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Originally Posted by Prashad:

What is your problem.  You are benefiting from her parents work and you are cursing her. 

listen here now, I left Guyana b4 entering high school, and when I migrated to North America, Cheddi wasn't even president, so I don't know why you seems to assumed, that i'm benefitting from his work, these assumptions are  like holding in your sh&^ , hurtful and painful.


Originally Posted by Jalil:



Vultures, Parasites, Druglords and PNC-Crooks hijack the PPP.

Jagdeo and Ramotar are two Crooks.

On 8 August 1999, Janet Jagan announced that she was resigning as President for health reasons and that Jagdeo would be her successor. Because the Prime Minister is the President's legal successor, Jagdeo took office as Prime Minister on 9 August so that he would be positioned to succeed Jagan. He was then sworn in as President on 11 August - at age 35, he was one of the youngest Heads of State in the world. 


Janet Jagan handed over the PPP to the people Nadira is now referring to as "Vultures, Parasites, Druglords and PNC -crooks". BJ did not hijack the PPP - it was handed to him by the Blue -eyed Bhowjie. So, JJ has a right to turn in her grave. If JJ trusted Moses, why did she not appoint him to be her successor.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Jalil:



Vultures, Parasites, Druglords and PNC-Crooks hijack the PPP.

Jagdeo and Ramotar are two Crooks.

On 8 August 1999, Janet Jagan announced that she was resigning as President for health reasons and that Jagdeo would be her successor. Because the Prime Minister is the President's legal successor, Jagdeo took office as Prime Minister on 9 August so that he would be positioned to succeed Jagan. He was then sworn in as President on 11 August - at age 35, he was one of the youngest Heads of State in the world. 


Janet Jagan handed over the PPP to the people Nadira is now referring to as "Vultures, Parasites, Druglords and PNC -crooks". BJ did not hijack the PPP - it was handed to him by the Blue -eyed Bhowjie. So, JJ has a right to turn in her grave.If JJ trusted Moses, why did she not appoint him to be her successor?

Elementary my dear  Watson! There is still  no  sure way    of knowing  what dark   secret or  ambition are  secteted  in  the   hearts of scoundrels.


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