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Child rapist to know fate soon

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Clinton Anthony Doris

CONVICTED child rapist, Clinton Anthony Doris on Thursday, March 28, 2019 had his sentencing deferred until next month by Justice Jo-Ann Barlow at the High Court.

Doris called ‘Masquerade Man’ or ‘Lally,’ was recently found guilty by a 12-member mixed jury of raping a seven-year-old girl on March 27, 2014 in the county of Essequibo.

On Thursday, a probation report was expected to be read in court following a request made by Doris’ attorney, Ravindra Mohabir. However, the report was not read causing Doris’ sentencing to be deferred until April 5, 2019. Doris is currently on remand.

The state was represented by Prosecutors Lisa Cave, Sarah Martin, and Seeta Bishundial. The trial was conducted in-camera at the Sexual Offences Court of the High Court in Georgetown.

According to reports, on the day in question, the child was on her way home and while passing Doris’ house, he called out to her and invited her into his home to collect ‘sweetie.’
However, when the child entered the house, Doris raped her and sent her home crying. Her relatives saw her crying and she told them what Doris had done. The matter was reported to the police and Doris was subsequently arrested.

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Man accused of raping stepdaughter

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A MAN has been accused of raping his stepdaughter some two weeks ago, after failing to do so last December when the child managed to run away from him.
The child is claiming that the man, at one time, attempted to show her pornography and she turned her face away from his phone.

According to reports, the accused went to pick up the child from her afternoon lessons, and from there, he took her to a desolate section of a community and attempted to rape her, but she resisted him.

This forced him to drive off and take her home. The child also claims that at one point, the man also offered her $5000 to have sex with her but she refused.
The advances continued and some two weeks ago, he committed the gruesome act. The traumatised child informed her teacher, who subsequently informed the headteacher of the school. However, it appears that the teachers did not inform the police nor the Child Care and Protection Agency.

The child reportedly confided in her biological father last Sunday about what her stepfather was doing to her and he (the biological father) decided to inform the media.
The Child Care and Protection Agency reportedly got wind of the story when it was carried by an online news outlet. The accused has since gone into hiding.

Police have since launched a search for the perpetrator. The child was taken for a medical examination and same proved that she was indeed raped.
The Guyana Chronicle was also told that the mother of the child is pregnant for the perpetrator and has been silent on the abuse of her daughter.


Baseman posted:

Poor kid.  She should have told her teacher when he attempted. 

I agree. These kinds of abuse tend to escalate very quickly. The mother has also placed herself and consequently her daughter in a terrible predicament. Men like these are creatures of the worst kind. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Poor kid.  She should have told her teacher when he attempted. 

I agree. These kinds of abuse tend to escalate very quickly. The mother has also placed herself and consequently her daughter in a terrible predicament. Men like these are creatures of the worst kind. 

Dem bannas can’t handle big homan, suh dem tek advantage of lil girls!  Dem weak!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Poor kid.  She should have told her teacher when he attempted. 

I agree. These kinds of abuse tend to escalate very quickly. The mother has also placed herself and consequently her daughter in a terrible predicament. Men like these are creatures of the worst kind. 

Dem bannas can’t handle big homan, suh dem tek advantage of lil girls!  Dem weak!

More like dem evil. 


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