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Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by redux:
@ Kari:
Weren't ypu one of the "intelligent" and informed people on this BB bigging up Fip Motilal's bona fides and his 'competence' as a road builder and hydro power developer . . . just asking?

Fip's business venture in the access road to the Amelia Falls hydro project was doomed by its association with the last Jagdeo Administration. This was anticipated since April 2011 when some onerous requirements were given as part of the project extension. There was nothing inappropriate about Fip's involvement and there were agreements about discussing these in the media. Fip will release a press statement soon, now that the access-road project is over.

Note that his an interest in the actual hydro project with the Chinese is still intact. And remember that these projects have gestation periods lasting 5 to 10 years.

A glorified NON-RESPONSE to direct question(s). . .

Your foolishness deserves a special place in the Grifters Hall of Shame!!
Until you get caught. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by Nuff:
...Guyana under the PPP is no place for a black male.
guyana under the ppp is the best place for some black males to get rich overnight from robbing indos... Frown
Not my lifestyle. They can keep that.
Originally posted by Kari:
Now on to this continuing falsehood about CGX financing and the length of time for this project - I repeat, this is a company that is publicly traded on a major Stock Exchange and its finance is transparent.

Bai, I have seen details of some of the documents signed and agreed between CGX and the Guyanese government. They fly in the face of your declarations of falsehood. What do you know? Either nothing, or you trying to deflect any attention to corrupt practises.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Kari:
Now on to this continuing falsehood about CGX financing and the length of time for this project - I repeat, this is a company that is publicly traded on a major Stock Exchange and its finance is transparent.

Bai, I have seen details of some of the documents signed and agreed between CGX and the Guyanese government. They fly in the face of your declarations of falsehood. What do you know? Either nothing, or you trying to deflect any attention to corrupt practises.

Let me quote that tag line under your GNI handle "I pity the fool"
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Kari:
Now on to this continuing falsehood about CGX financing and the length of time for this project - I repeat, this is a company that is publicly traded on a major Stock Exchange and its finance is transparent.

Bai, I have seen details of some of the documents signed and agreed between CGX and the Guyanese government. They fly in the face of your declarations of falsehood. What do you know? Either nothing, or you trying to deflect any attention to corrupt practises.

Let me quote that tag line under your GNI handle "I pity the fool"

You telling me CGX has been telling lies to the stock market?
Kari I don't care how you slice it ... after 5 years with no profit ... it's a hobby.

Those guys need to get a real job and stop living off the stockholders.

I see last week they gave another guyanese the option to buy 300,000 shares at $1.04 the option expires in 2017. This is another PhD holding guyanese. They need real workers.
Originally posted by Nuff:
We'll talk again when CGX finds oil.


The Rev somehow gets the impression that you are secretly hoping that oil is not found in commercial quantities in Guyana under a PPP administration.

I'll bet if the PNC were in charge of the executive branch you'd be all elated and ecstatic about a possible oil find.

Listen Nuffie--you are Guyanese--root for the country to progress regardless of which party is in power---put politics aside---wish your old country success.

Originally posted by Nuff:
On the contrary. I'd love to see oil found. I just question the 10 year delay obtaining a rig and ability of CGX to accomplish the task.

I've been following this CGX saga for over a decade. It smells like Beal Aerospace Technologies.

CGX nah goa bring up no oil, dem bai a prospecting and dem gah own da rights and a goa sell am to da oil companies. Alyuh people stupid or wah, Guyana ga nuff nuff mo years foa pump one barrel even if dem find oil today. Soa far dem find nuff gyass, but da nah excite dem big bais, dem want light sweet.

Me seh, alyuh plant edoe and sweet potatoe, you ga geh rich pun datt before oil come.
Originally posted by Nuff:
On the contrary. I'd love to see oil found. I just question the 10 year delay obtaining a rig and ability of CGX to accomplish the task.

I've been following this CGX saga for over a decade. It smells like Beal Aerospace Technologies.


Glad to hear you'd welcome an oil find in Guyana.

As you may be aware, there was recently a huge oil discovery offhore French Guiana by a joint venture comprising Shell, Tullow, and Total.

The joint venture is very optimistic about the Guyana basin--comprising French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana. And I believe Tullow has acquired the rights to explore in Guyana.


Sledgehammer has it right---they have the rights---and if oil is found in commercial quantities they will sell off equity stakes to major oil companies.

In the French Guiana oil discovery, Shell(45%), Tullow(27.5%) and Total(25%) are the major joint venture partners.

Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Oil brings revenue. Guyana will soon be the richest country in the caribbean.
This was a jagdeo project. The man is gone and his leagacy keeps on rolling..
You have to find the oil first.

Though I am sure there is oil in Guyana all we have found to date is coconut oil.

I don't think CGX is capable of doing the job. They will fall to the wayside like FIP.

A canadian company is not capable of doing the Job. WHY?
Originally posted by Mr.T:
And there in lies the problem. Which other country has sold its ownership of its oil fields to a bunch of amateur speculators? Even those stupid camel herders in Africa didn't behave so dumb.

Mr. T:

The Shell, Tullow, Total joint venture invested hundreds of millions of dollars before making that major oil discovery off French Guiana.

That's how it works my boy---the speculators take the risk---and if successful they profit handsomely.

The government of French Guiana will collect royalty---and corporate tax revenues.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
And there in lies the problem. Which other country has sold its ownership of its oil fields to a bunch of amateur speculators? Even those stupid camel herders in Africa didn't behave so dumb.

Mr. T:

The Shell, Tullow, Total joint venture invested hundreds of millions of dollars before making that major oil discovery off French Guiana.

That's how it works my boy---the speculators take the risk---and if successful they profit handsomely.

The government of French Guiana will collect royalty---and corporate tax revenues.


CGX has already spent millions of US$ in its exploration in Guyana and has created employment for quite a number of people.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
How much corporation tax has the Canadian goldmining company paid to the Guyanese government so far? None!

A company does not pay corporation tax if it does not produce anything. However, they do pay for the license fees to explore, which is as follows:

Pomeroon - US$90,000/yr
Corentyne - US$80,000/yr
Georgetown - US$90,000/yr
Berbice Block - US$10,000/yr

or total GY$54 Million/yr

Also, in 1998 they signed a 10 year exploration deal worth US$8 Million or GY$1.6 Billion(in today's value).

So if your point was that this company is not paying the GoG, I think you can see from these figures about that isn't true.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
And there in lies the problem. Which other country has sold its ownership of its oil fields to a bunch of amateur speculators? Even those stupid camel herders in Africa didn't behave so dumb.

Mr. T:

The Shell, Tullow, Total joint venture invested hundreds of millions of dollars before making that major oil discovery off French Guiana.

That's how it works my boy---the speculators take the risk---and if successful they profit handsomely.

The government of French Guiana will collect royalty---and corporate tax revenues.


He is totally correct. There was no guarantee in exploration, just ask Suriname. When they do drill and discover extractable oil, that's when the GoG will see revenues through the royalties. "No one sold anyone's future."

Further, I read that they expect Guyana to produce about 150,000bbls/day or 50 Million bbls/year. That should increase the GDP of the nation by about US$5Billion annually, leap-frogging our GDP to about US$7.2 Billion or the more respectable US$10,000 GNI per capita.

My only fear will be inflation with such a meteoric rise in GDP. The GoG should currently be formulating a plan to combat the inflationary effects that comes with the wealth. Or else or economy will end up with the likes Nigeria and India with high inflation. The high price levels will lead to high poverty rates and lots of government subsidies.

So there are still challenges to face even with the oil.
I hope these dudes have some dead presidents (dollar bills), especially Benjamin Franklin.

With regard to safety, both CGX and Repsol said that they have containment plans in place in the eventuality of a spill or other mishap. In fact, there is being held today a stakeholder meeting at the Red House in Kingston to address emergency response expectations in the context of petroleum exploration drilling offshore. Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud said last week that there will be teams coming from the Commonwealth and the US to help build capacity in Guyana as the country prepares for its fortunes in petroleum.

So far Repsol has expended US$52 million on its exploration operations and this figure is expected to reach a total of US$180 million. The CGX operation at the Eagle well will cost the company some US$55 million. While the cost to operate the Ocean Saratoga will be US$500,000 per day, it will cost US$650,000 per day to operate the Atwell Beacon.

Originally posted by Kari:
It's duly noted that Nuff has moved on from CGX being a fake company to concerns about environmental impact with CGX in the conversation. Boy, are we making progress?
I never stated they were a fake company. How can they be when they are listed on the Canadian exchange.

I have stated ... that they haven't made one red cent in 4 years. In fact they have been operating at a loss for the past four+ years.

Now ..... they are spending $500K a day, that's $15M/month. This is all stockholder money. Venture capitalist.

Also the environmental issue was higlighted in the newspapers. The bold portion of the post is what I wanted you to concentrate on. I didn't want to just pull an excerpt of the article out of the air and put in in wrong context.

I am rooting for Guyana to find oil. I just don't think CGX is capable of accomplishing the task.
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by Kari:
It's duly noted that Nuff has moved on from CGX being a fake company to concerns about environmental impact with CGX in the conversation. Boy, are we making progress?
He wants every Guyanese project to fail then he'll dance with glee.
Are you aware this year marks 10 years that CGX has been looking for oil in Guyana.
My Bad ... this is about the 15th year CGX has been looking for oil in Guyana. It is true Suriname used gunboat diplomacy 12 years ago. But when you tally the years they have had rights to drill for oil in Guyana it must be going on to 15 years. I was a young stud back then, now I am an old man. Smile

CGX starts drilling Eagle-1 well -same spot it was evicted from in June 2000
By Stabroek editor | 0 Comments | Local | Monday, February 13, 2012

CGX today announced that it has begun drilling for oil in the Eagle-1 Well in its 100% owned and operated Corentyne Petroleum Prospecting Licence – the same spot it was evicted from by Surinamese gunboats 12 years ago.
Originally posted by Nuff:
My Bad ... this is about the 15th year CGX has been looking for oil in Guyana. It is true Suriname used gunboat diplomacy 12 years ago. But when you tally the years they have had rights to drill for oil in Guyana it must be going on to 15 years. I was a young stud back then, now I am an old man.... Smile
Please grow old gracefully and wish the country well. Big Grin
I wish the country well, because the people running it gon catch hell.

On a serious tip I hope Guyana finds oil. Don't be misled that this is a simple task. Were it a simple task it would have been attempted a long time ago.

There's been talk of oil exploration and hydro power in Guyana before I was born, and I'm no spring chicken.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
And there in lies the problem. Which other country has sold its ownership of its oil fields to a bunch of amateur speculators? Even those stupid camel herders in Africa didn't behave so dumb.

Mr. T:

The Shell, Tullow, Total joint venture invested hundreds of millions of dollars before making that major oil discovery off French Guiana.

That's how it works my boy---the speculators take the risk---and if successful they profit handsomely.

The government of French Guiana will collect royalty---and corporate tax revenues.


He is totally correct. There was no guarantee in exploration, just ask Suriname. When they do drill and discover extractable oil, that's when the GoG will see revenues through the royalties. "No one sold anyone's future."

Further, I read that they expect Guyana to produce about 150,000bbls/day or 50 Million bbls/year. That should increase the GDP of the nation by about US$5Billion annually, leap-frogging our GDP to about US$7.2 Billion or the more respectable US$10,000 GNI per capita.

My only fear will be inflation with such a meteoric rise in GDP. The GoG should currently be formulating a plan to combat the inflationary effects that comes with the wealth. Or else or economy will end up with the likes Nigeria and India with high inflation. The high price levels will lead to high poverty rates and lots of government subsidies.

So there are still challenges to face even with the oil.

inflation with such a meteoric rise in GDP. I am confuse. Please break it down... how increased revenue would cause inflation. I remember when the oil prices rise and Canada began processing the oil sand it sends its currency higher than the US...

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