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October 2,2016 Source

Attorney Charles Ramson Jnr has resigned as a Member of Parliament with immediate effect to pursue a Masters in oil and gas and has since registered his disappointment at the lack of youth representation in the House and the government’s refusal to send Bills to a parliamentary select committee.

Ramson informed the Speaker of National Assembly Dr Barton Scotland of his resignation in a letter on Friday and also included the shortcomings he had observed.

In the letter which was shared with the media, he said he took a decision to pursue studies in the oil and gas area given that Guyana continues to move in that direction.

Charles Ramson
Charles Ramson

He expressed the view that “it is absolutely critical for our national development that we have Guyanese who are technically trained in the oil and gas sector. This is particularly important for us as a nation in this preparatory phase as we frame the relevant policy, law and vision if we are to avoid the often cited ‘resource curse’ commonly associated with oil and gas producing nations,” he said.

According to Ramson, there is no doubt that the absence of any member of the Cabinet with any such technical training or experience in the sector will have a “militating effect on the pace and quality of development not only of the nascent sector but of the country.”

He said that what is of worry is that this absence will also increase the likelihood of “squander” and consequently, the expected benefits will elude the Guyanese people.

Ramson explained that it was for this reason that he applied for and was offered a place to study at one of the best oil and gas universities in the world – the University of Aberdeen, located in Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom, the oil and gas capital of Europe, to pursue a Masters in Oil and Gas Enterprise Management.

It was explained that admission to this course is extremely competitive as over 1,000 people from around the world apply every academic year with only about 20 persons being admitted.

Additionally, Ramson informed that he was awarded a full scholarship from Chevening, a prestigious scholarship competitively awarded on a global scale funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The selection criteria for Chevening Scholarship, he said are aimed to identify “high-calibre graduates with the personal, intellectual and interpersonal qualities necessary for leadership.

“It is with a heavy heart that having accepted both offers I, hereby, submit my resignation as a Member of Parliament with immediate effect.”

Ramson said that as he departs he feels compelled to express his extreme disappointment about two issues during his time in Parliament.

The first being the absence of youth representation both at the Cabinet and parliamentary levels which “increases political apathy and destroys legitimacy.” He said that this is particularly regrettable given the youth drive leading up to the 2015 elections.

The second matter he said is that the current APNU+AFC Government has made it pellucid that it is not committed to the realisation of the most fundamental desire of the Guyanese people – national unity – by demonstrating its unflinching position of not sending bills to a select committee despite the pleading from the opposition.

“Sending bills to a parliamentary select committee happened virtually as a matter of course especially in the last eight years under the PPP/C Government. The squandered opportunity which cannot now be regained would have framed the success of politics by forging a working relationship among political leaders in a country plagued by divisions in politics and race or a combination of both,” he said.

He admitted that such a move might have slowed the process but “being able to work together despite differences is the extolled virtues of a democracy. This is really what the Guyanese people would have wanted first and foremost from us Parliamentarians – lasting unity forged in struggle rather than notional unity spoken in the abstract.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Wish him well.

Kudos to him for speaking out and being so bold, hope he does not burn too many bridges on his way out.

Hope that he does not come back to loot the treasury with his oil and gas "experience."

Last edited by Former Member

Could it be that he is coming back with the expertise to handle the oil and gas that will be coming in the future? It would be a good resume to sell being a presidential candidate. Watch for him to finish his studies and return to Guyana to run for president. He is just being proactive.


I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilly, I hope they did not drive him out by pushing labels at him or telling him "he has to wait his turn".

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilly, I hope they did not drive him out by pushing labels at him or telling him "he has to wait his turn".

Boy, some of the most powerful Freedom House persons are intellectually insecure. For decades they felt threatened by bright young men and women who joined the PPP and showed optimism and enthusiasm and originality.


Kudos to him. Hope he loose his primpy fairy side in the presence of plain speaking Scots.

I was named after a castle in Aberdeen. My mother was pregnant with me when she visited the site and liked the little castle and so named me after it.

Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Wasn't Your Tamil about a hundred years old when he went to study law?   Ramson will be pursuing post graduate studies with the full support of the PPP crew.  He will be back - ripe and ready.

Bibi Haniffa

His grand father was a PNC and had investment in England, maybe the old connection got him a place in the university. His study is for one year he will be back better qualified to take over the leadership of the PPP.


Young Ramson has long exceeded the achievement of both his father and grandfather.  He attended Queens College in Guyana, and later attended Nottingham Law School.  In 2006, he obtained a First Class Honours degree in Law at the University of Buckingham.  He also has a Masters in International and Commercial Law from the University of  Buckingham in England, where he had earned himself a partial scholarship.  The degree in Oil and Gas Management and Exploration will be his second masters degree.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Young Ramson has long exceeded the achievement of both his father and grandfather.  He attended Queens College in Guyana, and later attended Nottingham Law School.  In 2006, he obtained a First Class Honours degree in Law at the University of Buckingham.  He also has a Masters in International and Commercial Law from the University of  Buckingham in England, where he had earned himself a partial scholarship.  The degree in Oil and Gas Management and Exploration will be his second masters degree.

Basil gat wan UWI Law thing, He Prapa Brite laka Tide

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilly, I hope they did not drive him out by pushing labels at him or telling him "he has to wait his turn".

Boy, some of the most powerful Freedom House persons are intellectually insecure. For decades they felt threatened by bright young men and women who joined the PPP and showed optimism and enthusiasm and originality.

.....intellectually insecure.....

Now that's a classic. It succinctly describes the leadership of the PPP. That's why the Politburo method of doing business persists.

Kari posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilly, I hope they did not drive him out by pushing labels at him or telling him "he has to wait his turn".

Boy, some of the most powerful Freedom House persons are intellectually insecure. For decades they felt threatened by bright young men and women who joined the PPP and showed optimism and enthusiasm and originality.

.....intellectually insecure.....

Now that's a classic. It succinctly describes the leadership of the PPP. That's why the Politburo method of doing business persists.

And how do you describe the leadership of the PNC in terms of intellect???  Can anyone of them walk in the intellectual shoes of BJ, Priya, Ashni, Anil, and company?????  Burnham would have been ashamed of all of them.  And don't tell me GDF experience is education because it's not.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Wasn't Your Tamil about a hundred years old when he went to study law?   Ramson will be pursuing post graduate studies with the full support of the PPP crew.  He will be back - ripe and ready.

Thanks for the info

kp posted:

His grand father was a PNC and had investment in England, maybe the old connection got him a place in the university. His study is for one year he will be back better qualified to take over the leadership of the PPP.

His grandfather was Burnham PNC. Rodney burn down his grandfather's office at congress place.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilly, I hope they did not drive him out by pushing labels at him or telling him "he has to wait his turn".

Boy, some of the most powerful Freedom House persons are intellectually insecure. For decades they felt threatened by bright young men and women who joined the PPP and showed optimism and enthusiasm and originality.

.....intellectually insecure.....

Now that's a classic. It succinctly describes the leadership of the PPP. That's why the Politburo method of doing business persists.

And how do you describe the leadership of the PNC in terms of intellect???  Can anyone of them walk in the intellectual shoes of BJ, Priya, Ashni, Anil, and company?????  Burnham would have been ashamed of all of them.  And don't tell me GDF experience is education because it's not.

What makes those knuckle heads bright?  I went to school with many Africans at University of Toronto and also Howard who were kicking ass in the sciences. I kept in contact with a few and at least one is back in Gy and will possibly be the first hired in the oil industry since he has extensive experience in the area. BJ is a clown and the same with Priya. Ashni and Anil I would give some kudos to. However, their immoral and crooked behavior as members of the PPP cartel makes them unfit as well. Moral people are guided always towards the straight an narrow even if it is beset with thorns and briars.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilly, I hope they did not drive him out by pushing labels at him or telling him "he has to wait his turn".

Boy, some of the most powerful Freedom House persons are intellectually insecure. For decades they felt threatened by bright young men and women who joined the PPP and showed optimism and enthusiasm and originality.

.....intellectually insecure.....

Now that's a classic. It succinctly describes the leadership of the PPP. That's why the Politburo method of doing business persists.

And how do you describe the leadership of the PNC in terms of intellect???  Can anyone of them walk in the intellectual shoes of BJ, Priya, Ashni, Anil, and company?????  Burnham would have been ashamed of all of them.  And don't tell me GDF experience is education because it's not.

What makes those knuckle heads bright?  I went to school with many Africans at University of Toronto and also Howard who were kicking ass in the sciences. I kept in contact with a few and at least one is back in Gy and will possibly be the first hired in the oil industry since he has extensive experience in the area. BJ is a clown and the same with Priya. Ashni and Anil I would give some kudos to. However, their immoral and crooked behavior as members of the PPP cartel makes them unfit as well. Moral people are guided always towards the straight an narrow even if it is beset with thorns and briars.

Don't take people's achievement and make it your sadness.  Here, enjoy your castle in Aberdeen. 



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  • lesliecastlescotland
Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilly, I hope they did not drive him out by pushing labels at him or telling him "he has to wait his turn".

Boy, some of the most powerful Freedom House persons are intellectually insecure. For decades they felt threatened by bright young men and women who joined the PPP and showed optimism and enthusiasm and originality.

.....intellectually insecure.....

Now that's a classic. It succinctly describes the leadership of the PPP. That's why the Politburo method of doing business persists.

And how do you describe the leadership of the PNC in terms of intellect???  Can anyone of them walk in the intellectual shoes of BJ, Priya, Ashni, Anil, and company?????  Burnham would have been ashamed of all of them.  And don't tell me GDF experience is education because it's not.

What makes those knuckle heads bright?  I went to school with many Africans at University of Toronto and also Howard who were kicking ass in the sciences. I kept in contact with a few and at least one is back in Gy and will possibly be the first hired in the oil industry since he has extensive experience in the area. BJ is a clown and the same with Priya. Ashni and Anil I would give some kudos to. However, their immoral and crooked behavior as members of the PPP cartel makes them unfit as well. Moral people are guided always towards the straight an narrow even if it is beset with thorns and briars.

Don't take people's achievement and make it your sadness.  Here, enjoy your castle in Aberdeen. 


I do not envy the behavior or achievements of crooks. I pity them. And I have exceeded my expectations for my life many times over and I still have a a score or more useful life if the universe cooperate. I never had to pilfer anyone's money to gain what I have. My daddy left me on sound footing an I took advantage of the benefaction of this good land and created a life of ease. I do not have to chase the green. I wake up when I want, go to bed when I want and I still increment what I have so my children can be secure. And they thrive on their own. Next year my daughters are going to retrace my mothers footsteps on a pilgrimage in her twenties to Compostela from Antwerp. I do not lack anything and nothing those crooks do is a matter for admiration. They  evoke contempt easily. That is their achievement.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This thread is not about you.  It's about Charles Ramson, Jr.  Count how many times you have mentioned "I" and "my", you are bordering on narcissism.

I am the most important person to me. I am answering you about your suggestion of envying those crooks.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope young Ramson's comrades at Freedom House don't call him a "careerist" or accuse him of having "ambition". They did it in the past with others, including Our Tamil in India, when he gave up his minister's job to study Law.

Gilly, I hope they did not drive him out by pushing labels at him or telling him "he has to wait his turn".

Boy, some of the most powerful Freedom House persons are intellectually insecure. For decades they felt threatened by bright young men and women who joined the PPP and showed optimism and enthusiasm and originality.

.....intellectually insecure.....

Now that's a classic. It succinctly describes the leadership of the PPP. That's why the Politburo method of doing business persists.

And how do you describe the leadership of the PNC in terms of intellect???  Can anyone of them walk in the intellectual shoes of BJ, Priya, Ashni, Anil, and company?????  Burnham would have been ashamed of all of them.  And don't tell me GDF experience is education because it's not.

What makes those knuckle heads bright?  I went to school with many Africans at University of Toronto and also Howard who were kicking ass in the sciences. I kept in contact with a few and at least one is back in Gy and will possibly be the first hired in the oil industry since he has extensive experience in the area. BJ is a clown and the same with Priya. Ashni and Anil I would give some kudos to. However, their immoral and crooked behavior as members of the PPP cartel makes them unfit as well. Moral people are guided always towards the straight an narrow even if it is beset with thorns and briars.

Don't take people's achievement and make it your sadness.  Here, enjoy your castle in Aberdeen. 


I do not envy the behavior or achievements of crooks. I pity them. And I have exceeded my expectations for my life many times over and I still have a a score or more useful life if the universe cooperate. I never had to pilfer anyone's money to gain what I have. My daddy left me on sound footing an I took advantage of the benefaction of this good land and created a life of ease. I do not have to chase the green. I wake up when I want, go to bed when I want and I still increment what I have so my children can be secure. And they thrive on their own. Next year my daughters are going to retrace my mothers footsteps on a pilgrimage in her twenties to Compostela from Antwerp. I do not lack anything and nothing those crooks do is a matter for admiration. They  evoke contempt easily. That is their achievement.

What a joke. Was your daddy a person of Trump's father carat? You must be very rich. Man, you can write anything here. We learn new things about you almost on a daily basis. Carry on, no one is here to validate your ramblings.

skeldon_man posted:

What a joke. Was your daddy a person of Trump's father carat? You must be very rich. Man, you can write anything here. We learn new things about you almost on a daily basis. Carry on, no one is here to validate your ramblings.

Sorry; my father did not steal from workers or leveraged the debt accumulated on the backs of honest trades people into wealth. He was a lumber man and a cattle farmer and rice farmer. He happened to accumulate land and wealth to make our lives easier. I am sorry if you think your daddy did not measure up. And my mom was an interesting woman on her own. At eighty two she still makes her fusion of amerind that sells easily. Thanks again for the sacrifice of a father who was willing to see the love of his life educated in a time when Indian men still think of their women as the domestic help!

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

What a joke. Was your daddy a person of Trump's father carat? You must be very rich. Man, you can write anything here. We learn new things about you almost on a daily basis. Carry on, no one is here to validate your ramblings.

Sorry; my father did not steal from workers or leveraged the debt accumulated on the backs of honest trades people into wealth. He was a lumber man and a cattle farmer and rice farmer. He happened to accumulate land and wealth to make our lives easier. I am sorry if you think your daddy did not measure up. And my mom was an interesting woman on her own. At eighty two she still makes her fusion of amerind that sells easily. Thanks again for the sacrifice of a father who was willing to see the love of his life educated in a time when Indian men still think of their women as the domestic help!

My father produced 5 sons and none of them ever worked in a dollar store or panhandled. They all earned an honest living.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

What a joke. Was your daddy a person of Trump's father carat? You must be very rich. Man, you can write anything here. We learn new things about you almost on a daily basis. Carry on, no one is here to validate your ramblings.

Sorry; my father did not steal from workers or leveraged the debt accumulated on the backs of honest trades people into wealth. He was a lumber man and a cattle farmer and rice farmer. He happened to accumulate land and wealth to make our lives easier. I am sorry if you think your daddy did not measure up. And my mom was an interesting woman on her own. At eighty two she still makes her fusion of amerind that sells easily. Thanks again for the sacrifice of a father who was willing to see the love of his life educated in a time when Indian men still think of their women as the domestic help!

My father produced 5 sons and none of them ever worked in a dollar store or panhandled. They all earned an honest living.

good to know...mine created one and he never had to resort to fantasy deceive himself  so he thinks he knows more than he does

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

What a joke. Was your daddy a person of Trump's father carat? You must be very rich. Man, you can write anything here. We learn new things about you almost on a daily basis. Carry on, no one is here to validate your ramblings.

Sorry; my father did not steal from workers or leveraged the debt accumulated on the backs of honest trades people into wealth. He was a lumber man and a cattle farmer and rice farmer. He happened to accumulate land and wealth to make our lives easier. I am sorry if you think your daddy did not measure up. And my mom was an interesting woman on her own. At eighty two she still makes her fusion of amerind that sells easily. Thanks again for the sacrifice of a father who was willing to see the love of his life educated in a time when Indian men still think of their women as the domestic help!

My father produced 5 sons and none of them ever worked in a dollar store or panhandled. They all earned an honest living.

good to know...mine created one and he never had to resort to fantasy deceive himself  so he thinks he knows more than he does

You could have fooled a lot of people on this board. What do you think all your hogwash is?

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

What a joke. Was your daddy a person of Trump's father carat? You must be very rich. Man, you can write anything here. We learn new things about you almost on a daily basis. Carry on, no one is here to validate your ramblings.

Sorry; my father did not steal from workers or leveraged the debt accumulated on the backs of honest trades people into wealth. He was a lumber man and a cattle farmer and rice farmer. He happened to accumulate land and wealth to make our lives easier. I am sorry if you think your daddy did not measure up. And my mom was an interesting woman on her own. At eighty two she still makes her fusion of amerind that sells easily. Thanks again for the sacrifice of a father who was willing to see the love of his life educated in a time when Indian men still think of their women as the domestic help!

My father produced 5 sons and none of them ever worked in a dollar store or panhandled. They all earned an honest living.

good to know...mine created one and he never had to resort to fantasy deceive himself  so he thinks he knows more than he does

You could have fooled a lot of people on this board. What do you think all your hogwash is?

At least I did not fool you.  After all you know I work at a dollar store! Stupid old quack!

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

What a joke. Was your daddy a person of Trump's father carat? You must be very rich. Man, you can write anything here. We learn new things about you almost on a daily basis. Carry on, no one is here to validate your ramblings.

Sorry; my father did not steal from workers or leveraged the debt accumulated on the backs of honest trades people into wealth. He was a lumber man and a cattle farmer and rice farmer. He happened to accumulate land and wealth to make our lives easier. I am sorry if you think your daddy did not measure up. And my mom was an interesting woman on her own. At eighty two she still makes her fusion of amerind that sells easily. Thanks again for the sacrifice of a father who was willing to see the love of his life educated in a time when Indian men still think of their women as the domestic help!

My father produced 5 sons and none of them ever worked in a dollar store or panhandled. They all earned an honest living.

good to know...mine created one and he never had to resort to fantasy deceive himself  so he thinks he knows more than he does

You could have fooled a lot of people on this board. What do you think all your hogwash is?

At least I did not fool you.  After all you know I work at a dollar store! Stupid old quack!

You can't peddle you shaman stories past me.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:

At least I did not fool you.  After all you know I work at a dollar store! Stupid old quack!

You can't peddle you shaman stories past me.

Yes...airplane exhaust fumes downstream of a runway always does a man brain good!

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

What a joke. Was your daddy a person of Trump's father carat? You must be very rich. Man, you can write anything here. We learn new things about you almost on a daily basis. Carry on, no one is here to validate your ramblings.

Sorry; my father did not steal from workers or leveraged the debt accumulated on the backs of honest trades people into wealth. He was a lumber man and a cattle farmer and rice farmer. He happened to accumulate land and wealth to make our lives easier. I am sorry if you think your daddy did not measure up. And my mom was an interesting woman on her own. At eighty two she still makes her fusion of amerind that sells easily. Thanks again for the sacrifice of a father who was willing to see the love of his life educated in a time when Indian men still think of their women as the domestic help!

My father produced 5 sons and none of them ever worked in a dollar store or panhandled. They all earned an honest living.

good to know...mine created one and he never had to resort to fantasy deceive himself  so he thinks he knows more than he does

You could have fooled a lot of people on this board. What do you think all your hogwash is?

At least I did not fool you.  After all you know I work at a dollar store! Stupid old quack!

You can't peddle you shaman stories past me.


Shytehead storm is supporting the pedophiles by refusing to condemning the PNC for releasing him. The this fool and clown is supporting theft and corruption by the AFC/PNC.

To date, these clowns have presented zero evidence of PPP theft despite close to a billion dollars worth of audits for their friends and family of the AFC/PNC.

All they can talk is shyte.

This chap has earned the title Storm Drain, GNI's clown.


yuji22 posted:


Shytehead storm is supporting the pedophiles by refusing to condemning the PNC for releasing him. The this fool and clown is supporting theft and corruption by the AFC/PNC.

To date, these clowns have presented zero evidence of PPP theft despite close to a billion dollars worth of audits for their friends and family of the AFC/PNC.

All they can talk is shyte.

This chap has earned the title Storm Drain, GNI's clown.


Usual carnival baking. You and smarts is as oil to water. It just does not go together.

Last edited by Former Member

The Ramsons are good people. But it is not good to compare apples to oranges. Putting it in perspective. Young Charles got a million British pound Education. That law degree alone may have cost him over a hundred thousand British pounds. All bought and payed for in advance. How many of the East Indian people of Guyana can afford that. This is not a case of Cheddi Jagan working his way through university as a midnight elevator operator.

Last edited by Prashad

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