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Anan posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Anan posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

Wasn't Chandradass the chap who had a problem with some disrespecting policemen?

Yes. Plus he seem somewhat schizophrenic as he resigned the party and then rejoined it then claimed that he never resigned the party. Then he stated that he voted party line as is customarily in Guyana and perhaps elsewhere. He claimed last night that he decided the night before that he would vote his conscience and support the PPP NC motion. Regardless of what he is/does, he did the right thing as this Coalition Government was very hapless. Granger is very ill and I pray that his treatment is successful. In a way, this vote is a blessing to him regarding his health as he will not have to stress about what will happen to his government. Right now it has gone fuh channa and since his health is primary to him, he is better served focusing on that. The PPP needs to find another leader who will lead the nation if elected free of any Jagdeo influence and who will also govern all Guyanese, not only party members like Lawrence seemed to be advocating recently. Ultimately, Guyana needs a different type of government which provide representation to everyone like it is in the US.

President Juan Edgehill? 

Not a bad choice. Unless he can be considered a dinosaur.

How about a woman(not Gail). Vindhya?

Doan know much about Vindhya Skelly.

Juan is indeed a 'dinosaur' but given the political landscape in Guyana, I think Juan will shine.

Clinton Urling should be given a chance to prove himself also.  

How about Dr. Frank Anthony? Juan seems to be a pushover.

ksazma posted:
Anan posted:

Doan know much about Vindhya Skelly.

Juan is indeed a 'dinosaur' but given the political landscape in Guyana, I think Juan will shine.

Clinton Urling should be given a chance to prove himself also.  

Juan would also break the trend where PPP only nominate Indians for that role and PNC only nominate blacks. Time will tell how much Guyanese have matured over the past 50 years.

Like yuh vaping like meh buddy Cainsta now. 

 Nah, was looking for the emoticon with question marks on top of its head..den I came upon dis one,  matches it sumwat  

Glad you are back Ksaz 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:


Nice write up there Ksazma.  You hit some key points!

All that is there is that Guyana has 2 pathetic parties, one no better than the other.

Poor Guyana, especially now that Venezuela is snooping around.  Maybe the oil money that Jagdeo is greedily rubbing his hands to get mightn't come if Exxon decides that there is too much risk for them to start drilling.  This will be quite ironic.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

Edghill for President. 

This will be what we expect from the PPP.  The only blacks they promote are the criminals. Why is that?  Edghill is a fraudulent monster.

The man never advocated for blacks at anytime so if you think that this demonstrates that the PPP is inclusive think again.  He has no black following.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Nice write up there Ksazma.  You hit some key points!

All that is there is that Guyana has 2 pathetic parties, one no better than the other.

Poor Guyana, especially now that Venezuela is snooping around.  Maybe the oil money that Jagdeo is greedily rubbing his hands to get mightn't come if Exxon decides that there is too much risk for them to start drilling.  This will be quite ironic.

No, its was the 3rd party which brought down the Neo-PNC!!

The Venezuelans are exploiting the power vacuum.  The GoG should ask the US to send a frigate to protect Exxon and the US interest!  They might do it given the Venos just flew in some Russian bombers!

Caribj, you aim at the wrong target.  You always belittle the AFC and what they brought to the Coalition.  I warned you to be careful as they have votes and all the Coalition had was one single seat advantage.  Now look what happened!

Ayuh hard ears!!

Baseman posted:

The Venezuelans are exploiting the power vacuum.  The GoG should ask the US to send a frigate to protect Exxon and the US interest!  They might do it given the Venos just flew in some Russian bombers!


Baseman there were always suspicions about PPP frauds masquerading as AFC.  They have revealed themselves. I warned about this long ago.

Now let President Jagdeo go to his buddy MadBURRO and beg him not to tamper with his oil money.  I am not sure that your Trump will like a man who screamed his love for MadBURRO and had a picture taken with Iranian dictators.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Dave posted:

Edghill for President. 

This will be what we expect from the PPP.  The only blacks they promote are the criminals. Why is that?  Edghill is a fraudulent monster.

The man never advocated for blacks at anytime so if you think that this demonstrates that the PPP is inclusive think again.  He has no black following.

How is Edghill a fraudulent monster?  He leads a congregation of black people and is well respected in his community.  As an FYI - His mother who is blacker than you happens to be your neighbor.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The Venezuelans are exploiting the power vacuum.  The GoG should ask the US to send a frigate to protect Exxon and the US interest!  They might do it given the Venos just flew in some Russian bombers!


Baseman there were always suspicions about PPP frauds masquerading as AFC.  They have revealed themselves. I warned about this long ago.

Now let President Jagdeo go to his buddy MadBURRO and beg him not to tamper with his oil money.  I am not sure that your Trump will like a man who screamed his love for MadBURRO and had a picture taken with Iranian dictators.

Ah, give me a break, that guy Charrandas was not a PPPite.  How about all them PNC frauds masquerading as AFC.  YOU even said Trotman conspired with Granger to block some of Nagamootoo's moves.  Now, what is that about!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The Venezuelans are exploiting the power vacuum.  The GoG should ask the US to send a frigate to protect Exxon and the US interest!  They might do it given the Venos just flew in some Russian bombers!


Baseman there were always suspicions about PPP frauds masquerading as AFC.  They have revealed themselves. I warned about this long ago.

Now let President Jagdeo go to his buddy MadBURRO and beg him not to tamper with his oil money.  I am not sure that your Trump will like a man who screamed his love for MadBURRO and had a picture taken with Iranian dictators.

Ah, give me a break, that guy Charrandas was not a PPPite.  How about all them PNC frauds masquerading as AFC.  YOU even said Trotman conspired with Granger to block some of Nagamootoo's moves.  Now, what is that about!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The Venezuelans are exploiting the power vacuum.  The GoG should ask the US to send a frigate to protect Exxon and the US interest!  They might do it given the Venos just flew in some Russian bombers!


Baseman there were always suspicions about PPP frauds masquerading as AFC.  They have revealed themselves. I warned about this long ago.

Now let President Jagdeo go to his buddy MadBURRO and beg him not to tamper with his oil money.  I am not sure that your Trump will like a man who screamed his love for MadBURRO and had a picture taken with Iranian dictators.

Ah, give me a break, that guy Charrandas was not a PPPite.  How about all them PNC frauds masquerading as AFC.  YOU even said Trotman conspired with Granger to block some of Nagamootoo's moves.  Now, what is that about!

CHarrandas born and grow up in the PPP party.  He and His brother, Teacher Oma were young members of the Canje PYO. They are staunch Hindus.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How is Edghill a fraudulent monster?  

Ask the various women who he molested.  He ought to be glad that there isnt a #MeToo movement in Guyana.  And his church doesnt speak for the rest of Afro Guyana.

The only time we hear his voice in his masters tell him to bash black people. Yes we recall that he was calling black people stupid for not voting for the PPP when they had endured 23 years of their abuse.

Just go elect some KKK anti black racist if that is what you all think of blacks.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Ah, give me a break, that guy Charrandas was not a PPPite. 

Your girl friend Bibi asserted that he is a proud PPP, so you need to cease your nonsense.  For some shekels the man ran back home. Now go and erect a statue and declare the Charrandass Persaud Day as a national holiday.

Chandradass had problems with the government, the way they governed. Then there were other issues which affected all citizens. His decision to bring the government down was in the interests of the people. 

The government was getting out of control. The no-confidence energised the ABC watch dogs. Had the mandate matured, the PNC would have encouraged a lot of mischief. 


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