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Former Member

Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament Charrandas Persaud has fled the country for fear of his life after voting with the Opposition on a motion of No-Confidence in the Government on Friday evening.

Following the vote, he said he had received a number of threats to his life.

The Parliamentarian alleged that he has even been threatened by a sitting Government Minister that he or anyone else would be killed if they supported the Opposition’s motion.

Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan at a press conference at the Parliament Building following the vote confirmed that Persaud would have departed Guyana in the early hours of Saturday.


“I also understand that he is leaving the country early in the morning [Saturday] and that arrangement…has been taken care of,” the Security Minister said.

He noted that the Government is aware of the “immediacy and the vulnerability of Charrandas and that certainly will be taken care of.”

The Minister noted that security arrangements were also put in place to ensure that he was transported safely to his destination before departure.

“I spoke to the Commissioner of Police on the matter and he has indicated to me that every security arrangement (has) been made,” MrRamjattan noted.

In the meantime, the Government has urged its supporters and others to maintain peace in the coming days as preparations are made for the next General and Regional elections.

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Dave posted:

Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament Charrandas Persaud has fled the country for fear of his life after voting with the Opposition on a motion of No-Confidence in the Government on Friday evening.

Following the vote, he said he had received a number of threats to his life.

The Parliamentarian alleged that he has even been threatened by a sitting Government Minister that he or anyone else would be killed if they supported the Opposition’s motion.

Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan at a press conference at the Parliament Building following the vote confirmed that Persaud would have departed Guyana in the early hours of Saturday.


“I also understand that he is leaving the country early in the morning [Saturday] and that arrangement…has been taken care of,” the Security Minister said.

He noted that the Government is aware of the “immediacy and the vulnerability of Charrandas and that certainly will be taken care of.”

The Minister noted that security arrangements were also put in place to ensure that he was transported safely to his destination before departure.

“I spoke to the Commissioner of Police on the matter and he has indicated to me that every security arrangement (has) been made,” MrRamjattan noted.

In the meantime, the Government has urged its supporters and others to maintain peace in the coming days as preparations are made for the next General and Regional elections.

How can Guyana be peaceful? Imagine if this kind of crap was coming from a PPP member of parliament what would have happened?


The bullies are out in force.  The badgering we saw in parliament reflects the bullyism Charrandas alluded to. This plays out on the streets. 

Brace yourself for the election.  

Baseman posted:

The bullies are out in force.  The badgering we saw in parliament reflects the bullyism Charrandas alluded to. This plays out on the streets. 

Brace yourself for the election.  

I thought one of those dudes sitting by him would have decked him.The one to the left of him did throw an arm at him when he said yes.


Ramjattan has a balancing act to play and he has to address the PNC Minister who threatened Charandas. Typical PNC thugs and bullies. I listened to Jackass Williams threatening Anil by telling him that "I will deal with you."

Disgraceful. The PNC will unleash one last act of violence and intimidation during the upcoming elections.

Change can come to Guyana when the Voldas, Broomes and Jackass Williams are removed from the young and fragile democratic process.

Charandas will be back.

Skelly, you are correct. Look at the Video as Charandas was subjected to assault from PNC MP's on both sides of his chair. Charandas flatly told them "I voted with my conscience." The one on the left was telling him "What the F are you doing ? " as he elbowed Charandas.

Guyana is not out of the woods as yet, 2019 will be very tense.


If you listened to Charrandas interview outside of parliament, the man is a true hero, maybe one of the only heroes in Guyana. Imagine risking his life and livelihood to put a stop to the unholy allegiance that AFC has formed with the PNC. He stated that AFC has become "yes men" to the PNC in parliament, voting yes defacto. The slopsters try to paint him as a traitor, but none of them can step in his shoes at least from a moral standpoint. 


Not once did the AFC stood up to the PNC until Charandass stood up to them, right on their side on the aisle and not one of them could have intimidated him. The man has balls !

Goat ate Moses and Ramjattan's.

Last edited by Former Member

Last night, Nagamootoo said that he hope that the peace that prevailed after the 2015 elections would continue after the NC vote. He is missing a key element of the 2015 elections. That is where the PPP lost the elections. History has shown that peace does not prevail after the PNC loses elections and now that the PNC seem vulnerable, he will need a lot of luck for his hope of prevailing peace to materialize. It began with that dude hitting Charandas last night and continued with the government MP allegedly threatening Charandas after the vote.

Drugb posted:

If you listened to Charrandas interview outside of parliament, the man is a true hero, maybe one of the only heroes in Guyana. Imagine risking his life and livelihood to put a stop to the unholy allegiance that AFC has formed with the PNC. He stated that AFC has become "yes men" to the PNC in parliament, voting yes defacto. The slopsters try to paint him as a traitor, but none of them can step in his shoes at least from a moral standpoint. look like a little bit of both. Hey hey hey...meh hope Jaggy dem at least ge de man wan fully renovated house. Hey hey hey....

Baseman posted:

The bullies are out in force.  The badgering we saw in parliament reflects the bullyism Charrandas alluded to. This plays out on the streets. 

Brace yourself for the election.  

Yeah dem bullying dem poor coolies who gat foh travel in minibus and suh. 


Chandradas knew the consequences of his action Be it a sell out or his conscience we may never know. But to be issued death threats, especially in a place like Guyana and under this kinda political climate is good enough reason to beat out of the land. I would have done the same.

Labba posted:
Drugb posted:

If you listened to Charrandas interview outside of parliament, the man is a true hero, maybe one of the only heroes in Guyana. Imagine risking his life and livelihood to put a stop to the unholy allegiance that AFC has formed with the PNC. He stated that AFC has become "yes men" to the PNC in parliament, voting yes defacto. The slopsters try to paint him as a traitor, but none of them can step in his shoes at least from a moral standpoint. look like a little bit of both. Hey hey hey...meh hope Jaggy dem at least ge de man wan fully renovated house. Hey hey hey....

You really think Charrandas was bough and paid for? Maybe this is how you comfort yourself to explain unpredictable human behavior that goes against your preconceived notions. 

Sheik101 posted:

Chandradas knew the consequences of his action Be it a sell out or his conscience we may never know. But to be issued death threats, especially in a place like Guyana and under this kinda political climate is good enough reason to beat out of the land. I would have done the same.

The PNC are wild ANIMALS, he is right to get out until the PPP is back in Govt and they offer him to be Security Minister!!!!  Crack some heads again!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Chandradas knew the consequences of his action Be it a sell out or his conscience we may never know. But to be issued death threats, especially in a place like Guyana and under this kinda political climate is good enough reason to beat out of the land. I would have done the same.

The PNC are wild ANIMALS, he is right to get out until the PPP is back in Govt and they offer him to be Security Minister!!!!  Crack some heads again!!!!!!!!!

are you advocating violence?

Ray posted:
Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Chandradas knew the consequences of his action Be it a sell out or his conscience we may never know. But to be issued death threats, especially in a place like Guyana and under this kinda political climate is good enough reason to beat out of the land. I would have done the same.

The PNC are wild ANIMALS, he is right to get out until the PPP is back in Govt and they offer him to be Security Minister!!!!  Crack some heads again!!!!!!!!!

are you advocating violence?

He is sorry that there are no riots and mass rapes of Indians.

Persaud is counting his cash and will never be back in Guyana.  

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:
Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Chandradas knew the consequences of his action Be it a sell out or his conscience we may never know. But to be issued death threats, especially in a place like Guyana and under this kinda political climate is good enough reason to beat out of the land. I would have done the same.

The PNC are wild ANIMALS, he is right to get out until the PPP is back in Govt and they offer him to be Security Minister!!!!  Crack some heads again!!!!!!!!!

are you advocating violence?

No, seems I always have to point you to facts. Chandradass will be as effective as the late, great Gajraj to take care of CRIMINALS!!!!

caribny posted:
Ray posted:
Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Chandradas knew the consequences of his action Be it a sell out or his conscience we may never know. But to be issued death threats, especially in a place like Guyana and under this kinda political climate is good enough reason to beat out of the land. I would have done the same.

The PNC are wild ANIMALS, he is right to get out until the PPP is back in Govt and they offer him to be Security Minister!!!!  Crack some heads again!!!!!!!!!

are you advocating violence?

He is sorry that there are no riots and mass rapes of Indians.

Persaud is counting his cash and will never be back in Guyana.  

What cash! did you give him any. When your own minister of the government is threatening you and there is no confidence in the security forces the man has to seek cover. Put yourself in his place, what would do?  I guess look for bribes.

Ray posted:

You really think he returning to Guyana and PPP will give him a position....

ah got a bridge in Brooklyn for you

He was compensated for his help in mounting a coup. Jagdeo is now contemplating what kind of torture that he thinks is appropriate for those in the AFC who he considers to be traitors.

I think that Nagamootoo had a very rough night. He too might be contemplating flight should the PPP win.

Ray posted:

You really think he returning to Guyana and PPP will give him a position....

ah got a bridge in Brooklyn for you

He will return , he has everything in Guyana,a family, a house ,a job independent contractor/ lawyer. Maybe be better after the general election.

kp posted:
Ray posted:

You really think he returning to Guyana and PPP will give him a position....

ah got a bridge in Brooklyn for you

He will return , he has everything in Guyana,a family, a house ,a job independent contractor/ lawyer. Maybe be better after the general election.

No need to as he got enough cash to live where ever he wishes.  He has eradicated his debt to Jagdeo for being a traitor for leaving the PPP enabling a coalition win.  He doesnt plan to be around when Jagdeo then turns his ire on Nagamootoo and Ramjattan.

Ray posted:


It seems that it  was the same security force that help him, what are you complaining about?


If you looked at the debate, did you see and hear Basil Williams threatened Anil that he will lock him up right in parliament. he had pre arranged his own security for his departure. I wouldn't trust those hooligans.

Last edited by kp
kp posted:
Ray posted:


It seems that it  was the same security force that help him, what are you complaining about?


If you looked at the debate, did you see and hear Basil Williams threatened Anil that he will lock him up right in parliament. He had pre arranged his own security for his departure. I wouldn't trust those holigans.

Of course when Jagdeo and his Colombia cartel connected hooligans were slaughtering people in the streets, listening in on phone calls and sending death threats that was a peaceful time.

The hypocrisy of the PPP is amazing.

caribny posted:
kp posted:
Ray posted:


It seems that it  was the same security force that help him, what are you complaining about?


If you looked at the debate, did you see and hear Basil Williams threatened Anil that he will lock him up right in parliament. He had pre arranged his own security for his departure. I wouldn't trust those holigans.

Of course when Jagdeo and his Colombia cartel connected hooligans were slaughtering people in the streets, listening in on phone calls and sending death threats that was a peaceful time.

The hypocrisy of the PPP is amazing.

Gwan Suh, you stuck in fake time.You are beginning to hear noises in your head.

Ray posted:

How you know he prearranged his own security? Even if he did...if the Govt wanted, they could have held him at, ress yuself

They let him go!

I am sorry my answer does please your liking. I am in Toronto, his brother is in Toronto, I don't need to say more. What crime Mr Persaud committed, of course they had to let him go, he is a Hero.

Nehru posted:
Ray posted:
Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Chandradas knew the consequences of his action Be it a sell out or his conscience we may never know. But to be issued death threats, especially in a place like Guyana and under this kinda political climate is good enough reason to beat out of the land. I would have done the same.

The PNC are wild ANIMALS, he is right to get out until the PPP is back in Govt and they offer him to be Security Minister!!!!  Crack some heads again!!!!!!!!!

are you advocating violence?

No, seems I always have to point you to facts. Chandradass will be as effective as the late, great Gajraj to take care of CRIMINALS!!!!

What makes u think that chandradass  will be given any position should the PPP be elected to govern the Republic again? And what makes u think that he might be interested in the position u specified? In view of the threats issued, it would be in Mr. Chandradass best interest to stay where he is. Don't count on the PPP for protection. He could very well turn out to be another sat sawh.


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