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Dear Editor,
THE PPPC’s hysterical reaction to comrade Volda Lawrence’s call at the Kitty rally that was sponsored by the APNU+AFC, for supporters to work the “night shift” outside of the polling stations to protect their votes, is not new, since both major parties have made this call at previous elections. However, the PPP/C’s contrived hysteria is understandable; it has to be seen in the context of Jagdeo and the party leaders present posture of crying “wolf” when none exists, with the specific intention of mobilising the international community to help them unseat the very popular incumbent APNU+AFC coalition government as it moves inexorably towards victory on March 2, 2020.

When a close examination of the PPP/C’s behaviour in government during previous election seasons is undertaken, a certain posture will be noticeable. For as long as that party had control of the powers of the state, the leaders of the party with no exception used their exalted positions to engage in election rigging, intimidation, entering polling stations, and giving instructions to election officials across the country. When Jagdeo emerged as the leader of the party and as president of Guyana, he helped to refine the methods they applied. It was in response to these illegal actions that the opposition APNU in 2011 and later the APNU+AFC in 2015, resorted to the tactics which were first developed by the PPP when it was in the opposition in the 70s.

I use this opportunity to remind the PPP/C and the nation that in developing these tactics that, that party paid a high price for the line of action on which they had embarked. In giving recognition to the impact and “legitimacy” of the activity that party’s founding leader and former president of Guyana, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, was instrumental in commemorating in the PPP the memory of what they referred to as the “Ballot Box Martyrs,” who he claimed died in an effort at protecting what he referred to as the seizure of the ballot boxes by security forces in the 1973 elections.

Jagdeo and his cohorts have now either forgotten or, have deliberately set out to deny the legitimacy of the PPP supporters’ actions by their attempts at criminalising Lawrence’s call to the supporters of the incumbents to protect their votes. These tactics, which were fashioned in the blood of their supporters, are now being unceremoniously cast aside and portrayed as illegal and criminal by the very PPP/C, which designed it in the first place. This abandonment of an electoral tactic that they have used with some degree of success for ages is mind-boggling, but is consistent with Jagdeo’s opportunistic political positions. In their haste to make cheap propaganda – much ado about nothing — they have created a hue and cry to attract the attention of an unsuspecting populace at home and abroad who prove to be very gullible to Jagdeo’s political sensationalism.

In this election period, statements by politicians have to be deciphered in the context of our political culture. The PPP/C invokes the issue of rigging as an effective means to mobilise its supporters. Similarly, the APNU+AFC is doing the same, by calling on supporters to defend their votes, invoking memories of post-1992 rigging by the PPP/C. Comrade Volda Lawrence’s call has nothing to do with obstructing the work of GECOM officials at polling stations, neither is it about promoting violence. The PPP/C is not that “mad” to attempt what they used to do when they were in power: the reality is that without state power they are unlikely to go in the strongholds of the APNU+AFC to interfere with the electoral process. But the APNU+AFC has learned its lesson. It is very unlikely that the APNU+AFC supporters will do “Night Shift” in areas where they don’t have a large following. Therefore, I repeat, this PPP/C crusade is about nothing — so to speak.

As expected, the PPP/C’s support groups such as the Private Sector Commission has echoed that party’s condemnation of Lawrence’s statement. Stabroek News also joined the crusade by dedicating its Jan 27-2020 editorial to the subject, with its caption “Security of the Polling Stations.” I am not questioning the right of SN to decide what is or is not newsworthy and deserving of an editorial, since that is within the remit of the newspaper. However, it is the right of readers to form their own judgement on a given editorial. Stabroek News cannot deny it is unaware of the information mentioned in my letter. The paper clearly in its editorial, took a partisan PPP/C position when it stated that Ms. Lawrence‘s statement was “irresponsible.”

I expect SN to disagree with my criticism of its editorial. Hopefully, I may not be victimised as is the case with Kaieteur News, which has banned me from their letter column, and more recently has taken the unprecedented measure to spam/block my email address, resulting in every letter I send to that media house being returned as failed delivery. So much for that newspaper’s democratic credentials.

Tacuma Ogunseye

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Na, we one love...good chuch cohesion girl Volda who does gee she mattie wuk gat something else in she mind. She know what she sayin. Cheddie was sayin something else...Hey hey hey. 




Amral what is the point of your post?  Do you know that ballots are now counted at the polling stations and recorded on SOPs with copies given to each Presiding Officer?  The reason for that is because of the stolen ballot boxes in the 70s when they had to be transported to a different location for counting.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Amral what is the point of your post?  Do you know that ballots are now counted at the polling stations and recorded on SOPs with copies given to each Presiding Officer?  The reason for that is because of the stolen ballot boxes in the 70s when they had to be transported to a different location for counting.

Final tally done by GECOM and the Chairman declared the winning party. Ayuh remember how numbers was change on SOP's. Lots of checks and balances , to count under 5k voters.

Last edited by Django

The PPP has no history of elections day violence. The PNC is notorious for that kind of behavior. Not only on elections but on days, weeks, months that follow it. Since the votes are counted at the polling places, Vulga Vulva's intention has to be for her supporters to indulge in hooliganism and intimidation of voters.


yaaawwwn . . . the PPP FEAR machine at work

just like Priya screaming RAPE in parliament

they don't want people to remember rig man Gocool Boodhoo

they don't want people to remember the fake SOPs

naw, they want to talk about the long-dead Burnham

not-so-subtle tropes about violent Black man oppressing innocent Indos underpinning this tactic

just read the vomit deposited here by the racist, ignorant decrepit plantation overseers posting on the 'Volda' subject here


Last edited by Former Member

A jail bird out on parole jumping like wild animal shitting crap on the board. Violent Black man oppressing innocent  Indos ,how so true coming from a domestic terrorist mouth, this is their signal for his Black brothers to do it all over again.

ronan posted:
kp posted:

A jail bird out on parole . . .

huh . . . is this the universe you inhabit?

must be a sad, inconsequential life


Agreed.  KP's post is racist.  Of course, he can only express such sentiments hiding behind a keyboard.  


C. Jorgon and his wife knew that the election would be rigged in PNC favour yet they told East Indians to guard the boxes with their lives.  For them East Indian lives did not matter?  but black lives matter.

Totaram posted:
ronan posted:
kp posted:

A jail bird out on parole . . .

huh . . . is this the universe you inhabit?

must be a sad, inconsequential life


Agreed.  KP's post is racist.  Of course, he can only express such sentiments hiding behind a keyboard.  

We are all hiding, where have you been hiding.

Baseman posted:

They talking shyte.  It was well known that Burnham sent the GDF to steal the boxes.

Its now known that Jagdeo ordered Irfaan to ensure that Roger Khan now does the same.  I keep on telling you all that Forbes was this man's true "Daddy".


Where is Irfaan btw.  Studying for another fake degree?

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

They talking shyte.  It was well known that Burnham sent the GDF to steal the boxes.

Its now known that Jagdeo ordered Irfaan to ensure that Roger Khan now does the same.  I keep on telling you all that Forbes was this man's true "Daddy".


Where is Irfaan btw.  Studying for another fake degree?

Hah! Did you hear this from Congress Place or from Roger Khan? Hold on to your black pudding and mauby cart at the airports. This type of nonsense can only whip up the tree-dwelling neanderthals.

Prashad posted:

C. Jorgon and his wife knew that the election would be rigged in PNC favour yet they told East Indians to guard the boxes with their lives.  For them East Indian lives did not matter?  but black lives matter.

On point.

Bibi Haniffa
Prashad posted:

C. Jorgon and his wife knew that the election would be rigged in PNC favour yet they told East Indians to guard the boxes with their lives.  For them East Indian lives did not matter?  but black lives matter.

So were all the jackasses who sat next to him for 200 years telling illiterate cane cutters to fight up while they sold out!


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