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President Donald Ramotar said that the new configuration of the parliamentary committees where the Opposition is in the majority as a reflection of the House is a reversal of all that Cheddi Jagan struggled for all his life.

“Comrades, I wanted to talk a little bit more about what Comrade Cheddi’s attitude might have been to what is taking place in the Parliament today but I am not a lawyer and I am going tobe very cautious on that. I know that this matter is in Court at this point in time,” he said.

Cheddi Jagan

But clearly, what we are seeing are the danger signs that the leopard has not really changed its spots. How could you say that 49 is equal to 40? How could anyone speak about proportionality have something like this listed? This would have been a reversal to what Comrade Cheddi fought for and gave his life in the struggle for a better Guyana,” he said.


Excerpts from Stabroeknews

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Ramnarine’s ramenta; Rohee’s rohrsbordun

March 21, 2012 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

A particle has fallen from the character of a senior public servant and when one examines it closely, one sees it is a piece of courage. If we can see more pieces of fearlessness as the one that flew off Assistant Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine, we can reclaim the integrity of the entire public sector that former President Hoyte so valiantly tried to restore after its dormancy in the Burnham era.
Unfortunately, for the brave soul of David Ramnarine, he has to contend with the Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee. It is a tragic situation for a developing country that a pretender to knowledge like Rohee has been a Minister of Government for over twenty years.
Cheddi Jagan kept Clement Rohee in his Cabinet because for Jagan, the concept of brilliance was a bourgeois, capitalist invention. In communist psychology, brilliant is not inherent. Socialist culture can generate brilliance and genius once the relations of production are not in capitalist hands.
One of the most egregious aspects of philosophy is a Marxist approach to aesthetics and epistemology. It is a superficial understanding of the aesthetic underpinnings of the human condition and the nature of the knowledge. Both Cheddi and Janet Jagan had no time for any other interpretation of philosophy except Marxist epistemology.
Against this backdrop, Jagan made his tailor the manager of the nationalised electricity company and put his chauffeur on the board of the Cooperative Bank.
I am still bewildered how a learned man like Ian Mc Donald could refer to Cheddi Jagan as a genius. I am not a fan of Forbes Burnham. I think he was obsessed with power but the term genius more suits Burnham. The essential difference between Burnham and Jagan is that though they were both hungry to control Guyana within their narrow ideological confines, Burnham was far above Jagan in applying philosophy to politics.
While Jagan kept a whole generation of semi-educated protégés in the hierarchy of his party, Burnham from a background of Africanised Anglo-Saxon, middle-class values sought people with prodigious learning.
Burnham would have probably given up his throne if he was forced to appoint someone like Clement Rohee as his Foreign Minister. Ninety percent of Jagan’s state appointees were mediocre. One can say the same for Bharrat Jagdeo. We expected a clean break with this jejune past, from Donald Ramotar. It wasn’t to be. Mr. Ramotar is in a recycling mood.
Mr. Ramotar has kept Clement Rohee as a senior Cabinet Minister, after he had served 19 years as such, violating a basic law in human nature. If you cannot do anything right then you are not going to find life a sweet smelling rose. Clement Rohee, like so many of Cheddi Jagan’s protégés, is not leadership material.
After 19 years as a Cabinet Minister, it was time for Rohee to be given his exit from power. His tenure was marked by a shocking controversy over the refusal of the American Government to give him any type of visa (one day soon I will reveal the reason for the denial).
To date, Minister Rohee has said all the wrong things associated with dictatorial politics and has done all the wrong that inhere in authoritarian politics. In short, Clement Rohee is instinctively an autocratic personality.
Rohee is too unlearned to understand why David Ramnarine took the public position that he did. Rohee will never understand it because the intellectual factor is missing. It involved money that should have been assigned to the men and women under the command of Mr. Ramnarine.
His credibility and his career were in danger of dissolution because Ramnarine didn’t receive the sums for his subordinates but had he shut his mouth his lower ranks could have been led to believe that their superior refused to feed them and used the funds for other purposes.
All Ramnarine did was to set the record straight in relation to his sphere of operation during the general elections. That was his public obligation. That should have been the end of it. Mr. Rohee, his boss, the President and the Minister of Finance, should have then chased down the $90M that was suppose to feed the police who were assigned election duties for the General and Regional polls last November.
Instead, Rohee descended to the comical and autocratic levels that he is so accustomed to. But Mr. Rohee cannot get anything right. A more sensible thing to do is, after threatening Mr. Ramnarine, to save face by explaining where the $90 M went. Rohee is yet to do that

Originally Posted by Conscience:

President Donald Ramotar said that the new configuration of the parliamentary committees where the Opposition is in the majority as a reflection of the House is a reversal of all that Cheddi Jagan struggled for all his life.

“Comrades, I wanted to talk a little bit more about what Comrade Cheddi’s attitude might have been to what is taking place in the Parliament today but I am not a lawyer and I am going tobe very cautious on that. I know that this matter is in Court at this point in time,” he said.

Cheddi Jagan

But clearly, what we are seeing are the danger signs that the leopard has not really changed its spots. How could you say that 49 is equal to 40? How could anyone speak about proportionality have something like this listed? This would have been a reversal to what Comrade Cheddi fought for and gave his life in the struggle for a better Guyana,” he said.


Excerpts from Stabroeknews

These morons still using Comrade ?

Jagan and Burnham dead stop taking the people back to the past.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramnarine’s ramenta; Rohee’s rohrsbordun

March 21, 2012 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

A particle has fallen from the character of a senior public servant and when one examines it closely, one sees it is a piece of courage. If we can see more pieces of fearlessness as the one that flew off Assistant Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine, we can reclaim the integrity of the entire public sector that former President Hoyte so valiantly tried to restore after its dormancy in the Burnham era.
Unfortunately, for the brave soul of David Ramnarine, he has to contend with the Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee. It is a tragic situation for a developing country that a pretender to knowledge like Rohee has been a Minister of Government for over twenty years.
Cheddi Jagan kept Clement Rohee in his Cabinet because for Jagan, the concept of brilliance was a bourgeois, capitalist invention. In communist psychology, brilliant is not inherent. Socialist culture can generate brilliance and genius once the relations of production are not in capitalist hands.
One of the most egregious aspects of philosophy is a Marxist approach to aesthetics and epistemology. It is a superficial understanding of the aesthetic underpinnings of the human condition and the nature of the knowledge. Both Cheddi and Janet Jagan had no time for any other interpretation of philosophy except Marxist epistemology.
Against this backdrop, Jagan made his tailor the manager of the nationalised electricity company and put his chauffeur on the board of the Cooperative Bank.
I am still bewildered how a learned man like Ian Mc Donald could refer to Cheddi Jagan as a genius. I am not a fan of Forbes Burnham. I think he was obsessed with power but the term genius more suits Burnham. The essential difference between Burnham and Jagan is that though they were both hungry to control Guyana within their narrow ideological confines, Burnham was far above Jagan in applying philosophy to politics.
While Jagan kept a whole generation of semi-educated protégés in the hierarchy of his party, Burnham from a background of Africanised Anglo-Saxon, middle-class values sought people with prodigious learning.
Burnham would have probably given up his throne if he was forced to appoint someone like Clement Rohee as his Foreign Minister. Ninety percent of Jagan’s state appointees were mediocre. One can say the same for Bharrat Jagdeo. We expected a clean break with this jejune past, from Donald Ramotar. It wasn’t to be. Mr. Ramotar is in a recycling mood.
Mr. Ramotar has kept Clement Rohee as a senior Cabinet Minister, after he had served 19 years as such, violating a basic law in human nature. If you cannot do anything right then you are not going to find life a sweet smelling rose. Clement Rohee, like so many of Cheddi Jagan’s protégés, is not leadership material.
After 19 years as a Cabinet Minister, it was time for Rohee to be given his exit from power. His tenure was marked by a shocking controversy over the refusal of the American Government to give him any type of visa (one day soon I will reveal the reason for the denial).
To date, Minister Rohee has said all the wrong things associated with dictatorial politics and has done all the wrong that inhere in authoritarian politics. In short, Clement Rohee is instinctively an autocratic personality.
Rohee is too unlearned to understand why David Ramnarine took the public position that he did. Rohee will never understand it because the intellectual factor is missing. It involved money that should have been assigned to the men and women under the command of Mr. Ramnarine.
His credibility and his career were in danger of dissolution because Ramnarine didn’t receive the sums for his subordinates but had he shut his mouth his lower ranks could have been led to believe that their superior refused to feed them and used the funds for other purposes.
All Ramnarine did was to set the record straight in relation to his sphere of operation during the general elections. That was his public obligation. That should have been the end of it. Mr. Rohee, his boss, the President and the Minister of Finance, should have then chased down the $90M that was suppose to feed the police who were assigned election duties for the General and Regional polls last November.
Instead, Rohee descended to the comical and autocratic levels that he is so accustomed to. But Mr. Rohee cannot get anything right. A more sensible thing to do is, after threatening Mr. Ramnarine, to save face by explaining where the $90 M went. Rohee is yet to do that

Excellent piece ! Facts , sheer facts.  Imagine what would happen in Guyana if there were no Freddies ? Few would be willing to go out on  a limb for truth . Since the threat from Balram Singh Rai, Cheddie and Janet did their utmost to weed out intellectualism , honesty and integrity from the ranks of the PPP for pet morons .


It may appear that the PPP is caught up in this mentality that it must control parliament. As much as I support the PPP, they must recognize that the combined opposition has 51 percent seats in the parliament and get used to it.


This is political reality and the PPP needs to move on with the people's business. They must also learn to compromise for the good of all Guyanese. The AFC and PNC must also learn to compromise so that parliament functions according to the interest of all Guyanese.


This political game of cat and mouse in parliament must come to an end otherwise a no confidence motion should be submitted and we can have fresh elections. Guyana's politicians are now becoming like U.S politicians and the people's business are not being addressed.


This is an opportunity for all political parties to move Guyana forward and bring fairness to all Guyanese. It is distressing to see all three political parties behaving like children.


Time for them to grow up.


BTW, Jagan should have already formed some sort of alliance or compromise with the opposition to take care of the people's business.


I think that the opposition's call for an end to corruption is reasonable and any politician who participated in corruption should be rained in. This is fair.

What is unfair is baseless claims and lies from media outlets like KN.


The media also have a role to play but their reporting must fair and accurate. Let us all send a message to our politicians to put the people's business ahead of their selfish political interests.




The thing is.  Albert (Conscience) and Rev Al have now started preparing the way for the goatman to be the next leader of the ppp party and next President of Guyana.  If they will be successful only time will tell.


A very good article. Kidmost you are right.  It would be a sad day when Freddy is gone there seems to be no one out there to take his place.  People are afraid to do truthful analysis of the former leaders of Guyana like the Jagans and Burnham. So they just say what people want to hear. "The Jagans and Burnham were the best things going since cooked rice was invented"

Last edited by Prashad

The PPP and PNC never had to deal with a majority combined opposition they were both accustomed to dictatorial processes now , these idiots must learn fast how to engage , discourse , listen , hear , understand , appreciate and endure the process of concensus ! The PNC started the practice a few years ago now , the PPP has to catch up .


The ignorance of the masses tells a great story of how British colonial interests bequeathed a legacy of shit, piss, and corruption at all levels. They taught you how to file a martindale and swing it like a magic wand to extract a juice from the sugar cane which is transformed into a sweet substance to export to the mother country so her population can enjoy everything sweet from chocolates to suffle.


Jagan started the night school now call UG to help bring you all coolie on an equal ground with your competitors so you can become people of dignity and respect. You still find yourselves being looked down upon as not good enough to work with a pencil or computer in office. He need to look at what many downtrodden and pooor Guyanese in N.A. did to push the next generation in a better place. The Jagans did their battle. there is plenty of room in the battle field for others to do something positive. Stop denigrating the legacy of the man and start a new era that 50 years from now you will be revered in the same or greater fashion that the Jagans.


Billy Ram Balgobin

My country doesn't have much to benefit the poorest of its society. Politics for us has no real value. The self professed father of the nation was a hoodlum (according to proper respect for authority). He behaved in the most dispicable manner on the issues of British Guiana. Which he considered to be the fight with the British.


The time has come to let the gentleman be. History and which he created for Guiana shows that we have lost our way as a nation.


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