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Cheddi Jagan won power younger than Jagdeo and he acquired no wealth in office


September 6, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,

The problem with the debate on Jagdeo’s pension and his massive accumulation of wealth while in power is not the truth, which every Guyanese knows. It is the lapdogs who have no integrity and decency and are so blinded by the pettings of their master they cannot stand up for themselves and tell the bloody truth.

It is the miasma the PPP has become where men with no soul are going on public television and singing for their master like mindless poodles.

We have heard all kinds of defences by these worshippers. Some are so crassly ignorant and deliberately deceptive, they don’t even pretend it is logic.

Anil Nandlall reportedly said: “The difference between Mr. Jagdeo and every other President in this country is that he took power in his 30’s.

He didn’t own anything, he came back from studies, he worked and he acquired as he was working.

He was the only President that is distinguished in that respect.” Absolute swill. Complete hogwash. Utter trash.

Cheddi Jagan was Premier of Guyana in 1953 at age 32. He became Premier again at age 37 in 1957. Cheddi Jagan didn’t own anything when he got into power. He had just returned to Guyana a few years earlier and spent most of his time fighting for freedom of the Guyanese people rather than making money from his dentistry practice. Cheddi was a dentist.

He ran his own business, unlike Jagdeo, who returned to Guyana in October 1990 and who right away, despite his affiliation to the PPP, secured a quality position as a state planning economist under Desmond Hoyte and Carl Greenidge.

From there, Jagdeo kept getting promoted by virtue of political patronage to ever higher positions where he earned more pay than 90% of this country. Cheddi Jagan never earned anything from politics and government. Unlike Jagdeo, Jagan had a family to care for.

Despite these economic challenges, Cheddi’s personal record of work in the trenches, backdams and canefields of this country dwarfs the work of the entire lazy, arrogant and elitist PPP since 1999.

Cheddi Jagan did not own anything when he came to power in the 1950s. He owned just a home and probably modest savings when he became President in 1992. He arrived in the office of the presidency with nothing. He took nothing as his pay was laughable compared to what Jagdeo paid himself. He left with nothing and he asked for nothing.

Cheddi Jagan’s own son wrote that Cheddi Jagan was homeless and broke when the PPP lost power in 1964.

This is a man who founded the party of these vagabonds now defending pillage and outright usurpation of this nation’s resources by handing outlandish pensions to their master.

Desmond Hoyte came to power with nothing and left with nothing. Janet Jagan came to power with nothing and left with nothing.

Forbes Burnham took heavily during his rule but he used it during his rule.

Even that tyrant Forbes Burnham was not this tyrannical in his sense of entitlement as Jagdeo who has his minions defending this absurd pension.

That these PPP henchmen would be running around this country barking like rice eaters while their master sits in the plantation house pulling and tugging the leash reminds us of who is really the power and who is really the masquerader prancing around with the costume.

‘Massa’ days are not done with the PPP. Men singing like sparrows for ‘Massa’ on the big tube reminds us that ‘Massa’ days are still alive and well in the PPP.
I’ll tell you this, Forbes Burnham would be proud. He is probably telling Cheddi right now how ‘Massa’ remind him of him back in his heydays from 1964 to 1985 and why did PPP supporters reject him then when they are allowing themselves to be battered by Massa now?

Cheddi Jagan ruled Guyana for one year in 1953, then from 1957 to 1964 for 7 years then from 1992 to 1997 for 5 years. In 13 years, Cheddi Jagan acquired nothing in office. In 12 years, three months, if Jagdeo got $1M per month, he would have earned $147 million tax free.

If Barack Obama, Chancellor Merkel, PM Persad-Bissessar, Stephen Harper, Portia Simpson-Miller or David Cameron ever built a house for X and sold it for five or six times that price to a diplomat directly under and answerable to any of them when that sale price was clearly above fair market value, there would be a Parliamentary investigation and possibly more.

If Jagdeo did not own a property when he came to the presidency and despite serving as advisor and finance minister for several years, where was he living?
Was he renting or was he living in accommodation paid for by the state? Did Jagdeo buy and sell any properties between 1990 and 1999 when he became president? What does Jagdeo not owing a property have to do with his entitlement to a bizarre pension package?

If a man is earning more than 95% of the rest of the population since 1993 as Junior Finance Minister and he chooses not to buy a property, it does not mean he is not financially capable of buying a house.

How does a man who has been a minister of government for six years before he became President earning income at the highest brackets in Guyana secure a houselot for $58,000 at Pradoville 1 and land at Pradoville 2 at $5 million per acre?
Cheddi Jagan ruled this country for 13 years during times when Guyana was no backwater but one of the top fifty richest countries in the world. Cheddi Jagan did not become rich in office.

Cheddi Jagan never had his minions running around like headless chickens fighting for his ability to rape this destitute land.

Debauched power had not only rotted the minds of the yes-men and sycophants, it has rotted their sense of truth and history.

M. Maxwell

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cheddi Jagan did not own anything when he came to power in the 1950s. He owned just a home and probably modest savings when he became President in 1992. He arrived in the office of the presidency with nothing. He took nothing as his pay was laughable compared to what Jagdeo paid himself. He left with nothing and he asked for nothing.


Cheddi Jagan’s own son wrote that Cheddi Jagan was homeless and broke when the PPP lost power in 1964.


This is a man who founded the party of these vagabonds now defending pillage and outright usurpation of this nation’s resources by handing outlandish pensions to their master.


Jagdeo raised the country to prosperity, what did Cheddi do? Kick back and let the PNC run all over Guyanese with their slow fiah mo fiah. Jagdeo phantomized the bastards and the country rose to prosperity.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cheddi Jagan did not own anything when he came to power in the 1950s. He owned just a home and probably modest savings when he became President in 1992. He arrived in the office of the presidency with nothing. He took nothing as his pay was laughable compared to what Jagdeo paid himself. He left with nothing and he asked for nothing.


Cheddi Jagan’s own son wrote that Cheddi Jagan was homeless and broke when the PPP lost power in 1964.


This is a man who founded the party of these vagabonds now defending pillage and outright usurpation of this nation’s resources by handing outlandish pensions to their master.

CBJ was a foolish man. Had he not brainwashed the indoes into hating and blaming the Baccra man for bringing them to British Guiana, he would have been in oblivion. Simply Forgotten.


His contemporaries were men and women of class. Unfortunately for him, he hooked up with a communist in Chicago. And she made him into an arrogant person-which most communist r like.


An impoverished man doan send his children and family abroad to be educated.


A person from an impoverished home who made it, will tell u how hard he worked to achieve. 


CBJ was a world traveller during his time in the oppostion benches.


Many times, people of his stature doan need physical cash-people just given them money. So he had access to perhaps lots of money.


Jagdeo on the other hand recieved lots of money. However, his PPP friends just doled out taxpayers money to him.


Same thing-both of these men recieved money which they did not earn.


Many of the people presently in Freedom House were little children when Janet and Cheddie them under their wings. Perhaps they learn from them.


We assume CBJ had no money. Consider GIMPEX.


Cheddi was a poor economist and soft on the mo fiah slow fiah crew. He should have phantomized them the way Jagdeo did. This is the only language they understand. After phantomizing the country flourished to the state we see today where land value is through the roof. 


The great Dr Jagan remains the leader of the PPP. Even though he is dead in the minds of many people he is still the leader of the PPP. Without him this bunch would be lucky to win one seat.  


Dr.Jagan died a poor man.  He gave everything to the party.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The great Dr Jagan remains the leader of the PPP. Even though he is dead in the minds of many people he is still the leader of the PPP. Without him this bunch would be lucky to win one seat.  


Dr.Jagan died a poor man.  He gave everything to the party.

Are you on hallucinating? How can a dead man over a decade be the leader of a party? Cheddi was a failure when it comes to taming the PNC, phantomizing was the only method that they understood.  And who cares how poor he was, it is no badge of honor to be poor especially when you lead the rest of the country into poverty. He was a failure that did not know how to run a country or improve the economy.   

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The great Dr Jagan remains the leader of the PPP. Even though he is dead in the minds of many people he is still the leader of the PPP. Without him this bunch would be lucky to win one seat.  


Dr.Jagan died a poor man.  He gave everything to the party.

CBJ is the leader of nothing, is name in invoked for convenience, there is very little to nothing of today's PPP which ascribe to the values of Cheddie.  Even Social and Child Welfare is a money maker for certain key officials.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:

I'm sure you always voted for Cheddie, didn't you?

No, I left that to fools like yourself. hahahaha

Oh yeahhh that's right, I forgot you were with the PNC at the time.You've always backed those in power eh, no matter how corrupt they are?

Your soup bowl big tarass.


If Dr Jagan was nothing then why don't these bunch like Jagdeo, Ramotar, goat man and others leave the PPP and form their own party and see how many seats they will win in the national election.  Dr.Jagan is still the leader of the PPP even if he is dead.


The Peoples Progressive Party is the representative of Indoes. No matter which way it is cut. Whoever is the party's presidential candidate will be elected, whether be it an indoe, an afroe, a donkey or the village idiot. Likewise as the PNC is to the masses of afroes.


The key for the opportunists in the PPP, is to latch on to the organization as a leech.


The Peoples Progressive Party is not the creation of the Jagans and the men and women from Georgetown. Instead, its success was due largely to the rural communties. After the 1953 election, those communities  played no part in the affairs of the party. The Party became the organization of the elites.


However, the rural people supported the PPP with their frequent contributions through the purchases of Thunder and financial help with their jills(pennies). In that time a jill could buy some flour, a piece of salt fish, a loaf of bread, and so on and so on.   


The PPP and PNC are elitist political organizations. As race-based parties, they use their primarily Indian and African support and see these two ethnic groups as politically expedient. These parties have always acted in the interests of the few who dominate them. This elite is comprised of a handful of men and a few women who believe they own these parties.


There are no term limits and an incestuous system of cronyism and nepotism within these parties that ensure the elite remains firmly entrenched in power. The PPP and PNC may pretend to be working class parties but they are in fact bourgeoisie entities. Once in power, those who dominate the party situate themselves, their families and friends in plum positions where they benefit handsomely while the ordinary man and woman in the street who voted for them is left holding the empty end of the stick. A scan of the executives of both parties shows the majority have been there for decades. There is functional superiority galore. Decisions are made that offend the dignity and good sense of the membership but the leadership elite does not care. PPP supporters who are enraged that Kwame McCoy remains in the PPP upper hierarchy despite his recent conviction are ignored. PNCR supporters angry with APNU’s sloth and laziness on a legislative agenda since the last election are ignored.


The PPP and PNC are con artists. The AFC will head down that same road if it does not change its ways. Racial politics make it easier for a few members to accomplish control. The ordinary rank-and-file membership of the PPP and PNC is there simply to rubberstamp these individuals back into power congress after congress. The congresses are carefully controlled affairs, to ensure the old boys club is maintained. Where the party feels its elite will be threatened, it suspends the congress to prevent ordinary members from voting. This is what the Jagdeoites did with the PPP.  Donald Ramotar was handpicked by the Jagdeoites and rammed down the throats of PPP supporters. What the Jagdeoites did by suspending a congress was to annul democracy within the PPP. Forbes Burnham is probably rolling in his grave wondering why PPP supporters and mainly Indians were so vehemently opposed to him then for disregarding democracy when PPP supporters approved and endorsed the candidacy of Donald Ramotar which was imposed on them, and delivered the sound of silence on the suspension of the party’s congressional election. It becomes profoundly difficult to argue that it is acceptable to condone authoritarian behaviour from your own but not from others. You are either for or against it in all its manifestations.


Elitism within the PPP and PNC leads to corruption, as these individuals believe they are un-touchable. They also assume delusions of grandeur. The PNC did not fix the debacle of the 1980 Burnham constitution, although it knew fully well it was going to lose power in 1992. The PNC wanted that exact same instrument in place if it regained power. It backfired on PNC supporters who felt the brunt of the PPP’s use of that constitution against them. Similarly, the PPP has gone from condemning corruption while in the wilderness to condoning it by implication.


Strong anti-corruption legislation will never be passed in Guyana because there are many skeletons in the closets. This is why the American political system allows for a John F Kennedy or a Barack Obama to emerge to shake the very foundations of power and redraft the social contract. That will never happen in Guyana.


Dynamic figures will be vilified by the elites in these parties and forced to toe the line. When an entire country is held to ransom by a handful of elites controlling political parties, and those elites have a deep-seated self-interest in preventing good, decent and virtuous laws to be enforced, that country cannot advance.


Yours faithfully,

M Maxwell


Originally Posted by Prashad:

If Dr Jagan was nothing then why don't these bunch like Jagdeo, Ramotar, goat man and others leave the PPP and form their own party and see how many seats they will win in the national election.  Dr.Jagan is still the leader of the PPP even if he is dead.

I think you losing it.  If he is, them why don't you go ask him to counsel the current leadership on good governance and his principles, i.e. dedication to the working man.  Man, even his only two kids cannot rein in current mis-behavior, so how is he the leader?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Baseman you don't give me that.  You know that the man in the street is voting for the PPP party because they are voting for Dr Jagan.

Really, well no wonder they getting the "jhumbie treatment".


Gandhi used to believe in non-violence to turn the other cheek. His belief has become obsolete and replaced with nuclear weapons and an army that will fight to the death to defend India.


Jagan is a poor and humble man who died by his fame of his poor nature. However, Jagan took a page off Gandhi book to lead Indo-Guyanese in a peaceful direction and we suffered at the hand of the Blackman for twenty-eight years.


Jagdeo, the reformer, took another path to lead Guyana out of (live and die poor) mentality, but Indians still remain non-violent against our foes.


I hope president Ramotar can give our Indian people the strength to stand up against their adversary and fight for their right to live in peace and harmony in Guyana.


The threat of our foes is still alive like the recent riot in Linden, and we must be prepared to fight and put an end to our black oppressors.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Your eyes pass a great man.  Dr Jagan could have stayed in America and practice his dentistry and make alot of money.  But he came back to Guyana to serve the people.

Great men lead their nations onto great things and better standard of living.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Your eyes pass a great man.  Dr Jagan could have stayed in America and practice his dentistry and make alot of money.  But he came back to Guyana to serve the people.

This is what I don't like.


" However, Jagan took a page off Gandhi book to lead Indo-Guyanese in a peaceful direction and we suffered at the hand of the Blackman for twenty-eight years."



You disrespect a great man with that statement.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

The threat of our foes is still alive like the recent riot in Linden, and we must be prepared to fight and put an end to our black oppressors.

black "oppressors" eh? Herr Goebbels got nothing on you bai.


How you must mourn that Lindeners did not attack Indian life & property after the PPP Gov't murdered 3 of its citizens.


crawling on your belly and hiding behind rocks is your natural state . . . the first antiman snake

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Your eyes pass a great man.  Dr Jagan could have stayed in America and practice his dentistry and make alot of money.  But he came back to Guyana to serve the people.

This is what I don't like.


" However, Jagan took a page off Gandhi book to lead Indo-Guyanese in a peaceful direction and we suffered at the hand of the Blackman for twenty-eight years."



You disrespect a great man with that statement.


I can't understand your logic. Is it "false" that Indians suffer at the hands of the Black oppressors for twenty-eight years, or, is it the page of Gandhi book that Jagan ruled by that cause Indian suffering? Either way, Indian suffered the consequences. Jagan is a public figure and he will be scrutinized even as he laid bead. My analogy is based on past, present and future in our political history and how it shaped our life, and that meant no disrespect to Jagan. It's just fair game. If the Blackman statement is too bold for you, I can't write in parables to dress it up to smell like a rose. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The threat of our foes is still alive like the recent riot in Linden, and we must be prepared to fight and put an end to our black oppressors.

black "oppressors" eh? Herr Goebbels got nothing on you bai.


How you must mourn that Lindeners did not attack Indian life & property after the PPP Gov't murdered 3 of its citizens.


crawling on your belly and hiding behind rocks is your natural state . . . the first antiman snake

By redux:

How you must mourn that Lindeners did not attack Indian life & property after the PPP Gov't murdered 3 of its citizens.


A panel of independent investigators sworn in to determine the facts on the killings, and it's approved by the PPP and the oppositions. You must shut you ***** when making bold statement without the fact finding. I can say that again if you want. Shut your cunny hole.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The threat of our foes is still alive like the recent riot in Linden, and we must be prepared to fight and put an end to our black oppressors.

black "oppressors" eh? Herr Goebbels got nothing on you bai.


How you must mourn that Lindeners did not attack Indian life & property after the PPP Gov't murdered 3 of its citizens.


crawling on your belly and hiding behind rocks is your natural state . . . the first antiman snake

By redux:

How you must mourn that Lindeners did not attack Indian life & property after the PPP Gov't murdered 3 of its citizens.


A panel of independent investigators sworn in to determine the facts on the killings, and it's approved by the PPP and the oppositions. You must shut you ***** when making bold statement without the fact finding. I can say that again if you want. Shut your cunny hole.

suh . . . is who gun down the three people? tell we nuh, mr snake.


and yellabelly, tell we . . . u still in mourning regarding the black "oppressors" who didn't show up in Linden . . . or what?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

You need to work on your communication manners like I told you. Don't go kissing anyone with that filthy mouth of yours.

eh, antiman . . . stick to the topic


re "mourning" . . . Blackman not buying in to the PPP race script . . . sackcloth & ashes in da house


The topic is: I will wait for the investigator's report on the Linden Killing. I said it once and I don't have to repeat myself. Nothing else interest me at the moment. Go figure...

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The topic is: I will wait for the investigator's report on the Linden Killing. I said it once and I don't have to repeat myself. Nothing else interest me at the moment. Go figure...

ahmmm, actually . . . THIS is the topic:


cobra: "The threat of our foes is still alive like the recent riot in Linden, and we must be prepared to fight and put an end to our black oppressors."


Run away from THAT you yellabelly antiman!


Cheddi Jagan did not own anything when he came to power in the 1950s. He owned just a home and probably modest savings when he became President in 1992. He arrived in the office of the presidency with nothing. He took nothing as his pay was laughable compared to what Jagdeo paid himself. He left with nothing and he asked for nothing.


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