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kp posted:

This is in Guyana Chronicle today.

This dude will be foolish to return to Guyana at this time...he was threatened in Parliament and Ramjattan is going after him with a vengeance. 

If he does return, he should embark on a law suit against those accusing him of wrongdoing, including the parliamentarian who he claimed "punched" him.

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

This is in Guyana Chronicle today.

This dude will be foolish to return to Guyana at this time...he was threatened in Parliament and Ramjattan is going after him with a vengeance. 

If he does return, he should embark on a law suit against those accusing him of wrongdoing, including the parliamentarian who he claimed "punched" him.

Poor Charrandas is a coward.  He wasn't "punched". He was slapped in the same way as two friends might in a celebratory moment.  If the man is afraid of black men he best stay out of Guyana and go live way north in Alberta.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

This is in Guyana Chronicle today.

This dude will be foolish to return to Guyana at this time...he was threatened in Parliament and Ramjattan is going after him with a vengeance. 

If he does return, he should embark on a law suit against those accusing him of wrongdoing, including the parliamentarian who he claimed "punched" him.

Poor Charrandas is a coward.  He wasn't "punched". He was slapped in the same way as two friends might in a celebratory moment.  If the man is afraid of black men he best stay out of Guyana and go live way north in Alberta.

If he is indeed on his way to Guyana, then the man is NOT afraid of any local BLACK MAN DUMMY.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

This is in Guyana Chronicle today.

This dude will be foolish to return to Guyana at this time...he was threatened in Parliament and Ramjattan is going after him with a vengeance. 

If he does return, he should embark on a law suit against those accusing him of wrongdoing, including the parliamentarian who he claimed "punched" him.

Poor Charrandas is a coward.  He wasn't "punched". He was slapped in the same way as two friends might in a celebratory moment.  If the man is afraid of black men he best stay out of Guyana and go live way north in Alberta.

If he is indeed on his way to Guyana, then the man is NOT afraid of any local BLACK MAN DUMMY.

So why did he leave in the first place then? DUMMY!  He should have stood his ground and confronted those who accused him of corruption and treachery.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

This is in Guyana Chronicle today.

This dude will be foolish to return to Guyana at this time...he was threatened in Parliament and Ramjattan is going after him with a vengeance. 

If he does return, he should embark on a law suit against those accusing him of wrongdoing, including the parliamentarian who he claimed "punched" him.

Poor Charrandas is a coward.  He wasn't "punched". He was slapped in the same way as two friends might in a celebratory moment.  If the man is afraid of black men he best stay out of Guyana and go live way north in Alberta.

If he is indeed on his way to Guyana, then the man is NOT afraid of any local BLACK MAN DUMMY.

So why did he leave in the first place then? DUMMY!  He should have stood his ground and confronted those who accused him of corruption and treachery.

JACKASS.. he said he wants to see his new born grandson.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

This is in Guyana Chronicle today.

This dude will be foolish to return to Guyana at this time...he was threatened in Parliament and Ramjattan is going after him with a vengeance. 

If he does return, he should embark on a law suit against those accusing him of wrongdoing, including the parliamentarian who he claimed "punched" him.

Poor Charrandas is a coward.  He wasn't "punched". He was slapped in the same way as two friends might in a celebratory moment.  If the man is afraid of black men he best stay out of Guyana and go live way north in Alberta.

If he is indeed on his way to Guyana, then the man is NOT afraid of any local BLACK MAN DUMMY.

So why did he leave in the first place then? DUMMY!  He should have stood his ground and confronted those who accused him of corruption and treachery.

JACKASS.. he said he wants to see his new born grandson. took him 90 days to see his grandson???...while he is missing all the actions and reactions he initiated in Guyana?

He should have remained in Guyana after the NCV...all dem coolie like to run when trouble starts.

He could have been a BIGGER hero if he had stayed in Guyana...instead of sneaking out the country...using his Canadian passport as a security blanket...

kp posted:

He said he will wait until after the election to return. His return is suicidal . Them PNC thugs are anxious to be a hero, they will kill him and get PARDON.

If he thinks his return is suicidal...then he is a COWARD!...a dedicated political leader will stay in the trenches and struggle for his people...

If you people honest, you will admit this is true...did Jagan use a foreign passport to seek safe haven in a foreign country under a dictatorship?


Amral posted:

Yuh think they will take him out the way Burnham took out Rodney. Nice and clean when least expected. 

Rodney was a threat to the Kabaka...he led a multiracial opposition that threaten to bring down the government, especially with his "by any means necessary" calls.

Charandass does not have that kind of influence and "people power" to threaten the government. He already did his damage. The PNC will gain nothing by "taking him out". 

Besides, they will gladly encourage him to form a party and split the PPP vote...he did tell Kissoon he wanted to form his own party.

Ramjattan will continue to spread the rumor that he was paid to vote against the coalition...just to further tie Charandass to the PPP to demonize the PPP.

Just my opinion.... 

VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

Yuh think they will take him out the way Burnham took out Rodney. Nice and clean when least expected. 

Rodney was a threat to the Kabaka...he led a multiracial opposition that threaten to bring down the government, especially with his "by any means necessary" calls.

Charandass does not have that kind of influence and "people power" to threaten the government. He already did his damage. The PNC will gain nothing by "taking him out". 

Besides, they will gladly encourage him to form a party and split the PPP vote...he did tell Kissoon he wanted to form his own party.

Ramjattan will continue to spread the rumor that he was paid to vote against the coalition...just to further tie Charandass to the PPP to demonize the PPP.

Just my opinion.... 

Mr Young Vish, you Rass en know about the Gold Chan around the Mayor neck, but yo kunt knows a lot about Rodney and old fkt hore.

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

Yuh think they will take him out the way Burnham took out Rodney. Nice and clean when least expected. 

Rodney was a threat to the Kabaka...he led a multiracial opposition that threaten to bring down the government, especially with his "by any means necessary" calls.

Charandass does not have that kind of influence and "people power" to threaten the government. He already did his damage. The PNC will gain nothing by "taking him out". 

Besides, they will gladly encourage him to form a party and split the PPP vote...he did tell Kissoon he wanted to form his own party.

Ramjattan will continue to spread the rumor that he was paid to vote against the coalition...just to further tie Charandass to the PPP to demonize the PPP.

Just my opinion.... 

Mr Young Vish, you Rass en know about the Gold Chan around the Mayor neck, but yo kunt knows a lot about Rodney and old fkt hore.

Knucklehead par excellence...unlike you...I know how to read and understand history notice I aint using cuss word...dem kind of language is reserved for people with short v-o-c-a-b-u-l-a-r-y...hope dis slow enough for you to catch up.

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

Yuh think they will take him out the way Burnham took out Rodney. Nice and clean when least expected. 

Rodney was a threat to the Kabaka...he led a multiracial opposition that threaten to bring down the government, especially with his "by any means necessary" calls.

Charandass does not have that kind of influence and "people power" to threaten the government. He already did his damage. The PNC will gain nothing by "taking him out". 

Besides, they will gladly encourage him to form a party and split the PPP vote...he did tell Kissoon he wanted to form his own party.

Ramjattan will continue to spread the rumor that he was paid to vote against the coalition...just to further tie Charandass to the PPP to demonize the PPP.

Just my opinion.... 

Mr Young Vish, you Rass en know about the Gold Chan around the Mayor neck, but yo kunt knows a lot about Rodney and old fkt hore.

Knucklehead par excellence...unlike you...I know how to read and understand history notice I aint using cuss word...dem kind of language is reserved for people with short v-o-c-a-b-u-l-a-r-y...hope dis slow enough for you to catch up.

HaHaHa! Look who's here! A grammar police! HaHaHa!


If you can make a difference back home, we welcome you. Mr Ole man.

Peace and love.

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

This is in Guyana Chronicle today.

This dude will be foolish to return to Guyana at this time...he was threatened in Parliament and Ramjattan is going after him with a vengeance. 

If he does return, he should embark on a law suit against those accusing him of wrongdoing, including the parliamentarian who he claimed "punched" him.

Poor Charrandas is a coward.  He wasn't "punched". He was slapped in the same way as two friends might in a celebratory moment.  If the man is afraid of black men he best stay out of Guyana and go live way north in Alberta.

If he is indeed on his way to Guyana, then the man is NOT afraid of any local BLACK MAN DUMMY.

So why did he leave in the first place then? DUMMY!  He should have stood his ground and confronted those who accused him of corruption and treachery.

JACKASS.. he said he wants to see his new born grandson. took him 90 days to see his grandson???...while he is missing all the actions and reactions he initiated in Guyana?

He should have remained in Guyana after the NCV...all dem coolie like to run when trouble starts.

He could have been a BIGGER hero if he had stayed in Guyana...instead of sneaking out the country...using his Canadian passport as a security blanket...

Charrandas would have been killed because of his race dummy.


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