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Vish M posted:



I was asked to assist is planning his visit in Richmond Hill

Today there are a series of private meetings in Richmond and Brooklyn


More to follow


You do realize that you are compromising his security and safety by putting this on GNI.  And here is what I know for a fact, if it is true that he is visiting Richmond Hill, you would not be the person to assist in planning that visit.  Did you overhear someone talking about this?

Bibi Haniffa

If he is planning to visit RH, I assume is some public event.  Why would it then not be advertised?  GNI is the least likely place to reach a wide audience.

Are you planning his visit, like to "planned" the BJ shindig?

You seem upset you are not the person announcing to the world your "traitor" turn "Hero" visit to the hood!

He is in no danger, GNI or anywhere else.  You just being sensational!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:



I was asked to assist is planning his visit in Richmond Hill

Today there are a series of private meetings in Richmond and Brooklyn


More to follow


You do realize that you are compromising his security and safety by putting this on GNI.  And here is what I know for a fact, if it is true that he is visiting Richmond Hill, you would not be the person to assist in planning that visit.  Did you overhear someone talking about this?

Why are you people so dotish....and afraid?

the man leave Guyana to be safe...if he is coming to NY, obviously he understands the risk.

But the bigger question you really believe the coalition has this much influence ...and stupidity to harm the man in the US?


VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:



I was asked to assist is planning his visit in Richmond Hill

Today there are a series of private meetings in Richmond and Brooklyn


More to follow


You do realize that you are compromising his security and safety by putting this on GNI.  And here is what I know for a fact, if it is true that he is visiting Richmond Hill, you would not be the person to assist in planning that visit.  Did you overhear someone talking about this?

Why are you people so dotish....and afraid?

the man leave Guyana to be safe...if he is coming to NY, obviously he understands the risk.

But the bigger question you really believe the coalition has this much influence ...and stupidity to harm the man in the US?


You are correct, what to be afraid of?  Dem behave like angsthasen, as soon as the grass rustle, dem run fuh the bushes!

Sheer stupitness she deh pon.  She only commented in the negative because she did not make the announcement.

ksazma posted:
Vish M posted:

He walked around Richmond Hill with ease 

Did he get to meet our eminent Nehru Sa'ab? 

kASZ, i WAS INVITED TO MEET WITH HIM BUT WAS ON A LONG WEDDING FLOW THIS WEEKEND. i WOULD HAVE LOVE TO MEET our hero AND CHAMPION OF THE CARIBBEAN/. The one Caribbean man who put Country, People, Morality, Humanity and honesty above self.   GOD BLESS OUR HERO!!!

ronan posted:
Vish M posted:

Charandas Persaud mandir visits 

today in Richmond Hill

9:00 to 10:00
Shri Surya Narayan Mamdir
92-17 172nd St Jam

10:00 - 10:45am
Laxshmi Narayan Mandir
128-04 Liberty Ave

10:45 - 11:15 am
Sundar Gopal Mandir
97-53 104th St
RH NY 11419

11:15-1:00 pm
TriMurti Mandir
101-18 97th Ave


You miss your chance. 

ronan posted:
Vish M posted:

Charandas Persaud mandir visits 

today in Richmond Hill

9:00 to 10:00
Shri Surya Narayan Mamdir
92-17 172nd St Jam

10:00 - 10:45am
Laxshmi Narayan Mandir
128-04 Liberty Ave

10:45 - 11:15 am
Sundar Gopal Mandir
97-53 104th St
RH NY 11419

11:15-1:00 pm
TriMurti Mandir
101-18 97th Ave


Yuh going? Dash on yuh dhoti leh we tek a walk.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:



I was asked to assist is planning his visit in Richmond Hill

Today there are a series of private meetings in Richmond and Brooklyn


More to follow


You do realize that you are compromising his security and safety by putting this on GNI.  And here is what I know for a fact, if it is true that he is visiting Richmond Hill, you would not be the person to assist in planning that visit.  Did you overhear someone talking about this?

Why are you people so dotish....and afraid?

the man leave Guyana to be safe...if he is coming to NY, obviously he understands the risk.

But the bigger question you really believe the coalition has this much influence ...and stupidity to harm the man in the US?


You are correct, what to be afraid of?  Dem behave like angsthasen, as soon as the grass rustle, dem run fuh the bushes!

Sheer stupitness she deh pon.  She only commented in the negative because she did not make the announcement.

Who cares about making announcement? I am not into pissing contests.  He met with the PNC group in Brooklyn yesterday.  How come you were not there?

Bibi Haniffa
Sheik101 posted:
ronan posted:
Vish M posted:

Charandas Persaud mandir visits 

today in Richmond Hill

9:00 to 10:00
Shri Surya Narayan Mamdir
92-17 172nd St Jam

10:00 - 10:45am
Laxshmi Narayan Mandir
128-04 Liberty Ave

10:45 - 11:15 am
Sundar Gopal Mandir
97-53 104th St
RH NY 11419

11:15-1:00 pm
TriMurti Mandir
101-18 97th Ave


Yuh going? Dash on yuh dhoti leh we tek a walk.

ow bai, dah schedule requires the speed of the Flash

again, wow

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who cares about making announcement? I am not into pissing contests.  He met with the PNC group in Brooklyn yesterday.  How come you were not there?

Cribby was here all day yesterday. Looks like the PNC group did not invite Cribby to the meeting. 

Here is the group he met with in Brooklyn.



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  • 97DCBA34-604C-449F-95E8-8B366F6D39D3
Bibi Haniffa
Vish M posted:

Charandas Persaud mandir visits  


today in Richmond Hill

9:00 to 10:00
Shri Surya Narayan Mamdir
92-17 172nd St Jam

10:00 - 10:45am
Laxshmi Narayan Mandir
128-04 Liberty Ave

10:45 - 11:15 am
Sundar Gopal Mandir
97-53 104th St
RH NY 11419

11:15-1:00 pm
TriMurti Mandir
101-18 97th Ave

Is he runnin for election in Queens?

Is he speaking at all of these mandars? If he is he will be late for each one because de banna speaking very slow...

So I guess Vish and Bibi are part of the Security Detail????

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who cares about making announcement? I am not into pissing contests.  He met with the PNC group in Brooklyn yesterday.  How come you were not there?

Cribby was here all day yesterday. Looks like the PNC group did not invite Cribby to the meeting. 

Here is the group he met with in Brooklyn.


A nice multiethnic crowd....why cant yall KNUCKLEHEADS work together like dis in Guyana??


VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who cares about making announcement? I am not into pissing contests.  He met with the PNC group in Brooklyn yesterday.  How come you were not there?

Cribby was here all day yesterday. Looks like the PNC group did not invite Cribby to the meeting. 

Here is the group he met with in Brooklyn.


A nice multiethnic crowd....why cant yall KNUCKLEHEADS work together like dis in Guyana??


Ah notice too...not all dem Afros smiling like the Indo dude in the right...why???

Nehru posted:

Ray, I hope they had enlightened and fruitful discussions. Like I said many times, many are against the PNC and their policies and want change.

He was drinking at the Nest last night. Weren’t you supposed to be there representing the GNI crew?  Dem boys dance the Charrandas song whole night.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

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