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Charles Ramson Jr. likely to resign from Parliament after granted UK’s Chevening Scholarship

Member of Parliament for the People’s Progressive Party Civic, Charles Ramson Jr. is likely to tender his resignation from the National Assembly as he prepares to take up the Chevening Scholarship that has been offered by the British Government.

Ramson, who is an Attorney, is one of more than ten young Guyanese who applied for and has been granted the prestigious scholarship to complete his Masters at a British University.  He is expected to begin his studies in September this year and will have to move to the UK full time to complete the scholarship.

News Source understands that he has been in discussion with some officials of the PPP about the scholarship and what it could mean to his political future since he will have to take a leave of absence from active politics as he pursues the scholarship.  Sources familiar with some of the discussions have told News Source that initially he did not want to resign from the post, but instead take a leave of absence.

However, party officials have indicated to News Source that with the PPP being in opposition by a single seat, the party prefers to have all of its MPs present for all sittings and therefore cannot allow any leave of absence that would stretch for an entire year or more.

Ramson became a Member of Parliament following last year’s May elections and applied for the scholarship just after.

He has been outspoken in and out of the National Assembly on several issues and led protests against the Elections Commission just after his party’s loss at the May 2015 polls.

Once Ramson takes up the scholarship and resigns, it will be the second high profile parliamentary resignation from the PPP Opposition in parliament since 2015.

Prominent Dentist, Dr. Clive Jagan resigned from the National Assembly earlier this year because of ill health.

When contacted for a comment today, the Member of Parliament refused to offer any comment to News Source on the scholarship, pointing out that News Source did not carry a press statement from him recently on an unrelated issue.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I think this young man has made a sound decision to advance his profession. And I hope no one in Freedom House accuses him of having presidential ambition. In 1993 when Moses Nagamootoo resigned as Information Minister to pursue law studies, his own Freedom House comrades attacked him for having "ambition" to succeed President Cheddi Jagan.


Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

They bowed to him while he was a PPP member, soon as he steeped out he was called every name in the book by those fricken losers.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  

The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

Look at this monkey..... PPP was happy when Moses Leave.

When Moses left the PPP they Immediately became a Minority in Parliament.

Jagdeo & Ramotar made PPP a Minority...

Jagdeo & Ramotar are losers like De Monkey.


Monkey Jumping up...... "PPP happy to be Minority"

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

At least you are being consistently a bat. This primpified pompous prissy will never be our president. The only lies moses told are the one in your head.

Gilbakka posted:

I think this young man has made a sound decision to advance his profession. And I hope no one in Freedom House accuses him of having presidential ambition. In 1993 when Moses Nagamootoo resigned as Information Minister to pursue law studies, his own Freedom House comrades attacked him for having "ambition" to succeed President Cheddi Jagan.

I wish this young man well. He may return and become a great leader.

Gilbakka posted:

I think this young man has made a sound decision to advance his profession. And I hope no one in Freedom House accuses him of having presidential ambition. In 1993 when Moses Nagamootoo resigned as Information Minister to pursue law studies, his own Freedom House comrades attacked him for having "ambition" to succeed President Cheddi Jagan.

Who Moses is sleeping in bed with today? He was known to be a cut throat. He is not even an Indian to begin with. Sam Hinds is black and Jagan trusted him more than Nagamootoo. That should prove why he is a self-proclaimed neemakaram.

Jalil posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  

The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

Look at this monkey..... PPP was happy when Moses Leave.

When Moses left the PPP they Immediately became a Minority in Parliament.

Jagdeo & Ramotar made PPP a Minority...

Jagdeo & Ramotar are losers like De Monkey.


Monkey Jumping up...... "PPP happy to be Minority"

Is this the same reason why Harmon has Nagamootoo hiding under his bed now? Voiceless, powerless, and stupid!

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

They bowed to him while he was a PPP member, soon as he steeped out he was called every name in the book by those fricken losers.

No, they did not.  that is why he got vex and run to the PNC via the AFC.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

At least you are being consistently a bat. This primpified pompous prissy will never be our president. The only lies moses told are the one in your head.

And who cares what you half dunk piwarie drinker thinks. For you, no one on Indian heritage should be president,  so pack up your grip and go fight against them!!

Cobra posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I think this young man has made a sound decision to advance his profession. And I hope no one in Freedom House accuses him of having presidential ambition. In 1993 when Moses Nagamootoo resigned as Information Minister to pursue law studies, his own Freedom House comrades attacked him for having "ambition" to succeed President Cheddi Jagan.

Who Moses is sleeping in bed with today? He was known to be a cut throat. He is not even an Indian to begin with. Sam Hinds is black and Jagan trusted him more than Nagamootoo. That should prove why he is a self-proclaimed neemakaram.

Funny thing that. When blacks called Sam Hinds an Uncle Tom and booed him, because he was being used as a slave to the PPP you all called us racist.

Well Sam Hinds has NO MORE credibility than Moses.

KishanB posted:

This is the first sign that the ABC countries are switching out on the Coalition.  

Guyana is an interesting country. A young man, with possibly impressive credentials, gets a scholarship and Guyanese must see this as an endorsement of the PPP.

Why isn't it merely that the guy submitted an application, which was accepted?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I think this young man has made a sound decision to advance his profession. And I hope no one in Freedom House accuses him of having presidential ambition. In 1993 when Moses Nagamootoo resigned as Information Minister to pursue law studies, his own Freedom House comrades attacked him for having "ambition" to succeed President Cheddi Jagan.

Who Moses is sleeping in bed with today? He was known to be a cut throat. He is not even an Indian to begin with. Sam Hinds is black and Jagan trusted him more than Nagamootoo. That should prove why he is a self-proclaimed neemakaram.

Funny thing that. When blacks called Sam Hinds an Uncle Tom and booed him, because he was being used as a slave to the PPP you all called us racist.

Well Sam Hinds has NO MORE credibility than Moses.

Did Sam Hinds Betray another party for his personal gain???

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Did Sam Hinds Betray another party for his personal gain???

The PPP was ROTTEN to the core.  Many people have left.

At some point I am sure that Sam Hinds was a PNC supporter, and left. That was his right, as it was Nagamootoo's right.

Get this straight. No political party in Guyana owns anybody!

ba$eman posted:

And who cares what you half dunk piwarie drinker thinks. For you, no one on Indian heritage should be president,  so pack up your grip and go fight against them!!

And you think that ONLY Indians should be president! 

You have been beside yourself in a manic hysteria at the notion that you were one of those who used to scream (ahbe pan tap, black man time DONE!).

Stormborn used to warn you all that Indian triumphalism couldn't last indefinitely and you all laughed, screaming that no black man will ever be president again.

Well May 2015 came, and you all cannot get over that yet.


caribny posted:
KishanB posted:

This is the first sign that the ABC countries are switching out on the Coalition.  

Guyana is an interesting country. A young man, with possibly impressive credentials, gets a scholarship and Guyanese must see this as an endorsement of the PPP.

Why isn't it merely that the guy submitted an application, which was accepted?

Maybe, this is all like the Catholic Priests who does open up the exam papers for the putagees before the date of the examinations. Ramsons are connected people. That goes a lng way in Guyana. That is why the Guyanese elites are re-cycled from the PNC to the PPP and then back again to the PNC.

I hope the people get wise.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Did Sam Hinds Betray another party for his personal gain???

Reminder: In 1992 Sam Hinds was a leading member of Guyana United Action for Reform and Democracy [GUARD] when Cheddi Jagan plucked him out and made him his running mate to give the impression of racial balance on the PPP slate. GUARD was not happy when Sam Hinds deserted. Yesu Persaud was also a prominent leader of GUARD but Jagan did not pick him although he was more popular than Hinds. But I cannot say that Hinds accepted Jagan's offer for personal gain.

Regarding Cobra's contention, Jagan did not pick Nagamootoo as his running mate because he wanted a black face for "racial balance."

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Did Sam Hinds Betray another party for his personal gain???

Reminder: In 1992 Sam Hinds was a leading member of Guyana United Action for Reform and Democracy [GUARD] when Cheddi Jagan plucked him out and made him his running mate to give the impression of racial balance on the PPP slate. GUARD was not happy when Sam Hinds deserted. Yesu Persaud was also a prominent leader of GUARD but Jagan did not pick him although he was more popular than Hinds. But I cannot say that Hinds accepted Jagan's offer for personal gain.

Regarding Cobra's contention, Jagan did not pick Nagamootoo as his running mate because he wanted a black face for "racial balance."

Jagan would have NEVER picked Nagamootoo for his running mate, under any circumstances. 

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

At least you are being consistently a bat. This primpified pompous prissy will never be our president. The only lies moses told are the one in your head.

And who cares what you half dunk piwarie drinker thinks. For you, no one on Indian heritage should be president,  so pack up your grip and go fight against them!!

His people desperately needs a smart leader.  He should fill the vacumn.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Gilbakka posted:
, Jagan did not pick Nagamootoo as his running mate because he wanted a black face for "racial balance."

Yes.  A black FACE.  Jagan was infamous for liking black stooges.   If he really wanted to include blacks who would have aggressively recruited strong Africans into the PPP and into leadership positions to ensure that the PPP had input from outside of the Indian community.

Jagan created Civic as a Bantustan for blacks, where he could have black tokens who wouldn't have the power to interfere with the functioning of the PPP. Case in point was when Hinds was dumped as president, to which he was constitutionally entitled.  Excuse was that he wasn't a PPP member.

The fact that Sam Hinds brought in few black votes is evidence that blacks saw right through that stunt.  Even Linden rejected Hinds.

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

At least you are being consistently a bat. This primpified pompous prissy will never be our president. The only lies moses told are the one in your head.

And who cares whatyou half dunk piwarie drinker thinks. For you, no one on Indian heritage should be president,  so pack up your grip and go fight against them!!

You are no different from the leader of the PPP whom you "Pujay" Amerindians should take note,the condescending behavior towards them and other races in Guyana will cause the PPP to be in the wilderness for a while,perhaps not in the distant future they becomes a nonentity.

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

At least you are being consistently a bat. This primpified pompous prissy will never be our president. The only lies moses told are the one in your head.

And who cares what you half dunk piwarie drinker thinks. For you, no one on Indian heritage should be president,  so pack up your grip and go fight against them!!

You are exactly that disgusting moron you present yourself to be. Every day you excell in making yourself an ass. I can understand that given the legacy of rum drinking among your kin you presume it is the same everywhere. Sorry, not so. And that primpified empty headed parrot is never going to be president.  The Guyanese people will see to that.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

If you hate the man and his party so much, why are you posting his article on GNI.  BTW, he says thanks!!!

We say thanks. When he has racists, including himself, telling Africans, mixed and Amerindians that he doesn't care about their concerns then he guarantees that the PPP will lose.

Because those groups are now the majority, and not every Indian wants to be connected to a racist.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagan would have NEVER picked Nagamootoo for his running mate, under any circumstances. 

I don't disagree, because Ralph Ramkarran and Reepu Daman Persaud were senior in the PPP to Moses Nagamootoo.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

If you hate the man and his party so much, why are you posting his article on GNI.  BTW, he says thanks!!!

Damn i thought it's the supporters party,any way thanks for the info.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
KishanB posted:

This is the first sign that the ABC countries are switching out on the Coalition.  

Guyana is an interesting country. A young man, with possibly impressive credentials, gets a scholarship and Guyanese must see this as an endorsement of the PPP.

Why isn't it merely that the guy submitted an application, which was accepted?

Maybe, this is all like the Catholic Priests who does open up the exam papers for the putagees before the date of the examinations. Ramsons are connected people. That goes a lng way in Guyana. That is why the Guyanese elites are re-cycled from the PNC to the PPP and then back again to the PNC.

I hope the people get wise.

Banna, where the fk do you get this shit from? Could it be you pull it out your ass.

Last edited by cain
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

At least you are being consistently a bat. This primpified pompous prissy will never be our president. The only lies moses told are the one in your head.

And who cares what you half dunk piwarie drinker thinks. For you, no one on Indian heritage should be president,  so pack up your grip and go fight against them!!

His people desperately needs a smart leader.  He should fill the vacumn.

He is waiting for a position to open up in the UN representing drunk buck people.

cain posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
KishanB posted:

This is the first sign that the ABC countries are switching out on the Coalition.  

Guyana is an interesting country. A young man, with possibly impressive credentials, gets a scholarship and Guyanese must see this as an endorsement of the PPP.

Why isn't it merely that the guy submitted an application, which was accepted?

Maybe, this is all like the Catholic Priests who does open up the exam papers for the putagees before the date of the examinations. Ramsons are connected people. That goes a lng way in Guyana. That is why the Guyanese elites are re-cycled from the PNC to the PPP and then back again to the PNC.

I hope the people get wise.

Banna, where the fk do you get this shit from? Could it be you pull it out your ass.

Bai Cain, Like this thing hit a nerve with your people and you heh? Is it true "de man takkin about dis story"? I heard this kind of story before about the rich and fair skinned people getting the exam before anyone else to practise at home.

skeldon_man posted:

He is waiting for a position to open up in the UN representing drunk buck people.

Amerindians read all this racist poison pouring out of PPP finger tips.

No wonder they are switching their votes to Granger.

News flash.  The PPP CANNOT get its 51% ever again if it loses the Amerindian keep up with your bigotry.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

He is waiting for a position to open up in the UN representing drunk buck people.

Amerindians read all this racist poison pouring out of PPP finger tips.

No wonder they are switching their votes to Granger.

News flash.  The PPP CANNOT get its 51% ever again if it loses the Amerindian keep up with your bigotry.

The Amerindians of Guyana who read this blog know that D2 is not really an Amerindian. He is only a disgrace and insult to the native people of Guyana. I have respect for the Guyanese Amerindian communities.

hStormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:

At least you are being consistently a bat. This primpified pompous prissy will never be our president. The only lies moses told are the one in your head.

And who cares what you half dunk piwarie drinker thinks. For you, no one on Indian heritage should be president,  so pack up your grip and go fight against them!!

You are exactly that disgusting moron you present yourself to be. Every day you excell in making yourself an ass. I can understand that given the legacy of rum drinking among your kin you presume it is the same everywhere. Sorry, not so. And that primpified empty headed parrot is never going to be president.  The Guyanese people will see to that.

Ahh shut up you drunk pimp!!!

skeldon_man posted:
. I have respect for the Guyanese Amerindian communities.

I am sure that they arevery impressed with your incessant derogatory references to piwari and you use of the word "buck".

Granger LISTENS to these people.  You all treated them like kids.

This is why Lethem is now as much an APNU AFC town as Linden is.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Jalil posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charles Ramson has presidential ambitions, supported by the PPP.  Given Moses history of lies,  I don't believe his accusation.  

The PPP was happy to bid farewell to him to go to law school.  What a waste that was.  He is a terrible lawyer.

Look at this monkey..... PPP was happy when Moses Leave.

When Moses left the PPP they Immediately became a Minority in Parliament.

Jagdeo & Ramotar made PPP a Minority...

Jagdeo & Ramotar are losers like De Monkey.


Monkey Jumping up...... "PPP happy to be Minority"

Is this the same reason why Harmon has Nagamootoo hiding under his bed now? Voiceless, powerless, and stupid!

Gal yuh come ya suh with yuh lies ..... telling us Jagdeo service you and Kwame.

Now a Putagee Girl tek over de Bed.... Look like you and Kwame hiding under the bed.


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