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I have seen another video (I dont know how to access it)  in which he gave his explanation for his vote. He did mention that he was from a village where he saw the suffering of the fired sugar workers. He had his bag around his shoulder...looks like he was getting ready to travel.

He was being threatened by high-ranking PNC supporters, including Volda and other members of Parliament. Those individuals should be sanctioned by Parliament when the dust has cleared. He is being called a "traitor". Those calls are unwarranted. 

Charandass voted his conscience. I am convinced, just by watching the video of his explanation.

I hope he returns to Guyana and participate in making the system more democratic.

BTW, the streets of Georgetown seem calm today....hope it stays this way.

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Agreed Kaz. Guyana needs an experienced politician to lead and Anil is definitely the top choice. I almost fell off my chair when I listened to Williams. Is that chap Williams AG for real ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Agreed Kaz. Guyana needs an experienced politician to lead and Anil is definitely the top choice. I almost fell off my chair when I listened to Williams. Is that chap Williams AG for real ?

Basil Williams didn't sound ready to hold the AG job.


Listening to Ramjattan now and he too sounds like he isn't ready. He actually sounds drunk. He said that these debates doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the vote at the end. He seemed confident that he had the vote. Drunk people usually make such unsound judgement. 

skeldon_man posted:

Charandass played a masterstroke. The man should play poker. He has a good poker face.

De man looked very frightened last night though. Maybe the MPs were pre-warned earlier in the day.

Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

My girl Priya looking good there next to Nandalall. 

Eh-eh Ksazma; like you gave up on Melanija Knavs.

Bai, I duz try to have different girls for different days. I always like Priya.

ksazma posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

My girl Priya looking good there next to Nandalall. 

Eh-eh Ksazma; like you gave up on Melanija Knavs.

Bai, I duz try to have different girls for different days. I always like Priya.

Meeee also bai. 


This PNC government that rule Guyana now is nothing but a hardcore racist anti-koolie government. H.Greene is their godfather. These hardcore racist anti-koolies are a clear and present danger to every Guyanese East Indian and Dougla person.


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