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Cheddi’s dream being realized as PPP/C’s efforts catalyse … Unity in the nation - As evidenced at PPP/C Albion rally

Written by Parvati Persaud-Edwards
Tuesday, 04 October 2011 03:11
Source - Guyana Chronicle

Every race was represented, as is evident from these photos

The gargantuan machinery that is the juggernaut PPP/C construct still inheres in the spirit of the iconic premier Guyanese leader of all time, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, as was evident during that party’s massive elections rally at Albion last Sunday afternoon, when Guyanese eschewed the divisive and destructive politics of race and creed to bond with “kith and kin” in a Guyanese nationhood and precipitate hope in the eventuality of a nation united in the efforts to propel this country and its people on a common path of peace, progress, and prosperity – the premise on which Dr. Jagan formulated the People’s Progressive Party, which he founded, along with a group of like-minded patriots, in 1950.

The struggle in the nation then was against the dominion by the colonials, and the subjugation of the various peoples in the land by the plantocracy class, which was manifested in severe marginalization and discriminatory practices – some extremely savage in nature.

Tens of thousands turned out at the PPP Albion rally

Thus it was that the peoples of this land came together under the umbrella of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the leadership of Guyana’s liberator, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, to consolidate efforts to oust the oppressors from the land.

As Dr. Jagan’s brother of the soul, PM Sam Hinds said, when brilliant young lawyer Linden Forbes Burnham wanted to engage in the politics of the land, the political party that he chose was the PPP.

PM Hinds recalled that it was profit and power-motivated colonial manoeuvring that caused a split in the party and a consequential divide in the nation, which caused Dr. Jagan agony of the soul for all the rest of his life, because his greatest dream for this nation was for unity in the land – a dream which remained unrealized up to the time of his passing, but which is now on the way to fulfilment as Dr. Jagan’s party continues on its all-inclusive path to national progress and prosperity, and its pursuit of cohesion and peace among the Guyanese people.

Interspersed with high-energy performances from local artistes – all of whom rocked, with Mahendra Rakhellawan singing the PPP elections jingle – an adaptation from his popular “Dem a watch me”, speakers took to the podium to extol the PPP/C for its developmental achievements, and to pledge their support for that party’s visionary policies and programmes, with all rejecting the collective opposition for their lack of coherent plans for taking the country forward, and their inability to even concretize a solid framework for the structure of their respective parties, thereby demonstrating their poor leadership skills – individually, as in the AFC; or collectively, as the APNU has proven.

The question asked and answered by every presenter was to the effect whether a leader who cannot successfully synchronize the construct of his own party can lead a nation; with, conversely, the demonstrable efficiency of the PPP/C organizing and programming machinery.

Peaceful environment prerequisite for progress

First speaker on the agenda, Moslem cleric Warren Barlow, emphasized that physical development is not possible, and cannot become reality – just an abstract configuration, without a peaceful environment.

He related events of Rwanda, where war between factions destroyed thousands of lives and the country. Adumbrating that under the PPP/C government, a peaceful environment is being created where Guyanese are living as brothers sharing the same space, he iterated that the ruling party promotes peace and tolerance and has created an environment that is sustaining synergies whereby Guyanese once more co-exist as brothers and good neighbours. He warned against voters making the wrong choice to put back the persons that will once again lead the country toward destruction and division.

Retired headteacher, Carl Peneux of Orealla, who described himself as a Guyanese of Warrau and Arawak mixture, recalled the years before the advent of the PPP/C administration, when Amerindians were severely marginalized in the national construct, and prophesied a landslide victory for the PPP/C, based on that party’s policies and programmes. He lauded the equitable distribution of the nation’s resources to the various communities, which began under Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s watch and multiplied superabundantly under President Jagdeo’s stewardship.

He cited the numerous developments in the various sectors that have benefited Amerindian communities, among which he numbered the establishment of an Amerindian affairs ministry; the New Amerindian Act; scholarship awards and schools with dormitories that are facilitating the access of Amerindian children to better education, which has enabled the new and future generations of Amerindians to join the various professions in positions of strength; Amerindian Heritage Month; the three Amerindian female ministers; land titling, which has given the nation’s indigenous communities a sense of belonging and security; an annual subvention to the various communities, which is apart from the developmental input at governmental levels; among others.

PPP/C a truly national party

Young teacher Paul Bennett also predicted a landslide victory for the PPP/C and he posited that, because the PNC is so ashamed of what they have done to the Guyanese nation, they have committed suicide (an obvious reference to the PNC’s submergence in the APNU configuration).

According to him, he had joined the PPP/C after analyzing all the contesting parties and found the PPP to be a truly national party that does not subjugate its drive for national cohesiveness and unity in the nation for short-term electoral gains, but instead strives for unity in the pursuit of its developmental programmes. He urged his fellow Guyanese of African ancestry to join the PPP/C and continue to help build on the foundations of the united pursuit of progress that Dr. Jagan had laid.

Reflecting on the major structural and social changes that he has witnessed under the PPP/C regime, Bennett adamantly postulated that only the PPP/C has the leadership that is competent to lead Guyana forward. He urged his fellow Afro-Guyanese to disregard contentions by opposition elements who claim that the PPP is an “Indian” party, because he has discovered that it is truly a national party that welcomes everyone, and that he feels a sense of security and belonging since he made a conscious choice to pursue progress rather than retrogressive policies and diktats and join the PPP/C.

Referring to the abysmal record of destruction the PNC left in the land, when Guyana was only internationally recognized for Jonestown, Bennett said that Guyana is at present the beacon of all Caribbean countries under the leadership of President Jagdeo and has now been put on the world map by its Champion of the Earth. He urged that Guyanese put aside other considerations and join the PPP/C to realize Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s dream of making Guyana One People, One Nation, with One Destiny.

Continuum of educational and empowerment initiatives

Gloria Beharry took to the podium and passionately adjured the nation to speak on women’s issues with one voice and – as a collective, to vote the PPP/C back into office so that they can continue to educate and empower the voiceless and the vulnerable – especially repressed and suppressed women.

She cited, among the continuous empowerment programmes, the Women of Worth (WoW) initiative, whereby women with no educational or strong socio-economic background can be facilitated to become entrepreneurs and thus gain economic independence and social enhancement.

She listed some changes in the legislation that have been driven by the government to protect women and children, including the Sexual Offences Act, the Domestic Violence Act, establishment of the Rights of the Child commission, among a plethora of others, including the training of peer educators, insisting that these programmes should be allowed to continue under a PPP/C administration led by Donald Ramotar.

Stalwart Clement Rohee, whom the iconic Jagans mentored from childhood, said that, unlike the opposition parties the PPP/C has never lost direction, because it has vision and is moving from a giant named BJ (Bharrat Jagdeo) to another giant named DR (Donald Ramotar). He recalled the long years of struggle to achieve the current gains in the country and urged voters to ensure that they do not risk losing those gains.

Positing that the best way of guaranteeing that the country is in safe hands is by returning the PPP/C back into office. He stressed that all the PPP presidents have come from humble backgrounds and can relate to the struggles for upward mobility and the trials and tribulations of the ordinary man.

He lauded the people of Berbice for always standing solidly behind the PPP, except for some “harkatis and namak harams”; but promised that the party’s policies will always be for the benefit of the people – not just at elections; and urged that PPP supporters stand firm and ignore the “wild and irresponsible talk”.

PNC stalwart commits to ensuring PPP/C victory

Joseph Hamilton was the surprise stunner of the day, and he spoke with conviction when he promised to campaign countrywide to ensure that Donald Ramotar becomes president with a PPP/C victory at the polls.

He submitted that elections should not be about race, but about the party with a coherent programme for development; and blanked Khemraj Ramjattan, whom he dismissed as unworthy for leadership because he is pursuing his politics full of envy, hatred, enmity, and malice.

He also dismissed Granger for suddenly waking up – at age 65, and deciding to become a politician, stressing that he is incapable of leadership because he has no energy. Hamilton posited that pursuit of politics necessitates “fire in the belly and the politics in his veins” and said that Granger is “a reluctant politician” who is incapable of building this nation and taking it forward, because, from every discussion he has had, PNC politics is based on race-related issues instead of a programme to take the country forward. Hamilton says people want an administration that will provide solid groundings for their lives, their children, and future generations.

Sadly, and proving the truth of Hamilton’s contentions, he has been subjected to a wave of attacks since his Albion speech. Guyanese of African descent who want to eschew race-based politics for more progressive considerations always come under attack by PNC and its satellites – including opposition media houses; and it takes real moral and mental strength for any Afro-Guyanese to publicly stand up to a conviction to work toward the national good instead of for party paramountcy. Some persons break under the pressure, and only time will tell if Hamilton can sustain the courage of his convictions.

PM Sam Hinds urges all Guyanese to “come home to the PPP”

Incumbent and incoming presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar have been described as thoroughbreds, and both have proven their mettle under fire and emerged winners.

PM Sam Hinds reiterated that the picture of national unity at the Albion rally is a microcosm of the evolving changes in the country, and stressed that “Cheddi’s dream of the heart” was for universal adult suffrage and unity among Guyanese – both of which are being realized. He encouraged that the PPP/C does not facilitate a life of ease; but a life where hard work and sacrifice will eventuate in progress and prosperity, and a better future.

The Prime Minister spoke of some of the developments that have been achieved and promised a bright future for Guyanese under a Donald Ramotar administration. He spoke of the brotherly relationship that he shared with Dr. Jagan, who always espoused inclusivity and put the people before the party.

He urged all Guyanese to fulfil Dr. Jagan’s dream of returning Guyana to the spirit of 1953 and “come home to the PPP” as Joseph Hamilton has done, because this is the only party that addresses the needs of every community with equity, fairness and justice; dealing with problems as the needs arise, within the dictating constraints; but unafraid to chart new paths to ensure the wellbeing of the people – citing the Skeldon state-of-the-art factory that was constructed to sustain the sugar industry and not take away jobs of sugar workers; as well as interventions in the bauxite industry to keep workers employed.

Bharrat Jagdeo transformed the landscape of the country

Master of Ceremonies Zulficar Mustapha said that when the PPP prevailed on the reluctant Bharrat Jagdeo to accept the presidency at age 35, the skeptics scoffed that the party had “put a boy to do a man’s job”, but Mustapha iterated that President Jagdeo has transformed the country’s development.

The President, in an emotive speech, said that we live in a wonderful country and that “it swells my heart” to see the beautiful faces of all the races” coming together at that venue. He expressed pride in belonging to a party that brings people together and enhances the rights of people.

He spoke of days of yore when the most basic rights were trampled upon and people became criminals for the things they ate; or were killed for trying to protect their right to vote for the party of their choice. He spoke of the years of relentless struggle – first to liberate the country from the colonials, then the dictatorship, then from poverty – emphasizing that all the rights that Guyanese today enjoy were won through the sacrifices of our ancestors.

The President enumerated some of the achievements of the PPP/C administration and stressed that Guyana has the most dynamic and vibrant economy in the Caribbean; reiterating that this was achieved from a point of a bankrupted country where nothing worked as he reminisced on the decrepit state of the infrastructure when the PPP/C took office in 1992.

President says PPP has always kept faith with the people

He adjured the imperative of a perspective of the past to enable full appreciation of the progressive developments to the present and declared his pride in the PPP/C party, which has always kept faith with the people, because it ensures development with equity countrywide.

Relating some of the achievements of the PPP/C administration and the impressive sectoral developments, President Jagdeo said that Guyana has the best debt ratio, and that no first world country can match Guyana’s debt profile.

He said that the PPP/C is not seeking re-election because it feels it has a divine right to power, but because its hard work to restore the country to socio-economic viability should be sustained, and recalled the PNC’s track record for failure in governance and their destructive policies that kept the people in subjugation and poverty.

Guyana’s most popular president lauded the party’s presidential candidate as someone who has been in all the party’s struggles and has even served as party leader. He extolled Donald Ramotar’s virtues and said that the latter is a humble person who is always open to new ideas and that he “stands way above the shoulders of the others” (presidential candidates).

Referring to the party spirit of the charged audience, the President said that, while it is good that everyone was having fun, they must also focus on the serious issues behind the campaign, because every vote matters to ensure that the PPP/C win the upcoming elections.

President Jagdeo lauds Ramotar’s capacity for leadership

He gave assurance to sugar workers that, with Donald Ramotar at the helm, sugar will always be a secure industry and will never be allowed to fold. He recalled that, after the EU cut sugar price by 36%, the Government made a conscious choice not to give up on the industry as other Caribbean countries had done, but to invest heavily in efforts to sustain the industry, and consequently the livelihood of the thousands who depend – directly and indirectly on sugar. He said Ramotar was the chief lobbyist constantly fighting for resources to be ploughed into the industry in efforts to sustain its viability; similarly the investments in the bauxite industry, because the PPP believes in people, their children and securing their future.

Guyana’s incumbent president, who has served Guyana well and faithfully, said that he had no regrets leaving because he is confident that Ramotar will keep the flag flying high and that progress in the nation will continue with greater momentum, because the PPP/C’s vision is converse to that of the opposition, which continually promotes racism, negativism, and a backward vision. He concluded by urging full support to a Donald Ramotar presidency.

Progress will continue under PPP/C watch
Presidential candidate Donald Ramotar promised an upsurge in development, because the groundwork has already been laid.

Recollecting the years of struggle with Dr. Jagan, he said that the PPP founder-leader never lost hope, because he was confident that the gains that the first PPP administration achieved in the early 1950s could have been realized once more. He then referred to Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves calling Guyana the only shining light in the CARICOM economy and promised that President’s Jagdeo’s solid foundations will be built upon, and even expanded. He outlined the many future developments he planned, stressing that, apart from established industries, his government will be exploring other growth poles – including gas and oil and other multi-dimensional technological competencies that would propel the nation on a modern developmental pathway. He pledged to ensure that, within the near future all the people would have modern tools for development.

According to Ramotar the PPP has sustained one constant that was first fostered by Dr. Jagan and maintained by the party, and that is its traditional thrust to empower the youths of the country and facilitate their growth. He assured the nation that he will continue to fight for economic and social justice for every Guyanese, and to pursue the establishment of the specialty hospital first mooted by President Jagdeo, which will enable Guyanese to receive tertiary healthcare at extremely reduced costs, and to pursue all the other wealth-creational avenues for empowerment.

He spoke about the constitution brought into effect by the PPP/C, which allows the most popular president in the history of the country to voluntarily demit office, as well as changes that have made Parliament a more deliberative body, with Cabinet practicing direct democracy – only acting on major policies in accord with the needs of, and after consultation with stakeholders of the land.

He urged supporters not to be complacent and to celebrate Dr. Jagan’s vision of one people, one nation, with one destiny and said that, although people are sad that President Jagdeo is going, the country will continue its upward growth trend and things will get better under his presidency, pledging that Guyana’s future is a bright one, and that this country will become the real El Dorado which Raleigh sought.

Local artistes, all of whom performed superlatively, to the delight of the highly-charged crowd, with President, Prime Minister, Presidential Candidate and Cabinet members joining the throng in jiving to the music, included African and Indian drummers, the Shakti Strings Band, Fiona Singh, Vanilla, Mighty Kendingo, and Mahendra Ramkhellawan singing the party’s elections jingle.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 04 October 2011 03:26 )

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Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar arrives with his wife Deolatchmee to his right, for the PPP Albion rally.

PPP/C launches re-election bid at Albion
October 3, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News
From left: Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, PPP/C Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar, President Bharrat Jagdeo, and Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee at the launch of the PPP/C 2011 election campaign at Albion, Corentyne
Rohee looking healthy and FIT. Anyone wants to go face to face and insult him???? partybanana partybanana

Originally posted by Nehru:
Rohee looking healthy and FIT. Anyone wants to go face to face and insult him???? partybanana partybanana


Ahhhhhhhhh abee in berbice no dis man rohee good and mi ah tell yuh e rass nah need nobady fuh insult am. He can do all dah by eself.
At the end of the day Dr. Jagan's dream was just a dream. All he had after he woke up was a full tummy from all the cheese sandwiches and cups of tea at Green's house the evening before. It was Jagdeo and Donald that turned that dream into reality.
Originally posted by Wally:
At the end of the day Dr. Jagan's dream was just a dream. All he had after he woke up was a full tummy from all the cheese sandwiches and cups of tea at Green's house the evening before. It was Jagdeo and Donald that turned that dream into reality.

Reality or nightmare?
If the present PPP represents Cheddi dream, Ramo and jagdeo need to be retrained.

These people uses the man's name to support their warped sense of purpose, while what Cheddi stood for is being ignored big time.

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