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Charranrass skin up Trotman

Jan 03, 2019 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ass-skin-up-trotman/

Old people got a saying that when whores fall out all de secret does come out. Not even Victoria’s Secrets can cover de shame.

Charranrass fall out wide e party and de coalition. He vote wid Jagdeo to put dem out of office and start a whole confusion. Trotman send an e-mail to all de KFC members because he seh de odda side of de coalition was weak. And he know wha he was saying. Charranrass share out de e-mail.

Dem boys seh Charranrass vote and topple de government. Trotman had a plan that was equally deadly and woulda have de same effect. Just like when lion see a weak or a sick animal, Trotman see a weak Hap New. That is when he tell Charranrass, Patterson, Cathy, and Moses that dem must bargain hard.

De e-mail expose all de shots wha Trotman was calling. De plan was to go to Cabinet and mek all de demands. Soulja Bai did already get sick by then and gone to Cuba. Moses was de one who was chairing de Cabinet.

Trotman and Moses belong to de same party. It mean that Moses did know wha Trotman had in mind.

De plan wha Trotman lay out was to hold de budget at ransom. If de odda members of de coalition didn’t agree to de demands, de KFC wouldn’t support de budget.

Dem boys know that if a government can’t pass its budget it got to resign. That is why Trotman tell he members that dem got to call de shots.

De budget pass and dem boys want to know wha happen; if Trotman and de KFC call some serious shots. Nobody ain’t talking. Fuh certain de KFC support de budget and even Charranrass put some lash pun Jagdeo.

Dem have a saying. De enemy of my enemy is my friend. Charranrass and de KFC fall out. Dem is enemy. Jagdeo and de coalition is enemy.

That is how Charranrass and Jagdeo tun friend. And de e-mail show just how tough Soulja Bai had life.

Talk half and wait fuh more secrets from Charranrass

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Tek time, we will see a lot more that will expose the AFC traitors.

Looks like they had a major plan and chickened out at the last minute. The blame was put squarely on Charandass but Trotman was also plotting.

AFC = Plot 

PNC = Slop

AFC PNC = Slop Plot

Last edited by Former Member

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