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Challenging the Jagdeo myth


Mr. Carl Greenidge, Finance Minister in the PNC Administration has been one of the chief targets of the PPP/C since 2011 for what they claim to be his mismanagement of the economy prior to 1992. This claim is at best one-sided and at worst totally dishonest, completely ignoring the performance of the economy when Greenidge demitted office in 1992. Perhaps as the calypsonian Chalkdust sang: “they ‘fraid Carl”.

A question for the PPP/C is if the Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) which they in opposition had dubbed Empty Rice Pot was so bad, why did they not replace it? The truth is that the ERP negotiated by Greenidge with the IMF and other international lenders and donors placed Guyana on a trend where its economic growth rate was well above anything the country has ever witnessed, before or after. Asgar Ally, riding on the wave of debt write offs initiated by Greenidge, kept the economy roaring until he was undermined by then Junior Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo.

Jagdeo’s reverse gear

Following the appointment of Jagdeo as Finance Minister the economy went into reverse, a trend which continued with his micro-management of the economy when he succeeded Janet Jagan as President in 1999. Let us see how the numbers stack up.

In October 1992 when Asgar Ally took over as Finance Minister, GDP was growing at 7.7% following a 6.1% growth in 1991. But as the graph below shows, the economy recorded its first decline in the decade of the nineties under Jagdeo as Finance Minister, an underperformance repeated for three years between 2000 and 2005 under Jagdeo’s presidency.

Source: Ministry of Finance

The PPP/C would also have the nation believe that their Government paid off the debts inherited from the PNC. The reality is different. As a result of the economic recovery programme constructed by Greenidge, Guyana benefitted from substantial debt write-offs even as the PPP/C engaged in its own borrowing spree, both locally and internationally. For the domestic debt, see table below:

Source: Bank of Guyana

Unfortunately for Guyana, economic mismanagement is not the only or worst failure of Jagdeo. He consistently violated the Constitution; undermined the judiciary; compromised public accounting and accountability; facilitated a network of slush funds; politicised and debilitated the public sector; gave Guyana the most expensive river bridge crossing in the world; made personal and political corruption into an art form; elevated extra-judicial killing into state policy in collusion with a drug kingpin; crippled the National Insurance Scheme; and his worst political/economic sin of all: destroyed the sugar industry first by his misconceived and mis-named Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project and his mindboggling, brainless decision to give the construction of the factory to the Chinese.

Rewarding himself
To cap it all, Jagdeo did not wait on an independent parliament to reward him with a fair retirement package. He ordered his Cabinet and the then PPP/C majority in the National Assembly to administer to Guyanese the ultimate insult: a retirement package for him that is equivalent to the average earned income of sixty sugar workers. Or to put it another way, the equivalent of the old age pension of 240 persons.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This article wins the prize for "Gross Emission of Slop" on GNI.  Comparing Greenidge to Jagdeo is like comparing Burnham to Mother Theresa.

That's what you get from the article or are there some lack of comprehension.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This article wins the prize for "Gross Emission of Slop" on GNI.  Comparing Greenidge to Jagdeo is like comparing Burnham to Mother Theresa.

That's what you get from the article or are there some lack of comprehension.

What?  You have another article that emits more slop than this one?  Can't be!

Bibi Haniffa

Slop can boy can not get enough of Jagdeo, he live, eat and shyte Jagdeo day and night, not a moment goes by without him uttering Jagdeo's name.  Maybe similar to lilmohan, Jagdeo refused to clap bigan on him, hence the enduring scorn for the man. 

Drugb posted:

Slop can boy can not get enough of Jagdeo, he live, eat and shyte Jagdeo day and night, not a moment goes by without him uttering Jagdeo's name.  Maybe similar to lilmohan, Jagdeo refused to clap bigan on him, hence the enduring scorn for the man. 

Keep the BB talk to yourself,did the cushion assist today.??

Ayuh seh the man is the greatest Economist,his years of governing prove otherwise,he then confuffle alyuh took a hefty raise.


Bharrat Jagdeo is not the only politician surrounded by "myth". Name me ONE presidential-calibre politician in Guyana without flaws. Why are some people demonizing Jagdeo? The answer is simple: fear and insecurity. 

Jagdeo's critics fear his return to power in 2020, a real probability. Jagdeo's critics don't have confidence in the APNU+AFC voter appeal in 2020, hence their growing insecurity and panic attacks.

Ultimately, the national electorate will decide. Not Django, not Drugb, not Gilbakka, not GNI. And those who will condone rigging will only take the nation 30 years backwards.

Gilbakka will not campaign for any party in 2020, but he wants FAIR PLAY.

Last edited by Former Member

A little fact about the ERP. It was enforced on Guyana because the country was bankrupt while Carl Greenidge was Minister of Finance. The PNC government back then didn't come up with the idea. It was forced on them by the IMF and WB.

Django posted:

Challenging the Jagdeo myth


Mr. Carl Greenidge, Finance Minister in the PNC Administration has been one of the chief targets of the PPP/C since 2011 for what they claim to be his mismanagement of the economy prior to 1992. This claim is at best one-sided and at worst totally dishonest, completely ignoring the performance of the economy when Greenidge demitted office in 1992. Perhaps as the calypsonian Chalkdust sang: “they ‘fraid Carl”.

A question for the PPP/C is if the Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) which they in opposition had dubbed Empty Rice Pot was so bad, why did they not replace it? The truth is that the ERP negotiated by Greenidge with the IMF and other international lenders and donors placed Guyana on a trend where its economic growth rate was well above anything the country has ever witnessed, before or after. Asgar Ally, riding on the wave of debt write offs initiated by Greenidge, kept the economy roaring until he was undermined by then Junior Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo.

Jagdeo’s reverse gear

Following the appointment of Jagdeo as Finance Minister the economy went into reverse, a trend which continued with his micro-management of the economy when he succeeded Janet Jagan as President in 1999. Let us see how the numbers stack up.

In October 1992 when Asgar Ally took over as Finance Minister, GDP was growing at 7.7% following a 6.1% growth in 1991. But as the graph below shows, the economy recorded its first decline in the decade of the nineties under Jagdeo as Finance Minister, an underperformance repeated for three years between 2000 and 2005 under Jagdeo’s presidency.

Source: Ministry of Finance

The PPP/C would also have the nation believe that their Government paid off the debts inherited from the PNC. The reality is different. As a result of the economic recovery programme constructed by Greenidge, Guyana benefitted from substantial debt write-offs even as the PPP/C engaged in its own borrowing spree, both locally and internationally. For the domestic debt, see table below:

Source: Bank of Guyana

Unfortunately for Guyana, economic mismanagement is not the only or worst failure of Jagdeo. He consistently violated the Constitution; undermined the judiciary; compromised public accounting and accountability; facilitated a network of slush funds; politicised and debilitated the public sector; gave Guyana the most expensive river bridge crossing in the world; made personal and political corruption into an art form; elevated extra-judicial killing into state policy in collusion with a drug kingpin; crippled the National Insurance Scheme; and his worst political/economic sin of all: destroyed the sugar industry first by his misconceived and mis-named Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project and his mindboggling, brainless decision to give the construction of the factory to the Chinese.

Rewarding himself
To cap it all, Jagdeo did not wait on an independent parliament to reward him with a fair retirement package. He ordered his Cabinet and the then PPP/C majority in the National Assembly to administer to Guyanese the ultimate insult: a retirement package for him that is equivalent to the average earned income of sixty sugar workers. Or to put it another way, the equivalent of the old age pension of 240 persons.

Any first year economics student will be able to tear this apart. Just not good scholarship and delves more into political rhetorics than sound economic analysis. But the, Django might be unaware of this or extremely ....

Gilbakka posted:

Bharrat Jagdeo is not the only politician surrounded by "myth". Name me ONE presidential-calibre politician in Guyana without flaws. Why are some people demonizing Jagdeo? The answer is simple: fear and insecurity. 

Jagdeo shows up and constantly feeds the press lies, hence the reason he has to be demonized. He has damaged the PPP so he should STF up and walk away from politics because there is no way in hell I could see him ever winning an election...unfortunately even if it has to be rigged.

Last edited by cain
Zed posted:

Any first year economics student will be able to tear this apart. Just not good scholarship and delves more into political rhetorics than sound economic analysis. But the, Django might be unaware of this or extremely ....

Suh Chrisram is mediocre,

you can be seen under that black cloak.

Django posted:
Zed posted:

Any first year economics student will be able to tear this apart. Just not good scholarship and delves more into political rhetorics than sound economic analysis. But the, Django might be unaware of this or extremely ....

Suh Chrisram is mediocre,

you can be seen under that black cloak.

Django bai, there have been times where Chris Ram has betrayed his legal and accounting education. Sometimes, he allows other forces to fashion his thoughts.

Gilbakka posted:

Bharrat Jagdeo is not the only politician surrounded by "myth". Name me ONE presidential-calibre politician in Guyana without flaws. Why are some people demonizing Jagdeo? The answer is simple: fear and insecurity. 

Jagdeo's critics fear his return to power in 2020, a real probability. Jagdeo's critics don't have confidence in the APNU+AFC voter appeal in 2020, hence their growing insecurity and panic attacks.

Ultimately, the national electorate will decide. Not Django, not Drugb, not Gilbakka, not GNI. And those who will condone rigging will only take the nation 30 years backwards.

Gilbakka will not campaign for any party in 2020, but he wants FAIR PLAY.

Well said Gil. Kudos for your honesty.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This article wins the prize for "Gross Emission of Slop" on GNI.  Comparing Greenidge to Jagdeo is like comparing Burnham to Mother Theresa.

Ha Ha, Bibi fish up Django Royally here. This is the best one for this year so far.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Bharrat Jagdeo is not the only politician surrounded by "myth". Name me ONE presidential-calibre politician in Guyana without flaws. Why are some people demonizing Jagdeo? The answer is simple: fear and insecurity. 

Jagdeo's critics fear his return to power in 2020, a real probability. Jagdeo's critics don't have confidence in the APNU+AFC voter appeal in 2020, hence their growing insecurity and panic attacks.

Ultimately, the national electorate will decide. Not Django, not Drugb, not Gilbakka, not GNI. And those who will condone rigging will only take the nation 30 years backwards.

Gilbakka will not campaign for any party in 2020, but he wants FAIR PLAY.

Care to tell us what percentage of black folks will vote for Jagdeo?

His baggage will destroy Guyana

If there is "fear" of that, it is a good thing.

He is a banal race politician who couldn't care less about black people as long as EAst Indians as a majority are frightened enough to vote tightly tribal.

I've traveled quite a few times to Guyana since the change of government. The square peggery, lack of vision and dangerous stabs at big-time corruption notwithstanding, my big takeaway is that death squad evil no longer walk the streets with official sanction, and people no longer fear the government.

Jagdeo-era NEPS naro-driving the economy wIll soon be stuff in the rear view mirror. Thank you DEA!!

It's been barely 2 and a half years, most of the hysteria here is rank with hypocrisy

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Zed posted:

Any first year economics student will be able to tear this apart. Just not good scholarship and delves more into political rhetorics than sound economic analysis. But the, Django might be unaware of this or extremely ....

Suh Chrisram is mediocre,

you can be seen under that black cloak.

As far as I know, Christopher Ram, if that is about whom You refer, is an accountant and a lawyer. He had his own axe to grind. Now, it seems he bought a new axe and is sharpening it and using itagainst the present set of crooks, jokers who pretend they care about the Guyanese people when in reality, they only care for themselves. 

I heard that several persons, including Ram are trying to put together a new political party for 2020.

your comment about black cloak is too cryptic for this old man to understand. Maybe  like little kids  you are looking for the boogeyman man that exists in their imagination.


Homme posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Bharrat Jagdeo is not the only politician surrounded by "myth". Name me ONE presidential-calibre politician in Guyana without flaws. Why are some people demonizing Jagdeo? The answer is simple: fear and insecurity. 

Jagdeo's critics fear his return to power in 2020, a real probability. Jagdeo's critics don't have confidence in the APNU+AFC voter appeal in 2020, hence their growing insecurity and panic attacks.

Ultimately, the national electorate will decide. Not Django, not Drugb, not Gilbakka, not GNI. And those who will condone rigging will only take the nation 30 years backwards.

Gilbakka will not campaign for any party in 2020, but he wants FAIR PLAY.

Care to tell us what percentage of black folks will vote for Jagdeo?

His baggage will destroy Guyana

If there is "fear" of that, it is a good thing.

He is a banal race politician who couldn't care less about black people as long as EAst Indians as a majority are frightened enough to vote tightly tribal.

I've traveled quite a few times to Guyana since the change of government. The square peggery, lack of vision and dangerous stabs at big-time corruption notwithstanding, my big takeaway is that death squad evil no longer walk the streets with official sanction, and people no longer fear the government.

Jagdeo-era NEPS naro-driving the economy wIll soon be stuff in the rear view mirror. Thank you DEA!!

It's been barely 2 and a half years, most of the hysteria here is rank with hypocrisy

How do you know that the people no longer fear the government? Where is your source? You might want to survey people who voted against the coalition to start with. Include lots of those who voted for them.

I do not condone corruption, death squads, nnarcotics trafficking or use of illegal drugs. The coalition promised to investigate and try those found guilty of the killings by the death squads. Well, I am still waiting for this to begin. 

Corruption is just as rampant as claimed before. Barcode trafficking is still here.  Rapes are happening more frequently, people are still being killed by bandits,  petty crime more prevalent. Have you heard about the bicycle criminals in the villages on the East Coast. People are now scared to walk to the local grocery store. Hail got burnt down, prisoners running loose for awhile, rumours of prisoners on day work outside of prison being implicated in violent crime then the matter gets dropped, etc. 


yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This article wins the prize for "Gross Emission of Slop" on GNI.  Comparing Greenidge to Jagdeo is like comparing Burnham to Mother Theresa.

Ha Ha, Bibi fish up Django Royally here. This is the best one for this year so far.

What can one expect,a boaster tagging along with a second fiddle secretary,both of you are no match for Django,concluding " fish up" shows there are undeveloped matter in the cranium.

Last edited by Django
Zed posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

Any first year economics student will be able to tear this apart. Just not good scholarship and delves more into political rhetorics than sound economic analysis. But the, Django might be unaware of this or extremely ....

Suh Chrisram is mediocre,

you can be seen under that black cloak.

As far as I know, Christopher Ram, if that is about whom You refer, is an accountant and a lawyer. He had his own axe to grind. Now, it seems he bought a new axe and is sharpening it and using itagainst the present set of crooks, jokers who pretend they care about the Guyanese people when in reality, they only care for themselves. 

I heard that several persons, including Ram are trying to put together a new political party for 2020.

your comment about black cloak is too cryptic for this old man to understand. Maybe  like little kids  you are looking for the boogeyman man that exists in their imagination.


You are just a few years ahead of my age,take a look at your last sentence in your first post,you will get what i meant.

Anyway no hard feelings.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Comparing Greenidge to Jagdeo is like comparing Burnham to Mother Theresa.

Wonder why you used "to" and not "with".

Let's compare your hearth throb Jagdeo with Mother Theresa.

To cap it all, Jagdeo did not wait on an independent parliament to reward him with a fair retirement package. He ordered his Cabinet and the then PPP/C majority in the National Assembly to administer to Guyanese the ultimate insult: a retirement package for him that is equivalent to the average earned income of sixty sugar workers. Or to put it another way, the equivalent of the old age pension of 240 persons. 


Last edited by Mitwah
Zed posted:

None intended


Django is just the messenger.  

Perhaps you are one of the 240 that Ram mentioned?

It's raining here today and the leaves are changing colors and falling.

Have a great day. 

ksazma posted:

A little fact about the ERP. It was enforced on Guyana because the country was bankrupt while Carl Greenidge was Minister of Finance. The PNC government back then didn't come up with the idea. It was forced on them by the IMF and WB.

u presented a classic case of how a single decision can be interpreted in two different ways.

Homme posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Gilbakka will not campaign for any party in 2020, but he wants FAIR PLAY.

Care to tell us what percentage of black folks will vote for Jagdeo?

His baggage will destroy Guyana

If there is "fear" of that, it is a good thing.


As I said, voters in Guyana will decide Jagdeo's future. For me, free and fair election in 2020 is all-important. With that, I shall accept the results, whether PPP or APNU+AFC. I'm not writing off Jagdeo as many people are doing. 

Mitwah posted:

Too bad the PPP doesn't have a succession plan and that there is no one capable of replacing Jagdeo to lead the party in 2020. Indians will vote with their feet again.

So will the negroes.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Too bad the PPP doesn't have a succession plan and that there is no one capable of replacing Jagdeo to lead the party in 2020. Indians will vote with their feet again.

So will the negroes.

Jagan used to send Moses where others were afraid to go.

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Too bad the PPP doesn't have a succession plan and that there is no one capable of replacing Jagdeo to lead the party in 2020. Indians will vote with their feet again.

So will the negroes.

Jagan used to send Moses where others were afraid to go.

He saw Moses as being stupid. He did not use him; he just had use for him then.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Too bad the PPP doesn't have a succession plan and that there is no one capable of replacing Jagdeo to lead the party in 2020. Indians will vote with their feet again.

So will the negroes.

Jagan used to send Moses where others were afraid to go.

He saw Moses as being stupid. He did not use him; he just had use for him then.

All the haters of Moses Nagamootoo seems to forget the days when he was in the trenches,screw all of you,joining with APNU was a good move,it's healthy for democracy,let the new-PPP take a rest,wish them luck if they can be in government come 2020,the people will decide.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Too bad the PPP doesn't have a succession plan and that there is no one capable of replacing Jagdeo to lead the party in 2020. Indians will vote with their feet again.

So will the negroes.

Jagan used to send Moses where others were afraid to go.

He saw Moses as being stupid. He did not use him; he just had use for him then.

All the haters of Moses Nagamootoo seems to forget the days when he was in the trenches,screw all of you,joining with APNU was a good move,it's healthy for democracy,let the new-PPP take a rest,wish them luck if they can be in government come 2020,the people will decide.

Was he in the trenches supporting the crooked actions of the PPP?  Isn't he doing the same for the PNC? The man knows how to sell out his people. Moses cares for Moses and nobody else. You can defend him all you want, he is no saint. He is as crooked as a $3 bill.



Gilbakka posted:
Homme posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Gilbakka will not campaign for any party in 2020, but he wants FAIR PLAY.

Care to tell us what percentage of black folks will vote for Jagdeo?

His baggage will destroy Guyana

If there is "fear" of that, it is a good thing.


As I said, voters in Guyana will decide Jagdeo's future. For me, free and fair election in 2020 is all-important. With that, I shall accept the results, whether PPP or APNU+AFC. I'm not writing off Jagdeo as many people are doing. 

Words from the wise and intelligent.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Too bad the PPP doesn't have a succession plan and that there is no one capable of replacing Jagdeo to lead the party in 2020. Indians will vote with their feet again.

So will the negroes.

Jagan used to send Moses where others were afraid to go.

He saw Moses as being stupid. He did not use him; he just had use for him then.

All the haters of Moses Nagamootoo seems to forget the days when he was in the trenches,screw all of you,joining with APNU was a good move,it's healthy for democracy,let the new-PPP take a rest,wish them luck if they can be in government come 2020,the people will decide.

Was he in the trenches supporting the crooked actions of the PPP?  Isn't he doing the same for the PNC? The man knows how to sell out his people. Moses cares for Moses and nobody else. You can defend him all you want, he is no saint. He is as crooked as a $3 bill.

Well what the r@ss is this,all the time my thoughts are you viewed the PPP as clean as a whistle.

Looks like my bad.

Gilbakka posted:
Homme posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Gilbakka will not campaign for any party in 2020, but he wants FAIR PLAY.

Care to tell us what percentage of black folks will vote for Jagdeo?

His baggage will destroy Guyana

If there is "fear" of that, it is a good thing.


As I said, voters in Guyana will decide Jagdeo's future. For me, free and fair election in 2020 is all-important. With that, I shall accept the results, whether PPP or APNU+AFC. I'm not writing off Jagdeo as many people are doing.

CCJ still have to decide if he can run,

personally i considered it un-democratic if he throws his hat in the ring.

Last edited by Django
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Comparing Greenidge to Jagdeo is like comparing Burnham to Mother Theresa.

Wonder why you used "to" and not "with".

Let's compare your hearth throb Jagdeo with Mother Theresa.

To cap it all, Jagdeo did not wait on an independent parliament to reward him with a fair retirement package. He ordered his Cabinet and the then PPP/C majority in the National Assembly to administer to Guyanese the ultimate insult: a retirement package for him that is equivalent to the average earned income of sixty sugar workers. Or to put it another way, the equivalent of the old age pension of 240 persons. 


Is this the raise that Moses lied saying that he did not vote in favour of it? Nandlall read from Hansard confirming that Moses lied.

Zed posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Comparing Greenidge to Jagdeo is like comparing Burnham to Mother Theresa.

Wonder why you used "to" and not "with".

Let's compare your hearth throb Jagdeo with Mother Theresa.

To cap it all, Jagdeo did not wait on an independent parliament to reward him with a fair retirement package. He ordered his Cabinet and the then PPP/C majority in the National Assembly to administer to Guyanese the ultimate insult: a retirement package for him that is equivalent to the average earned income of sixty sugar workers. Or to put it another way, the equivalent of the old age pension of 240 persons. 


Is this the raise that Moses lied saying that he did not vote in favour of it? Nandlall read from Hansard confirming that Moses lied.

I believe that could be true but never the less BJ is still a sleaze for doing this.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Too bad the PPP doesn't have a succession plan and that there is no one capable of replacing Jagdeo to lead the party in 2020. Indians will vote with their feet again.

So will the negroes.

Jagan used to send Moses where others were afraid to go.

He saw Moses as being stupid. He did not use him; he just had use for him then.

All the haters of Moses Nagamootoo seems to forget the days when he was in the trenches,screw all of you,joining with APNU was a good move,it's healthy for democracy,let the new-PPP take a rest,wish them luck if they can be in government come 2020,the people will decide.

Was he in the trenches supporting the crooked actions of the PPP?  Isn't he doing the same for the PNC? The man knows how to sell out his people. Moses cares for Moses and nobody else. You can defend him all you want, he is no saint. He is as crooked as a $3 bill.

Well what the r@ss is this,all the time my thoughts are you viewed the PPP as clean as a whistle.

Looks like my bad.

Was he in the trenches supporting the crooked actions of the PPP?

Your daily mantra. Isn't the PNC/AFC/APNU crooked also? They are all like "all in one/cookup".

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This article wins the prize for "Gross Emission of Slop" on GNI.  Comparing Greenidge to Jagdeo is like comparing Burnham to Mother Theresa.

Note that Ram advances his argument with data whereas all you can do is to scream that you are in love with Jagdeo.

Drugb posted:

Slop can boy can not get enough of Jagdeo, he live, eat and shyte Jagdeo day and night, not a moment goes by without him uttering Jagdeo's name.  Maybe similar to lilmohan, Jagdeo refused to clap bigan on him, hence the enduring scorn for the man. 

Another one in love with Jagdeo.  Druggie apparently you like his baigan and will do anything to scream praises to him.

Why don't you furnish data to undermine the argument instead of the fluttering beat of your lovelorn heart.

ksazma posted:
, he allows other forces to fashion his thoughts.

Yes now that he accuses APNU of being racist in who they dismiss.  Interesting how some sing praises to him when it suits their purposes.


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