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22 FEBRUARY 2013 - 07H44  

China admits pollution-linked 'cancer villages'
This file photo shows a polluted river, once used for swimming by local youths, in Liukuaizhuang Village in Tianjin, southeast of Beijing, on March 16, 2006. China's environment ministry has acknowledged the existence of 'cancer villages', several years after widespread speculation first began that polluted areas were seeing a higher incidence of the disease.
This file photo shows a polluted river, once used for swimming by local youths, in Liukuaizhuang Village in Tianjin, southeast of Beijing, on March 16, 2006. China's environment ministry has acknowledged the existence of 'cancer villages', several years after widespread speculation first began that polluted areas were seeing a higher incidence of the disease.

AFP - China's environment ministry has acknowledged the existence of "cancer villages", several years after widespread speculation first began that polluted areas were seeing a higher incidence of the disease.

The use of the term in an official report, thought to be unprecedented, comes as authorities face growing discontent over industrial waste, hazardous smog and other environmental and health consequences after years of rapid development.

"Poisonous and harmful chemical materials have brought about many water and atmosphere emergencies... certain places are even seeing 'cancer villages'," said a five-year plan that was highlighted this week.

The report did not elaborate on the phenomenon, which has no technical definition but gained prominence in domestic and foreign media after a Chinese journalist posted a map in 2009 pinpointing dozens of such "cancer villages".

But the ministry acknowledged that in general China uses "poisonous and harmful chemical products" that are banned in developed countries and "pose long-term or potential harm to human health and the ecology".

Environmental lawyer Wang Canfa, who runs an aid centre in Beijing for victims of pollution, said Friday it was the first time the "cancer village" phrase had appeared in a ministry document.

"It shows that the environment ministry has acknowledged that pollution has led to people getting cancer," he said. "It shows that this issue, of environmental pollution leading to health damages, has drawn attention."

A ministry official who declined to be named could not confirm whether it was the first time it had used the phrase, but said it had previously acknowledged the connection between the environment and human health.

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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is the price paid for cheap Chinese goods. They sell their health for a quick buck and the rest of the world turn a blind eye and continue to buy their products. 


Banna, you are f-in priceless. Now you say the Chinese produce cheap crap...ahem, ahem...


Hope those who've been following your stupid rants can again see that you just argue for the sake of arguing. No wonder I don't care to discuss anything with you.


Tell us again about the Chinese doing great work on the Marriotttttt...HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by God:
22 FEBRUARY 2013 - 07H44  

China admits pollution-linked 'cancer villages'
This file photo shows a polluted river, once used for swimming by local youths, in Liukuaizhuang Village in Tianjin, southeast of Beijing, on March 16, 2006. China's environment ministry has acknowledged the existence of 'cancer villages', several years after widespread speculation first began that polluted areas were seeing a higher incidence of the disease.
This file photo shows a polluted river, once used for swimming by local youths, in Liukuaizhuang Village in Tianjin, southeast of Beijing, on March 16, 2006. China's environment ministry has acknowledged the existence of 'cancer villages', several years after widespread speculation first began that polluted areas were seeing a higher incidence of the disease.

AFP - China's environment ministry has acknowledged the existence of "cancer villages", several years after widespread speculation first began that polluted areas were seeing a higher incidence of the disease.

The use of the term in an official report, thought to be unprecedented, comes as authorities face growing discontent over industrial waste, hazardous smog and other environmental and health consequences after years of rapid development.

"Poisonous and harmful chemical materials have brought about many water and atmosphere emergencies... certain places are even seeing 'cancer villages'," said a five-year plan that was highlighted this week.

The report did not elaborate on the phenomenon, which has no technical definition but gained prominence in domestic and foreign media after a Chinese journalist posted a map in 2009 pinpointing dozens of such "cancer villages".

But the ministry acknowledged that in general China uses "poisonous and harmful chemical products" that are banned in developed countries and "pose long-term or potential harm to human health and the ecology".

Environmental lawyer Wang Canfa, who runs an aid centre in Beijing for victims of pollution, said Friday it was the first time the "cancer village" phrase had appeared in a ministry document.

"It shows that the environment ministry has acknowledged that pollution has led to people getting cancer," he said. "It shows that this issue, of environmental pollution leading to health damages, has drawn attention."

A ministry official who declined to be named could not confirm whether it was the first time it had used the phrase, but said it had previously acknowledged the connection between the environment and human health.

This was a known fact many moons ago.

Originally Posted by cain:


Banna, you are f-in priceless. Now you say the Chinese produce cheap crap...ahem, ahem...


Hope those who've been following your stupid rants can again see that you just argue for the sake of arguing. No wonder I don't care to discuss anything with you.


Tell us again about the Chinese doing great work on the Marriotttttt...HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!


That is your problem, you like to generalize, there is good and bad in every race. I detest that you fools in the aFC/PNC paint with a broad brush. hahahaha 



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is the price paid for cheap Chinese goods. They sell their health for a quick buck and the rest of the world turn a blind eye and continue to buy their products. 

This, sad to say, is not wholly the Chinese fault. They were an 18th century nation until the '80. On their liberalization of their economy,the west saw an advantage to farm out the requirements for menial assembly labor. They never sought to inform china of helthy labor or environmental practices. It was not until the mid 2000' when their lakes lakes spontaneously combusted on account of volatiles in the water that the world took notice. By then they had a vastly polluted environment.


Fair labor and environmental practices enforced by consumer advocacy groups has begun to highlight the US companies complicity in this. Clothing and sports manufacture were shamed and they began to change and enforce fair labor laws, ie seeing a livable wage is paid, overtime rules enforced and children prohibited from the work place. Now they have also added fair environmental practices. This caused cost of production to go up.


Only last week I mentioned this to you with respect to apple. I informed you then that the cost of production and logistical necessities have made manufacture here in the US feasible. It is for this reason Apple is migrating its fab back to the US and some car companies have already done the same. There is even hope that some clothing and sports equipment manufacture will return together.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:


Banna, you are f-in priceless. Now you say the Chinese produce cheap crap...ahem, ahem...


Hope those who've been following your stupid rants can again see that you just argue for the sake of arguing. No wonder I don't care to discuss anything with you.


Tell us again about the Chinese doing great work on the Marriotttttt...HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!


That is your problem, you like to generalize, there is good and bad in every race. I detest that you fools in the aFC/PNC paint with a broad brush. hahahaha 

 That may be so but most Indians on this site forget their humble heritage as dalits and suddenly recasted themselves as the new Brahmins with Amerind and Africans being the new Sudras. Check Rev. and PJ and Baseman and Nehru et al...I should add you also since that was your tune when you first came here.


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