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Former Member


Georgetown, Guyana – October 3, 2012

By: Moses Nagamootoo,

AFC Vice-Chairman & Member of Parliament

On October 5, 1992 marks 20 unbroken years of the PPP in government. It was heralded as the “dawn of a new era”.

Today, after 20 years in office, the PPP has lost its way. The “new era” promise has been betrayed, and working people have lost faith and hope in the PPP. It is divided and weak and, under its present Jagdeoite leadership, it can no longer by itself guarantee Guyana good, stable and effective governance.

I was a Minister of that first 1992 government, and I was to serve in that capacity under four presidents, until 2000. I still feel the excitement and expectations of the early years, when we earnestly worked to re-build our Guyana.

The Cheddi Jagan presidency was the golden gem of “lean and clean” in governance. It was short-lived. Whilst the formal political democracy for which we had fought relentlessly, was to survive, the frugal and honest government of Cheddi Jagan died with him.

One year ago this month, I resigned from the PPP and joined the Alliance for Change. Since then, the PPP has lost significant ground and has been reduced to a minority, now masquerading as government. The primary cause of its demise has been under-performance, inefficiency and unchecked corruption.

The AFC recognizes that much of what is positive over the years, has been lost in the frenzy over political control and domination. The Jagdeo years would perhaps stand out as Guyana’s disgraced era of political vulgarity, lawlessness and corruption, which is caricatured in the “Pradoville” culture of greed and sleaze. The country had sadly plunged into a “cuss-down mode”, from which it never recovered. Remember when journalists were seen as “vultures and carrion crows”; and those who could not toe the line were deemed “ignoramuses”?

Twenty years ago, people voted for change in how government did business. They wanted a government that would make sure that they get benefits for their hard work and from their taxes. They voted for cheaper foodstuff and transportation, decent housing and health care, water they could safely drink from their taps, education that ensures job opportunities. They voted for paying jobs and a living pension. The change they wanted was to show, in the words of the Song of Guyana’s Children: “what Guyana’s sons and daughters can be”... TBC

I fully  agree  with  Mr.  Nagamootoo. The  'New Era"  ushered  in  with  the  PPP  coming  into office died  with   Dr.Jagan and  the new  torch bearers has proven  to  be  more  like a  bunch  of  'Thiefin Parangs &   Ali Baba  and  his 40 thieves.   

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The people of British Guiana never got the leadership they truely deserved. We were an educated people-entrepreneurial and forward thinking. CBJ told us that we were poor and abused by the British-many believed him. And for that belief in his twisted words, the nation endured hardships. The demons that walked with CBJ infested the citizens-and truly manifested in the present day Peoples Progressive Party.


CBJ or as a matter of fact the Jagans found majority of fools in British Guiana and they lead them down the road they are on today. They had no administrative skills to build a political organization that vets itself-which eventually gives us Jagdeo. 


The eyes of Nagamootoo were never on the people of Guyana. He never lowered his gaze from the Jagans. Had he turned his gaze upon his countrymen, he would have known WE WERE NEVER the people the Jagans hoped us to be-COMMUNISTS. 


It is too late Comrade Nagamootoo for you. The people are lost for a little while longer. I saw you on the TV moderating a Press Conference, CBJ din pay no attention to you. It was as if you weren't there. At that moment you should have realised the pomposity of the man.  


In 1992, CBJ was more concerned about catching up with public appearances than the people of Guyana-and Jagdeo practices what he saw in the Jagans-corruption and bullism of the people.  


The Jagans were no saints.


The Peoples Progressive Party is only interested in holding the office of the government with no interest in a better standard of living of the impoverished- that is the true legacy of the Jagans. 




One factor we have to take into consideration is that the post-Cheddie PPP Government was faced with a battle for its political life in the extra-Parliamentary arena. Remember the mo-fiah, slo-fiah era with a historical suspicion of the security forces not supporting the Government? The Mash break-out narcotic turf warfare provided the perfect opportunity to ensure the survival of the PPP and at the same time mitigate the security forces' bias to the opposition. How was this achieved? Aaah....that is the nub of the issue over the post-Cheddie PPP and whether his legacy was destroyed and why the custodians of the PPP became what Moses described them as. The flip side of this is why the saints in the PPP and a saintly way to respond to this threat were shoved aside. The answer would tell you why the Guyanese populace is inured to the shenanigans under the Jagdeo Administration. A weakened PPP leadership now has to deal with Governance in a changed climate - one where the AFC is trying to find relevance and the PNC (aka APNU) is trying to swim upstream. Civil society and economics are in the early stages of ascendancy and the status quo is considered par for the course. Thus you may have the continued high commodity prices (rice and gold) and the energy sector (oil and gas and hydro) can be transformative. Underlying all this is the human capital of Guyana and their embrace of technology.


But the story of development has been lost in the narrative of corruption. There is no parallel in Guyana’s history for the vulgar descent into corrupt practices as that unfolding under the PPP’s watch. The inheritors have put Cheddi Jagan and his crop of selfless fighters to shame. These inheritors have become a get-rich-quick elite that has forged an incestuous relationship with rags-to-riches tycoons. They and their cronies swindle billions of dollars on scams and schemes whether in fake and failed construction projects; accounts hidden from the Treasury; super salaries for sinecure employment together with “fat cat” pensions, perks and privileges; rigged contracts for computers, drugs, pirated textbooks, etc..

The AFC is convinced that after 20 years, corruption has ensnared the police, party and presidency.

Mr. Ralph Ramkarran, the long-standing PPP leader and former Speaker of the National Assembly, in June this year, described corruption in Guyana as “pervasive”. He was forced to resign from the PPP.

Last month, on September 15, 2012 Dr. Cheddi Jagan jnr., (Joey), who was a parliamentary candidate for PPP in last year’s elections, expressed revulsion against the so-called president pension package of $3,000,000.00 monthly, which he dubbed “the sweepstakes package”. Son of Cheddi and Janet Jagan, Joey was mad that party members remained mum on the issue.

He stated:“All the apologists for the retirement package of Mr. Jagdeo in the PPP… us, the regular citizens of this country, that they really don’t care about the working people of Guyana and they think that we are like them, living with wool pulled over our eyes and with hearts made of stone”.

Say what you want about him, Joey is candid and honest, so much so that he took a broader swipe at corruption and waste, when he asked: “Where’s our money for the road Fip Motilall never built? What about the sugar factory at Skeldon which doesn’t work?”

Earlier in the year, there was a furore in the PPP camp when the other Jagans’ child, Nadira Jagan-Brancier, declared:

My parents were probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards, but unfortunately do not exist or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and government.

I think the party has moved away –not the party but certain elements in the party – from these very, very important values that held the party together ….and so for me, when I look at some of the things happening, my parents must be turning in their graves – - churning up in the waters of the rivers in which their ashes were sprinkled.”

After 20 years, the social fabric of our society is disintegrating, as there seems to be no effective safety net for the poor and vulnerable. Daily we witness the rapid descent into utter depravity in proliferation of gruesome and mindless murders, child pregnancies, unchecked assaults on our women, etc. Whilst it is not easy to lay blame, it is time to hold those who run the society accountable. This is, after all, a social security and law and order issue.

We have to hold them accountable for the near financial collapse of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) in which tens of thousands of contributors invested and are now pushed to the edge of uncertainty. We must bring Government to account for the $5,000,000,000.00 NIS money that they recklessly placed in CLICO, which went belly up.

In its 20thyear in government, the PPP has presented us with a catalogue of corruption in almost every aspect of the country’s life, resulting in:-

  • significant drugs trafficking - cocaine in wood, dhal puri, pepper sauce, glue and, now, hair swirls.

  • customs duties evasion and smuggling - from the Polar Beer Scam to the Police Jet Boat scam.

  • money laundering.

  • trafficking in persons.

  • mis-use of states resources to bail out failed corporations, pay party activists, reward docile newspapers and prepare Pradoville-type land for elite.

  • operation of slush funds in state bodies such as NICIL.

  • lottery fund being used as petty cash for Office of the President.

The drain in public funds, plus squandermania and waste, has resulted in greater borrowing so that Guyana’s national debt today is higher than that under the PNC regime.

Mr. Ramkarran has called for action to deal with corruption, transparency and accountability. As Eddi Hooper sang, “Take warning; take warning: you better do good”. Much good can come should the government take these steps:

  • Respect the Opposition’s one-seat majority and commit itself to strengthen Parliamentary Democracy.

  • Abide with the Rule of Law and foster a plural and free media.

  • Appoint an Ombudsman.

  • Form Procurement Commission and re-constitute national/regional tender boards.

  • Send all files on corruption by state and para-state officials to DPP/CID for action.

  • Appoint Chairperson and all members of Integrity Commission, and set up tribunal to investigate assets of all officials.

  • Set up anti-money laundering intelligence unit and tribunal.

  • Pass whistle-blowing law to protect those who want to tell about corrupt officials.

  • Regulate elections campaign financing to cut out influence-peddling and promote fair elections.

  • Hold Local Government Elections under reformed laws to resurrect grass-roots participatory democracy.

  • Name a Commissioner of Information under the Freedom of Information Act.

  • Reconstitute Broadcasting Authority to include qualified and independent professionals.

  • Appoint a qualified Auditor General.

  • Remove conflict of interest situation between Minister of Finance and the Audit Office.

  • Re-organise leadership of state entities such as NICIL, GPL, GUYSUCO, National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) and NIS in interest of accountability and efficiency.

  • Remove Minister of Finance as Chairman of NICIL and place excess revenues into the Consolidated Fund.

  • Democratise state media to give equitable and balanced access to opposition and other views.

  • Remove party (PPP) domination of state boards and the University of Guyana Council.

  • Replace the Minister of Home Affairs to restore public confidence in law enforcement agencies.

  • Reshuffle and professionalise diplomatic corps.

  • Set up genuine tri-partite (AFC/PPP/APNU) Commission to oversee legislative agenda, and work for peaceful, participatory and inclusive governance.

Under its alliance and partnership policy, the AFC renews its patriotic commitment to work with all democratic forces and civil society to halt the rapid decline in the quality of national life, and urges the PPP to embrace genuine consultation and consensus. Today, the AFC holds a strategic balance and has, since November 28, 2011, started a new journey for real change in Guyana.



Mara, I hear you. However, the target audience is the Guyanese populace, and I'm trying to come up with reasons for their passive response to their predicament.


The PNC is not as strong opposition and cannot hold this current crop of PPP stewards accountable.


The AFC is not getting a lot of traction, and this is the crux of the matter - with leading lights like Moses, Ralph, Khemraj, Trotman, etc. Why?


When an icon like Yesu Persaud can be tossed aside and civil society has been neutered, you have to wonder of the old vote for your race is still the dominant dynamic in Guyana.


If the man who handed the PPP support to thieves wid his wide opened, then that man is equally a crook and equivalent of a Don in the mafioli.


Y u all blaming Jagdeo-I agree he has no conscience. He saw an opportunity and he took it. The question is, where was Joey, Ramkarran and Nagamootoo when Jagdeo did as it pleased him.  


Now, u all go examined how much US$ Cheddie recieved for water projects in Guyana. Probably, he din take no money, but he must have known about the crooks he put incharge. The man was incompetent.


Do not forget Jagdeo was a junior finance minister and his opinions were regarded more than the Minister.


Suh, if a smart fella knows his boss is an idiot wouldn't he schemed against him and wait for his death to assume control especially when his disciples are fools as well.

Originally Posted by seignet:

If the man who handed the PPP support to thieves wid his wide opened, then that man is equally a crook and equivalent of a Don in the mafioli.


Y u all blaming Jagdeo-I agree he has no conscience. He saw an opportunity and he took it. The question is, where was Joey, Ramkarran and Nagamootoo when Jagdeo did as it pleased him.  


Now, u all go examined how much US$ Cheddie recieved for water projects in Guyana. Probably, he din take no money, but he must have known about the crooks he put incharge. The man was incompetent.


Do not forget Jagdeo was a junior finance minister and his opinions were regarded more than the Minister.


Suh, if a smart fella knows his boss is an idiot wouldn't he schemed against him and wait for his death to assume control especially when his disciples are fools as well.

You make a salient point. Cheddie, in spite of his heroics pre-1964, did things from a party institutional sense since that make you wonder about his leadership. First there was the critical support that drove all de coolies from Courantyne to 'merica. Then you had the Jagdeo/Asgar Ally contretemps and the ascendancy of Jagdeo over the stalwarts.


We must not only condemn corruption in gov't. but we must be vigilant about those in the opposition who want power to get in there to do greater damage. We cannot afford to have another coalition gov't involving the PNC to govern Guyana again. The disaster that they would bring would make the current PPP leaders look like Super Ghandijees. We can look on the good sie that democracy, free speech, free press and other freedoms have grown and nurtured during the last 20 years. We cannot afford to toss the baby out with the little dirty water. We must also keep in mind that Moses problem with the PPP stems from his denial of the presidency. This crisis came about as a result of Jagdeo preventing an election for members to decide who should be the party's candidate for president.


Many of us are playing in the hands of the PNC when we runaway to the AFC. We must stay in the party and demand that the present leadership get back on course and fulfill the dream of the late CBJ. This is not the time to break up the party. Destroying the PPP will result in the PNC returning to power and ultimately defeating the very objective of struggling for less corrupted gov't. The AFC does not have the credentials nor backbone to remedy wrongs by allying itself with violent thugs in Linden actions let to bloodshed damages amounting to millions. If Moses wants to the messiah of change then be that change yourself and do not align yourself with the most despicable segment of the PNC and call for revolution.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Since we are on topic of the wasted years of PPP's influence. Let me ask Mr. Nagamootoo to explain what has happened to the hundreds of millions of US$ the PPP government recieved from the different institutions. He is quite right to say the citizens do not have potable water after 20 years of a PPP government. He was an active member of the Party and if he does not know then he did not have the interests of the people at heart.


Corruption did not start with Jagdeo, but he took it to a higher level. 


Mara is fooling himself if he believes the words of Nagamootoo, a man who was part of those 20 years of betrayal.  Corruption was fostered right under Jagan's nose, he just chose to ignore it and let it fester. The current crop of blood suckers in the PPP were direct offspring of Cheddi. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Mara is fooling himself if he believes the words of Nagamootoo, a man who was part of those 20 years of betrayal.  Corruption was fostered right under Jagan's nose, he just chose to ignore it and let it fester. The current crop of blood suckers in the PPP were direct offspring of Cheddi. 


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by seignet:

If the man who handed the PPP support to thieves wid his wide opened, then that man is equally a crook and equivalent of a Don in the mafioli.


Y u all blaming Jagdeo-I agree he has no conscience. He saw an opportunity and he took it. The question is, where was Joey, Ramkarran and Nagamootoo when Jagdeo did as it pleased him.  


Now, u all go examined how much US$ Cheddie recieved for water projects in Guyana. Probably, he din take no money, but he must have known about the crooks he put incharge. The man was incompetent.


Do not forget Jagdeo was a junior finance minister and his opinions were regarded more than the Minister.


Suh, if a smart fella knows his boss is an idiot wouldn't he schemed against him and wait for his death to assume control especially when his disciples are fools as well.

You make a salient point. Cheddie, in spite of his heroics pre-1964, did things from a party institutional sense since that make you wonder about his leadership. First there was the critical support that drove all de coolies from Courantyne to 'merica. Then you had the Jagdeo/Asgar Ally contretemps and the ascendancy of Jagdeo over the stalwarts.

CBJ was an ideological fool.  I said it earlier, CBJ decidede to jump into bed with LFSB when the latter decided to go after the Western interest.  CBJ applied the philosophy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  For him LFDB was the lesser enemy.  LFSB used this "currency" to consolidate his hold on every aspect of the society.  LFSB made the PNC and Afros the elite of the society and eagerly relegated CBJ to the cane-cutting and grease monkey roles.



If Moses Nagamootoo were to suddenly drop dead, Guyana and Guyanese would not miss him. Infact they would be better off. Moses is a Benedict Arnold, a judas and a betrayer. Karma will eventually bitchslap that nasty, stinking, hypocritical monster.






Anyone who is/was an active participant of the Jagans PPP should be ashamed to write anything. They just watched the impoverished get ripped off in every which way.


They are the equivalent of the PNC elites who neglected their support base.


ya'll got me laffing my ass off wth this thread.

1950's CBJ destroyed any chance of inclusive democracy.

The masses of poor uneducated got hood winked into communism by CBJ at a time he wanted control of the country's raw material without concern about who control the market place . Duped the (dumb ass coolie) youth, whose perceptions of, progress was reflected in the USSR and that USSR would guarantee purchase of produce.

CBJ and his real boss Janet J kept highly intelligent skilled and practical party members down and eventually got them out and the party was left with latrine residue.

CBJ and JJ screwed over every PPP potential, just look at the roster of members who did the fighting for the PPP and were kicked in the ass.

Cheddi under Janet Jagan really screwed you mofos good now ya'll bleeting..yeah yeah yeah ..ya'lll is sheep ! Screw Moses , he was Janet butler , he thought Janet would have given him leadership when she knew he was nothing but a jagans' asswipe ! The AFC will lose steam for bringing in disgruntled  PNC and PPP garbage . Guyanese of the future don't want to hear  about Burnham and Jagan they want to hear and see a real economic plan. Kill terminologies like pre and post Burnham and Jagan and drop these two names have become expletives to Guyana politics.

Originally Posted by kidmost:


Cheddi under Janet Jagan really screwed you mofos good now ya'll bleeting..yeah yeah yeah ..ya'lll is sheep ! Screw Moses , he was Janet butler , he thought Janet would have given him leadership when she knew he was nothing but a jagans' asswipe !





You're on fire this morning Kidmost.



Originally Posted by kidmost:

ya'll got me laffing my ass off wth this thread.

1950's CBJ destroyed any chance of inclusive democracy.

The masses of poor uneducated got hood winked into communism by CBJ at a time he wanted control of the country's raw material without concern about who control the market place . Duped the (dumb ass coolie) youth, whose perceptions of, progress was reflected in the USSR and that USSR would guarantee purchase of produce.

CBJ and his real boss Janet J kept highly intelligent skilled and practical party members down and eventually got them out and the party was left with latrine residue.

CBJ and JJ screwed over every PPP potential, just look at the roster of members who did the fighting for the PPP and were kicked in the ass.

Cheddi under Janet Jagan really screwed you mofos good now ya'll bleeting..yeah yeah yeah ..ya'lll is sheep ! Screw Moses , he was Janet butler , he thought Janet would have given him leadership when she knew he was nothing but a jagans' asswipe ! The AFC will lose steam for bringing in disgruntled  PNC and PPP garbage . Guyanese of the future don't want to hear  about Burnham and Jagan they want to hear and see a real economic plan. Kill terminologies like pre and post Burnham and Jagan and drop these two names have become expletives to Guyana politics.

Kidmost you right on several points point.  Although I  like Moses very much.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by kidmost:

ya'll got me laffing my ass off wth this thread.

1950's CBJ destroyed any chance of inclusive democracy.

The masses of poor uneducated got hood winked into communism by CBJ at a time he wanted control of the country's raw material without concern about who control the market place . Duped the (dumb ass coolie) youth, whose perceptions of, progress was reflected in the USSR and that USSR would guarantee purchase of produce.

CBJ and his real boss Janet J kept highly intelligent skilled and practical party members down and eventually got them out and the party was left with latrine residue.

CBJ and JJ screwed over every PPP potential, just look at the roster of members who did the fighting for the PPP and were kicked in the ass.

Cheddi under Janet Jagan really screwed you mofos good now ya'll bleeting..yeah yeah yeah ..ya'lll is sheep ! Screw Moses , he was Janet butler , he thought Janet would have given him leadership when she knew he was nothing but a jagans' asswipe ! The AFC will lose steam for bringing in disgruntled  PNC and PPP garbage . Guyanese of the future don't want to hear  about Burnham and Jagan they want to hear and see a real economic plan. Kill terminologies like pre and post Burnham and Jagan and drop these two names have become expletives to Guyana politics.

Kidmost you hit the nail right on the head.  Mr.Jagan can tell you all kinds of things and give you all kinds of orders but if you don't check with Janet to make sure she gave the ok then you are in some very serious trouble.  It is a situation similar the Genovese family in the 1970s-1980s under the leadership of "Fat Tony" Fat Tony was only godfather in name.  The real godfather was Gigante who was calling the shots behind the scenes.


Last edited by Former Member

You know FAt Tony too?  Used to hang out with dem boys?


I got a few frens who know a few people who's Uncles used to be buddies with these guys tarass. We could be related...po po me.


One of Kid's issues with the PPP is its perceived anti-intellectualism. That's not all true kiddie. The party placed more emphasis on received notions of how society works from abroad and paid currency to he exercise of political directives therefrom. The native intellectuals like Ranji Chandisingh and others walked over to the other side in the 70s after being nudged out in the era of critical support. There obviously was no place for right-wing Hindu nationalists like Balram Singh Rai. As you would know kiddie, intellect guides a movement but you also need political knuckle brass to get your way. The Jagan way can be summed up in the latter, hence the impatience with young guns like Khemraj Ramjattan who advocated an overhaul of the party. Note that both major parties did not so much make over their parties but merely did cosmetic stuff. The AFC is still look to define itself other than being a good opposition to mitigate against perceived government excesses and corruption.

Originally Posted by cain:

You know FAt Tony too?  Used to hang out with dem boys?


I got a few frens who know a few people who's Uncles used to be buddies with these guys tarass. We could be related...po po me.

I heard Fat Tony made his name as money lender in the very poor black areas of NY. Areas which the banks would not touch.   All customers pay him back with interest on time.


Originally Posted by Kari:

One of Kid's issues with the PPP is its perceived anti-intellectualism. That's not all true kiddie. The party placed more emphasis on received notions of how society works from abroad and paid currency to he exercise of political directives therefrom. The native intellectuals like Ranji Chandisingh and others walked over to the other side in the 70s after being nudged out in the era of critical support. There obviously was no place for right-wing Hindu nationalists like Balram Singh Rai. As you would know kiddie, intellect guides a movement but you also need political knuckle brass to get your way. The Jagan way can be summed up in the latter, hence the impatience with young guns like Khemraj Ramjattan who advocated an overhaul of the party. Note that both major parties did not so much make over their parties but merely did cosmetic stuff. The AFC is still look to define itself other than being a good opposition to mitigate against perceived government excesses and corruption.

Democratic centralism and its latent embrace as in the PPP is anti intellectual. The evidence of that is the absence of any analytical thought emerging from that lot on any issue, be it in support of what they believe or in terms of outlook for systems as ours. Misir tries but the ideological baggage of harmonizing inquiry with ideology hobbles him so he produces sterile tomes that reduces simply to PPP dogma.


BTW an  intellectual is not simply one so selected by word of mouth but by legacy in terms of residual intellectual offerings. Where is that legacy of Ranji Chandising? Further, is there an implied insult to the idea of labeling him  a "native" politician?


I do not think that there has been  any emergence of Guyanese "nativism" on the soil. Not even Cheddi or LFSB even came close to that. All political expressions ( or as you say regurgitations) are still received wisdom from saints in India or Pan africanism or a full shadowing  of European entelechy.


I will agree with you that the AFC has been as intellectually constipated as the rest even if they do embrace restructuring. One must be mindful of the inevitable quandary that  that one cannot make the internal majesty of a Gothic cathedral from  propping up the walls of a Romanesque one. You end up with a monstrosity of stone and plaster with no internal coherency. The AFC will be seminal thinkers if they indeed begin to do political analysis to match their messages for change.


We do not simply need reform. We need revolutionary transformation. We do not need to pay lip service to democracy. We need to build one that meets our local needs that maximizes democratic ideals. That is not an Indian or African endeavor but a human endeavor. That is not as the PPP sees it but as is necessary since it makes good sense.


The only group that ever attempted at architectonically plumb home grown realities to formulate a political system for us was the ROAR people and they got it wrong from my viewpoint on one crucial pillar. They aimed to conserve racial segregation by creating political bantustans in a consociational arrangement and call it federalism.


You all r-ss eyes pass the Jagans.  All you only have balls to say that junk here.  Why you don't try saying that garbage in Guyana and see what will happen. You all r-ss will have to wear false teeth after.  

Originally Posted by seignet:

Guyana is not India. We have 5 other races other than East Indians-and culturally they are not from the caste system. Thanks for that, otherwise, Indian would re-created it in Guyana.

Thank you sir. Excellent discovery. What happened to the other two races? I thought at one time we had 7(Coolie, blackman, buckman, chiney, putagee, white and dugla). So which ones became extinct? Is there any other important discovery you are currently working on?

Originally Posted by warrior:

yes i am trying to figger which race you ppp crime family belong to

Stop researching. Abie ah coolie and family wid Bahrat Jagdeo. Abie rich fram all da PPP tiefing. Abie gat two two big house in all dem region bai. Plus abie even gat dem tiefing and murderer policeman fo guard abie battam house. Life bin good since BJ tek haffice. Abie na ga fo stand up in line fo food, abie get survant fo go buy abie tings dem. Abie gat driva feh carrie abie any way abie wan fo go. Abie na even haf fo pay fo gas.

Bai me tell you, oh gad, gad bless Barat and dem PPP. As lang as dem PPP in haffice, abie go really live good an happie. An hear dis na, abie even get free cell fone.  

Glad you hask me bai. Yu jain PPP an get all dis you no.

Originally Posted by warrior:

when abie want to thief abie will look for you and rob you and bugger you and rape you wife


Can't you take the sarcasm? You complain about the stealing and corruption and when I try to throw some humor on it you vex.  I am not going to stoop to your level. You need help for you are a sick individual. My reply was not directed at you so you should not get personal with buggering and rape.


Amral .. Is this rape threat of one's wife permitted?



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