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This must be propaganda because I don't hear the heart of the Venezuelan people. We are under control by the state of a theory of mathematics by believing the contradiction that truth is different than the observed. For example, 5.5 lbs of apples measured on a scale is believed to be 4.5 lbs of apples. The difference of weight believed in the mind is sadly the theory controlled person in oblivion due to the false theory of the conservation of mass and energy. I believe that matter can be created and destroyed and change the total content of the universe. I think the theory developed with my mind of mathematics cause my mental illness and I blame the learning in high school of geometry, algebra, and trigonometry. One time in highschool I wrote RAÂē on the blackboard to associate with my full name and showed another classmate. They must have used this demonstration to cause my mental illness. Their trustworthy appearance is of the aliens and not them. They don't want me controlling their decisions like when I talk and they don't want to react to me. I'm now pretty sure they're hearing the spirit with their flesh to move to control it physically, that's why your hair gets messed up and you don't notice when you communicate.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

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