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Dear Editor,
Ever since Cheddi Jagan died in 1997 many in the PPP, and recently in the PNC, have oftentimes alluded to the Jagan legacy without defining what that legacy is. I myself have given it some thought and just as I was concluding that it was the PPP, a friend in Canada made me realize that Jagan’s legacy was that of dictatorship politics.
Jagan became obsessed with Communism in the mid 1940s and he organized the first communist organization to seek power in British Guiana. He advocated Soviet/Stalin style communism which was really naked dictatorship. The PPP was set up along communist lines with the leadership steeped in dictatorship.
This was starkly reflected in the rigging of the PPP 1962 Congress to deny Balram Singh Rai the chairmanship of the party and to deny Hindus any voice in the leadership. Unfortunately Jagan’s dictatorship politics was not confined to the PPP.
His student, Forbes Burnham, who was a bit intellectually endowed and knew the British would not tolerate a communist government, had tried unsuccessfully to take over the PPP in 1955. Burnham would then form his own PNC which mirrored the PPP’s dictatorship style of leadership.
It meant then that the uneducated masses of the two major race groups were represented by party dictatorships. After the racial violence of the early 1960’s, even the educated and wealthy Africans and Indians were forced to support the PNC and the PPP. The two dictatorships had effectively captured the two major race groups en bloc.
The PNC was put into power at the end of 1964 and ruled until October 1992. During the PNC era Jagan continued to advocate Soviet-style dictatorship for Guyana which suited the personal ambitions of Forbes Burnham though he was too smart to actually implement it the way Jagan wanted.
Jagan’s official policy during the PNC dictatorship was “critical support.” Burnham’s dictatorship was not naked but dressed in socialist ideology and enshrined in the 1980 Constitution which Jagan embraced when he was returned to power in 1992.
The PPP has been in continuous power since 1992 and it has not scrapped Burnham’s constitution. Indeed the PPP has relied on it in its exercise of elected dictatorship especially since the 2011 elections when it lost parliamentary majority.
Jagan introduced dictatorship politics in the mid 1940’s and since Independence in 1966 we have been dominated by both PNC and PPP dictatorship politics compliments of Cheddi Jagan. That is his legacy.
Malcolm Harripaul

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

And this FOOL Harripaul was licking Jagan Boots for years. Was he dumb and Stupid or was he in a coma???

Jagan brainwashed the masses into the Communist bullshit from a young age. The smarter ones like Harripaul wisened up and can now look back at those days with disdain. Unfortunately, there are still a shitload of those Commie Klowns still around. Look for them tomorrow, sporting their red shirts, calling each other "Comrade" and singing Commie anthems.   

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

And this FOOL Harripaul was licking Jagan Boots for years. Was he dumb and Stupid or was he in a coma???

Jagan brainwashed the masses into the Communist bullshit from a young age. The smarter ones like Harripaul wisened up and can now look back at those days with disdain. Unfortunately, there are still a shitload of those Commie Klowns still around. Look for them tomorrow, sporting their red shirts, calling each other "Comrade" and singing Commie anthems.

Mars, there's some harsh truth in Harripaul's letter. However, it does not invalidate the reality that the capitalist system is made up basically of the working class and the capitalist class.
As a lifelong member of the working class, I welcome May Day, the international workers' holiday. It's an occasion to celebrate our class victories in securing higher wages and pensions and better working and living conditions.
It's also an occasion to show solidarity with those workers who are still struggling for a liveable wage and a better life.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

And this FOOL Harripaul was licking Jagan Boots for years. Was he dumb and Stupid or was he in a coma???

Nehru, do not judge Malcolm so hard.  Please put up solid agruments, positions and reasons why you disagree with his prognosis.


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