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According to AFC change, their key is to reverse what the PPP already  accomplished. The PPP had an excellent record for free enterprise, an open market economy and to encourage foreign investors. The call to extend and modernize CJIA, will see a ripple effect in creating jobs, boost our Eco-touristism sector and put Guyana as a major competitor in the global tourism industry.         


Marriott Hotel Project is a stamp of pride of Guyana. It will beautify our city shore lines, create jobs and accommodate our guests in grand style. The Hydro Power Plant would have been a dream come through for every Guyanese. It would have provided cleaner and cheaper energy and attract major investors to do business in Guyana. All of which the AFC and APNU are against and cut funding for these projects.


With this being said, am I to believe that AFC and APNU can provide anything better than what we have in Guyana today? Jalil, you selling pigs in bag?





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Originally Posted by Cobra:

According to AFC change, their key is to reverse what the PPP already  accomplished. The PPP had an excellent record for free enterprise, an open market economy and to encourage foreign investors. The call to extend and modernize CJIA, will see a ripple effect in creating jobs, boost our Eco-touristism sector and put Guyana as a major competitor in the global tourism industry.         


Marriott Hotel Project is a stamp of pride of Guyana. It will beautify our city shore lines, create jobs and accommodate our guests in grand style. The Hydro Power Plant would have been a dream come through for every Guyanese. It would have provided cleaner and cheaper energy and attract major investors to do business in Guyana. All of which the AFC and APNU are against and cut funding for these projects.


With this being said, am I to believe that AFC and APNU can provide anything better than what we have in Guyana today? Jalil, you selling pigs in bag?





The only change the PPP initiated has been the massive transfer of state assets to their friends and family. Add to that they transformed our society into a drug culture were life cheap and our murder rate exceeding that of large urban centers in the US.


We have no industry in the red...well rice is and barely so because it is being used in a PPP ponzy scheme where the hard work of the farmers ends up in the hands of PPP cronys. Sugar has been reduced to 1964 production levels despite over a quarter of a billion US dollars spent on a new factory and yearly subsides exceeding 4 billion G  a year. It is essentially crippled.Bauxite is dead for no other reason that the PPP want it dead. Note Suriname has a very productive industry and they face no less production costs than us.


The PPP feeds itself fat on leasing out our lands in extractive industries. These are the only investment coming in. They get vast tracts of lands with the PPP never telling us the essentials. Obviously Markos and Shuarto have been their development model


Every one of our big development project is suspect. They exist just so the PPP can open up opportunity for graft. We do not need the Airport that size and that expense. The Marriott is another scam and then there is Amalia falls which began with  a murti seller being handed a license to build it( he sold that for between 13 to 14 million dollars) and a 15 million dollars contract ti build a road when he never build a fowl coop. At this point the road is still only a dirt road costing some 30 million.




Storm has been very clear in two changes the PPP has brought to Guyana:

  1. Transfer of State Assets to friends
  2. The non-profitability of the major productive sectors

In the spirit of GNI dialog, I would expect Cobra to (a) deny these two assertions by Storm; and (b) show why so.


The fact that he is unable to do so, and post photos with comments like "show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are", shows that Storm is correct according to Cobra. Ergo, ipso facto, Cobra has made a telling revelation - hebelieves that the PPP's change in Guyana is to steal assets for its friends and to destroy the economy. Refreshing admission Cobra. You have seen the wisdom of the truth. Good man.


Storm has been very clear in two changes the PPP has brought to Guyana:

  1. Transfer of State Assets to friends
  2. The non-profitability of the major productive sectors

In the spirit of GNI dialog, I would expect Cobra to (a) deny these two assertions by Storm; and (b) show why so.


The fact that he is unable to do so, and post photos with comments like "show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are", shows that Storm is correct according to Cobra. Ergo, ipso facto, Cobra has made a telling revelation - hebelieves that the PPP's change in Guyana is to steal assets for its friends and to destroy the economy. Refreshing admission Cobra. You have seen the wisdom of the truth. Good man.






Hey you! Yes, you, our valued readers! Please do not miss our forthcoming series about how Guyana has been parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Jagdeo.

Most of you who have been following the news and features in this newspaper may have an idea of the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration. What you may not appreciate is how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends; how the national interest became subservient to that avaricious class of friends and cohorts; how one deal was linked to another and how today what we have is an economy that is in the control of a small band of powerful individuals with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration. In this series, we will show you how Guyana has been stolen from right under your noses, how political power has been used to feed the appetite of a grouping that is now firmly in command of the economy of Guyana, how major projects are all part of efforts to plunder the wealth of the country to enrich a few at the expense of many.

We will also establish how certain foreign companies fit into this scheme of things. In short, we will connect the dots for you.

We are doing this because we believe that what has taken place under the Jagdeo administration was morally depraved and should not be repeated again in this country. Unless we expose how political power and political office were used for profiteering and personal enrichment, we risk making the same mistakes under the present and any future administration.

If the period 2006-2011 has taught us anything, it is that we must now be circumspect with major policy initiatives, because what looks like icing on the cake may be poisoned with the dart of deception. The blatant exercise of cronyism must not be allowed to repeat itself again in this country, whatever little may be left of it, following the rampage of recent years.

Kaieteur News is well aware of the risks involved in publishing this series. We can predict the harsh reaction from vested interests, but we believe that we have a sacred duty to publish this series because as our publisher, Glenn Lall, has so often reminded, ‘If you do not stand up for something, you will fall for anything’. Starting this Sunday we will take a stand for the future of you and your children. Please support us by reading this series.

marriot puzzle pg 10 - aug 18 - aTHE MARRIOT PUZZLE PG - b











Dear Reader, For an enlarged view of ‘The Marriott Puzzle’ image above, check the online paper on the home page – pg 10 and 11.

Also, if you are in possession of any useful information please forward same to us via comments below.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
  1. Transfer of State Assets to friends
  2. The non-profitability of the major productive sectors

Let the joint opposition get off their fat asses and do something about it. APNU run things, remember?

Thanks for reiterating your admission/confession that the state asset transfer and economic destruction are two changes introduced by the PPP. Would add the drug culture too? And let me put one in for Jalil - the buggery culture?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yall cry thief while the Marriott is becoming a reality in a couple of months. The gravy train will pass and find allyou crying about thief. I would rather thief and build than to cry thief every blasted day. Yall crying does only bring more janjhat pun people.

Guyana Marriott costs three times more than Jamaica

January 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


-   Government remains mum on investors Quick Facts ·       Jamaica project – US$23M versus Guyana project US$58M ·       Average cost per room in Jamaica – US$176, 923 verses Guyana cost US$294, 416 ·       Guyana’s project cost is 152 per cent more than Jamaica ·       Jamaica project is privately funded (private equity) versus GOG investment Full disclosure on Jamaica project, little disclosure on Guyana project

Construction cost of the Guyana Marriott hotel is more than three times the comparative cost of a Jamaica Marriott. The cost for constructing the Guyana “Marriott” Hotel and Casino is projected as at almost US$60 million, while the Jamaican project has been announced at US$23 million. Guyana projects to build 197 rooms while the Jamaican project is 130 rooms. Using the Jamaican cost, the comparative cost for Guyana project should be in the vicinity of US$35 million. Taking the average cost per room, if one were to use the overall cost in Jamaica and divide it by the projected number of rooms, it would mean that the cost per room is US$176,923. The comparative price in Guyana should be the same. But, Guyana is building a room for US$294,416. International construction companies peg an average cost for a 130-room hotel at US$22.8 million which matches the Jamaica project cost. According to one analyst, “Guyana defeats logic in its projection of costs on its projects.” The Guyana “Marriott” project should be cheaper than a comparative Jamaican projects for many reasons including the low labour cost and the free land. It must be noted that the Jamaica cost includes the cost of land whereas in Guyana the land is Government-owned and therefore would be free to the Government project. Despite pressure by opposition parliamentary parties and a Parliamentary motion to halt Government funding for the project, the government is stubbornly pushing ahead with the project. With existing hotels in Guyana struggling to fill their rooms, it is strange that government is insisting that the Guyana “Marriott” hotel is viable, but it is refusing to make public the studies which justify the project. The government is so far using tax dollars to fund the project. It has already handed over US$10million (G$2 billion) to SCG Shanghai Construction Group International (Trinidad and Tobago) Ltd, which was awarded the contract to build the hotel. Private investors are expected to contribute US$27 million. The government has some special arrangement that guarantees the private investors that they would get their money if the project folds. So, if in a scenario where the project fails and the value of the property depreciates to a value below what the investors have plugged, then the investors will get back their money, and there would be nothing to return to NICIL. Taxpayers’ dollars would go down the drain. The government will participate in the project, by way of equity, in the sum of US$4 million. This will be committed through NICIL, one of the investment arms of the government which holds its assets. The equity contribution determines the government’s strength in Atlantic Hotels Incorporated – the company created to see the project through. As it stands, the government is currently the sole shareholder in the company. However, apart from the equity contribution, financing for the project would also come from “subordinate loan stocks” of US$15 million invested by NICIL. Adding the US$2 million, NICIL will end up spending in development costs for the project, including design and other preliminary studies altogether, US$21 million into the project. So, in total, the amount of money the government is pushing into the project is just about what the Jamaica hotel project is costing, and just about what it should cost in Guyana to complete the project, industry experts say. The additional US$40 million remains a mystery to everyone.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ok fellas, I am off for a few beers with mouth watering poke cuttas. I will be on the famous Liberty corridor where them Guyanese girls are plentiful. I hope bounce up with pt Nehru. Stormborn and Kari, can you guys handle an evening in Little Guyana.    Yeh mannnn....


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Tell Jamaica that Guyana thieves are Russian graduates. Them nah no fenke-fenke thief. If you thief a penny or a million dollars, you're still a thief. How you would prefer it, Mitwah?

I ain't buying no snake oil.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

According to AFC change, their key is to reverse what the PPP already  accomplished. The PPP had an excellent record for free enterprise, an open market economy and to encourage foreign investors. The call to extend and modernize CJIA, will see a ripple effect in creating jobs, boost our Eco-touristism sector and put Guyana as a major competitor in the global tourism industry.         


Marriott Hotel Project is a stamp of pride of Guyana. It will beautify our city shore lines, create jobs and accommodate our guests in grand style. The Hydro Power Plant would have been a dream come through for every Guyanese. It would have provided cleaner and cheaper energy and attract major investors to do business in Guyana. All of which the AFC and APNU are against and cut funding for these projects.


With this being said, am I to believe that AFC and APNU can provide anything better than what we have in Guyana today? Jalil, you selling pigs in bag?





Is this the best you got, Marriot is the pride of Guyana?


Does it pout bread on the table SNAKE man?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yall cry thief while the Marriott is becoming a reality in a couple of months. The gravy train will pass and find allyou crying about thief. I would rather thief and build than to cry thief every blasted day. Yall crying does only bring more janjhat pun people.

you will rather thief and build,bai you mother must be prapa proud of you


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