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Several states in the USA have a number of positions designated as "policy exempt" meaning that you are an "at will" employee without the usual due process protections. You apply for such a position knowing that they can replace you when the government/governor changes.


In this system, you are not surprised when the govt replaces you.  This also happens at the federal level.This system allows you to bring in people who support your party's policy objectives.


What's happening now in Guyana has a thin line between witch-hunting and replacing ineffective people. That's why the Coalition has to be sensitive in how it removes people, or it will be fodder for the LGEs, which is theirs to lose.

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Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Several states in the USA have a number of positions designated as "policy exempt" meaning that you are an "at will" employee without the usual due process protections. You apply for such a position knowing that they can replace you when the government/governor changes.


In this system, you are not surprised when the govt replaces you.  This also happens at the federal level.This system allows you to bring in people who support your party's policy objectives.


What's happening now in Guyana has a thin line between witch-hunting and replacing ineffective people. That's why the Coalition has to be sensitive in how it removes people, or it will be fodder for the LGEs, which is theirs to lose.

This is true.  Technocrats usually survive multiple administrations.  Most of our at will people in my agency moved up through the ranks.  However, once there they can be fired at will.


Can permanent secretaries be fired in Guyana?  This level position would definitely be classified "at will" in New York.  


Might be a bad idea to fire this Amerindian freedom fighter.

Govt fires “Fireball” Shury

â€Ķclaims she has not reported for duty

National Director of the Community Development Council (CDC) Philomena Sahoye-Shury has lashed out at the Government for what she has described as a ridiculous dismissal letter that was addressed to her by the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

The reason for her dismissal is stated in the letter: “The Office of the President has taken the decision for you to be dismissed for not reporting for duty since 12th May, 2015.”  It was also stated in the letter that in light of her dismissal, her emoluments are forfeited. Sahoye-Shury refuted these claims saying that it was not her duty to report to the Office of the President but that she has her office at 34 A North Road, Lacytown, Georgetown. She also pointed out that there were no visits to her office to verify these allegations of her not reporting for duty.

CDC National Director Philomena Sahoye-Shury

CDC National Director Philomena Sahoye-Shury

During an interview with the Guyana Times, Sahoye-Shury revealed that she will not be adhering to the letter, saying “I am not prepared to negate my office as National Director of the Community Development Council unless it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not come to office”.

It was also explained that four other staff of the CDC including Amit Ramdath who is the National Coordinator of the CDC, and Sahoye-Shury’s Confidential Secretary, Natasha Corrica have been sent on leave.

She expressed concern as it relates to the recent incidents where a number of employees within the Government have been dismissed. She believes that the decision to dismiss her was arbitrary and was a result of her political affiliations with the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) “How could they hope to run a country when in a lot of areas, they are doing as they see fit? I am concerned in asking if there is proper investigation on these persons before you relieve them of duty,” Sahoye-Shury said emphasising her belief that these dismissals are all part of a witch-hunt on the new Government’s part. “To tell me that I am dismissed without coming here or sending somebody here to verify and certify that I am operating â€Ķ I will say that these people are ruthless,” Sahoye-Shury stated.

The political activist stated that she was unfazed by the letter as she was prepared to fight and has already engaged her lawyer, but her concerns lay with the persons who would benefit from the work done by the CDC. She reflected on the many projects that are currently on hold such as sewing classes, block-making, bee-keeping and tilapia-rearing which are aimed at bettering the lives of poor community members across the country. She revealed that a large number of persons have already vowed to support her in her fight to retain her office.



Bad Idea to fire a Pastor??

Another Permanent Secretary gets marching orders

Patrick FindlayPatrick Findlay

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Permanent Secretary of the now defunct Ministry of Labour, Patrick Findlay on Tuesday became the latest such public officer to have been sent home following the change of government.

A disappointed Findlay told Demerara Waves Online News that Senior Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence summoned him to a meeting, advising that his position was now redundant because there is now one ministry. “The minister said to me that there are not two ministries anymore. It is one ministry and as such my position as PS Labour has become redundant and they would not need my services anymore,” he said.

Findlay said he would not be losing any benefits as he would be proceeding on three months accumulated leave from Monday, June 15 in lieu of three months notice as is stipulated in his contract.

Prior to the May 11, 2015 general elections, there were two Ministers – one for Labour and the other for Human Services and Social Security. Now, there are Senior Minister Lawrence and her Junior Simona Broomes between whom portfolio responsibilities are being shared.

Findlay, who entered his second year as Permanent Secretary on June 1,  said his colleague PSs who campaigned and were party candidates, were still on their jobs.

“It is disappointing because I worked hard,  I have tackled the social issues,” he said, adding that he spearheaded numerous sessions on gender-based violence, domestic violence, suicide and child labour.

“I really thought that I would have been given an opportunity to continue what I do best and what I love doing. I am no politician. I am a pastor,” he said. Pastor Findlay said he always acknowledges political authority in keeping with Biblical teachings “but my season has come to an end.”

The Office of the President is responsible for appointing Deputy Permanent Secretaries and Permanent Secretaries.

He joined the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security in 2010 as the Men’s Affairs Administrator on the fixed public service establishment. Having served in the post for a few years, he was appointed Deputy Permanent Secretary in 2012 with responsibility for several key services at the Ministry, including Men’s Affairs and Counter-Trafficking in Persons. In 2014, he was promoted to Permanent Secretary (a.i), Labour and oversees the operations of the five Departments under the Labour arm of the Ministry.

Permanent Secretaries of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, and Local Government- Nigel Dharamlall and Colin Croal- are no longer employed in those positions.


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