded National Recount by 1 pm today. A meeting of the Elections Commission was also scheduled for that time to receive and deliberate on that report.

However just after 3pm the meeting was adjourned for a lack of quorum and Lowenfield had not made a submission.

GECOM PRO Yolanda Ward in a press statement claimed that the report was not submitted because a “Notice of Motion” was filed in the Court of Appeal and served on the Chairperson and CEO before the 1 pm deadline.

“The Notice restrains the CEO from ‘complying with the directions of Chairperson’ and as a consequence a report was not submitted,” Ward stated. This is however an improbable conclusion as a “Notice of motion” is not a Court Order.

A Court Order or injunction would’ve been required to realize any such result.

Meanwhile the scheduled meeting did not occur since government-nominated Commissioners Desmond Trotman and Charles Corbin were absent. Their absence meant that there was no quorum.

Article 227 of the Constitution as amended by the Constitution (Amendment) Act, No. 2 of 2000 provides for the quorum for a meeting of the Commission which shall be the Chairman and not less than four members of the Commission – two each appointed by the President and the Opposition respectively.

Speaking with reporters after the adjournment the third government-nominated Commissioner Vincent Alexander said that he was not aware of the reason for his colleagues’ absence.

He also noted that Lowenfield was absent from the meeting.

@Django posted:

Lowenfield fails to submit report

-Court of Appeal to hear action seeking to stop declaration

June 18, 2020


Article 227 of the Constitution as amended by the Constitution (Amendment) Act, No. 2 of 2000 provides for the quorum for a meeting of the Commission which shall be the Chairman and not less than four members of the Commission – two each appointed by the President and the Opposition respectively.

After a few sittings, GECOM can indeed meet to make decisions if two of those appointed by the President are not present at a meeting.

Source --

Rules of Procedure:

Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM)

Quorum of GECOM

Article 226 of the Constitution as amended by the Constitution (Amendment) Act, No. 2 of 2000 provides for the quorum for a meeting of the Commission which shall be the Chairman and not less than four members of the Commission – two each appointed by the President and the Opposition respectively. If at any stage of a duly summoned meeting, a quorum is not present due to the absence of members without good cause to be determined by the Chairman then the meeting is to be adjourned for two calendar days. If the meeting was to determine the declaration of the results of the presidency, and there is no quorum, then the meeting shall be adjourned to the next day. If at the adjourned meeting there is still no quorum then, the members then present, being not less than four members including the Chairman, shall be deemed to be a quorum and any decision made at any such adjourned meeting shall be valid and binding.


GECOM must reject Notice of Motion – Nandlall

Extract of the article

A Notice of Motion was filed in the Court of Appeal and served on the Chairperson and Chief Elections Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

But former Attorney General Anil Nandlall has argued that the Notice of Motion has no merit and must be rejected by GECOM.

“It is filed by one lawyer, who hardly has a practice in Guyana. It must be ignored by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). The nation’s important business cannot be stalled on the basis of such legal frivolity. It confirms APNU/AFC’s pandemonium!

Source & rest of article -


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