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Note - I'm conflicted as to whether the title is "....of me" or "....of each other".



Shaits, I must tell you that I was in touch with Chief when he was at Madison Square Garden when the Knicks played the Cleveland Cavaliers. I had invited him to for us to go to Zen Hibachi to discuss bringing a Guyanese Play to Richmond hill using his Lounge.


Chief was with a mutual friend who drinks and I can tell you that Chief does not drink alcohol. The photo you saw with a bottle was not Chief's. It was his friend's. He may use some colorful language but his behavior does not depart from that of a devout Muslim.


Chief is a respected stalwart of the Jamaat that prays at a Masjid in Queens Village that he's a leader in erecting a beautiful building. I myself have been there and Chief is one of the leaders. He may not advertize this, but like a lot of my friends, Chief admires your intellect and compassion for community and thus politics. However, like any human being he has his own emotions and sometimes when you pull his strings he is liable to come across as an adversary. He is strong-willed in his opinions. I have disagreements in measures but not on substance, like I'm sure he has wit others here, but note one thing about Chief. He is a consensus builder.


Now y'all hug and make up and cease this adversarial exchange.


Thanks Bro

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I can't believe this Madrass Hindu had to go and bring a mutual friend to defend him over a beer


The only reason we're having this much convo about a beer is because it seems to be so important to him

Bai Chief's friend who is also my friend is a good dude to hang out with. Maybe the two of us and this friend can wuk on Chief to drink a beer - like a beer summit.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I can't believe this Madrass Hindu had to go and bring a mutual friend to defend him over a beer


The only reason we're having this much convo about a beer is because it seems to be so important to him

Bai Chief's friend who is also my friend is a good dude to hang out with. Maybe the two of us and this friend can wuk on Chief to drink a beer - like a beer summit.


I know dah Madrass Hindu would like nothing better than a beer summit ...maybe a Beer an Roast Poke Summit

Originally Posted by Kari:

I see Shaits is an equal-opportunity commentator on all religions. The latest religion-de-jour is Hinsuism as reflected in the Mandir threads.


The Umma has been given a temporary reprieve.


I'm glad my Muslim friends notice that I have no special hatred Muslims. I have a universal dislike for madness regardless of their origins.


Nor will I bleat the apologetic mantras of my ideological or ethnic tribe just to spare them some embarrassment.


Personally I'm a strong believer in embarrassment and public censure. Today's state of Islam and Hinduism would embarsass me were I an adherent of either.


So yes, de Ummah has been awarded a temporary reprieve as we turn our attentions to some mad Hindus in Richmond Hill.


However, there's always hope for tomorrow



I did not bring in anyone to defend me.

You are on a smear trail and just as what Isaid to Baldeo many moons ago I am saying to you. I told Baldeo to stop his nonsense, he destroyed or tried   to destroy and disrupt many people life including a mutual friend of Kari and , attorney Ramgopal.yOU WERE THE MANAGER FOR baldeo and WAS PART AND PARCEL OF HIS WICKEDNESS WHEN HE WAS RUNNING FOR ELECTIONS.


You are wicked in real life, continue to defame AND SMEAR ,   carry on but remember the wheels of GOD TURNS SLOWLY BUT JUSTLY!!

Originally Posted by Chief:


I did not bring in anyone to defend me.

You are on a smear trail and just as what Isaid to Baldeo many moons ago I am saying to you. I told Baldeo to stop his nonsense, he destroyed or tried   to destroy and disrupt many people life including a mutual friend of Kari and , attorney Ramgopal.yOU WERE THE MANAGER FOR baldeo and WAS PART AND PARCEL OF HIS WICKEDNESS WHEN HE WAS RUNNING FOR ELECTIONS.


You are wicked in real life, continue to defame AND SMEAR ,   carry on but remember the wheels of GOD TURNS SLOWLY BUT JUSTLY!!


Look chap, no one ever lost their virginity over a beer.


If it helps, the Arabs never considered you a real Muslim to begin with. Even if you actually prayed 5 times a day and actually abstained from beer


Calm your Madrass Hindu behind down chap me one life I have ever destroyed? One!

Last edited by Former Member

Shaits, evidently my honest testimony on Chief made no impression on your sensibilities. I obviously do not put a value on one's response to my testimony of someone's cgharacter, as who am I anyway?! So I take it that yours will continue to be an adversarial relationship with the Chiefsta.


Explain what is a Madrass Hindu and lets see rationally how it relates to Chief. Is he a Hindu parading as  Muslim and that's why the angst? I'm sure any antipathy towards religion does not bring this behavior out as I'll bet that over 90% of your friends and Stormy's follow or practice some religion.


Maybe you know something in Chief's behavior that reeks of hypocrisy. In that case we'd all be eager to hear. Otherwise I wonder what others here may come to think of the rantings in Chief's direction.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Somehow I wouldn't be shocked if Chief traded his maraschino cherry in for an ice cold beer

Either one would be a win win situation for me.

Kazzzaaaazzzz, I see you've just raised the intelligence of this thread somewhat! Editorial note- sarcasm can bring on a serious case of anger, high blood pressure and athletic endeavors in reaching for the bathroom.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Somehow I wouldn't be shocked if Chief traded his maraschino cherry in for an ice cold beer

Either one would be a win win situation for me.

Kazzzaaaazzzz, I see you've just raised the intelligence of this thread somewhat! Editorial note- sarcasm can bring on a serious case of anger, high blood pressure and athletic endeavors in reaching for the bathroom.

Bai, Chief knows who he is. Nothing Shaitan or I say can change who he is. I personally think that Chief is an upstanding person who is way more religious than I am. I have always stated here that I am not religious. The fact that I know so much about religion doesn't have to make me religious. My acquisition of religious knowledge is mostly to rebuke haters. Chief's objectives are much simpler. He strives to please Allah.  


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