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January 11,2016  Source

– Says his status, performance now under scrutiny

After 20 months of being in office, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo says he remains unaware of what exactly Commissioner of Information, Charles Ramson Sr. is doing. As such, the Commissioner’s status and performance are now under scrutiny.
Nagamootoo confirmed that four years after his appointment to the post, Ramson is still to submit a report, as stipulated by the law, regarding the workings of his office and the application of the Access to Information Act.
According to the Act governing Ramson’s office, the responsible Minister should “as soon as practicable but not later than nine months, after the end of each year lay a report on the operation of this (Access to Information) Act in the National Assembly”.
The Act also states that the said report should include the number of requests made to the Commissioner of Information; the number of applications for judicial review of decisions and the outcome of those applications; the number of complaints made to the Commissioner of Information with respect to the operation of the Act and the nature of those complaints; the number of notices served upon the Commissioner of Information and the number of decisions by the Commissioner which were adverse to the person’s claim.
Nagamootoo said, “The Commissioner never submitted any report to me or to anyone else. I am not aware that he is working, nor am I aware if he has an office…Indeed there was an allocation in the 2017 budget for him, but as I said, he is a statutory appointee so he has to be paid.”
The Prime Minister added, “He had made a call for gratuities, and that is only paid on a recommendation that someone has worked satisfactorily. But I am not aware that this guy has worked, much less satisfactorily. But I am looking at his performance and his status.”
While Parliament is left in the dark about the work of the Commissioner of Information, Ramson Sr. continues to draw a salary of approximately $1.2M a month.

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And what is Naga doing for a salary and waiting for a bloated undeserved pension? What is this $5000.00 a month? I made more than that(about 25%) more annually when I was working. That's not a lot of money for a man of his caliber.

skeldon_man posted:

And what is Naga doing for a salary and waiting for a bloated undeserved pension? What is this $5000.00 a month? I made more than that(about 25%) more annually when I was working. That's not a lot of money for a man of his caliber.

Suh you see nothing wrong bhai,

Ramson Sr, "Commissioner of Information" sitting in an unknown office,leeching off taxpayers $$,what sort of caliber is that??

US$5000.00 a month is a burden on a poor r@ss country,by the way what percentage of Americans see that amount of money?

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

And what is Naga doing for a salary and waiting for a bloated undeserved pension? What is this $5000.00 a month? I made more than that(about 25%) more annually when I was working. That's not a lot of money for a man of his caliber.

Suh you see nothing wrong bhai,

Ramson Sr, "Commissioner of Information" sitting in an unknown office,leeching off taxpayers $$,what sort of caliber is that??

US$5000.00 a month is a burden on a poor r@ss country,by the way what percentage of Americans see that amount of money?

Why are you not asking what Judasmottoo is doing for the salary he gets? Come on, let's call a spade a spade. I have not heard of a single thing he did in the past couple of months and he gets everything for free and a salary to boot?


There can be no statutory requirement for a person to be paid if they are not performing their duties.  Matter of fact, not performing the duties should be grounds for dismissal.


According to propaganda press, Charles Ramson is involved in coke and is a criminal.

Charles Ramson & family – highlighting criminals in Guyana


from left to right – charles ‘chuckie’ ramson jr, son of leila, wife of charles ‘coaine’ ramson senior.

cocaine chuck upset that Paul Slowe attacked he criminals of the Guyana Police Farce went on a tirade about Slowe living large on the state’s largesse [i.e on his policeman salary] well lets looks at mr. roger khan is my friend and his criminal clan.

cocaine chuck is in the legal profession. he is now served as attorney general for the second time. charles ramson senior was the sitting judge who threw out the extradition case for cocaine merchant barry dataram wanted in the US. cocaine chuck then resigned as judge and was selected attorney general. charles ramson senior piloted the fugitive offenders (ammendment) bill in parliament to facilitate extraditions of fugitives to Commonwealth or Treaty Territories such as the United States of America. this flaw by PPP Crime Family gives the sitting minister of home affairs the last say in all extraditions.

Ramson as attorney general disclosed that he knew dataram was out of the country. and why wouldn’t he? he’s on the man’s payroll – “Here we are nearly one year after when Dataram has already flown the coop, as I am advised. And who would blame him? Had we been in the same position we might have flown the coop too.”

leila ramson runs obstruction and interference at the teaching service commission on behalf of PPP Crime Family.

chuckie jr. is a journalist at Guyana behind the times, when not there he hangs out at the offic of the dictator with the likes of randy ‘i’m so dandy’ persaud, prem ‘the miserable’ misir, shambollywood nokta & kwame mccoy.

this one family is drawing don millions monthly from the tax payers of Guyana in salaries, perks, per diems, free travel and the like. and we’ve not dealt with fake consultancies, projects and other scams that they’ve got their filthy paws in.

any guesses as to who paid chuckie’s tuition and board at he University of Buckingham. this is the only private university in the UK. check out the fees and do your own car-kul-a-shuns.

we’ve not heard from cocaine chuck since Vidya Balwant suggestion:

I wish to suggest to Mr. Ramson that before he accuses anyone of being beneficiaries of the State’s largesse, he should so some serious introspection.
I also suggest that at the moment of introspection he invites the Chairperson of the Teaching Service Commission and the Attorney at law at the Office of the President related to him to share the moment of introspection.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

And what is Naga doing for a salary and waiting for a bloated undeserved pension? What is this $5000.00 a month? I made more than that(about 25%) more annually when I was working. That's not a lot of money for a man of his caliber.

Suh you see nothing wrong bhai,

Ramson Sr, "Commissioner of Information" sitting in an unknown office,leeching off taxpayers $$,what sort of caliber is that??

US$5000.00 a month is a burden on a poor r@ss country,by the way what percentage of Americans see that amount of money?

Why are you not asking what Judasmottoo is doing for the salary he gets? Come on, let's call a spade a spade. I have not heard of a single thing he did in the past couple of months and he gets everything for free and a salary to boot?

Naga just showed he is not happy with someone in Govt who it seems has an unsavoury reputation and this is the only thing you rass can come up with? Wuh happen, Ramson and you related?

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

And what is Naga doing for a salary and waiting for a bloated undeserved pension? What is this $5000.00 a month? I made more than that(about 25%) more annually when I was working. That's not a lot of money for a man of his caliber.

Suh you see nothing wrong bhai,

Ramson Sr, "Commissioner of Information" sitting in an unknown office,leeching off taxpayers $$,what sort of caliber is that??

US$5000.00 a month is a burden on a poor r@ss country,by the way what percentage of Americans see that amount of money?

Why are you not asking what Judasmottoo is doing for the salary he gets? Come on, let's call a spade a spade. I have not heard of a single thing he did in the past couple of months and he gets everything for free and a salary to boot?

Naga just showed he is not happy with someone in Govt who it seems has an unsavoury reputation and this is the only thing you rass can come up with? Wuh happen, Ramson and you related?

Most civil servants don't work for their pay. I went to New Amsterdam to get some documents. This one niggro bottom feeder, leech just looked at me, stayed on her phone talking and texting for about 4-5 minutes before she even acknowledged that I was there.


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