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Former Member

It can be done, but please stop the lies!


In Hindu philosophy we have a Sanskrit quote from the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upanishad “asato ma sadgamaya” which translates loosely into “lead me from the asat to the sat – from untruth and non-reality to truth and reality”.
What the PPP has attempted on Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan with respect to this latest GuySuCo issue, is a revelation that the PPP is very prepared to continue to live in the domain of the “quadrupled monster”. Only such a beast can tell such a blatant untruth with such a straight face and hope to get away with it.
For the record, Mr. Ramjattan never said, “if the AFC has its way, they will close the sugar industry and use the cane fields to cultivate tilapia,” as was willingly misrepresented by GINA.
If one is to reflect back to May 11, 2011 in the run-up to the 2011 General Elections, it was Mr. Ramjattan who at an AFC Press Conference categorically stated that GuySuCo must move to greater mechanization to cut cost and it is the duty of the industry to find employment for the disenchanted workers who are staying away from the slave-like conditions in the field.
At that Press Conference, Mr. Ramjattan clearly stated that his party is “committed to building a sugar industry that is based on innovation and sustainability where the infrastructural and technological needs of the industry are in place”. The operative words here are “building a sugar industry”.
He further told reporters at that Press Conference that in the AFC’s sugar action plan, the party has plans to create many new jobs by engaging investors in ethanol production. He commended the Jagdeo Government on the Enmore Packaging Plant and demanded that more of such value added ventures could be undertaken to save the industry.
This is a clear AFC public policy, as certified in the AFC Action Plan. Nowhere in the AFC’s Action Plan is there any strategy to close down sugar production as is being misrepresented by the PPP today as they practice their trade-mark of “gutter politics” in their determined quest to follow their racist political playbook to regain lost political grounds in Berbice that the AFC took from them in a fair campaign on the issues.
Any rational mind reading such positions from the AFC will find not one statement to substantiate this blatant falsehood from the PPP. So why this untruth?
This public display of gross deception brings us straight to Romans 3:13 and we quote “Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips”. This is NOT how politics ought to be practiced.
It has been more than five years now and even after two Ministers, GuySuCo is still turning on its head, all because the PPP remains clueless on how to undo the travesty called the Skeldon White Elephant. In 1990 under Hoyte, the cost of production at GuySuCo was 18.8 cents per lb as certified by the World Bank. By 1998 when the Jagans departed office, the production cost was 22.1 cents per lb as certified by the National Development Strategy. At the end of 2013, after 14 years of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, GuySuCo was producing sugar at 39.9 cents per lb, while we sell sugar to the EU market at 21.9 cents per lb as certified by the GuySuCo 2013-2017 Strategic Plan. These facts cannot be washed away with lies and untruths.
The Skeldon Sugar Factory was presented to the Guyanese people as the primary strategy to reducing the production cost to 21.8 cents per lb by 2013, but the PPP failed miserably on this task. This continued mis-management of the industry over the last 14 years under the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, has brought nothing but perpetual poverty to the majority of the people on the sugar belt.
But as classic Stalinists, they blame the world for their under-performance. Well in 2011 the Berbicians saw through their lies and told them at the ballot boxes what they think of them as a Government. So does the PPP think more lies today will help them at the ballot boxes in 2014 or 2016?
We in the AFC firmly believe that the sugar belt can be turned around, but it has to be done using the best technical skills, both locally and internationally, especially from Brazil and India.
The Government of Guyana has to make a determined effort to increase production along with a strategy to move the process to more value added activities like more production of packaged “food-grade” Demerara Gold, more sale of electricity to the national grid and of course, ethanol production to aid our fuel imports.
Yes, we in the AFC believe it can be done, but please stop the lies!
Dr. Veersammy Ramaya (MP) and Sasenarine Singh

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I want Jagde-HOE top know he fkct up the Sugar Industry and here are the facts that the AFC put out.



In 1990 under Hoyte, the cost of production at GuySuCo was 18.8 cents per lb as certified by the World Bank. By 1998 when the Jagans departed office, the production cost was 22.1 cents per lb as certified by the National Development Strategy. At the end of 2013, after 14 years of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, GuySuCo was producing sugar at 39.9 cents per lb, while we sell sugar to the EU market at 21.9 cents per lb as certified by the GuySuCo 2013-2017 Strategic Plan. These facts cannot be washed away with lies and untruths.

Last edited by Former Member

But on a serious note what has SINGH and DACTKTA Ramya done since 2011 to unseat the PPP?


Not much, so why they talking here??


Even though there letter has some valid point.


I am sick and tired of all the politicians who continue to not get down into the villages and educating the people on the issues to unseat the PPP.


Bush Doctor gave us the cost of production for sugar for 1988, 1998, and 2013. He also stated the world market price for a pound of sugar in 2013 but refused or forgot to mention the world market prices for the years 1988 and 1998. The drop in production is due to glitches the new factory is experiencing.  Bosch Engineering of South Africa is working at that problem.  Ramaya also failed to mention the effects of the price of sugar on the world market on the sugar industry worldwide. We know when the price of a commodity goes up on the world market it brings prosperity. Conversely, it brings misery to the industry when price falls significantly.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by KishanB:

It can be done, but please stop the lies!


. At the end of 2013, after 14 years of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, GuySuCo was producing sugar at 39.9 cents per lb, while we sell sugar to the EU market at 21.9 cents per lb as certified by the GuySuCo 2013-2017 Strategic Plan. !
Dr. Veersammy Ramaya (MP) and Sasenarine Singh



And how long do those who defend sugar think that Guyana can sustain producing sugar at almost double the cost that we sell it at.


Oh I see Indians will be hurt.  When it was black people no one cared, except to snare at those lazy Linden people.


Let Rosehall people go catch fish, just as how Lindeners must look for gold.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Good to see de AFC wukkin hard. Dem can tek it to 15% dis time.

hehehe  gOD bLESS America, you are allowed and encouraged to DREAM

Pavi I dreamin foh lil kapadilla chaser in meh El Dorodo 20.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

It can be done, but please stop the lies!


. At the end of 2013, after 14 years of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, GuySuCo was producing sugar at 39.9 cents per lb, while we sell sugar to the EU market at 21.9 cents per lb as certified by the GuySuCo 2013-2017 Strategic Plan. !
Dr. Veersammy Ramaya (MP) and Sasenarine Singh



And how long do those who defend sugar think that Guyana can sustain producing sugar at almost double the cost that we sell it at.


Oh I see Indians will be hurt.  When it was black people no one cared, except to snare at those lazy Linden people.


Let Rosehall people go catch fish, just as how Lindeners must look for gold.

After 176 years in Guyana, the majority of Indians live below the poverty line. The small percentage that make it and live in Guyana get help from abroad. If u look carefully many Indians live in deplorable housing whilst Afro have had better housing since emancipation.

Sugar did not offer them the exit from poverty, the reason for leaving India in the first place. GAWU nor the PPP never tried to ease their suffering, they never even try manage their suffering.


If sugar dies, they will still in poverty.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

But on a serious note what has SINGH and DACTKTA Ramya done since 2011 to unseat the PPP?


Not much, so why they talking here??


Even though there letter has some valid point.


I am sick and tired of all the politicians who continue to not get down into the villages and educating the people on the issues to unseat the PPP.

I do not agree with you KishanB, them AFC chaps carrying the fight to the PPP more than the APNU.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

It can be done, but please stop the lies!


. At the end of 2013, after 14 years of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, GuySuCo was producing sugar at 39.9 cents per lb, while we sell sugar to the EU market at 21.9 cents per lb as certified by the GuySuCo 2013-2017 Strategic Plan. !
Dr. Veersammy Ramaya (MP) and Sasenarine Singh



And how long do those who defend sugar think that Guyana can sustain producing sugar at almost double the cost that we sell it at.


Oh I see Indians will be hurt.  When it was black people no one cared, except to snare at those lazy Linden people.


Let Rosehall people go catch fish, just as how Lindeners must look for gold.

After 176 years in Guyana, the majority of Indians live below the poverty line. The small percentage that make it and live in Guyana get help from abroad. If u look carefully many Indians live in deplorable housing whilst Afro have had better housing since emancipation.

Sugar did not offer them the exit from poverty, the reason for leaving India in the first place. GAWU nor the PPP never tried to ease their suffering, they never even try manage their suffering.


If sugar dies, they will still in poverty.

To say Africans have better housing is a joke.   If Guymine was sold because the industry no longer made sense, then do the same to Guysuco.


Bauxite workers suffered tremendously so sugar workers should share their pain.  Maybe they will have more sympathy for Linden, rather than engaging in the demonization of that town.


There is an island called St Kitts where sugar was the only industry for 300 years.  Its so dominated that island that they called it Sugar City.  EVERY aspect of life was dominated by sugar, even people where allowed to live.  They closed down their sugar industry because it no longer made sense.


If sugar no longer makes sense in Guyana then shut it down.  What is clear is that the PPP is no more able to run it than the PNC was.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Tourism will create new jobs. Lets get on with the Marriot and modernization of the main airport.



What jobs>  The PPP knows nothing about building tourism in Guyana and think that building a huge terminal will entice NASA t start flights to the moon.   Because clearly the notion that GEO will ever be a hub is a sick joke.


Listen they don't have money to finish the Marriott because the Trinidadian bank wants to know who this private investor is.


Passengers are now traveling from Ogle airport to Barbados, Suriname, and Venezuela. It's getting better. The Marriot will not fail. CBJ will attract new carriers and more jobs will be created. Small businessmen are venturing into the tourist industry because they see the potential to earn money. Look at the small lodgings and motels that businessmen are investing in. Guyana is getting better inspite of all the difficulties the nation faces

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Passengers are now traveling from Ogle airport to Barbados, Suriname, and Venezuela. It's getting better. The Marriot will not fail. CBJ will attract new carriers and more jobs will be created. Small businessmen are venturing into the tourist industry because they see the potential to earn money. Look at the small lodgings and motels that businessmen are investing in. Guyana is getting better inspite of all the difficulties the nation faces




Perhaps it sounds funny to you.  Just take a look at  Grand Coastal on the East Coast of Demerara and observe how much business they get.  It's hard to get room there.  You have to book in advance. The rates are not cheap either. Small motels are doing well.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Good to see de AFC wukkin hard. Dem can tek it to 15% dis time.

hehehe  gOD bLESS America, you are allowed and encouraged to DREAM

The AFC got to wuk harder, even harder than how Rohee wuking.




'kishanB' should read the AFC statement carefully and revisit the Action Plan; perhaps, then, he would find a 'strategy' less klownish and cheap when selling the PPP (divide & rule) lies regarding the sugar industry here on GNI


i recommend, going forward, that he mek sure he wearing a clean panty before prancing around hay showing everybady he bt in his pretend 'support' of the AFC


oh . . . and douche before also 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Passengers are now traveling from Ogle airport to Barbados, Suriname, and Venezuela. It's getting better. The Marriot will not fail. CBJ will attract new carriers and more jobs will be created. Small businessmen are venturing into the tourist industry because they see the potential to earn money. Look at the small lodgings and motels that businessmen are investing in. Guyana is getting better inspite of all the difficulties the nation faces

We will see how long Ogle lasts because according to reports some one is dragging their feet in authorizing LIATs new plane to fly there. They plan to drop the Dash 8 by year end, so maybe it will be back to GEO for them. Plus its only day time, no night flights.



Most of those small lodgings are empty, some no doubt having to become "short time".  NONE of them are in the interior, so clearly they aim to get the overseas based Guyanese who can't stay with their family because their kids think that Guyana is too primitive (mosquitoes, black out, bucket baths, etc).


Tourism arrivals are declining.  Guyana remains unknown among eco adventure tourists.  Go to tripadvisor and see how sparse the forum is, and how rudimentary the questions are.  Then go to Belize and Costa Rica which are our competitors.


ask your PPP friends if they have even heard of tripadvisor, as they seem to be quite backward.


BTW Copa is only in GEO because Delta left, so don't get too excited.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Perhaps it sounds funny to you.  Just take a look at  Grand Coastal on the East Coast of Demerara and observe how much business they get.  It's hard to get room there.  You have to book in advance. The rates are not cheap either. Small motels are doing well.

So why do the hoteliers always complain about how empty the hotels are?


US arrivals are down 17% jan-Oct last year and Canada is flat.  Only 8,000 arrived from Europe.  So how well is our eco tourism doing?

Last edited by Former Member




In Hindu philosophy we have a Sanskrit quote from the Bṛhadāraṇyaka

Upanishad “asato ma sadgamaya” which translates loosely into “lead me from the asat to the sat – from untruth and non-reality to truth and reality”.

What the PPP has attempted on Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan with respect to this latest GuySuCo issue, is a revelation that the PPP is very prepared to continue to live in the domain of the “quadrupled monster”. Only such a beast can tell such a blatant untruth with such a straight face and hope to get away with it.


Source:  Ramaya and Singh




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