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Originally Posted by Nehru:

You open your big mouth and shamelessly claimed that it is a DRY well: NO OIL and that you have impeccable sources. Do I need to explain further?? I have a feeling I will have to.

Yes . . . Eagle-1 is a dry well.


Yes . . . my sources are impeccable.


That CGX hasn't said so yet is a matter of 'bidness' and information management.


Let me know if there is anything else I need to break down for U.


BTW, when are YOU going to apologize to those members of this BB for the abuse you ignorantly?? heaped upon them when THEY pointed out the OBVIOUS con being perpetrated on the Guyanese taxpayer by Jagdeo, the PPP and FIP MOTILALL. . . eh?!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

The oil is there is just a matter of finding it.  The sucker is hiding he does not want to end up as gasoline. 

No doubt the oil is there . . .


Problem with Guyana's oil patch is its version of PPPCrime's Fip Motilall - local wannabe oligarchs leveraging access [technically "RIGHTS"] for untold, unearned billions . . . risking NOTHING!

Originally Posted by Sharon Storm:

The discovery oil will boost Guyana's G.D.P thus will further improve the socio-economic standards of its citizens, its a a positive pull factor to attract more foreign investments

Mr transvestite, my hope is the opposition has fully entrenched itself ro but the reins on the PPP thievery and skullduggery before oil is found. If not it wont be the GDP gets the cash but the pockets of the PPP skuns.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr. Warrior it appear you are a who's judgement is clouded by perceived utter nonsense.....pity on your soul

I am sure the gentleman is taking heed to the advice to be prudent in all ones business affairs. He has a more pressing need to be vigilant knowing the thieves are circling the wagon in hope to plunder its contents. It is a fortunate thing that we can hold them accountable or these thieves would rob us blind.


Duncified cross dresser. ( why do you pretend to be a woman or do you wish you were one) there are no naysayers on the existence of oil. They are yeasayers on the expectations of outlandish attempts at plundering any riches of such windfall to the nation by the crooks now inhabiting the administration of the state.


It  is truly  unfortunate   that  some folks would  take an  up-beat, positive, good news story and  masturbate, pulverized,  sodomized and  sucked it  dry  for  its  last  drop of  political bile. For  once,  we  have a good  corporate citizen  stepping  forward to make  a  significant contribution that  would have tremendous long  term and  positive  effect on our educational, social and economic development &  well being and yet  we have  to  turn this  into  a political  mud-fest.


 The  title of  the  thread start with:


"...CGX gives big boost to UG"  and  then  went  on  to  highlight the  positive benefit for the  nation and  its  citizen.

...The Canadian oil exploration company in Guyana, CGX, in its social outreach program, has begun the building of a Hall of Residence at the Institute of Applied Science and Technology at the Turkeyen campus of the University of Guyana.


...The building, named the E. Dookie Hall of Residence, after the founder of CGX Energy Inc., a Guyanese (pictured below in a sod-turning ceremony this past Wednesday, and will house students from the Trent University of Guyana as part of the collaborative opportunities in the training of graduate studies and the sharing of resources and joint research...



 ... Dr. Dookie stated that he hoped that it would be of great benefit to the young people of Guyana, who, CGX firmly believes, with the necessary education and training, would be able to provide the necessary skills at all levels to the prospective oil and gas industry and to all other sectors of development in Guyana..."


Oil if  in  fact  it  is there,  would have been  there  for tens of  thousand  of  years.  In  all these  years,  it yielded  not  a dime for the  national coffer  or  anyone.  Now  for  the  first  time, we  have  an  individual with  foresight and   intestinal  fortitude  who  dare  to  dream and possess a dogged  determination to  bring  those   dreams  into  reality. Interestingly  to date,   no  one  can point  to a  single  transgression or  provide  any  concrete evidence of malpractice  by Dr. Kamal Dookie or  any one  associated  with  CGX.

The  current  political   configuration  is  reason  for  hope  & optimism,  so  we  should  for once, stop  behaving  like  the dog  in  a  manger or  as  Kari   pointed  out, 'Don't  throw  out  the  baby  with  the  bath  water' Stop  the  partisan  political  bickering,  trust your combined opposition to hold  the  feet  of  Govt.  to  the  fire and  let's  encourage & salute good  Corporate Citizenship!       

Last edited by Former Member

This is not seeking political ends beyond bringing a plutocracy into conformity with political democracy. The worse of all ills to third world nations is the agreements to exploit their natural resources between government and agencies set up to do so.


I dare you to fine me one in  the third world that has not resulted in greed and corruption returning little or nothing to the people themselves. You could look to Libya and its third world status despite decades of oil revenues and there is the axis of corrupt practices, Nigeria; it has the best crude oil in the world and hardly any of that revenue reaches the people. Country after country where secret deals were cut are still to benefit from their oil. Ghana is new on our experience of this kind of pervasive corruption where exceptions of benefits are distant given the greed and pillaging of the oil company and the administration. Speaking out to this is as a warning and a demand to look to our nations needs and not be beguiled into thinking benefits from the discovery of oil inevitably follows. Theft is the global norm.


In our example,  we already have some of the principals in this oil deal benefiting from give away of our land and access to a principal water way, the collateralizing of their investment on the backs of our old people. On top of that they received some 16 million dollars in direct give away and yet the think they have the right to gouge us with the berbice river bridge. That is the most expensive water way to cross and it is supposed to be that way for 20 years. I have not looked but I think the got an extension to that for another decade!


Would you not rather a contract stipulating a cap of say 100 percent of their money invested over x number of years and then it returns to national control? If we are the ones backing the project why are they getting the benefits?


This oil lease extends across the inner coastal belt. Exon and the Venezuelans have the deeper regions. No one told us how much we get. That is not public knowledge or you for example would know. Understand well tat percentage would be after expenses is taken and that an be anywhere up to 90 to 99 percent depending on how crooked are the companies. Venezuela was getting 3 cents a barrel until nationalization.  The point is none of the Principals here can claim experience, business plan, capital input etc as their CV to these leases. They were not discussed openly or offered up for bid. That is my point.


It is not about whether these people have good intentions or the promise of oil wealth to the nation. History tells us that little oil revenues ever get to the people unless a conscientious government oversee the leases. We do not have one in office.

Last edited by Former Member're all over the map trying to pull your foot out of your mouth. Give it a rest, unless you have evidence of skullduggery with CGX's involvement in its investments in Guyana.


I would not even dignify your baseless and unfounded insinuations (not even facts) about something fishy here. IF you were doinf an academic paper here you would fail miserably.


So shut up and get to your corner

Originally Posted by Kari:'re all over the map trying to pull your foot out of your mouth. Give it a rest, unless you have evidence of skullduggery with CGX's involvement in its investments in Guyana.


I would not even dignify your baseless and unfounded insinuations (not even facts) about something fishy here. IF you were doinf an academic paper here you would fail miserably.


So shut up and get to your corner

 Address what is unfounded. This is not an academic paper. Further, why should I be impressed with you grading me?  Dookie is your family so you have to feel miffed. My corner is the world.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I just checked out the CGX website.  I notice as directors they have Professor Narine together with the Beharry cousins Anand and Suresh.  These are honest boys with good solid investment track records.  So I think the government made a good choice by selecting CGX.



I have different take on this. The Beharrys are obviously great Guyanese investors. Suresh was made Jagdeo's point man on renewable energy and he was supposed to be part of IAST leading this effort. As a member of the CGX board, I see this as a conflict of interest. Furthermore, I know Dookie is uncomfortable with renewable energy because we spoke several times about this at the Pegasus. The last I bumped into him, I told him clearly in the presence of Norman McLean  that my vision is not one of a pump and sell strategy as they have in Equatorial Guinea. I mentioned to Dookie that there is no need to see renewable energy and oil in conflict with each other. I hope he agrees. It is not difficult to understand why NINE foreign investors interested in Guyana's ethanol were turned down by the PPP. They are so predictable.

KARI: TK...I have to wonder why bio-fuel efforts like ethanol from corn and soya in the US were seen by investors as a failure. They cite the net carbon emissions from such conversions. I guess that investors looking at sugar cane ethanol with similarly scientific grounding, as well as its economics. Ii fail to see the linkage you mention that results in a conflict of interest.





It is well known that US corn ethanol is not going to survive without subsidy. Guyana however have much more superior feedstock which has a remarkable energy balance of 8.4 (corn is only 0.4 energy balance). The Brazilians have shown that sugarcane can make ethanol efficiently. They developed an industrial base around it...including the E85 flex fuel engine. Sugar ethanol can also create enough backward and forward production linkages in Guyana. Nine foreign investors - turned down by Jagdeo - seem to agree with me. I don't think we must drop the dream of crude oil. I am not against CGX or the people buying that company's stocks. We must do them all because the world need energy. I see it as a conflict of interest if the man in charge of ethanol and bio-diesel research at IAST suddenly finds himself on the board of a crude oil company. He may want to issue a statement saying these are not substitutes but complements.  


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