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Changes in ministerial responsibilities aimed at meeting national needs – Govt

January 1, 2016 9:49 am Category: Politics, latest news A+ /A-

President David Granger, after seven months in office, has said that he has had the opportunity to identify policy areas that need strengthened Ministerial attention and has made some adjustments to match those national needs with some changes in Ministerial responsibility.

The Head of State made it clear that these changes do not involve any changes to his Cabinet and does not mean that there is an increase in the size of the Cabinet or any reshuffling. It is, instead, a step towards developing capacity in certain policy areas.


Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes, MP, will retain responsibility for Tourism in addition to her new duties.

Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes, MP, will retain responsibility for Tourism in addition to her new duties.

Making the official announcement that Minister of Tourism, Catherine Hughes will now be named Minister for Public Telecommunications, while maintaining Ministerial responsibility for Tourism, President Granger said, “The reason is that after seven months, we detected a gap that there is no single spokesperson in the National Assembly, a Ministerial spokesperson, dealing with the digital economy [and] dealing with information technology. So we decided that it was necessary to have a Minister responsible for information and communication technology.”

Additionally, the Ministry of Governance and the Protection of the National Patrimony is being renamed the Ministry of Natural Resources.  Minister Raphael Trotman will now be named Minister of Natural Resources.

The President added that there will also be some non-Cabinet movement.  While applauding the work that Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Simona Broomes has done, President Granger said that her knowledge of the hinterland makes her a great asset to the Ministry of Natural Resources.

“Minister Broomes has tremendous energy and skill and she is going to be functioning from the Ministry of Natural Resources. She has a very good knowledge of the hinterland and we are concerned with the enforcement of certain practices and regulations in that Ministry,” the President said.

Meanwhile, Minister Keith Scott will move to the Ministry of Social Protection and will be responsible to labour issues.  A new Minister within the Ministry of Communities will be appointed.  Member of Parliament and Chief Executive Officer of the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN), Valerie Sharpe-Patterson has received the nod for that post because of or strong administrative experience.

President Granger iterated that there is no increase in the number of Ministries and added that where gaps are identified, he is prepared to address them.

Below is a complete list of adjustments, effective January 1, 2016.

Below is a complete list of adjustments, effective January 1, 2016.

Ministry of Communities

–         Hon.  Keith Scott, MP, Minister within the Ministry,  moves to the Ministry of Social Protection;

–         Mrs. Valerie Sharpe-Patterson, MP, is appointed Minister within the Ministry.

Ministry of Governance

–         This Ministry within the Ministry of the Presidency is re-designated Ministry of Natural Resources.

Ministry of Natural Resources

–         Hon.  Raphael Trotman, Minister of Governance within the Ministry of the Presidency, is appointed Minister of Natural Resources;

–         Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Hon.  Simona Broomes, MP,  moves to the Ministry of Natural Resources;

Ministry of Public Infrastructure

–         This Ministry relinquishes responsibility for public telecommunications.

Ministry of Social Protection

–         Minister within the Ministry, Hon.  Simona Broomes, MP,  moves to the Ministry of Natural Resources;

–         Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Hon.  Keith Scott, MP, moves to the Ministry of Social Protection.

Ministry of Public Telecommunications

–         This Ministry is established;

–         Minister of Tourism, Hon. Catherine Hughes, MP, is appointed Minister of Public Telecommunications.

Ministry of Tourism

–         Minister of Public Telecommunications, Hon. Catherine Hughes, MP, will retain responsibility for Tourism in addition to her new duties.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  DUMB AND DUMBER.  First, dem change the name now is back to Min of Natural Resources.  These FOOLS dont even know their ABC

They are trying being out in the pasture for 23 years aint easy.

kp posted:

They are all learners, no experience.

It was the same for PPP when they were out for 28yrs,after the death of papa Cheddi,management of the Country took a drastic turn,while there was developments some of the kleptocrat's ply their trade.

Last edited by Django

Django bai, You need to stop defending the PNC. They are replacing almost all the indo with negroes. Most of these negroes are probably high school dropouts who helped, through their crimminal activities, raise funds for the PNC last elections. Can you not see this or do I need to refer you to our resident Einstein..Dr. Honorable Warria? Stan easy bai.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  DUMB AND DUMBER.  First, dem change the name now is back to Min of Natural Resources.  These FOOLS dont even know their ABC

They are trying being out in the pasture for 23 years aint easy.

Django, oppositions always prepared to run a country and never under pressure. When the coalition opposition was opposing every PPP program in parliament, that shows that they can do better than the PPP. The coalition is in power now, and they must govern in line with their campaign promises. However, when your ideology is different than needs of the people and what best for the country, you will always run into trouble. The coalition started bad, and they will end badly. No reshuffling will do them any good.

skeldon_man posted:

Reshuffling is a sign that we are dealing with a group that is clutching at straws. We might even see the dissolution of the coalition and PNC true colors of bullying.

You are CORRECT, shuffling the deck to put PNC agenda on top, the rest of APNU are just imaginary coalition, they will drop out one by one. My contact back in Guyana, says the coalition is in disarray.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Reshuffling is a sign that we are dealing with a group that is clutching at straws. We might even see the dissolution of the coalition and PNC true colors of bullying.

You are CORRECT, shuffling the deck to put PNC agenda on top, the rest of APNU are just imaginary coalition, they will drop out one by one. My contact back in Guyana, says the coalition is in disarray.

Bhaiya, your contact is some sort of cheap drugs.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Reshuffling is a sign that we are dealing with a group that is clutching at straws. We might even see the dissolution of the coalition and PNC true colors of bullying.

You are CORRECT, shuffling the deck to put PNC agenda on top, the rest of APNU are just imaginary coalition, they will drop out one by one. My contact back in Guyana, says the coalition is in disarray.

Bhaiya, your contact is some sort of cheap drugs.

skeldon_man posted:

Django bai, You need to stop defending the PNC.They are replacing almost all the indo with negroes. Most of these negroes are probably high school dropouts who helped, through their crimminal activities, raise funds for the PNC last elections. Can you not see this or do I need to refer you to our resident Einstein..Dr. Honorable Warria? Stan easy bai.

Skelly i am hearing these accusations,where is the large scale replacements,any names..don't mention the kleptocrats they deserve to be fired.I have a few family members in the civil service they are still on the job.

I am not defending the coalition gov't,my views are neutral, i mentioned before if they goof up i will condemn their actions.The divide is destroying the betterment for the people of Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:

Django bai, You need to stop defending the PNC. They are replacing almost all the indo with negroes. Most of these negroes are probably high school dropouts who helped, through their crimminal activities, raise funds for the PNC last elections. Can you not see this or do I need to refer you to our resident Einstein..Dr. Honorable Warria? Stan easy bai.

always amusing to watch barefoot, marginally literate PPP refugees attempt to camouflage their inadequacies and poor education by talking smack about black people

suh tell abee seldom_man, who exactly are these "Indo[s]" being replaced by "negroes" in Granger's cabinet reshuffle?

take your time fool


Last edited by Former Member

7 months in and the Granger administration already have square pegs in round holes. Lets hope they get their act together before they ruin the nation in the next 5 years.  Many people invested in Guyana, expecting continuity of progress, however with the Blacks now in charge, confidence in prosperity has been shaken as images of Rawanda and Somalia comes to mind. 

Zed posted:

Another new minister in the government. Seems that we might be heading to a situation where every member of parliament for the coalition will be a minister. How many more to go?

idle and insipid . . . i doubt that nonsense u posted is your true concern

no one can be that stupid!

redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django bai, You need to stop defending the PNC. They are replacing almost all the indo with negroes. Most of these negroes are probably high school dropouts who helped, through their crimminal activities, raise funds for the PNC last elections. Can you not see this or do I need to refer you to our resident Einstein..Dr. Honorable Warria? Stan easy bai.

always amusing to watch barefoot, marginally literate PPP refugees attempt to camouflage their inadequacies and poor education by talking smack about black people

suh tell abee seldom_man, who exactly are these "Indo[s]" being replaced by "negroes" in Granger's cabinet reshuffle?

take your time fool


Why should I keep track of unqualified PNC card carrying negroes? They are too many. You see the news here everyday. Go look 'em up.

Looks like when you meet old friends, you always say nice meeting you. You make new friends daily from meeting your old ones. Dementia is your best friend.

Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  DUMB AND DUMBER.  First, dem change the name now is back to Min of Natural Resources.  These FOOLS dont even know their ABC

Ha Ha !

Moses got kicked in the nuts. He is slowly being replaced by Afros. Katty took away most of his responsibilities.

Drugb posted:

7 months in and the Granger administration already have square pegs in round holes. Lets hope they get their act together before they ruin the nation in the next 5 years.  Many people invested in Guyana, expecting continuity of progress, however with the Blacks now in charge, confidence in prosperity has been shaken as images of Rawanda and Somalia comes to mind. 


yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  DUMB AND DUMBER.  First, dem change the name now is back to Min of Natural Resources.  These FOOLS dont even know their ABC

Ha Ha !

Moses got kicked in the nuts. He is slowly being replaced by Afros. Katty took away most of his responsibilities.

He's got elephantitis nuts you say?

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  DUMB AND DUMBER.  First, dem change the name now is back to Min of Natural Resources.  These FOOLS dont even know their ABC

Ha Ha !

Moses got kicked in the nuts. He is slowly being replaced by Afros. Katty took away most of his responsibilities.

He's got elephantitis nuts you say?

He has no nuts left after Katty and Granger kicked them out.

Nehru Bhai was 100 percent correct. He (Moses) is officially a house slave.


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