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Former Member
Khemraj Ramjattan
Khemraj Ramjattan

The investigation of former APNU+AFC Member of Parliament (MP) Charrandass Persaud, who is accused of accepting a bribe and voting with the PPP/C on the December 21 motion of no confidence will only continue once “other witnesses” comes forward.

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan made this disclosure on Wednesday while he was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an event held at the Officers Training Centre, Camp Street.

 “That investigation will continue if we are going to get other witnesses coming forward. Right now none of the other witnesses want to come forward but we have a fair idea what happened,” Ramjattan said.

WHAT EVER HAPPENS TO ALL THE EVIDENCES AS CLAIMED BY RAMJAT AND THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE. I am sure they can find the trail of payment and that’s enough to present in a court for prosecution... I will conclude they both lied and mislead the nation. 

Top Cop says police have ‘corroborating statements’ in Charrandass Persaud probe – will approach Canada, if necessary, to question former MP

Jan 19, 2019 News 2 Comments

Police have received ‘corroboration’ from gold dealers who were interviewed during an ongoing probe into bribery and other allegations against former Member of Parliament Charrandass Persaud.
Commissioner of Police Leslie James made this disclosure yesterday while telling journalists that the Force

Commissioner of Police Leslie James speaks to journalists during yesterday’s press briefing

’s investigation has “gone a significant way,” and that the police may approach Canadian officials ‘if necessary’ to have Persaud extradited for questioning.
James confirmed that Persaud, a Canadian citizen, is under investigation into allegations of bribery and the reported shipping of gold out of Guyana.
“I would say that we have gone a significant way so far (in our investigation) (and) there may be a need for us to speak with Mr. Persaud,” Commissioner James told journalists while giving a promised update of the investigation.


The  state-owned Guyana Chronicle in a front page article Monday quoted Vice President, Khemraj Ramjattan, as telling a local television show that law enforcement authorities are investigating a bribery link to the former MP’s support of the no-confidence vote.

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Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan, who is also Minister of Public Security, indicated that there is “absolutely a connection with bribery.”

He was quoted as saying that a big sum of money was involved

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Maybe Ramjattan should go forward and testify to what he knows about the bribe. Maybe he can assemble the GNI fools who also had evidence to help him out. One fool was saying something about a T&T connection.


This is absolute stupidity!  Charrandass exercised his democratic right to vote as he saw fit according to the provisions of the constitution!

Do they realize Canada is a democratic nation with a strong rule-of-law tradition?  Who they think they dealing with, Pakistan?

Sometimes I wonder if these people smoking glue!!

Last edited by Former Member

Bhai Base, The PNc including Rumjhaaat know who they are speaking to. They are aware that their supporters are mental slaves and as such they can do and say any CRAP!! The CHAIN is no longer required for SLAVERY!!

Baseman posted:

This is absolute stupidity!  Charrandass exercised his democratic right to vote as he saw fit according to the provisions of the constitution!

Do they realize Canada is a democratic nation with a strong rule-of-law tradition?  Who they think they dealing with, Pakistan?

Sometimes I wonder if these people smoking glue!!

They smoking the same crap as Joey. 

Nehru posted:

Bhai Base, The PNc including Rumjhaaat know who they are speaking to. They are aware that their supporters are mental slaves and as such they can do and say any CRAP!! The CHAIN is no longer required for SLAVERY!!

Hey hey!  How come you commenting on my posts but not "liking" it?

Baseman posted:

This is absolute stupidity!  Charrandass exercised his democratic right to vote as he saw fit according to the provisions of the constitution!

Do they realize Canada is a democratic nation with a strong rule-of-law tradition?  Who they think they dealing with, Pakistan?

Sometimes I wonder if these people smoking glue!!


You gat that right. Canada is no shytehole like Pakistan. 

Rumjattan is now peddling and dealing in shyteholeism. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bhai Base, The PNc including Rumjhaaat know who they are speaking to. They are aware that their supporters are mental slaves and as such they can do and say any CRAP!! The CHAIN is no longer required for SLAVERY!!

Hey hey!  How come you commenting on my posts but not "liking" it?

I busy man, ah knacking some Wray's Jamaican white Rum now for Christmas


Bai like Chrismusscome early this year. Bharrat bring we early Chrismuss. Time to celebrate as PNC collapses. Uncle Sam will light fire on dem backside in January. Dem will be forced to launch dem donkey cart campaign in January. 


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